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Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Maps for Downloads.

1004 files

  1. Decay_b7

    The latest version of decay!
    B7 Changelog
    Fixed the hunkmegs. Total hunkmegs in use is now 44mb instead of 52mb. It should be good for any player to connect on the server while the map is on.
    back to 15 minutes total 
    Added new settings for lighting and should make a difference for those complaining it was too dark.
    New waypoints available.
    Thank you @Smileyyy for helping me out testing and fixing it.
    B6 Changelog
    - Lighting has been completely reworked and optimized.
    - Changed the skybox.
    - Map is now 20 minutes instead of 15
    - Added ambient war sound at outdoor locations.
    - New temporary barrier at Flag entrance. Will go down by arty and nades and is not reconstructable.
    - Side gate location was retextured, added a new axis team door and more cover.
    - New route to gold room for allies. Accessible after the generator is blown up or by a coverops in disguise.
    - New health and ammo cabinets located between new route and gold room.
    - More cover added at truck location and small bunker roof top is now easily accessible.
    - Axis spawn room made a bit larger and spawn entity were spaced out.
    - Many other minor fixes and details
    OBJ for allies

    - transmit docs to secure forward flag spawn and open main gate.
    - destroy side gate and build CP for an additional spawn point.
    - dynamite the generator to access gold crates in the vault.
    - deliver 2 gold crates to the truck and win.

    OBJ for axis
    - defend forward spawn flag and do not let allies transmit the secret docs.
    - defend side gate and build CP to prevent allies from having an aditional spawn point.
    - defend the generator.
    - defend the gold and do not let allies deliver the gold crates to the truck.


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  2. UJE Fueldump CP and waypoints

    --UJE_fueldump --
    This is an adjusted version of Fueldump. Because the map couldn't be played on no quarter.

    Ambient is changed to summer ,trees are replaced and alot of patch brushes are deleted. Also a door at the fueldump is added and commandpoast spawn is there.

    // Axis Objective Descriptions
    1 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from constructing and reinforcing a Bridge over the frozen river."
    2 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allied Tank from destroying the Tunnel Doors."
    3 "Primary Objective:**Disable the Allied Tank before it can blow open the Depot Gates."
    4 "Primary Objective:**Defend the Depot Fuel Dump."
    5 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the damaged Side Wall."
    6 "Secondary Objective:**Build your Command Post for improved charge times."
    7 "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Allies from constructing a Command Post."
    // Allied Objective Descriptions
    1 "Primary Objective:**Construct and reinforce a Bridge over the frozen river."
    2 "Primary Objective:**Escort the Tank over the Bridge to destroy the Tunnel Doors."
    3 "Primary Objective:**Cover the Tank as it destroys the Axis Depot Gates."
    4 "Primary Objective:**Dynamite the Axis Fuel Dump."
    5 "Secondary Objective:**Escort the Tank to destroy the Side Wall to the rear of the Depot."
    6 "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Axis from constructing a Command Post."
    7 "Secondary Objective:**Build a Command Post for faster charge times."


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  3. =F|A= Oasis - fa_oasis_b3.pk3 and waypoints

    //      FA oasis     //

    - Changed lighting.
    - Changed skybox.
    - Retextured garrison.
    - Retextured various brushes.
    - Added tons of clipping to smoothen movement.
    - Closed hole in wooden floor.
    - Added wooden planks for easier access near patched up wooden floor.
    - Removed wall West of flag to minimize blocking.
    - Removed various entities.
    - Added side gate at last stage.
    - Removed MG near flag.
    - Removed MG at garrison.
    - Moved boxes around near flag.
    - Removed and adjusted numerous brushes to smoothen movement.
    - Smoothened terrain when comming out of cave.
    - Fixed weapon clips for canopies.
    - Raised floor of cave to stop water from hindering movement.
    - Changed spawn positions Axis Garrison.
    - Added forward spawn for allies connected to CP.
    - Removed various clip brushes to allow access to new spots.
    - Added an Allied Cave Entrance spawn to allow faster route through caves.
    - Moved first Allied spawn closer to "the action".
    - Opened up room near new Axis Garrison spawn with health and ammo cabinets.
    - Added hatch under turret arches.
    - Added boxes to make window in little room next to City Wall useable.
    - Added ropes to climb to new area near first allied spawn.

