Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Maps for Downloads.
1004 files
Isle - isle.pk3 and waypoints
By (Snake)
Download pk3 name: isle.pk3
Map name: isle.bsp
Map Description:
The Axis are attempting to create an isle outpost to facilitate their missions in the south.
To prevent this the Allies have to destroy the Axis Helipad to cease incoming personnel and equipment.
To do this the Allies will have to reach the summit of the Axis controlled hill.
Axis Objective 1 "Primary Objective: Defend the Helipad from the Allies!"
Axis Objective 2 "Capture Aqueduct House for Forward Positioning!"
Axis Objective 3 "Keep the Aqueduct blown to prevent the Allied advance!"
Axis Objective 4 "Keep the Bridge blown to prevent the Allied advance!"
Axis Objective 5 "Build and prevent the destruction of the Well Gate to prevent Allied access, repair it if needed!"
Allied Objective 1 "Primary Objective: Destroy the Axis Helipad to prevent the creation of their isle Outpost!"
Allied Objective 2 "Capture Aqueduct House for Forward Positioning!"
Allied Objective 3 "Repair and protect the Aqueduct to aid your advance to the Axis Helipad!"
Allied Objective 4 "Repair and protect the Bridge to aid your advance to the Axis Helipad!"
Allied Objective 5 "Destroy the Axis Well Gate to gain further access to the Axis summit!"
isle waypoints.rar
- Objective Map
- Medium Map Size
- (and 3 more)
Train Yard - trainyard.pk3 and waypoints
By (Snake)
Download pk3 name: trainyard.pk3
Map name: trainyard.bsp
Map Description:
This map has been made to have a layout in the style of mp_depot: it's 2
large bases for allies and axis to defend with a forward spawn area half way across
the map. Axis control a trainyard on which they are about to transfer toxic gas from a
wagon that will be used to make bombs against allied forces. Allies therefore have to
destroy the wagon containing gas in the axis trainyard. On their side, Axis have to
block the allied progression by blowing the bridge they use to bring their reinforcements.
1. Destroy / Defend the gas tank
2. Capture / Defend the forwar spawn flag
3. Destroy / Defend the bridge
trainyard waypoints.rar
- Objective Map
- Medium Map Size
- (and 4 more)
Vengeance TE Final - vengeance_te_final.pk3 and waypoints
By (Snake)
Download pk3 name: vengeance_te_final.pk3
Map name: vengeance_TE_final.bsp
Gameplay Notes:
Axis Objectives
Phase I
- Gain access to base by breaching the Main Gate
- Gain access to Bunker #2 in the Ammo Depot
Phase II
- Transport control codes to Radar Station
Phase III
- Destroy V2 Rocket in the North Ramp hanger
- Capture Ammo Depot spawn (flag goes perm-Axis when bunker door is blown)
- Construct CP Spawn
General Notes
- Map is designed for 12-28 players
- Axis are on offense
- In order to destroy rocket, control codes must be taken from the Ammo Bunker to the radar station. This will deactivate the fail safes, which enables the rocket to be dynamited and open the hanger doors
vengeance_te_final waypoints.rar
- Objective Map
- Medium Map Size
- (and 3 more)
Artic Gun - artic_gun.pk3 and waypoints
By (Snake)
Download pk3 name: artic_gun.pk3
Map name: artic_gun.bsp
Author(s): 1869*_Flame a.k.a Dante
Its Winter 1944. The Axis have constructed 3 massive long distance guns, bombing targets from great distance.
After a successful allied dropping into the mountains, they will need to steal a tank out of the small outpost the axis have build there.
Once the tank has been stolen from out the axis outpost, they will need to escort it through the small village of Saurburg and blow out the side wall of the axis base where the massive guns are stationed. a alternative route will be found through the underground tunnels wich can be opened once the tank had blown out the side wall.
artic_gun waypoints.rar
- Objective Map
- Large Map Size
- (and 4 more)
Castellum Final - castellum_final.pk3 and waypoints
By (Snake)
Download pk3 name: castellum_final.pk3
Map name: castellum_final.bsp
Author(s): six
Axis Objectives
Defend the side gate
Defend the side door
Defend the gold crate
Construct the command post
Allied Objectives
Destroy the side gate
Destroy the side door
Get the gold crate
Construct the command post
castellum_final waypoints.rar
- Objective Map
- Medium Map Size
- (and 5 more)
Caen 2 - caen2.pk3 and waypoints
By (Snake)
Download pk3 name: caen2.pk3
Map name: caen2.bsp
The Allies have control of Caen and have set up a Battalion Headquarters across the river. The Axis are trying to regain control of the town and get to a broken down tank, to break into battalion HQ, and steal combat intelligence.
