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  1. What's new in this club
  2. where dem tjers at ! bump this topiccccc
  3. still relevant ? etjump server for FA??
  4. @daredeviltj server when?
  5. Let's revive this and get a FA trickjump server going.
  6. @daredevil plz make it happen alot of ppl asks about the tj server am noob in etjump but i have fun there as i have fun fraging
  7. I'm old to TJ, we need FA TJ server...
  8. make it happen!
  9. I would like to see this happen. Recently, a few of us from Beg2 have been going to other servers to play on the TJ maps.
  10. I'm keen for this, its been a LOOOOONG time since i did some proper trick jumps haha
  11. What's happening? Sorry i might have missed it.
  12. Yeah good idea. Count me in
  13. I'd message @daredevil.
  14. I do think the FA name would possibly generate a lot more traffic than the random ones you see. So when is it happening?
  15. If they still have some extra room on their machine, then it's too easy to not do it! I'm sure having the FA name on the server would bring some regs that still tj there, some old faces that don't tj anymore but frag only FA servers, and all the regulars who want to learn but just haven't had the proper motivation to start (SEEN BUNCHES). You could stream those sexy legs to a whole new unsuspecting crowed!
  16. There are about 20 empty trickjump servers in ET, I don't really see any point in hosting one more. The others are empty too for a reason
  17. when is this happening 😮
  18. If anyone is still interested, we've made another trickjumping mod called JumpET. It's very similar to ETJump but it has no restrictions in it, thus being more friendly to new players, as they can skip tricks they can't do and still play other tricks in the map instead of having to change the map. Here are server files if anyone is interested: https://mega.nz/#F!ANpDxAxT!Bkz0ZWxwvNVFRZGMBBmfCA You can copy your etjump config into this mod completely. We spent a lot of time and effort in making our mod have the same user settings as etjump does, just so people don't have to look up any new commands or create new configs. There are few servers running that mod, but I wont be naming them here as I suppose there's some rule against advertising other servers or something like that. Can't be hard to find via trackbase anyway.
  19. im new to tj in general but im interested in learning and trying stuff out so count me in
  20. Hi guys, i'm sad. I can't jump on a FA TJ server, so, count me in.
  21. I came back to this thread to like this post. But had already liked it...
  22. Jump jump jump
  23. Hello, For the server to be new, I am interested im old player trickjumper

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