    Thank you,
    @Cheep - Moral Support, giving input on lighting and many other things.
    @Dynasty - Giving input on retexturing garrison.
    @TheWolfTeam Discord Channel - Map related input.
    Many others helping with playtesting the maps!
    -meta -mv 1024 -mi 6144 "
    -vis -saveprt
    -light -fast -samples 2 -filter -exposure 200 -gamma .8 -bounce 8 -external -lightmapsize 256
    fa_oasis_b3 waypoints.rar


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  4. eagles 2ways b3 - eagles_2ways_b3.pk3 and waypoints

    eagles_2ways_b3 ET Map
     Basic Information
    Remake in March 2006 by Loffy, of Drakir's map "Eagles" from April 2004.
    Original author:
    Rikard "Drakir" Lindgren (lindgrenrikard@hotmail.com), web-page : http://www.drakir.tk.
    Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.
    The map's title:
    Eagles 2 ways beta 2 (filename: 'eagles_2ways_b3.pk3').
    Release date:
    March, 2006.
    SD Radiant 1.4.
    Place the eagles_2ways_b3.pk3 in your etmain folder, select it from the menu or
     bring down the console and type: /map eagles_2ways_b3 (then hit ENTER).
     Map Information
    The Allies attack, and the Axis defend.
    The main objective for the Allies is to steal 1 document, take it to the bus
    , drive the bus over a bridge and dynamite the bridge.

    Allies must:
    a) steal document,
    b) steal the Bus Fuel (Both fuel and docs are up in the castle.),
    c) take document and fuel to the bus,
    d) build the bridge (near airfield),
    e) drive bus to airfield,
    f) take another fuel-can (more fuel!) to the plane, and
    g) dynamite the hangar (to escape with the plane).
    Axis will fight hard to prevent all this.
    The bus can be damaged.
     Special thanks and Credits to:
    In the 2004 version of this map (eagles beta 1), Drakir thanked the two clans 'M8D International' and 'CSC' and Shaffer.
    In this March-2006-b3-version, I want to thank the admins and the players at the server Tonto's Place, for playtesting and great fun.
    eagles_2ways_b3 waypoints.rar


       (1 review)


  5. Lays Of Schwarzwald B1 + Waypoints

    ||Map name: Lays of Schwarzwald
    ||pk3 and its files names: lays_of_schwarzwald_b1
    ||Author: -)A(-WuTang**
    ||Version: Beta 1 (B1)
    ||Released: 31st August
    || Email: panprezident789@gmail.com
    || Discord: WuTangH#7270
    || Websites: www.moddb.com - user WuTangH
    || www.splashdamage.com - user WuTangH
    Lays of Schwarzwald is a custom ET map situated in the middle of nice, famous region of Blackwood (schwarzwald..)forests.

    Information about advanced progress of Axis in the Rocketbomb research were true.
    Allies are on a mission to ambush their Weapon factory in the middle of huge Schwarzwald forest and destroy everything whats worth.
    Primary Objective: Escort the Tank through the Village and destroy the Tunnel Gate.
    Primary Objective: Escort the Tank through the tunnels to parmanently push Axis to the Rocket Base.
    Primary Objective: Bring all four Explosion Materials to the Rocket.
    Primary Objective: Build the Detonator to blow up the Rocket Base.
    Primary Objective: Blow up the Rocket Base using the constructed Detonator.

    Secondary Objective: Do not let Axis construct the Tank Barrier.
    Secondary Objective: Construct the Command Post to take partial control over the tunnels.

    Primary Objective: Prevent Allies from completing their objective.

    Secondary Objective: Construct the Tank Barrier.
    Secondary Objective: Construct the Command Post.

    Programs used:
    GTKRadiant 1.5
    Adobe Photoshop CC2017
    Blender 2.79
    MilkShape 3D
    Credits & such:
    Textures: dirt_m03icmp_brown.tga - from ET:L texturepack made by Kemon.
    Missing images to original ET shaders were found in custom packs..
    Other than that, textures were downloaded for free, or made by me.
    Websites: https://www.textures.com/

    Models: Rocketbomb, trees and foliage models - made by me.
    Big dynamite - made by MLB guys.
    Sounds: Sounds included in pk3 are made out of ET original sounds.

    You can use all textures and models from this pack. Those downloaded are free, and those made by me are totally free too.
    Thanks to C from UJE Clan for their tank generator.

