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Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Maps for Downloads.

1004 files

  1. 1944 Siegfried - 1944_siegfried.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: 1944_siegfried.pk3
    Map name: 1944_siegfried.bsp
    Author(s): +Kommando+
    The Axis and the Allies are at a standoff! Both sides seek to capture the enemies secret documents and transmit them at the central Command Post!
    This is a dual objective map.
    Both sides seek to steal a set of documents from the other.
    Each team should try to build the command post (located in the center of the map).
    Whichever team controls the command post will be on offense.
    In addition, whichever team controls the Com-Post will control the forward spawn.
    The central "keep" has several access routes leading to the Com-Post. There is access through a tunnel system underneath the building that can be sealed by activating levers to close the gates, by default these gates are open. Aside from the lower gates there is the always-open bridge entances.
    Defensively, each team has three obstacles to prevent the offensive team from gaining access to their documents. There is a constructable gate located inside the buildings, there is also a destructable main gate, and finally a set of team-only doors for coverts to sneak through.
    1944_siegfried readme+pics.zip
    1944_siegfried waypoints.rar


       (1 review)


  2. Spear of Destiny Beta 1 - sod.b1.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: sod.b1.pk3
    Map name: sod.bsp
    Author(s): -=AN=-Duke
    Get control of the catacombs and fight a way into the big pyramid to steal Dukes Knife, the spear of Destiny back from the Allies. Escape with the Truck
    Defend the spear of Destiny


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  3. Rommel Final - rommel_final.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: rommel_final.pk3
    Map name: rommel_final.bsp
    Allies: - Dynamite the West and East Gate
    - Secure the Flag
    - Enter the Generatorbuilding and steal the keycard
    - Build commandpost
    - Take the keycard to the Cistern Gate
    - Destroy the Cistern Controls
    Axis: - Dont let the allies destroy the cistern controls
    rommel_final waypoints.rar
    rommel_final waypoints.rar


       (2 reviews)


  4. Stonehenge - Stonehenge.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: Stonehenge.pk3
    Map name: Stonehenge_KOTH.bsp
    Author(s): Rowye/Cyanure Ill Studios
    Conquer the hill and kill all enemies you can. Hold the Objective for a total of 5 Minutes.
    stonehenge_koth waypoints.rar
    stonehenge_koth waypoints.rar


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  5. Return to Goldrush Beta 1 - return2goldrush_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: return2goldrush_b1.pk3
    Map name: return2goldrush_b1.bsp
    The allies have discovered that the axis hold secret documents about the upcoming rate they must steal them
    The axis must prevent any attempts to steel the documents
    return2goldrush_b1 waypoints.rar
    return2goldrush_b1.gm return2goldrush_b1.way return2goldrush_b1_goals.gm


       (0 reviews)


  6. ET UFO Final - et_ufo_final.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: et_ufo_final.pk3
    Map Name: et_ufo_final.bsp
    Author(s): Tom "Menzel" Haskins, six
    ----------Axis Objectives----------
    Defend the main gate.
    Defend the side gate.
    Defend the UFO documents.
    Prevent the Allies from transmitting the UFO documents.
    Prevent the allies from constructiong the command post.
    ---------Allied Objectives---------
    Destroy the main gate.
    Destroy the side gate.
    Get the UFO documents.
    Transmit the UFO documents.
    Constuct the command post.
    et_ufo_final waypoionts.rar


       (0 reviews)


  7. Reactor - reactor_b2.pk3

    Download pk3 Name: reactor_b2.pk3
    Map Name: reactor_b2.bsp
    Changes from _alpha
    1. Swapped out skybox
    2. Slighty decreased the speed of truck
    3. Changed hint icon on security doors to show dyno icon for both sides
    4. Added command map icons to show status of both coolant tanks when destroyed
    5. Added water sounds when coolant tanks draining, pump sounds when coolant tanks are refilling
    6. Added bits of cover in the outside


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  8. Hydro Dam Beta 1 - hydro_dam_b1.pk3

    Download pk3 name: am_hydro_dam_b1.pk3
    Map name: am_hydro_dam_b1.bsp
    Author(s): Shaderman
    Attached with 2 script fixes.
    Axis and Allied forces have set up operations on either side of a dam, each must
    collect and return an objective to their bases. Access to the objective is by
    means of a successful dynamite charge at enemy door. Control of base flags leads
    to forward spawn opportunity.