caen2 waypoints.rar
- Objective Map
- Medium Map Size
- (and 4 more)
Quickie - quickie.pk3 and waypoints
By BlackBull
Download pk3 name: quickie.pk3
Map name: quickie.bsp
Author(s): Brent Alley (FrankieDuck), Scuba Duck
Description: Assault The Evil Nazi Castle Quickenstein. Fight your way to the top of the castle tower and raise the American Flag and hold it for 45 seconds.
This map was made in a relatively short amount of time, about 2 weeks worth of work spanning over a month's time. It's not the most original map out there but it has it's touches.
This map contains a creative use of a capturable flag as a main objective. I thought what better way to capture a castle then to raise your flag over the top of it.
Destroy Main Gate
Capture Castle Flag
Secondary: Build the Command Post
Defend Main Gate And Castle Flag
Secondary: Build the Command Post/Defend it
Mapname: Quickie
Bspname: quickie
Author: Brent Alley (FrankieDuck)
Command Map by Scuba Duck
Number Of Players: Best for a 5 v 5 but can accomodate up to a 16 v 16, above that is not reccomended.
Thanks goes out to the people on the Splash Damage Forums for all their VERY imformative posts, They have done such a good job that I have never had to register. Thanks Search button. Also thanks goes to iffurita for his prefabs, they go a long way for filling up space in my empty rooms.
This Map was created by me (Brent Alley). Do not modify it in anyway shape or form. If you want to use something from the map please contact me. If you have any input, suggestions, bugs, compliments, and/or complaints contact me via email or make a post at the Duckclan Forums link above. Registration is required. Feel free to Make a new topic, you will not get yelled at.
quickie waypoints.rar
- KOTH Map
- Medium Map Size
- (and 3 more)
Rocketrun Final Fixed - rocketrun_final_fixed.pk3 and waypoints
By BlackBull
Download pk3 name: rocketrun_final_fixed.pk3
Map name: rocketrun_final.bsp
Allies must escort the tank to the axis base, get inside and destroy the rockets and tank barriers. and if possible capture
a forward spawn and setup a command post.
This is the first map i made,
nice objective stile map with some open area's and back way's
Objective allies:
1. Escort the tank to the axis base
2. Blow up the main gate (will also tigger side wall)
3. Blow up rocket depot defence
4. Blow up Axis rockets
**5. blow up tank barrier 1 and 2
6. capture the forward spawn
7. construct field command post
8. construct assault ramp
Objective axis:
1. prevent the tank from blowing up the main gate
2. construct tank barrier 1 and 2
3. prevent the axis rocket depot form flown up.
4. construct command post
5. destroy allied assault ramp and field command post
in console set /g_gametype 2
start with /map rocketrun_final
upload to your server
in your maprotation use the mapname "rocketrun_final"
map made by: Dante / 1869*_Flame
please do not try to edit this map without permission
play fair, have fun.
thank you.
made for and by ET gamers
rocketrun_final waypoints.rar
- Objective Map
- Medium Map Size
- (and 4 more)
Forteresse Sado Final - forteresse_sado_final.pk3 and waypoints
By BlackBull
Download pk3 name: forteresse_sado_final.pk3
Map name: forteresse_sado.bsp
The allies have to destroy the radio and the fuel depot. Axis have to prevent this.
Forteresse Sado (Final)
The allies have to destroy the radio and the fuel depot. Axis have to prevent this.
Changes from Beta 1:
+ Added missing textures
+ Added missing shaders
+ Reduced filesize
+ Translated description
+ Reworked command map
- Objective Map
- Medium Map Size
- (and 4 more)
Dutch Haze V2 - dutchhaze-v2.pk3 and waypoints
By BlackBull
Download pk3 name: dutchhaze-v2.pk3
Map name: dutchhaze-v2.bsp
Author(s): Blowfish
Allies have to destroy the power generator to the bunker forcefield. Then blow the bunker doors to the golden joint. Fight your way trough the streets and canals of Amsterdam. Dont get stoned on your way to the objective private ! Move.....