    Special thanks for help and feedback:
    Kemon, Mateos, Thunder, [UJE]Niek, Ray, Loffy, Macchute, ryven, Ensiform, Aranud, Aciz, hatcher, JoNny, Old-Owl and others.

    You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without
    permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any
    non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks.
    You may not Redo/reproduce/update this map in any way without permission from the author.
    This will change after map source file will be released to public.
    lays_of_schwarzwald_b1.gm lays_of_schwarzwald_b1.way lays_of_schwarzwald_b1_goals.gm
    lays_of_schwarzwald_b1 waypoints 0.9.rar


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  6. The House Final and waypoints

    Additional Credits to : id software and Splash Damage


    Also thnx to BOMBERMAN for giving some good ideas for the stuff in some rooms (especially the gallery and the bar).


    ******** Play Description ***********
    Operation: The House

    After a hard work of investigations the Allies found out, that the Axis captured a very strange house.
    There is a Lab, with which the Axis produce some secret fluids.
    Also a legend tells, that in this house there is a Power stone, which gives the Axis a lot of health.

    Allies: Infiltrate the house and get the forward spawn in the living room. Find your way in the house using
    all kind of secret ways. Don't hesitate to kill all Axis, who bars yours way.
    Search for the keys, which will open you some doors for easier access the lab and the room with the power stone.
    Destroy finally this lab and this power stone, so that the Axis have no benefit from them anymore.

    If you have time, enjoy yourself in the swimming pool, in the labyrinth and in the gallery.
    Maybe you wonna take a drink in the bar?

    *Primary Objectives
    1) Destroy the Power Stone with dynamite.
    2) Dynamite the lab.

    *Secondary Objectives
    1) Capture the forward spawn.
    2) Take the key 1 and open with it door 1.
    3) Take the key 2 and open with it door 2.
    4) Build your own Command Post in the library.
    5) Blow up every other door and the shield to the basement.

    - Construction -

    Base : New level from scratch
    Editor(s) used : Q3Radiant
    Known Bugs : None.

    - Copyright / Permissions -

    This level is (c) 2005 highfighter.
    You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without
    permission from the author.
    You may not Redo/reproduce/update this map in any way without permission from the author.
    thehouse waypoints.rar


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  7. Green Room

    Hi all.
    For anyone wishing to make photo or video montages, and needing a green background, I offer a "mini map" that I created, which represents a green room, specially designed for montages.
    Can be read in Host or on dedicated Server.

    Host game:
    -Download "studio.pk3"
    -Move the file to: C :/Program(x86)/Wolfenstein Enemy Territory/etmain
    -Start the game
    -In the console, type: /map studio
    On dedicated server:
    -Just add it to your maps folder
    For freecam:
    -Download this version of etpro: https://www.moddb.com/mods/etpro/downloads/etpro-326-last-releas
    -And launched the map from ETPro mode
    For delete the 2D text and HUD : 
    - seta cg_draw2d 0/1

    Enjoy :)!


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  8. Canyon_Depths_FINAL and waypoints

    Canyon Depths Final - Downloaded from https://www.wolffiles.de/index.php?filebase&fid=4778
    Other versions - https://www.wolffiles.de/index.php?Filebasesearch
    This is a new and improved realease of the famous Axis-attack map, created by Yatta, Canyon Depths Final.
    A large, mysterious and heavily-armed Allied outpost has been spotted in North Africa. Rumors say there's something here the Allies want to keep secret at any cost. Unfortunately for them, Axis forces are already aware of the outpost's existence and are determined to launch their attack.
    However, the German Panzer Division, sent to assault the outpost, gets caught in a vicious sand storm just before their attack, sparing only a single, supplyless Jagdpanther. There's now no other option for the Axis Assault Troops who are left, there's no way back, attack is the only option, as they fight to re-supply and fuel their last remaining tank, all the way to the bitter end.
    Thanks to
    Yatta would like to thank the following people:
    Aimbrosia, Happykillmore, Zacky, Blord, Alex and Blackbyte for all their encouragement. The ETF community & GoC clan for testing - special thanks to Nosi and RazorSword.
    The CFB and ROP clans for their tests of the crippled, early versions. The ET mappers community at the splashdamage.com forums and Chrucker for his ET scripting reference/tutorial website.
    Please send any feedback regarding the map to itekimasu[at]gmail.com
    Source: splatterladder.com | Yatta
    canyon_depths_final waypoints.rar