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  9. Eye of Horus - Eye_of_horus.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: pha_horus.pk3
    Map name: pha_horus.bsp
    Author(s): FIESLING/RiFFLeR
    Allied Objectives :
    1- Capture the Forward Spawn.
    2- Construct the Command Post.
    3- Destroy the Pyramid Entrances.
    4- Destroy the Tunnel Sealing and Entrance.
    5- Steal the Obelisk and Secure it in the truck
    6- Escort the Truck.
    Axis Objective :
    Prevent Allied from doing all this.
    This map is FPS Efficient everywhere.
    It has been heavily tested during 2 months on a 24 slots server. The gameplay is very balanced and the map is a lot of fun. you will not have time to get bored. Engineers and Covert ops are the most useful classes.
    Try it and you will not be disappointed.

    pha_horus waypoints.rar
    pha_horus.gm pha_horus.way pha_horus_goals.gm


       (0 reviews)


  10. Dubrovnik Final - dubrovnik_final_1104.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: dubrovnik_final_1104.pk3
    Map name: dubrovnik_final.bsp
    Dubrovnik README file
    Time Limit: 12 minutes
    Ideal team size: 6 v 6
    Modes supported: Stopwatch, Objective, Campaign
    Apple - initial concept and lots of brushwork
    GW - Saving Apple's lost map and preserving the bsp
    Vitriol - lots of brushwork and stuff
    Iffy - for more crates
    Firefly - Church and conversion of Detoeni models
    Deteoni - Tiger and PW222 models
    Cptn Triscuit - key card model
    Members of team Applesauce, No Remorse, Wolfjaeger, and Ride My Camel for providing a substantial amount of constructive and valuable feedback
    The city of Dubrovnik has been turned into an Axis clearing house for looted art and gold. A shipment of gold is being stored in a heavily reinforced church, awaiting transport to Germany. The Allied strike team, must disable power to the church, breach the front doors, and escape with the gold within 12 minutes. Any longer and reinforcements from nearby garrisons will seal off the city, making escape impossible.
    Allies on offense
    1. Obtain key card
    2. Use key card to disable generator - this will shut power to the church vault security doors
    3. Breach the church main doors
    4. Grab the box of gold
    5. Take the gold to the boat and esacape
    Change Log:
    Beta 1 to Final
    Reorganized central plaza
    Turned axis team door thru axis spawn into a general door
    First Playable to Beta 1
    Reduced file size by 2.2Mb
    Remade church
    Detailed rooms
    Added more game status detail to command map and command map icons
    Added a dock_gate that server admins can enable via a script fix
    Added back alley to church
    Moved etpro shaders to a seperate file so that objective icons display on non-etpro servers
    Alpha variants to First Playable
    Reduced axis spawn time to 25
    Reduced map time limit to 10
    Made dirt areas minable
    Made rooftops near forward spawn slick
    Added vehicles for cover
    Added back exit (axis only) to forward spawn
    Moved axis spawn blobs back
    Blocked LOS from allied spawn to square
    Made church doors repairable and satchelable
    Made dock staircase a constructible
    Added some clutter and trees to map
    Added ladder to enable access to church annex roof
    Clipped off access to open ocean
    Moved ammo and health racks back towards the one way alley
    Moved key card to dock office
    Made the church door start built
    Revamped Axis spawn
    Clipped off roofs around the perimeter
    dubrovnik_final waypoints.rar