== Map name : Dutch Haze ==
== version : 2.0 ==
== Made by : Blowfish ==
== Date : 25-03-2009 ==
dutchhaze-v2 waypoints.rar
- Objective Map
- Medium Map Size
- (and 5 more)
Sedes Beta 1 - sedespb1.pk3
By BlackBull
Download pk3 name: sedespb1.pk3
Map name: sedespb1.bsp
Author(s): SiX
Other Issues: Dying to the spike trap and dropping the objective causes the console to flood with 'objective secured'. May be due to mover speed, requires more testing. Seems to be a decent map though.
Sedes Public Beta 1
Programs used in creation:
GTKRadiant 1.4
Adobe Photoshop 6.0
First beta test of Sedes. This will be my first
attempt at a map suitable for competition
play (CAL/TWL). This stage of development took
roughly 2 weeks to complete.
----------Axis Objectives----------
Defend the side entrance
Defend the main entrance
Defend the water pump
Defend the old city
Defend the gold crate
Construct the command post
---------Allied Objectives---------
Destroy the side entrance
Destroy the main entrance
Construct the water pump
Capture the old city
Get the gold crate
Construct the command post
- Objective Map
- Medium Map Size
- (and 3 more)
Alchemy Castle Beta 2a - alchemycastle_b2a.pk3 and waypoints
By BlackBull
Download pk3 name: alchemycastle_b2a.pk3
Map name: alchemycastle_b2.bsp
The Allies moved in on a position close to Axis HQ and have to steal the Axis secret War Documents.
alchemycastle_b2 waypoints.rar
- Objective Map
- Medium Map Size
- (and 4 more)
Maccu Piccu Beta 2 - maccupiccu_b2.pk3 and waypoints
By BlackBull
Download pk3 name: maccupiccu_b2.pk3
Map name: maccupiccu_b2.bsp
Author(s): Necrom@ncer FR
Allies need to steal the two symbols (sun and moon) and secure it on the truck stationed on the allies spawn.
Basic Information
Author : Necrom@ncer FR
Map Information
Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title : maccupiccu_beta2
Filename : maccupiccu_b2.pk3
Map name for campaign : maccupiccu_b2
Release date : 08.02.2009
Objective :
Allies need to steal the two symbols (sun and moon) and secure it on the truck stationed on the allies spawn.
History of the map :
Maccupiccu is based on real photo for constructing house, pyramid, temple. And the anime film Mysterious City Of Gold.
What change on the beta2 :
- Reduced the area left and right from the city for direct gameplay.
- Deleted the Sewers access way.
- Alies spawn transfered in mountain two way for attacking the city, main door from alies spawn and one way for accessing on valley.
- Axis spawn and access simplified.
- Alies spawn door is locked for axis team include covop.
- Axis spawn door are locked for alies team include covop. (include on the beta1)
- Fixed heavy FPS loose on some zone from map.
- Secret way are modified.
Program : SD Radiant 1.4.0
Compiled on : q3map2.17
Build time : 7 month
Compile time : Under 2 minutes
Compile machine : Intel Quad Core Q9550, 4 Go Ram DDR2 800 MHz and 8800 GTX 768 Mb Ram. Win XP Pro SP1a
Specific : This map launch on Hunkmegs 56 !
New Textures : Yes
New Models : Yes
maccupiccu_b2 waypoints.rar
- Objective Map
- Medium Map Size
- (and 4 more)
Mt. Whoverest Beta 1 - mt_whoverest_beta1.pk3
By BlackBull
Download pk3 name: mt_whoverest_beta1.pk3
Map name: mt_whoverest_beta1.bsp
Map Information
Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title : Mt Whoverest
Filename : mt_whoverest_beta1.pk3
Version : Beta 1
Installation : Place the mt_whoverest_beta1.pk3 to your etmain folder
High in the alps a remote allied base,
craftily hidden in the mountainside the
allies attempt to decipher the contents
of stolen axis documents.
- Objective Map
- Medium Map Size
- (and 4 more)
Flakstuff RC - flakstuff_rc.pk3
By BlackBull
Download pk3 name: flakstuff_rc.pk3
Map name: flakstuff_rc.bsp
Author(s): FischCommand
Switzerland, 1943. The Allies have stolen four new Flak Ammo for their Big Flak Gun.
The Axis must steal the new Flak Ammo and escape with them to their Big Flak Gun.
STATUS: Release Candidate
Bugs/Changes/New against previous Version:
BUG: The Error: "loadlocations:warning: no location found for map ..."
probably its cause in an incorrect flakstuff_b2.arena. Thx macbeth
bug: The long windows front on Axis- and Allies spawn was weapon-permeable.