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  9. Mad Bunker Enemy Territory Maps - 3 Versions and waypoints

    Mad Bunker Enemy Territory Maps - 3 Versions


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  10. UJE Hell's Gate Beta 2 - UJE_hells_gate_b2.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: UJE_hells_gate_b2.pk3
    Map name: UJE_hells_gate.bsp
    Download includes bot waypoint files.
    Map by [UJE]Niek
    The Axis are trying to open a gate to hell and call Satan! For this they have to invade the forest with their tank to blow up the entrance to the Holy Cave Cemetery which is in control of the Allies.
    uje_hells_gate waypoints.rar


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  11. UJE Halloween Beta 3 - UJE_halloween_b3.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: UJE_halloween_D.pk3
    Map name: UJE_halloween_D.bsp
    Allies must steal 2 radar parts from the top of a Halloween ghost ride and take them to the truck.
    Map made by [UJE]Niek.
    uje_halloween_d waypoints.rar


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  12. King of the Hell - ChaosTH.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name : ChaosTH.pk3
    Map name : ChaosTH.bsp
    King of the Hell Chaos version / ChaosTH. Made by Saussage Warrior.
    To win a team must be the first to hold the objective for a total of 5 minutes. Holding for less than 10 seconds does not count.
    Recommended for 20 or less players.
    chaosth waypoints.rar
    chaosth.gm chaosth.way chaosth_goals.gm


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  13. FA Fuel Dump and waypoints

    Map bsp is fa_fueldump.bsp
    nav file for Waypoints and Goals have been modded please make sure to add them or the bots will get stuck in the water and they wont escort the tank with out the goals provided
    user file for Bot Stuckage was minimal but still provided for gm to function properly according to what they produced during test time
    { map "fa_fueldump" longname "^w=^qF^w|^qA^w=^fFuel Dump" type "wolfmp wolfsw wolflms" timelimit 30 axisRespawnTime 30 alliedRespawnTime 20 lmsbriefing "Axis and Allies clash in the previously peaceful surroundings of a winter woodland fuel depot. The snowy wooded hills and valleys will be the scene of a mortal battle. Face to face, it's a fight to the death, only the victor will survive." briefing "The Allies are attacking an Axis fuel depot and must escort their Churchill AVRE Demolition Tank as it blasts through the defenses. The Axis can disable and delay the Tank with Panzerfausts, grenades, mines or explosives." axiswintext "Skilful victories such as this prove that it will take much more than just numbers to defeat the Axis. Their troops demonstrated a heroic determination and skill that leaves them masters of the battlefield and the Allied forces a shambolic defeated rabble. For the Allies to have any hope of eventual victory they cannot let their resolve falter so pathetically." alliedwintext "Stylish victories like this indicate that the tide appears to be turning in the Allies' favour. Superior Allied valour, aggression and expertise have left the Axis forces deservedly demoralised and defeated after their own meagre effort. The Axis must acquire the habit of repelling Allied attacks on their own doorstep or the doorstep may no longer be their own." mapposition_x 520 mapposition_y 585 } I took the liberty to prefab that churchill for oasis model if any one wants to use it
    This includes the shader file used to remap tracks also the script used to remap the tank and the models used for this https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qmL4FIlOpQPdDvLoCNSlMEyzZ3KDrOLE
    do note the prefab is for experts with scripting with shaders if you need assistance you can pm me
    tested with no errors but saw no visual improvements at this time because bot's tend to overload my system during testing can't give a actual intel on if it improved it or not did test it against fueldump on same tests saw same performance but if there was cause of entities it has been cut down to 1/4 the size of data to render
    Any problems just send me a pm


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  14. FA Temple - and waypoints

    This is MLB_Temple remapped with fewer entities requested by @daredevil
    Sense the source code is missing files for the terrain the map was recreated using shader blending
    The zip includes ways for nav and user for bots to work this is the default mlb_temple ways but with minor changes to blocks so bots don't continue to walk in to walls
    The file name had to be replaced in order to rework the change over for the shaders "big change" 
    This map does not rely on MLB_ Map carry over from pk3's this is self contained with it's own scripts
    The sound files have been renamed to release dependency of MLB_ 
    Secret area has been removed as well per request to reduce entity count 
    The entity count is 492 not whats in the picture the photo is old