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  11. CTF Pool v2 - ctf_pool_v2.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: ctf_pool_v2.pk3
    Map name: ctf_pool_v2.bsp
    Author(s): Red (J.Le' Vesconte)
    Basic Information
    Author : Red (J.Le' Vesconte)
    Email address : redeyed@ntlworld.com
    Webpage : http://www.clanaod.us/www.clanofidiots.com
    Map Information
    Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Title : Ctf_pool_v2
    Filename : ctf_pool_v2.pk3
    Release date : 2005-01-14
    Decription : Changes to V2 are more exits from spawns, 2 more moving balls
    Pictures of the command maps snaffer done for me on the wall,
    a jack daniels pool lamp shaed over the table ,
    and a plane on a bombing run to cut down on the sniper on the shelfs
    Set on a giant pool table the allies and axis are after that gold!.
    Program : SDRadiant 1.40
    Build time : around on off around 2 weeks
    Compile time : a couple of minutes
    Compile options : -meta -vis -light -fast -filter -samples 2
    Compile machine : P4 3.2ghz 2048 ddr400
    Installation : Extract the pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the hostgame menu or
    bring down the console and type: map ctf_pool
    28 new textures.
    Special thanks to
    big thanks to LOWLIFE!!!!!! for the scoreboard and script help
    thanks to lagging tom for more script help
    Thanks to heirpie for the idea, server testing and sourcing of textures
    Snaffer for his sweet command maps
    Turbo and pointy for the .roq video and me262 mdel
    Erik_tfn for his entity.def work
    aron for the taxi model
    And the idiot comunity where i live http://www.clanofidiots.com
    All the helpfull people @ SD forums
    Iffy, Redfella,surface gdconnect and many others for tuts etc....
    Drakir for his prefabs
    And the mrs for putting up with me doing this shit all hours
    Copyright © 2005 John Le' Vesconte all rights reserved
    This level may be electronically distributed only at
    NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
    include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN
    ctf_pool_v2 waypoints.rar


       (0 reviews)


  12. Cathedral Final - cathedral_final.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: cathedral_final.pk3
    Map name: cathedral_final.bsp
    Author(s): Blushing_Bride 
    Basic Information
    Author : Blushing_Bride
    Email address : blushing@fsmail.net
    Map Information
    Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Title : cathedral
    Filename : cathedral.pk3
    Version : Beta2 Version
    Release date : 5/07/2004
    Decription : A medium sized map designed for competition and public play
    Installation : Place the cathedral.pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the multiplayer->create server menu or
    bring down the console and type: map cathedral.
    # The Allies need to blow open the door to secure forward spawn and then try and retrieve both radar parts fro the courtyard
    # The Axis need to stop the Allies from doing the above
    Additional Map Information/Credits
    Prefabs and thanks : Ifurita for finalising the map by adding signs, objective markers, a command map and limbo stuff
    Go_Gerbil for allowing me to use his light halo texture (the light coming through the cathedral windows). His webby http://theburrow.fragland.net/
    Ifurita and team for making the source of byzantine and vengeance maps avaible for me to steal such things as Command posts. Iffy's webby http://planetwolfenstein.com/4newbies/
    More Massive thanks to Ifurita for creating the command map and all the sign textures that appear in the map.
    Drakir for helping me do the returnable objective script and some prefabs. His webby http://www.drakir.tk/
    Many thanks to everyone at http://www.splashdamage.com/ for information about mapping
    Huge thanks to the great people at Peterborough and Southwark cathedrals for allowing me to take so many pictures to make textures.
    Big thanks to clan SenF (http://wolf.dehn.net/) and clan Nightwatch (http://www.clan-nightwatch.org/'>http://www.clan-nightwatch.org/) for helping me test this map
    And thanks to anyone else who feels that they deserve thanking who i might have forgotten. Send me an email and ill make a big thanks to you in the next release.
    # This needs testing. I have no idea about this but if you play it and think
    it's rubbish then please let me know why so i can fix it for a final release at a later date. If you want to host this map
    on a server then please do so but let me know so that i can join in.Feel free to discuss this map at
    http://www.clan-nightwatch.org/ and leave feedback and advice on what to fix and what to balance
    Copyright © 2004
    This level may be electronically distributed only at
    NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
    include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN
    cathedral_final waypoints.rar