Not true clipped!
bug: The delivery place of Flak ammo was sometimes bulky (little ladder).
One could quite get stuck in the hurry..
chg: Around the line of sight connection between the MG the destroyed bunker
and the exit of the main bunker to limit still two trees was set.
The reason was no direct spawnkilling with MG possible more
chg: Interior fittings for Axis spawn and Flak-Tower (some more details..)
chg: Somewhat more "meaningful" place for the first aid house
chg: Tunnel between main bunker and antenna changed (textures, signs)
chg: Beside/above the roof of the MG42 bunker the 2 climbingable trees were
re-activated again
chg: On a propaganda poster a Nazi symbol was contained.
It made unrecognizable and/or removed
chg: Tracemap with flakstuff_rc_cc.tga (command map) updated
new: Global background sound added. For installation and use see the file:
flakstuff-sound.txt in the pk3 package!
new: Above the stone house with the tunnel entrance a antenna built
new: House with attic beside the old bunker and before the main bunker
new: Many narrow ways between the important buildings provides
new: Status indication in the small stone house visibly
new: 4 old advertisement posters of the earlier time added (thx ASW)
NEW: New big Factory as second escape route for Axis. Entry is in the Room
before/after Flak room over a long ladder (including MG42 wall hole).
- Objective Map
- Medium Map Size
- (and 3 more)
AXS Assault Beta 1 - axs_assault_b1.pk3
By BlackBull
Download pk3 name: axs_assault_b1.pk3
Map name: axs_assault_b1.bsp
Destroy main door
Destroy side door
Construct the command post
Destroy depot door 1 & 2
Destroy the gun control
Defend at all cost!
- Objective Map
- Medium Map Size
- (and 4 more)
C2 Missle Beta 2 - missile_b2.pk3
By BlackBull
Download pk3 name: missile_b2.pk3
Map name: missile_b2.bsp
Author(s): eiM & xeoxis
A C2 Missile is about to be launched by the axis forces. The allies are trying to break into their base and try to prevent the rocket from launching.
=General information=
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Custom multiplayer map
Name: C2 Missile B2
Version: Beta
Shortname: missile_b2
Release date: 29.6.2009
Teamsize: 6 vs 6
Map by: eiM & xeoxis
=Tools Used=
GTK Radiant 1.5RC1 & GTK Radiant 1.4
Q3Map2 2.5.16
Q3Map2 GUI
Adobe Photoshop CS
Enemy Territory
b1 -> b2
- Y-axis shift of allies spawn
- remodeling of allies-hall-entrance
- construction added into halls-hole
- added "new" usual voices
- shortened & smallered the 2nd stage ways and courtyard
- removed 3-4 corridors
- axis teamdoor at rocket controls now opens with button push
- way from 2nd to 3rd stage shortened
- remodeled the rocket area, which now is outside and more compact
- removed the acid-water sound
- fixed various map & texture bugs
a6 -> b1
- too lazy to list all changes tbh
a5 -> a6
- deleted outside part in 3rd stage (escape truck area)
- added new side way into 3rd stage from gates (by cave)
- put the escape truck next to the rocket
- added forward allies spawn near door controls
- auto spawnselection now works for allies all stages
- added some lights
- fixxed some bugs/leaks
a4 -> a5
- shifted whole parts & smallered them
- removed autospawn @ Commandpost
- added corridors in 3rd stage
- added door at Gate Control Spawn
- added some ambient/objective sounds
- movable cranes in 3rd rocket hall
- door controls now in a seperate room
- decreased ambient value / highered light values
- changed snowy-rock texture
a3 -> a4
- stairs at 2nd gate controls
- landmines + snowsteps on terrain
- clips for terrain and door controls
- fixxed reported leaks
- fixxed unaligned textures
- added signs for newbies
- added missing gate opening near CP
- moved allies gate controls spawn forward
- delayed gate opening after button push
- added some tiny details
- Objective Map
- Medium Map Size
- (and 4 more)
CTF Poola (CTF Poland) - ctf_poola.pk3 and waypoints
By BlackBull
Download pk3 name: ctf_poola.pk3
Map name: ctf_poola.bsp
Author(s): Saigo
This map is for CTF game type lovers. I created this one, because of the lack of CTF maps in Enemy Territory community. CTF game type let's you get the maximum fun out of it when you are playing with your friends, because it's doesn't need superior tax and is easy to learn even for people, who are not that familiar with enemy territory. Best to play 2on2 and 3on3 but I would say that 1on1 is a lot of fun too, because give a little bit more juice to the fragging flavor. If you liked Silly CTF or CTF well, you probably enjoy this map too.