    You can get the source for the full blending from here https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XFI6jvxTI1k3aHR8cl4pWrKrltmEuU4w
    This file will remain until google decides to purge the account.
    Be sure to use a clean install of GTK Radiant and to remove and replace the scripts folder for the one provided in the zip
    map file name is fa_temple.bsp
        map            "fa_temple"
        longname        "^w=^qF^w|^qA^w=^fTemple"
        type            "wolfmp"
        timelimit        32
        axisRespawnTime        13
        alliedRespawnTime    12
        briefing "Allied forces are attempting to fight their way to a Temple in order to steal some gold relics from the sarcophagus room. Visit us at https://fearless-assassins.com/ " 
        axiswintext        "Major Defeat for Allies"    
        alliedwintext    "Major Defeat for Axis"
        mapposition_x    160
        mapposition_y    960
    Any questions comments or bugs that need to be reported please post it here thanks


       (1 review)


  15. MLB Egypt 2 fixed version and waypoints

    This is a rework of the source file for this map requested by @daredevil
        map                                "mlb_egypt2"
        longname                      "^1M^2L^dB^0 ^8E^7gypt ^82"
        type                                "wolfmp"
        timelimit                        20
        axisRespawnTime        10
        alliedRespawnTime     20
        briefing                          "Map by ^1Marko^7-^2Lowlife^7-^dBobLeRoux *Entities reduced to improve server performance **MLB Map rework @ https://fearless-assassins.com"
        axiswintext                   "Axis win"
        alliedwintext                "Allies win"
        mapposition_x             980
        mapposition_y             990
    Entity count was reduced from 839 to 550 technically 472 from what radiant displays before compile
    Also reworked the map shaders the skybox and script to meet the maps changes
    You can find the videos here were I modified it https://youtu.be/m-rNVUuae7c
    Sorry I didn't get to save the final render for skybox , entities and script it crashed during render and lost the video
    Zip includes fixed waypoints goals and gm 
    no visual difference don't think you will notice any but this a test video
    mlb_temple waypoints.rar
    mlb_temple waypoints.rar


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  16. Return to the Radar Beta 2 and waypoints

                |RETURN TO THE RADAR BETA 2|
    Game            : Wolfenstein Enemy Territory
    Title                   : return to the radar beta2            
    Date                    : 04/Oct/2005 18:24                                 
    pk3 name        : rttr_b2.pk3
    Filename        : rttr_b2.bsp
    Email Address           : kermo.r@gmail.com  ( feedback on the playability & bugs is very welcome )
    objective description:
    - Defend the Radar Installation's Main and Side Doors.
    - Defend both radars.
    - Defend the Forward Bunker from the Allies.
    - Build a Command Post in the Side Bunker.
    - Stop the Allies from constructing a Command Post in the Side Bunker.
    - Dynamite the Radar Installation Doors.
    - Dynamite both of the Würzburg Radars.
    - Capture the Forward Bunker from the Axis.
    - Stop the Axis from constructing a Command Post in the Side Bunker.
    - Build a Command Post in the Side Bunker. 

    "Return to the radar" is not original map. The original map is 
    "Würzburg Radar"
    Improvements since beta 1:
    -some clip problems are now fixed
    -some models are now added
    -some textures are now fixed


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  17. Springfield PB and waypoints

    Navigation files included and goals for omni-bots encase your missing them
    Idea for a fun map does not have the Simpsons skins unfortunately
    map            "springfield_pb"
    longname        "Springfield PB"
    type            "wolfmp"
    timelimit        25
    axisRespawnTime        12
    alliedRespawnTime    10
    briefing        "Freiburg,            February 1945: Some crazy german scientists opend a portal to a strange city called Springfield. The Axis found some Plutonium at the local powerplant. The Allies can not permit that they use it. What they have to do is steal the Plutonium and get the hell out of there!"
    axiswintext        "Major Defeat for Allies"    
    alliedwintext    "Major Defeat for Axis"
    Map tested and repaired for use with ETL 2.76 with mods Jaymod 2.2.0, Silent 0.9.0, NQ 1.2.9, N!tmod 2.3.1
    Map also repaired for W:ET 2.60b with no mods cause there was shader errors
    It does have a WARNING: CM_GridPlane unresolvable on load which is related to degenerate patches from what I recall - a plugin inside radiant called bobtoolz brush cleanup should have been performed before final build it can be ignored can recall cortexbeta_who_cf.pk3 has this same issue no biggie.
    Map has a some what suspicious loading time that is related to sound files loading can be ignored
    if you experience a hunk allocation error and game crashes do set com_humkmegs 256 or higher and restart the game this does throw this problem have tested no solution to resolve it
    There is no source file online for this pk3 cause it has been heavily modified and not available on this site
    there is a standard version available here https://www.wolffiles.de/index.php?filebase&fid=844 its rated below Venice which is underrated for performance my opinion
    springfield_pb waypoints.rar


