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Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Maps for Downloads.

1004 files

  1. Jail Bus Beta 2 - jailbus_b2.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: jailbus_b2.pk3
    Map name: jailbus_b2.bsp
    Author(s): Masterkiller
    Allies are in jail in the Axis city department. Axis had some good time on the Bar and Allies will try to steal the Henschel Trolleybus and escape whit it.
    - Steal the key and bring it to the trolleybus .
    - Protect the Henschel Trolleybus and escort it to the Escape Zone.
    - Destroy The Trolleybus Barriers #1-#2 if obstruct the Henschel Trolleybus. Lift the track switch.
    - Engineers destroy the Back Doors by dynamite to open a way to steal the Henschel Trolleybus.
    - Construct or destroy the MG gun in the city.
    - Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a command post inside the Hotel SleepWell.
    - Prevent Allies from stealing the key.
    - Don´t let allies steal the Bus.
    - Build the barriers to stop the bus.
    - Build a command post inside the Hotel Sleepwell.
    - Construct or destroy the MG gun in the city.
    jailbus_b2 waypoints.rar


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  2. Caha Tavern Beta 2 - caha_tavern_b2.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: caha_tavern_b2.pk3
    Map name: caha_tavern_b2.bsp
    Author(s): Roger "redRum" Creus
    1942. China. Province of Liaoning. The well known tavern Fire Garden has been taken by an allied squad.
    They are using it as a document depot, and have set two security system levels to ensure the spy lists inside it are safe. A german squad has found out the allied shellac. They get ready for battle and rush into the building.
    - Primary: Destroy the security power generator B.
    - Primary: Destroy the security power generator A.
    - Primary: Steal the spy lists.
    - Primary: Escape with the lists through the sewers.
    - Secondary: Destroy the cellar wall to open an escape route; you must have destroyed the generator A to get access to the cellar.
    - Secondary: Destroy the 3rd floor stairs wall and get faster acces to the top floors.
    - Prevent Axis in the implementation of the above.
    Additional information:
    . gametype : objective, stopwatch, campaign
    . mines : disabled
    . max. players : 12 per team aprox.
    . known Issues: one layer command map; Allies can't spawn at the 1st. floor but it's shown as a spawn in the command map.
    caha_tavern_b2 waypoints.rar


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  3. Radar Laboratory - etdo_radarlaboratory.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: etdo_radarlaboratory.pk3
    Map name: etdo2.bsp
    - leave the spawn
    - Dynamite Main Gate
    - Steal both Radar parts
    - Escape with the Truck
    - also you can build the 2. Entry
    - prevent this
    Build and defend the command Post
    etdo2.way etdo2.gm


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  4. Madbunker Reloaded Beta Fixed - madbunker_reloaded_beta_fixed.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: madbunker_reloaded_beta_fixed.pk3
    Map name: madbunker_reloaded.bsp
    Author(s): mad.et|Cambo
    It`s a team deathmatch map. Highest Fragger wins! Allies and Axis Objective: 1. Kill the enemy! 2. Stay alive! 3. See rule 1.


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  5. Weisbaden Final - weisbaden_final.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: weisbaden_final.pk3
    Map name: weisbaden_final.bsp
    Dynamite the generator room door / dynamite the main generator / dynamite the Missile controls before the V2 Rocket finished the fueling.
    Prevent this
    Build and defend the command Post
    weisbaden_final waypoints.rar


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  6. Tankbuster 2.0.0 - tankbuster_200.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: tankbuster_200.pk3
    Map name: tankbuster.bsp
    Author(s): 2Bit
    Spring 1944, Italy. The Allies are finally advancing at the Gustav Line when an S.O.E. Intelligence report reveals a hidden reserve of Axis armour near Monte Cassino.
    The Allies must breach the depot heavy defences and destroy all the tanks stockpiled there before they can be used in an Axis counter offensive.
    The Allies must escort a truck laden with a massive bomb to the re-inforced main gate of the Axis tank depot.
    The bomb is detonated when the Allied Command Post is built.
    Once access has been obtained to the interior of the depot, the Allies must assault the tank garage and destroy the 8 jagdpanther tanks inside.
    Tanks destroyed cannot be repaired.
    tankbuster waypoints.rar
    tankbuster waypoints 0.9.rar


       (1 review)