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  13. Return to Carnage Canyon 2 - carnage2.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: carnage2.pk3
    Map name: carnage2.bsp
    Just like the previous versions, allies attack on this map. They spawn on landing crafts and have to make their way up the canyon to the 'No Man's Land' area. Lowlife added a back path in the mountains to avoid the canyon congestions with artillery and airstrikes, provding allies with a secured back path that takes them above the main canyon bunkers. The trenches flag has been moved to a side bunker, avoiding the huge spawn killing which was a major issue in the previous versions of the map. After having captured the trenches, allies will have to head to the axis base where a radio beacon has to be set up. Once constructed, the B-17 Bob made flies up the canyon, drops a bomb and breaches the bay doors to the underground basement of the map. From that moment, allies gain a permanent spawn in the basement and axis forces are pushed back to the final objective, a sea battery. The battery access is protected by a massive gate which is locked with a magnetic seal. The only way to get past it is to destroy the power generator located in the basement. The battery only lies a few feet away....
    carnage2 waypoints.rar


       (1 review)


  14. Base 12 Beta 6 - base12_b6.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: base12_b6.pk3
    Map name: base12_b6.bsp
    1. Destroy the base gate.
    2. Destroy the side entrance.
    3. Capture the forward bunker.
    4. Build a command post
    5. Steal the keycard.
    6. Destroy the protoype rocket.
    1. Defend the base gate.
    2. Defend the side entrace.
    3. Defend the forward bunker.
    4. Build a command post
    5. Defend the keycard.
    6. Defend the protoype rocket.
    base12_b6 waypoints.rar