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  18. Baserace Desert Fixed and waypoints

    To many changes to list them all and definitely couldn't patch it you'll see if you open this box of candies up
    Changes if your curious
    baserace_desert.script was replaced with a edited version by me of course  
    scroreboard.shader trashed not used properly deleted associated textures as well
    baserace_desert.shader called for 100 images that were not properly used trashed it went back to basics
    gfx/2d remaped shaders with new shaders using remapshaderflush all hand made from the first compass already made
    dumped gfx/2d/scoreboard was a waste of space for the intent of the build
    did a clean up on isle 3 cptnt_baseracebeta3.shader env was not functioning guess to many typo's by the author
    textures/lights/light_m1r.tga and textures/lights/light_m1r.tga was missing to just dropped a deuce on it XD
    Total time to trace fixes about 6 hrs
    Technical issue was here to explain the author wanted to do a scoreboard that wasn't being properly used
    it was maxed out on 6 on each side was no need for so many scripts and shaders so it was semperfi'ed 
    Tho I dumped the old stuff  I did however edit the shader for the textures above that are being remapshaderflush it wasn't required but for cleanness I did add the correct shader format for it encase other maps get involved in the future this will lock them out  
    This includes way and goals for bots enjoy
    baserace_desert waypoints.rar


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  19. Hotchkiss.pk3

    map            "hotchkiss"
    longname        "Hotchkiss Factory"
    type            "wolfmp"
    timelimit        30
    axisRespawnTime        20
    alliedRespawnTime   20
    Briefing:        "1939: To prevent the capture of the missile factory by Axis,
    allied headquarters has send a squad of troops to Saint-Denis, France,
    to help defend the latest missile prototype which very well could be
    the weapon that wins the war...                           
    **Map by Marko, Bob Le Roux and Lowlife           
    Special thanks to the -7Co- clan guys for main testing, bug reporting & feedback"


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  20. bba0-beta2_patch fixed v2 and waypoints

    This has to be placed in the same directory as the bba0-beta2.bsp location
    This was made to fix errors for CTF sounds Capture, Returned, Dropped, Scored 
    New has been fixed the scripted was reading for file bba0-beta1 just switched it to bba0-beta2
    Had to rewrite maps/bba0-beta2.script and sounds/bba0-beta2.sounds
    Added folder sound\vo\ctf **Used Sounds to fix missing sound files from  https://www.wolffiles.de/index.php?filebase&fid=1402
    This will remove all sound errors but their leaves a entity warning but is null
    ETL warnings
    spec_neutral is missing a target it is present but not read
    WARNING G_PickTarget: target spec_neutral not found or isn't in use - this might be a bug (returning NULL) it is supposed to connect to this entity which is supposed be a info_null entity  with targetname t1272
    WARNING G_PickTarget: target t1272 not found or isn't in use - this might be a bug (returning NULL)  
    it can't be manually added to the .bsp because it messes up triangles but these warning will not effect the server in any way 
    This patch also includes the previous patch addition for objective being removed from player after it is taken into the secret room from here https://enemyterritory-stuff.net/files/file/807-bba0-beta2-z_-bbao_-beta2-patch-map-script-waypoints-named-aswell-castle-ctf/
    This also includes a fix for hbot_head.md3 apparently the model .md3 used for this was corrupt and was replaced with 
    pak0.pk3\models\players\hud\head.md3 and just renamed to hbot_head.md3
    LOADING... - server models - Warning R_LoadMD3: model models/mapobjects/hbot/hbot_head.md3 surf num [0] is using default shader Warning R_LoadMD3: model models/mapobjects/hbot/hbot_head.md3 surf num [0] is using default shader Warning R_LoadMD3: model models/mapobjects/hbot/hbot_head.md3 surf num [0] is using default shader Warning R_LoadMD3: model models/mapobjects/hbot/hbot_head.md3 surf num [0] is using default shader  
    The reason for v2 on the name of the file is because it is to replace the previous patch that was updated
    It is a bigger patch because it includes the sounds and models used to fix the pk3 1.2mb technically 1.15mb
    bba0-beta2 waypoints.rar