  7. X-Posed NDT - xposed_ndt.pk3

    Download pk3 name: xposed_ndt.pk3
    Map name: xposed.bsp
    Author(s): SteelRat, Ringa & Capitan
    Last night Axis forces bombed a small Belgian town after an Allied attack to conquer it. Axis managed to hold the town but a team of Allies are still trapped in the town, and their only way out is to steal a tank and drive through the bombed city.
    with non destructible tank
    smaller file size (from 9.33 down to 7.34 MB)
    25 min mission time
    18-18 sec respawn time (allies CP give 15 sec respawn time for allies)
    voice announce changes
    xposed_ndt.gm xposed_ndt.way xposed_ndt_goals.gm


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  8. Frost 2 Final - frost2_final.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: frost2_final.pk3
    Map name: frost2_final.bsp
    Author(s): CyburK
    This is the latest Frost edition (18/06/2010)
    beta5 changes:
    - Name Change from "fr_summer" to "frost2"
    - Snow Theme
    - Axis Spawn instantly in the Village again when the Allies secure the second Radar Prototype.
    - No more extra Time for the Allies when the Truck has passed the Bridge.
    - The Truck Barrier is now at the End of the Bridge.
    - Nearly the whole Village has been rebuild!
    - Allies have to Destroy the village Door first.
    - Another way for the Allies to get to the Radar Parts. The side Gate. It can be rebuild by the Axis.
    - More Cover in the open Space at the Bridge.
    - Command Map Markers for the Radar Prototypes now Appear and Disappear when they are stolen or returned. (fix)
    - Allies dont Spawn in the Castle when they destroy two Towers even if the Truck has passed the Bridge. (fix)
    - Clipped several Buildings so you cant get out of the Map with Doublejump. (fix)
    - Small fixes in the Script that may have caused some errors.
    Objective (Allies)
    -Destroy the village Door for better access to the Castle and its Towers.
    -Destroy both Castle Towers to enable the forward Spawn Locations in the Towers.
    -Destroy the Generator to open the Yard Doors
    -Destroy the side Gate for better Access to the Radar Prototypes
    -Steal the Radar Prototypes and secure them on the Truck
    -Open the Castle Gate with the Switch in the South Tower
    -Destroy the Truck Barrier
    -Escort the Truck back to Village
    -Build the Command Post
    frost2_final waypoints.rar


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  9. Flughafen - flughafen.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: flughafen.pk3
    Map name: flughafen.bsp
    Author(s): Rikard "Drakir" Lindgren
    Decription: 1945, Southern Germany.
    Axis forces have developed a very poison gas that they plan on releasing over the enemy by air.
    Allied forces have found the hiding place and secured the gas, but can they hold it.
    Safest way to be sure is to destroy the airplane that the Axis forces are planning to use for
    the gas release.
    Axis can steal the gas and take it to the dropoff.
    Allies can escort the tank to the plane to destroy it, cancelling the gas dropoff.
    flughafen waypoints.rar


       (1 review)


  10. Citadel Objective Version - citadel_obj.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: citadel_obj.pk3
    Map name: citadel_obj.bsp
    This is The Citadel (upload by Snake: http://fearless-assassins.com/forum/files/file/202-the-citadel-citadelpk3/),
    but not a '5 flag capture' version, this is the objective version of the map.
    Allies and axis still spawn in the same places,
    but there now is a forward spawn that allies gain after completing one of the objectives.
    In a first part of the map, they have to rob an ammo crate from a building and take it to the gun.
    They can then activate the lever below the gun to fire it & break the citadel ammo building.
    Once the gun is fired, a big gun shot will be heard and the citadel ammo building wall will be ripped open,
    giving direct access to the ammo crates, which is the final objective.
    citadel_obj waypoints.rar


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  11. ROP River - ROP_River4.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: ROP_River4.pk3
    Map name: ROP_River.bsp
    Objectives (Allies):
    - Escort the tank
    - Construct the bridge
    - Blow the gates with the tank and construct the Command Post
    - Escort the tank to the next gate and blow it
    - Capture the garage spawn
    - Steal the documents
    - Transmit the documents at the CP
    rop_river waypoints.rar
    rop_river waypoints 0.9.rar


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  12. Mountain Assault Beta 1 - beta_low_mount_ass.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: beta_low_mount_ass.pk3
    Map name: beta_low_mount_ass.bsp
    Author(s): Leif  "LowLife" Hansen
    Decription: A small radar relay station located in Norway is used by the Axis to transmit intelligence info about Allied troop movements. It is imperative that the Allies destroy this installation before any operations in this area can start!
    # The Allies need to capture forward spawn location, dynamite the radio controls, dynamite the radio tower, dynamite the radar controls.
    # The Axis need to prevent the Allies from destroying any of the mountain installations electronics.
    beta_low_mount_ass waypoints.rar