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  15. Axis Lab Final - axislab_final.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: axislab_final.pk3
    Map name: axislab_final.bsp
    Author(s): Jon Swenson (=N4RC= Smokey) and Chris Swenson (Hobbie)
    Axis Lab Final for ET
    Map by: Jon Swenson (=N4RC= Smokey) and Chris Swenson (Hobbie)
    Email address: jonswensone@hotmail.com
    Clan Web Address: http://www.n4rc.com
    Description: The Axis are guarding a top secret chemical weapons laboratory working on equiping long range missles with deadly poisons, but most importantly it also houses the Germans first prototype of a nuclear bomb. The Allies must repair the old truck, infiltrate the facility and escort the nuke out to the truck and drive it safely to the allied line.
    **Axis Objective Descriptions
    1 Primary Objective: **Stop the Allies from dynamiting and gaining access to the lab.
    2 Primary Objective: **Stop the Allies repairing the truck and escorting it to the hilltop.
    3 Primary Objective: **Prevent the Allies from accessing the elevator by destroying the elevator generator.
    4 Primary Objective: **Stop the Allies from destroying the door to the nuke.
    5 Primary Objective: **Stop the Allies from taking the nuke.
    6 Primary Objective: **Prevent the Allies from escaping with the nuke in the truck.
    7 Secondary Objective: **Set up a Command Post inside the radio room.
    8 Secondary Objective: **Prevent the Allies from building a Command Post.
    **Allied Objective Descriptions
    1 Primary Objective: **Plant dynamite at the entrances to gain access to the lab.
    2 Primary Objective: **Repair and escort the truck to the hilltop.
    3 Primary Objective: **Repair the Elevator Generator to escort the nuke out of the lab.
    4 Primary Objective: **Dynamite the door to the nuke.
    5 Primary Objective: **Move the nuke into the elevator and then to the truck waiting on the hilltop.
    6 Primary Objective: **Escort the truck and the nuke safely to the allied lines.
    7 Secondary Objective: **Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post inside the radio room.
    8 Secondary Objective: **Build a Command Post in the West Cabin.
    **Map Info
    Title: Axis Lab Final
    Filename: axislab_final.bsp
    Game/mod: ET - wolfmp/wolfsw/wolflms
    Author: Jon Swenson and Chris Swenson
    **Build Info
    Base: Scratch
    Editor(s) Used: Wolf Radiant, Corel Photo-Paint
    Build time: Been on going for a year. First made for RTCW.
    Compile time: about 1 hour
    Extract axislab_final.pk3 into your (wolfet)\etmain directory.
    Run wolfet
    bring down console "~" and type...
    /g_gametype 2; map axislab_final
    **Play Information
    Single Player: NO
    wolfmp: YES
    wolfsw: YES
    wolflms: YES
    New Sounds: YES
    New Graphics YES
    **Special Thanks to...
    The N4RC clan for help on testing the map.
    Nibs Mapper Resource Center for help on scripting
    Axis Lab was first made for RTCW. We decided to convert it over to Wolf ET.
    Mail me suggestions, bugs, complaints, comments and or ideas for improvement.
    E-mail me at jonswensone@hotmail.com
    **Version History:
    **Jul-28-2004 Final release
    -loads of time spent on script.
    -Changed the objectives.
    -Last man standing is added.
    -Added many objects to the map for atmosphere.
    -Fixed command map icons from going outside the compass in etpro.
    -Removed campaign file. (Most admins make their own)
    -Time limit is now 25 minutes.
    -Elevator now operates differently. (Axis blow elevator to stop it from moving)
    -Changed many textures.
    -Differnt objectives with different scripts.
    Known bugs:
    -Sky messed up at certain angles. (Thing has to do with the vis. Didn't find a fix I liked.)
    -No icons on command map for the ramp. (The icons don't come back when the build area is disabled and then enabled when the truck is in position)
    -Players being smashed by the cart. (Stand clear 🙂 )
    -When swimming, players get stopped by the river bed. (This happens in the caves on oasis also. 😢 )
    **Mar-6-2004 Beta 2 release
    -Fixed bug with nametags. Had to change the way fog was made. **mirror had to changed**
    -Changed the lighting outside to be brighter.
    -Allies now secure the hill top spawn when the root cellar is blown.
    -Fixed the objectives (sewers, root cellar, and document's room doors) so you must be next to them to blow them. Before you could blow them from a far distance.
    -Added voice announcements for the objectives.
    -Fixed some miscellaneous things around map.
    -Time limit is now 20 minutes.
    -Fixed the campaign file.
    **Feb-25-2004 Beta released
    -Bug found after release with nametags.
    axislab_final waypoints.rar


       (1 review)


  16. 1944 Cherbourg - 1944_cherbourg2.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: 1944_cherbourg2.pk3
    Map name: 1944_cherbourg2.bsp
    Allied troops besieged Cherbourg and struggled to expand southward through the entangling Norman hedgerows. Earthen embankments hundreds of years old, matted with the roots of trees and shrubs, the hedgerows divided the countryside into thousands of tiny fields. The narrow roads, sunk beneath the level of the surrounding countryside, became deathtraps for tanks and vehicles. Crossroads villages were clusters of solidly built medieval stone buildings, ideal for defense. Small numbers of German infantry, dug into the embankments with machine guns and mortars and a tank or two or a few antitank guns for support, made advancing across each field costly. Play notes: Destroying the dock AA-gun gives the allies access to the dock spawn. Many boarded up doors are actually explosive entities, look around as these lead to short cuts. Destroying the Axis Bunker Door Controls will disable the Axis Bunker Spawn Whoever controls the Command Post controls the Forward Spawn The Barricade Cannon and Tank Cannon can be fired by any axis player standing close by.
    1944_cherbourg2 waypoints.rar


       (0 reviews)