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  21. Xposed Patch

    This file has to be placed in etmain where the xposed.pk3 is located to fix
    ^3WARNING: unknown dst blend mode 'gl_dst_color' in shader 'textures/xposed/burn@ringa', substituting GL_ONE
    Can't read sound file sound/vo/general/axis/hq_tankbridge.wav
    This will repair and replace two script lines in two scripts
    goldrush_allies_tank_steal is called 3 times from maps\xposed.script in xposed.pk3 the fix was repaired in 
    sound/scripts/xposed.sound the sound for hq_tankbridge.wav by default values from pak0.pk3 directory located at  sound/vo/fueldump/axis/hq_tankbridge.wav
    As for the shader hitch warning from console the gl_dst_color was replaced with GL_ONE to default values
    This should in theory reduce server log data size to a more reasonable data stack if logging is enabled on the server
    The fix was brought to attention on this topic https://fearless-assassins.com/topic/105508-etl-client-crash/page/3/#comment-869886


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  22. Sykotic DM1 - sykoticdm1.pk3 and waypoints

    "Kill the opponent!"
    "Kill the opponent!"
    "s y K o t i c dm1 #sykoticdm @ quakenet"



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  23. Mountainradio b1 - Mountainradio_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    Mountain Radio README
    Author: errol (IRE)
    Last Updated: 01/11/05
    Version: b1
    Mountain Radio is a small teams / warmup intended, dual objective map for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Both teams must steal and transmit 3 of their opponent's secret documents to win. The time limit is set to 10 minutes, but no-one will win until one team has successfully transmitted 3 documents. It's designed for clan warmups and times when your server is quiet. The map has been tested for 1v1 to 4v4 and has resulted in fast-paced, fun-packed games. I dont think it would function well with anything over those numbers, but I could be wrong! 😛
    Time limit: 10 minutes
    Allies Spawn Time: 15 seconds
    Axis spawn Time: 15 seconds
    Objectives: Dual obj - steal 3 of your opponent's secret documents and transmit them at your base radio
    Gametypes: mp, obj & sw
    * Thanks to Drakir for the lovely Radar prefab
    * Thanks to Lanz and his Silly_CTF script, this really made my script easier to write
    * Thanks to all the testers on the Bolthole. All my VPL clan buds & M4X spankage, :RedleB:, xOr, HumanCanniBal, BenMcDermott, Dazza, WatchYourBack:-), PapaSchlumpf & cadea.
    * 2 textures (the team signs / flags) & 1 sound (allies alarm) from Wolf: ET have been modified & renamed by me and included in the pk3. I don't claim to have created these textures / sounds. It was the only way I could figure to best use them in my map.
    * If you would like to add this map to any script, the (bsp) name is mountainradio_b1.
    Known Issues in b1:
    * Team members seem to spawn into the same spawn point / spawn on top of each other (fixed for b2)
    * Mortar 'allegedly' seems to go through the sky at times 😛 (I still say this is lies!)
    Please leave any feedback, bugs or suggestions at http://www.vplclan.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=749
    Have fun!
    mountainradio_b1.way mountainradio_b1_goals.gm


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  24. TRAINING PIT 01 - TRAINING_PIT_01.pk3 and waypoints

    No description available



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  25. CTF Well

    CFT_Well By Trash
    Try to capture the enemy objectives 3 times.
    First team to secure all 3 objectives wins.
    Extract the "ctf_well.pk3"-file into your ETmain folder
    Contact information
    irc: #-=[bzz]=-
    url: http://boozze.brock.be || own website soon
    Special thanks
    Brock aka BroQ for supporting me and giving me some ideas.
    fretn for solving the major problem
    Tziek for extensive testing
    Clan BooZZe for testing this map


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