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Player Configs

Feel free to show of your configs here.

62 files

  1. cfg Rev




  2. efool_config-1.0.0.zip

    efool's config for etpro and silent



  3. Lenovo cfg 03-04-2017

    This is my last stable and accurate cfg



  4. DFighter cfg

    I saw my previous uploaded cfg was gone so hearby again my cfg
    I only changed the name in it choose your own damn name
    only 10 to 12 settings most connection its a simple cfg thats works fine for me



  5. Lenovonotebook

    Ho creato un facile, la configurazione intuitiva, completa con 23 script, per cambiare:
    FOV, sensibilità, fps, mirino, dimensioni mirino colore mirino, gamma, di volume, di classe, spawnpoint, demo registrazioni, registrazioni audio, modalità spettatore AFK, maxpackets, tasso , timenudge, spettacolo fps e lagometer on / off, spettacolo di clock on / off, speedjump, il fuoco per effetto, modalità di attacco coltello, a piedi on / off, ottenere condum guid + + + screenshot giocatori informazioni, in modalità live, si lega ovviamente possono essere cambiato sui pulsanti a proprio piacimento
    L'archivio RAR contiene.
    Selettore allies.cfg alleati si lega
    axis.cfg Asse di selezione si lega
    start.cfg axis.cfg exec, allies.cfg
    copiare tutto in etmain,
    prima di lanciare il gioco, si collega a ET.exe, tasto destro del mouse, cliccare sulle proprietà, destinazione, incollare il seguente riga di comando
    + Set com_hunkmegs 512; + Set com_zonemegs 64; + Set com_soundmegs 64; + Collegare
    esempio :
    "C: \ Programmi \ File Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory \ ET.exe" + set com_hunkmegs 512; + Set com_zonemegs 64; + Set com_soundmegs 64; + Collegare
    Fai partire il gioco,
    aprire la console,
    scrivere / unbindall
    premere INVIO
    Ora scrivere lenovo.cfg exec
    e premere INVIO
    Premere il tasto "Backspace" per unirsi Asse o Alleati squadra
    KP_LEFTARROW premere per selezionare classi alleati
    KP_RIGHTARROW premere per selezionare le classi degli assi
    guardare il messaggio Echo vi aiuterà a modificare le impostazioni del gioco
    cautela prima di eseguire la CFG:
    cambiare questi parametri in lenovo.cfg:
    Seta r_mode -1
    r_customwidth seta 1366
    della seta r_customheight 768
    O set alla risoluzione personalizzata, nelle vostre case;
    Codice: Seleziona tutto
    Seta r_mode -1
    r_customwidth Seta 1920
    Seta r_customheight 1080
    Seta r_customaspect 1
    codice della pagina
    in seta r_mode 5 - 960x720
    Seta r_mode 5 - 960x720
    Seta r_mode 6 - 1024x768
    Seta r_mode 7 - 1152x864
    Seta r_mode 8 - 1280x1024
    Seta r_mode 9 - 1600x1200
    Seta r_mode 10 - 2048x1536
    Seta r_mode 11 - 856x480
    questo è anche importante
    impostare l'aggiornamento del gioco pari a quella fornita dal monitor nella risoluzione
    scelta, come il mio schermo del computer portatile non va al di là di 60Hz se la tua volontà non più si mette la migliore, ma non al di là di 120 Hz (consigliato)
    e, infine, di controllare anche i parametri di connessione
    impostazioni della velocità dal server 5.000-90.000 Dipende dalla vostra linea
    maxpackets impostazioni dal server 30 a 100 Dipende sulla linea
    impostazioni timenudge dal server 0 a -50 per problemi di rete
    packetsdup da 1 a 5 di rispedizione pacchetti per problemi di rete
    Buon divertimento con LenovoNoteBook CFG



  6. Class Selector

    Class Selector
    copy on etmain folder and exec lenovo.cfg



  7. lenovo.Notebook cfg

    this cfg is really done with commitment , inludes all scripts
    Fieldops Fire For Effects
    speed jump
    crosshair change
    crosshairColor change all colors
    crosshairSize change from 20 to 80
    fov change from 90 to 130
    sensitivity change from 3 to 5
    maxpackets change 30 43 76 100
    rate change from 25000 to 90000
    timenudge change from 0 to -50
    advantage class selector
    spawnpoint selector 5 spawnpoints
    script afk spectator mode
    join team axis or allies
    sound volume + sound mute
    get condump guid screenshot
    show/noshow clock
    walk on/off
    MaxFPS change 125 - 76 - 43
    fire advanced
    demo recorder on/off
    wav recorder on/off
    show/noshow FPS and Lagometer