  17. 2 Hide - 2hide.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: 2hide.pk3
    Map name: 2hide.bsp
    Author(s): Rikard "Drakir" Lindgren
    Basic Information
    Author : Rikard "Drakir" Lindgren
    Email address : lindgrenrikard@hotmail.com
    Webpage : http://www.drakir.tk
    Map Information
    Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Title : 2Hide
    Filename : 2hide.pk3
    Release date : 2003-11-07
    Decription : During the Axis attempt to fire across the english canal they have built and hidden a huge gun in a farmhouse. To stop the firing of the gun, Allied forces need to get hold of the secret codes that unlocks the door to the hidden gun and then destroy the gun to make sure it cannot be used!.
    Program : SD Radiant 1.3.8
    Build time : Started work 2003-09-29
    Compile time : 25mins BSP, 25mins VIS and 5 hours LIGHT
    Compile machine : AMD Athlon 2200, 512mb
    Installation : Place the 2hide.pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the multiplayer->create server menu or
    bring down the console and type: map 2hide.
    New Textures : 1
    New Sounds : Nope
    New Models : Nope
    #. This is a the FINAL version.
    #. See if you can find the 3 hidden rooms in the map, they dont add anything to the map just there for fun.
    #. Objectives
    : Destroy/Defend the entrances.
    : Capture the Forward Spawn.
    : Get/Defend the Dynamite Detonator.
    : Build/Destroy the Commandpost.
    : Get/Defend the Keycodes Documents.
    : Dynamite/Defend the Big Gun.
    Special thanks and Credits to:
    None yet...well perhaps "Sock" for the work he puts into answering our stupid questions on the SD Forum.....almost forgot B-Xpress for our lovely midnight chats (B-Xpress also gets some credits in the map as i have named the train after him).
    Tnx to all who tested it and gave feedback on bugs and other issues, some testers name below in now perticular order:
    - SenF clan, specially Pete Wright.
    - Loffy, fellow Swede mapper.
    - S.S.HeirPie
    - =CFC= Kam
    - PH@T!E aKa Chris
    - Doddsy
    - toasterking
    - Mev2436
    - J D
    - Zeus a.k.a. Alex
    - RudeBoy
    - Blusher
    Progress reports from my homepage:
    Due to a stupid misstake i had to make yet another version. THIS IS THE FINAL!
    FINAL version released. HF, GL!
    FINNALY the map is ready for tests.
    Be a BETA tester of my new map "Hide"!
    Contact me via mail lindgrenrikard@hotmail.com and i´ll give u the download location and password to the test server.
    I dont want this BETA to go public before a gametest is done so i can get rid of any stupid small misstakes i may have made.
    Its in the middle of the night and i am doing compile nr. 5 for todays mapping. Glad to say that the map will reach BETA tomorrow, i have been doing the objectives during the past days and its been booth fun and mindblowing at times.
    The objectives are done and works:
    First task for the attacking Allies will be to grab the forward spawn flag
    Then they need to steal the detonator battery so that they can arm the dynamite detonator in the town.
    When the detonator is armed they need to push the detonator trigger to blow a hole in the wall to get hold of the secret code documents that is kept inside a vault in one of the buildings in town.
    The secret code documents is needed to unlock the door to the big hidden gun inside the farmhouse.
    Once the door is unlocked its time to blow up the big gun to win the game.
    This may sound like a undoable task, but i am hoping that i will be a rather fair deal. The game tests will show if something needs changing. As for a fun part it the map i have added 3 secret rooms in different places. You dont gain anything from finding them but i thought it was a fun addon for the map. The map is pretty biased for the Axis, i havent yet added anything for the Allies to build. But then again they will have their hands full with blowing things up instead. More screens and more data on the BETA release will follow in next update later. Just typing away waiting for the VIS compile. I have almost reached my goals on this map, i set out to not use any new textures and no new sounds or models, well i broke the first goal by making 1 new texture for the secret rooms. But that wont add much to the pk3 size so what the heck.
    Yet again 8 new shots, the shots and the test below does tell almost everything i have made in the past days. Also getting closer and closer to having the goal decieded. Dunno if i will talk about them yet though, not sure if am going to be able to do them as i wish yet.
    As you can see below i have put up 8 new screenis for your viewing pleasure. I am back at hard work on this map, and its getting along nicely. This is truly the biggest mapping project i have taken upon me to do. But its pleasing to see that its turning out great. I am making things up as i go along, but i am getting more and more clear on what the objectives will be. The map will have a tank, that the Allies are going to have to steal from the the Axis fortified area. Allied forces needs the tank to blow a hole in one of the town buildings so that they can get the stuff inside that house. I know this has been used in several maps, but i think it fits the ET theme to have a tank. The tank may change into a truck if i can get the stuff i want to do working.
    One thing i have said to myself from the beginning is that i must only use the original textures and models for this map. This is so the maps download size will be as small as possible. The whole .pk3 file is in its current state only 3.5mb and i dont think it will grow over 5 when done. 5mb is even acceptable to a modem user to download. So i belive that this will also make this map played more. This time i will have alot of testing before releasing it, the map will be released to the public in a "FINAL" state from start.
    Progress report. Havent been working that much in "Hide" for a few days. Been playing mostly, just recently joined a UK ET clan, ]RaF[ Runaway Fighters. So alot of mapping time has gone to taking the dust of my aim. I have released 2 new small maps i wipped up really fast, u can read more about those on the "News" page. But i havent stopped working on Hide, just taking a short break. The map is coming along nicely, i have been banging my head gettting the FPS great on the map with some hint and other rearrangements of brushes and the terrain. So if all goes as planned the FPS will be pretty good on this rather large scaled map. Right now i am working on the townpart that will be the 2:nd objective for the Allied forces to get hold of. I am adding alot of detail to the buildings and also the interior.
    A new map is on the way. I havent gotten that far yet. But as i use to do i show off on progress while working on the project.
    This new project goes under the workname of "Hide", that name will not be the one used on any release, dunno why i called it that.....just what came to my mind when doing the terrain. I dont have the theme and objectives clear yet and havent decided on what they will be......still thinking of them and what i should implement regarding maybe having a tank or a mocing truck in the map. All i can tell so far is that the first objective for the Allies to clear is to bring their flag from their spawnbase to the Axis fortified area and thereby capture that area. Once captured they are going to have to complete 2 more objectives before the map ends.
    Copyright © 2003 Rikard "Drakir" Lindgren all rights reserved
    This level may be electronically distributed only at
    NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
    include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN
    2hide waypoints.rar
    2hide.gm 2hide.way 2hide_goals.gm


