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haha got the go ahead, she said she don’t mind long as she can put a filter on it. She’s also at work so don’t mind the bathroom, it’s a factory 😛 I don’t understand you females nor am I wanting too. But here’s my other half without her I’d surely be tucked away in some dark cell never to see daylight. She is for sure my rock ❤️ (I wanna say I may of posted a pic of her before now that I am thinking, I think I listed a pic of me and her together heh) in any case, I hope I see ya on! Msg me on discord or here when you can ill try to be on7 points
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---------------Barn!e-------------- 21st July 1969 - 8th October 2021 Sadly today marks the 3rd anniversary of our fellow gamer and my best friend Barn!e passing away. Many would have played with him over the years and would miss him too. When you play Baserace, take a look at one of the girls tattoos, she's marked with a "Barn!e" tattoo. Have a drink, have a smoke and think of him today. Kind regards Herr Kamel 🐪 Barn!e's video from 16 years ago 💚5 points
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@HerrKamel Gave us the bad news in this topic: (you can see the calendar notification & link on the right side of the main page). I will be wearing my Barnie-tribute name today "=F|A=RB+Barnie2021"5 points
Transaction ID: 9YG55446JY832071L update jay1 maps5 points
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OMG WOOOW, I play Ark and i need to visit this, reminds me of Island map xD2 points
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Found the fix gotta use the r_ignoreGLErrors 1 in autoexec.cfg and personal cfg2 points
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Here are some suggestions for ya: Just a small list of 20... Add some color if you please!! J.Voorhees Candyman Chucky and Tiffany Pennywise Mr. Krueger Mika Myers (instead of Mike Myers) Pinhead Lecter Dracula Ghostface Pvt. Joker Jigsaw Frankenstein Annabelle M3gan Audrey II Carrie Sweeney Todd Pazuzu2 points
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Actually that is a good idea, we can use more creative names for bots Kinda tired of those vanilla boring ones like Halfbaked, Oysterhead, Flint....2 points
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There is also Ötzi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ötzi in backround, we went partying later but he did disappear later nite with some ladys. Not seen him since :D1 point
Posted to facebook and pinned. https://www.facebook.com/FEARLESS.ASSASSINS.GAMING Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/DA3l1PqC7A5/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Rest In Peace mate!1 point
Hey @Masa_1964, Indeed nice photo, is that you in the photo? very colorful the combination and as you said, it's not long so I would say barely 1 year 😛1 point
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I am going to need someone to explain the LOTR Banana joke me. In my head I said "the one banana", Then I sounded out Chiquito real slow, nope. Maybe it is a Cavendish banana, nope1 point
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i would love to see your wife’s reaction!! she must be so cute 🥰 thanks! ill try to join silent in the end of the week, i miss pew pew with yall tooooo ❤️1 point
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Hi everyone, my name is Imke. Used to play ET around 2006 and have started again a few years ago. Nice to see an active community here, wasn't really aware of that until recently! I have not been on a forum for a long time, I hope I'm doing this right. Other semi-interesting details: I'm from the Netherlands, I love music and animals. I have two cats who walk across my keyboard a lot or stand in front of my screen. I am a bit of a boomer and don't really play any other games. I only figured out today how to send a private message on ET. (Pretty sure my reply arrived too late for the other person to see it.) My hobbies are tennis, playing piano and hiking whenever I'm on vacation. I work in mental/social health care. Hope to see you guys around! Edit: To be clear: I picked my username way before emojis and any sort of double meaning. So I am just a regular vegetable.1 point
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Hi folks, Some of you do know me , but I guess the most of you don’t know me. So here I am. First name : Kim Any sort of Nickname?: De Kimmen ( In english it would be ‘The Kimmen’ Age: 25 What country are you from?: Belgium Are you a Parent?: Not yet How many siblings do you have?: 1 brother What's your shoe size?: 43EUR What do you do for a living?: Carpenter,joiner,framer.. Everything out of wood. Greatest Fear?: Heights (I have to work a lot on height..) Most Exciting thing you've ever done?: Helped making the decors of Tomorrowland for 4 years. Most embarrassing thing you've ever done?: (Don't be shy!) I shitted my pants on my way to home. But I was pissdrunk so I don’t remember anything…Untill I woke up.. First thing you look for in a new friend?: Humor and honesty Farthest you've been from home?: Greece What brought you to the Fearless Assassins servers/forum?: I was a member years ago , don’t remember which server I played on. I stepped over to The Lost Legion and stayed there most of the time. Cat or Dog?: Both, but nothing but the love of a dog! What are your hobbies?: Working, mowing my lawn and relaxing in the weekends. What kind of Sports do you like?: I played basketball untill I was 20 What's your favorite color?: BLACKKK How about your favorite type of music?: Hard rock, metal , but also (irish)punk and country rock. Favorite Song?: Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird What's your favorite TV show?: That 70’s show What kind of movies do you like? (Scary, comedy, drama etc): Thrillers , crime , comedy,.. I am a movie guy. Favorite Movie?: The Lord of The Rings Favorite Book?: The Lord of The Rings What do you like most about yourself?: I’m helpful and kind What do you hate most about yourself?: My honesty What makes you very happy?: Making memories What makes you very sad?: Facing reality What's your favorite beverage?: Coca Cola Zero and beer ofcccc What you're favorite food/snack?: Chips Favorite actor/Actress?: Cillian Murphy Favorite season? Why?: Summer, I love to be outside . I also love the winter but I hate the rain Favorite subject in school?: History Favorite thing to learn about?: WW2 If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?: It’s not a place , but I would love to turn back to my childhood 😊 What are your top three games of all time?: et Wolfenstein , GTA , NBA on PS Besides shooters, what is your favorite genre of gaming?: adventure, sports Name one game in your collection you'd be embarrassed to tell your friends about: I’m not easy embarrassed How many games do you own?: 20-30 maybe Do you play console?: Yes What platform do you spend most of your gaming on? (PS, Xbox, Steam, Android etc): PC and PS4 What's your favorite internet site (That is not FA ;P): Probably 9gag or tool sites ! I hope you guys got to know me better! And hopefully we get to know eachother on the server! Greetz!1 point
Moved some stuff around, got some lights going 😄 Just put in a Samsung 980 Pro SSD 2 TB recently so I can finally play more games. 😄 Disregard my mousepad have a new one on the way, mines looking sad AF from spilling stuff on it lool. But then again that's what you get when you get a white one. 😄1 point
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We are glad you decided to stop by our website and servers. At Fearless Assassins Gaming Community (=F|A=) we strive to bring you the best gaming experience possible. With helpful admins, custom maps and good server regulars your gaming experience should be grand! We love to have fun by playing online games especially W:ET, Call of Duty Series, Counter Strike: Series, Minecraft, Insurgency, DOI, Sandstorm, RUST, Team Fortress Series & Battlefield Series and if you like to do same then join us! Here, you can make worldwide friends while enjoying the game. Anyone from any race and country speaking any language can join our Discord and gaming servers. We have clan members from US, Canada, Europe, Sri Lanka, India, Japan, Australia, Brazil, UK, Austria, Poland, Finland, Turkey, Russia, Germany and many other countries. It doesn't matter how much good you are in the game or how much good English you speak. We believe in making new friends from all over the world. If you want to have fun and want to make new friends join up our gaming servers and our VoIP servers any day and at any time. At =F|A= we are all players first and then admins when someone needs our help or support on server.