    copy on etmain folder
    exec lenovo.cfg on console

    Help for Binds

    TAB "+scores"
    ENTER "vstr map"
    ESCAPE "togglemenu"
    SPACE "weaponbank 6"
    ' "players; Echo Current Status: Info Players; wait 50;toggleconsole"
    , "mapzoomout"
    - "zoomout"
    . "mapzoomin"
    0 "vstr AxisAllies"
    1 "weaponbank 1"
    2 "weaponbank 2"
    3 "weaponbank 4"
    4 "weaponbank 7"
    5 "setspawnpt 0;say_team Spawn 0 ;play sound/menu/select.wav"
    6 "setspawnpt 1;say_team Spawn 1 ;play sound/menu/select.wav"
    7 "setspawnpt 2;say_team Spawn 2 ;play sound/menu/select.wav"
    8 "setspawnpt 3;say_team Spawn 3 ;play sound/menu/select.wav"
    9 "setspawnpt 4;say_team Spawn 4 ;play sound/menu/select.wav"
    < "vstr speedjump"
    = "zoomin"
    @ "autoscreenshot"
    ` "toggleconsole"
    a "+moveleft"
    b "+zoom"
    c "+prone"
    d "+moveright"
    e "+leanright"
    f "+activate"
    g "VoiceChat song13"
    h "VoiceChat speech70"
    i "r_ignorehwgamma 1;vid_restart"
    j "VoiceChat song6"
    k "VoiceChat taunt2"
    l "openlimbomenu"
    m "vstr st"
    n "mp_quickmessage"
    o "r_ignorehwgamma 0;vid_restart"
    p "s_volume 0; Echo Current Status: Sound Mute"
    q "+leanleft"
    r "+reload"
    s "+back"
    t "messagemode"
    u "mp_quickmessage"
    v "vstr FFE; VoiceteamChat FireInTheHole"
    w "+forward"
    x "vstr walk_t"
    y "messagemode2"
    z "mp_fireteammsg"
    ~ "toggleconsole"
    BACKSPACE "setspawnpt 5;say_team Spawn 5 ;play sound/menu/select.wav"
    CAPSLOCK "weaponbank 5"
    PAUSE "vstr pausetoggle"
    UPARROW "vstr gamma"
    DOWNARROW "vstr sens"
    LEFTARROW "vstr fov"
    RIGHTARROW "vstr sound"
    ALT "weaponbank 4;wait 120;+attack;wait 20;-attack;wait 10;kill; forcetapout; say_team Kill!!!"
    CTRL "+movedown"
    SHIFT "+sprint"
    F1 "vote yes"
    F2 "vote no"
    F3 "ready"
    F4 "notready"
    F7 "vstr clock"
    F8 "vstr crosshr"
    F9 "vstr crosshair"
    F10 "vstr crosshairsize"
    F11 "vstr nextwav"
    F12 "vstr nextdemo"
    KP_LEFTARROW "set reset vstr allies_team; vstr allies_team"
    KP_5 "vstr pbg"
    KP_RIGHTARROW "set reset vstr axis_team; vstr axis_team"
    KP_END "vstr fps00"
    KP_DOWNARROW "vstr rate00"
    KP_PGDN "vstr packets00"
    KP_ENTER "mp_fireteamadmin"
    KP_INS "vstr nextstatus"
    KP_DEL "vstr time00"
    MOUSE1 "+vstr shooton shootoff"
    MOUSE2 "+moveup"
    MOUSE3 "vstr lenovo"
    MWHEELDOWN "weaponbank 3"
    MWHEELUP "weaponbank 2"



  8. Xernicus' Config

    Config file for Enemy Territory. Optimized for pure AMD systems with Athlon II series or newer CPUs, and AMD GPUs newer than HD6xxx series.
    Net settings are optimized for stable broadband connections.
    Graphics are highest quality, and resolution is 900p/HD+. Many cvars are standard.

    Includes VSTR fov switcher script. Name set to "Fearless Assassin"



  9. LenovoNoteBook cfg

    My setup was modified game for portable computers, of poor performance Update 19-02-2017



  10. Smirre/RendeL cfg

    My latest cfg file.
    Put it in your etmain folder and exec it by opening console and type /exec smirre.cfg



  11. Teacher




  12. kapitch!!! CFG

    1- Unzip the file rar
    2- Open the File "kapitch"
    3- copy 2 elements (autoexec, web) and place them in the "etmain" folder of your games (C:/.......)
    Execute the config is very simple:
    4- run the game and open the console
    5- then write in the console:
    -\exec autoexec
    6- the config is now loaded and executed
    "the screenshoot doesn't really reflect the settings and my config displays a clearer rendering"
    Sensi in game: 1.67
    Sensitivity in Windows: not changed\default
    Mouse dpi: 2000/2500
    mouse: razer taipan
    frame per seconds (fps): 125