       (0 reviews)


  18. Wolfsrudel 3 - wolfsrudel3.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: wolfsrudel3.pk3
    Map name: wolfsrudel3.bsp
    April, 1940, the allied troops have found a radar base near the city of Narvik. The German submarines in the North Atlantic seem to be commanded by this base and to be supplied with orders. The Mobile Emitters must be stolen and the main radiomast destroyed. The Axis troops shouldn't be able to send new orders to their submarines.
    Allies Target
    1. Dynamite the Maingate
    2. To disable the Radarstation steal both of the Radarparts and bring it to the escape truck.
    3. Destroy the Main Axis Radio Mast with dynamite.
    4. Capture the Forward Bunker from the Axis.
    5. Dynamite the Sidewall to get into the Base.
    6. Dynamite the Bunker sidewall
    7. Build a Command Post and stop the Axis from constructing a Command Post.
    Axis Target
    1. Defend the Maingate.
    2. Prevent both Radarparts from being stolen.
    3. Prevent the Allies for destroying the Main Radio Mast.
    4. Defend the Forward Bunker.
    5. Defend the Sidewall for breaching.
    6. Prevent the Allies for breach the Bunkersidewall
    6. Build a Command Post and stop the Allies from constructing a Command Post.
    Change to the previous version
    - Loading Screen for the Springtime Version
    - Remove the Snow
    - Textures change for Springtime
    - Omnibot waypointfile
    wolfsrudel3_final waypoints.rar
    wolfsrudel3_final.gm wolfsrudel3_final.way wolfsrudel3_final_goals.gm