       (1 review)


  13. Canyon Depths Beta 7 - canyon_depths_b7.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: canyon_depths_b7.pk3
    Map name: canyon_depths_b7.bsp
    Author(s): Yatta_Yatta-O_o
    HUNK_MEGS Issue: com_hunkmegs needs to be at least 100.
    A large, mysterious, and over-armed allied outpost has been spoted in North Africa. A panzer division was sent to assault but got caught in a sand storm just before the attack, sparing a single, supplyless Jagdpanther.
    canyon_depths_b7 waypoints.rar


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  14. Bergheim Beta 2 - bergheim_beta2.pk3

    Download pk3 name: bergheim_beta2.pk3
    Map name: bergheim_b2.bsp
    wm_mapdescription allied "Capture the Fortress flag and defend it." wm_mapdescription axis "Defend at all costs the Fortress!" wm_mapdescription neutral "Allies have reached the small town of Bergheim that they need to take over in order to have an advanced settlement.They have to capture the Fortress flag."


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  15. Field HQ Beta 4 - field_hq_b4.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: field_hq_b4.pk3
    Map name: field_hq_b4.bsp
    Allies Objectives:
    Blow Main Door
    Blow Side Door
    Build Field HQ (transmitter)
    Build CP for forward spawn 1
    Steal Key Card and Secure at door controls
    Capture Forward Bunker to gain forward spawn 2
    Steal the Documents and return them to the Field HQ (transmitter).
    Axis can build CP but gain no spawn. Field HQ can bestroyed with Satchel and Dyno.
    There are 3 doors that require axis uniform to enter.
    field_hq_b4 waypoints.rar
    field_hq_b4 waypoints 0.9.rar


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  16. ET Center Final - etcenter_final.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: etcenter_final.pk3
    Map name: etcenter_final.bsp
    Author(s): Decoy
    Allies must repair the Door Controls to be able to open the Depot Doors.
    They must destroy the service door after capturing the Depot Flag Spawn.
    They must destroy the Storage Door or the Main Facility Door to gain access to the Radar Control Room.
    Build a Command Post to secure a forward spawn.
    Capture the Radar Parts and return them to the truck waiting at the Depot.
    (Constructible fortification available for the side door)
    The map looks smaller than it is on the layout screenshot.
    etcenter_final waypoints.rar


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  17. Haemar Beta 1 - Haemar_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: Haemar_b1.pk3
    Map name: Haemar_b1.bsp
    Author(s): Neel 'Dyal' Largeron
    Objectives Allies:
    Primary: Repair the Escape Truck. Primary: Escape with the Documents in the Truck. Primary: Destroy the Main Entrance. Primary: Construct an Assault Ramp up the North Side of the Ramparts. Secondary: Capture the Old City. Secondary: Destroy the Doors Controls. Secondary: Build or at least prevent the Axis from establishing a Command Post. Objectives Axis:
    Primary: Prevent the Allies from repairing the Escape Truck. Primary: Stop the Allies from escaping with the Documents. Primary: Defend the Main Entrance. Primary: Prevent the Allies from constructing an Assault Ramp and destroy it if they manage to build it. Secondary: Prevent the Allies from destroying the Doors Controls. Secondary: Build or at least prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post. Secondary: Defend the Old City. Straight from the author's post:
    I would just like to insist on 2 points:
    the map is smaller that it seems the gameplay is really quite complex, so don't judge it too quickly To Serveradmins
    I advise you to increase the timelimit to 14-17min on 12+ players publics servers
    and reduce the first part to 9-11min in the case allies are getting annihilated by axis,
    I left the needed code change in the .script with "PSA" on the 2 lines.
    Then you just need to put the modified file in another /map folder.
    haemar_b1 waypoints.rar


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  18. WTC Heist - wtc_heist.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: wtc_heist.pk3
    Map name: wtc_heist.bsp
    The Allied Gold is located on the top of Tower 2. Each tower has 2 elevators running from street level to the 107th floor, where forward spawns are located.
    The rooftops are accessible. Travel between towers is possible via the rooftop exhaust fans. A taxicab and NYPD car patrol the streets below. The West St. entrance to the Marriott Hotel houses a neutral command post.
    wtc_heist waypoints.zip