This map is created to create more fun for ET players and give something back to the community.
You may use the file as long as you wont publish it with your name and ask for the credit this way.
Best play of this map is 2on2 and 3on3 although 1on1 is fun as well.
Best spawntime is 15 seconds.
ctf_poola waypoints.rar
- CTF Map
- Small Map Size
- (and 4 more)
CTF Metro Beta 1 - ctf_metro_b1.pk3
By BlackBull
Download pk3 name: ctf_metro_b1.pk3
Map name: ctf_metro_b1.bsp
Author(s): Qualmi
The Metro God is thirsty for a tremendous amount of Cola. The team which brings him 3 tubs of Cola first will gain his love and victory!
- Objective Map
- CTF Map
- (and 5 more)
Fall Weiss - fall_weiss.pk3
By BlackBull
Download pk3 name: fall_weiss.pk3
Map name: fall_weiss.bsp
Author(s): dicon
Other Issues: While escorting tank it seems to go off track and ends up going underground and into the river. May be due to a higher mover speed, more testing needed. This map isn't good enough to bother with that though. I wouldn't recommend anyone play it.
Description: Map for Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory
Instructions: Place fall_weiss.pk3 into you "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territoryetmain" directory.
Gamemodes supported: Objective, stopwatch. LMS not supported
- Objective Map
- Medium Map Size
- (and 4 more)
Outer Space - Outer_Space.pk3 and waypoints
By BlackBull
Download pk3 name: Outer_Space.pk3
Map name: outer_space.bsp
Author(s): 1869*_Flame a.k.a Dante
Allies have prepared a galactic weapon to destroy the Axis empire from out of space.
Axis will do everything to prevent the allied team from having success.
outer_space waypoints.rar
- Objective Map
- Medium Map Size
- (and 4 more)
UJE CLV Beta 3 - UJE_CLV_b3.pk3 and waypoints
By BlackBull
Download pk3 name: UJE_CLV_b3.pk3
Map name: UJE_CLV.bsp
Axis must escort the tank and get the dynamite to blow up the gas controls, so they can reach their fuel. Bring the fuel to the other tank so it can blow up the first escorted tank and then the Axis need to steal the gold bar. The Allies must prevent this all.
uje_clv waypoints.rar
- Objective Map
- Medium Map Size
- (and 4 more)
XF5U 3.0 - xf5u_3_0.pk3 and waypoints
By BlackBull
Download pk3 name: xf5u_3_0.pk3
Map name: xf5u_3_0.bsp
Author(s): Jecoliah
Axis Special Operations Units are striking the XF5U prototype secret Facility.
Version 3.0
This will be the Last Release unless there is a Major issue which i will fix.
XF5U 3.0 Release
I made holes in both the lifts so now Axis can drop down from the top into the lift.
Made a Forward Spawn in the Lab area for Axis Only, Allies can push the Axis back by capturing it but wont spawn there.
Moved the Transmitter building closer to Allied spawn.
Added some detail brushes like bushes, crates, pole lights, etc...
Game play will be much different due to the Axis forward spawn, Allies will Have to Defend the Transmitter or they will surely lose.
xf5u_3_0 waypoints.rar
- Objective Map
- Large Map Size
- (and 3 more)
Burg Rabenhorst V1.5 - rabenhorst_v15.pk3 and waypoints
By BlackBull
Download pk3 name: rabenhorst_v15.pk3
Map name: rabenhorst.bsp
Author(s): von Sternschubser
The Allies attack Burg Rabenhorst (Castle Ravens Nest) to steal secret documents.
rabenhorst waypoints.rar
- Objective Map
- Medium Map Size
- (and 5 more)
Out Cold V2 - Out_Coldv2.pk3
By BlackBull
Download pk3 name: Out_Coldv2.pk3
Map name: Out_Coldv2.bsp
The Mission start on the top of the mountain where the weather isn't very good. The tempature is 30 below. So get your gloves and sweater, it will be breezy out there. The mission is to kill the other team and get them from the mountain. It's a deathmatch so if it breaths it die's. Good luck to us all, Soldier
- Frag Map
- Medium Map Size
- (and 5 more)
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