       (0 reviews)


  19. Apennines Research Beta 2 - apennines_b2.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: apennines_b2.pk3
    Map name: apennines_b2.bsp
    Author(s): Jacques "Mlehliw" Kvam
    1944. In the Apennines Mountains, located in central Italy, the axis have constructed a remote secret research laboratory. Through covert operations allied forces have gotten wind of this operation. They have inserted troops in the immediate vicinity of the facility. Carnage ensues.
    apennines_b2 waypoints.rar
    apennines_b2.gm apennines_b2.way apennines_b2_goals.gm


       (0 reviews)


  20. Battery Winter - battery_winter.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: battery_winter.pk3
    Map name: battery_winter.bsp
    Author(s): Molotov
    The mighty Axis shore battery 'Siegfried' is harassing Allied shipping in the Mediterranean. The Axis must protect Siegfried from Allied attempts at sabotage.
    based on
    - battery_eu_b2 map
    - Berzerkr (GER)'s Winterkrieg mod textures
    - Ragnar's Battery script
    - antman's location file
    battery_winter waypoints.rar
    battery_winter.gm battery_winter.way battery_winter_goals.gm


       (0 reviews)


  21. Baserace Winter Beta 3c - baserace_b3c.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: baserace_b3c.pk3
    Map name: baserace_b3c.bsp
    Its a race, to build your base! Steal Construction Materials from your enemy's base and secure them at the various 'Capture Pads' located in your team's base. Different capture pads correspond to different base constructions and upgrades, so be sure to think about where you secure your Construction Materials. Capture Pads can be used multiple times to upgrade constructions. Also, constructions can be 'synergized' by completing combinations of other constructions. The first team to complete all 40 constructions / upgrades or have the most completed when the timer runs out wins!
    -FPS Increase
    -Winter Theme
    -Atmosphere Effects
    Note: Small missing texture.
    baserace_b3c waypoints.rar
    baserace_b3c.gm baserace_b3c.way baserace_b3c_goals.gm


       (0 reviews)


  22. UJE Volcano Escape Beta 7 - UJE_vulcano_escape_b7.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: UJE_vulcano_escape_b7.pk3
    Map name: UJE_vulcano_escape.bsp
    Author(s): [UJE]Happy
    The Axis are stuck between two volcano's that are about to erupt, they need to get away from there before they do! Axis must escort the tank, open the gate, build the bridge, and get away with the truck before there out of time! Allies must prevent all of this!
    uje_vulcano_escape waypoints.rar
    uje_vulcano_escape.gm uje_vulcano_escape.way uje_vulcano_escape_goals.gm


       (0 reviews)


  23. Valhalla TE ESWC - te_valhalla_eswc.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: te_valhalla_eswc.pk3
    Map name: te_valhalla_eswc.bsp
    Author(s): Igloo, Mlyn3k, VoYtHas
    Electronic Sports World Cup version of the classic 1o1 map te_valhalla.
    Made for the Electronic Sports World Cup in Poznan, Poland 2006
    te_valhalla waypoints.rar
    te_valhalla.gm te_valhalla.way te_valhalla_goals.gm


       (0 reviews)


  24. Supply Depot Pro - supply_pro.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: supply_pro.pk3
    Map name: supply_pro.bsp
    Author(s): Ginc, eTTp`Igloo
    Allied intelligence has discovered that the Axis forces are temporarily storing a large shipment of gold at a supply depot near the German border. The Allies have to drive a truck into the supply depot to steal the big ass crate of gold using a crane. The Axis have to defend the Depot and protect the gold till the end of aggression.
    (night version)
    supply_pro waypoints.rar
    supply_pro.gm supply_pro.way supply_pro_goals.gm


       (0 reviews)


  25. Pure Frag - purefrag.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: purefrag.pk3
    Map name: purefrag.bsp
    Frag all you can!
    purefrag waypoints.rar
    purefrag.gm purefrag.way


       (1 review)


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