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  19. Jail Bus Beta 1 - jailbus_b1.pk3

    Download pk3 name: jailbus_b1.pk3
    Map name: jailbus_b1.bsp
    Author(s): Masterkiller
    * "Allies are in jail in the Axis city. Axis had some good time on the Bar and Allies will try to steal the Henschel Trolleybus and escape the city whit it!"
    * "Allies need to steal the Henschel Trolleybus then make the way to leave the city."
    * "Axis need to stop the Allies troups reaching the escape zone whit the Henschel Trolleybus."
    Axis Objective Descriptions
    1. "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from stealing the Henschel Trolleybus from the Bar Station."
    2. "Primary Objective:**Disable or obstruct the Henschel Trolleybus to prevent it reaching the Escape Zone."
    3. "Primary Objective:**Construct The Trolleybus Barrier #1 to obstruct the Henschel Trolleybus."
    4. "Primary Objective:**Construct The Trolleybus Barrier #2 to obstruct the Henschel Trolleybus."
    5. "Primary Objective:**Construct The Trolleybus Barrier #3 to obstruct the Henschel Trolleybus."
    6. "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Allies to open a way from the main Back Door and 2 Back Door and steal the Henschel Trolleybus."
    7. "Secondary Objective:**Contruct or destroy the MG gun in the city."
    8. "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post inside the Hotel SleepWell."
    Allied Objective Descriptions
    1. "Primary Objective:**Steal a Tank from the Axis Tank Depot."
    2. "Primary Objective:**Protect the Henschel Trolleybus and escort it to the Escape Zone."
    3. "Primary Objective:**Destroy The Trolleybus Barrier #1 if obstruct the Henschel Trolleybus."
    4. "Primary Objective:**Destroy The Trolleybus Barrier #2 if obstruct the Henschel Trolleybus."
    5. "Primary Objective:**Destroy The Trolleybus Barrier #3 if obstruct the Henschel Trolleybus."
    6. "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the main Back Door and 2 Back Door to open a way to steal the Henschel Trolleybus."
    7. "Secondary Objective:**Contruct or destroy the MG gun in the city."
    8. "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post inside the Hotel SleepWell.


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  20. V1 Rocket Beta 2 - v1rocket_b2.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: v1rocket_b2.pk3
    Map name: v1rocket_b2.bsp
    Author(s): FireFly
    - Escort the Lorraine carrying the V1 Rocket
    - Repair the bridge
    - Destroy the main entrance
    - Secure the rocket onto the train cart
    - Steal fuel for the rocket and launch it
    v1rocket_b2 waypoints.rar


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  21. Summer Palace Beta 1 - summer_palace_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: summer_palace_b1.pk3
    Map name: summer_palace_b1.bsp
    Author(s): Blushing_Bride
    Summer Palace Description
    I've not seen this map on any other server, but I enjoy it. I've uploaded the version I have, however at the moment it's not wanting to open locally. Claiming it can't find the .bsp which is clearly zipped up inside. I'd be curious if anyone else has issues with it. I know it USED to work.
    summer_palace_b1 waypoints.rar


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  22. Mario ET Beta 1 - mario_ET_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: mario_ET_b1.pk3
    Map name: mario_et_b1.bsp
    Map Walkthrough:
    mario_et waypoints.rar


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  23. Capuzzo Beta 1 - capuzzo_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: capuzzo_b1.pk3
    Map name: capuzzo_b1.bsp
    Author(s): {SSF}Sage and Pegazus
    January 1943 - The war in Africa is finally coming to an end. The Allied intelligence has discovered a group of Axis engineers planning a new super plane in Capuzzo Airport. Allies are attempting to break into the airport, steal the blueprints and escape with a Super marine Seafire.
    capuzzo_b1 waypoints.rar


       (1 review)


  24. TM Jungle Beta 1 - tm_jungle_b1.pk3

    Download pk3 name: tm_jungle_b1.pk3
    Map name: tm_jungle_b1.bsp
    Author(s): Tomasz Malewski
    Island map where Allies try to steal document from island defending by Axis.
    Allied objectives:
    Allies have to steal document and bring it to beach.
    Axis objectives:
    Axis have to defend document and middle capturable spawn point.


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  25. 1944 Nordwind Summer - 1944_nordwind_summer.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: 1944_nordwind_summer.pk3
    Map name: 1944_nordwind_summer.bsp
    The gameplay is the same like the original. Only the textures and the tree models has been changed.
    1944_nordwind_summer waypoints.rar


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