  13. Yui Nohud

    System: Windows 8
    Pc Specs:
    -Mb: Msi Z77A-GD55(MS-7751)
    - I5 3570K quad core, 3,4 GHz
    - AMD radeon HD 7950
    - 8GB Ram 1333 MHz
    - Samsung 27" , SyncMaster P2770HD
    - 1920x1080
    - Genesis Gx68
    - 6/11 Windows Sensitvity
    - 500Hz polling rate
    - 800Dpi
    Basic info about config:
    Sensitivity 2
    Fps 125
    Fov 113
    Crosshair 5(check screenshots, very visible)
    No hud visible(check screenshot), scores on tab, minimap g, stats on n, are all working
    You can make visible hud(push and hold) on mouse4.
    Other binds and settings are in config(briefly described in prev configs)
    Why I made such config?
    Sometimes I'm tired, and just want to notice on playing so no disturbances. If you still want to chat use console(~)



  14. config beparanormal

    my config

    hey in my config , you will see that my classes have different binds example of which binds

    echo "^1Covert op"

    bind MOUSE2 "weapalt"

    bind 1 "weaponbank 1; cg_drawgun 1"
    bind capslock "weaponbank 2; cg_drawgun 1"
    bind mouse3 "weaponbank 6; cg_drawgun 1"
    bind MWHEELUP "weaponbank 3; cg_drawgun 1"
    bind 3 "weaponbank 4; cg_drawgun 1"
    bind 2 "weaponbank 5; cg_drawgun 1"
    bind MWHEELDOWN "weaponbank 7; cg_drawgun 1"
    bind mouse4 "weapnext"
    bind mouse5 "weapprev"

    cg_autoactivate "1"


    echo "^1Engineer"

    bind alt "weapalt"

    bind 1 "weaponbank 1; cg_drawgun 1"
    bind mouse5 "weaponbank 2; cg_drawgun 1"
    bind mouse3 "weaponbank 6; cg_drawgun 1"
    bind MWHEELUP "weaponbank 3; cg_drawgun 1"
    bind mouse4 "weaponbank 4; cg_drawgun 1"
    bind mouse2 "weaponbank 5; cg_drawgun 1"
    bind MWHEELDOWN "weaponbank 7; cg_drawgun 1"

    cg_autoactivate "1"


    echo "^1Medik"

    //Auto Heal
    set healthon "weaponbank 6; wait 2; +attack"
    set healthoff "-attack; wait 2; weaponbank 3"
    bind "MOUSE2" "+vstr healthon healthoff"
    bind 1 "weaponbank 1; +attack2; -attack2; cg_drawgun 1"
    bind mouse5 "weaponbank 2; cg_drawgun 1"
    bind MWHEELUP "weaponbank 3; cg_drawgun 1"
    bind mouse4 "weaponbank 4; cg_drawgun 1"
    bind mouse3 "weaponbank 5; cg_drawgun 1"
    bind MWHEELDOWN "weaponbank 7; cg_drawgun 1"

    cg_autoactivate "1"


    update 6/06/2014



  15. ForGe's Config

    Please read the READTHISFIRST.txt
    Then FRAG TIME!



  16. Ann!b@l's Cfg

    During last years a lot of players asked for my config and keep asking nowadays.. So, here is this file. Enjoy!!



  17. Syroox Config // Updated 03/02/2016

    My (new) config the basic is from heaven just changed some things.
    Your name is Syroox's CFG User if you want to see yours, go into the file and search up for 'name' (without the ' ) then type yours in
    r_refreshrate is set to 144
    If you don't use a 144hz monitor you need to change the value to 60 or whatever hz your monitor has.
    I hope you'll enjoy my Config, I'd like to hear some Feedback



  18. Sawako

    Here is previous version of my cfg: http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/1022-shana-config/
    System: Windows 8
    Pc Specs:
    -Mb: Msi Z77A-GD55(MS-7751)
    - I5 3570K quad core, 3,4 GHz
    - AMD radeon HD 7950
    - 8GB Ram 1333 MHz
    - Samsung 27" , SyncMaster P2770HD
    - 1920x1080
    - Genesis Gx68
    - 6/11 Windows Sensitvity
    - 500Hz polling rate
    - 800Dpi
    Readme.txt file is included in Sawako v4.rar. All details about configs are there.
    One important thing, don't /exec sawako.cfg while not connected to server cause you might have no sound during gameplay.
    There are versions for high graphics, et legacy, et 2.60b, if you want to use different resolution write me a pm cause I need to rescale values in several cvars and scripts.
    If you have any questions, complaints about this config write pm to me.
    Hope you like it.
    P.S. I recommend opening those files in Sublime Text program. I think you are going to like it. ( One of best text editors imo )
    P.S.2 I think it's a finished update, I might make more improvements in next version but I will make it in future(nest name is Ayumi v5.cfg)



  19. sageone.cfg

    don't eat yellow snow



  20. Shana Config

    System: Windows 8
    Pc Specs:
    -Mb: Msi Z77A-GD55(MS-7751)
    - I5 3570K quad core, 3,4 GHz
    - AMD radeon HD 7950
    - 8GB Ram 1333 MHz
    - Samsung 27" , SyncMaster P2770HD
    - 1920x1080
    - Genesis Gx68
    - 6/11 Windows Sensitvity
    - 500Hz polling rate
    - 800Dpi
    - Turned of windows mouse smoothing. (files included in Shana v3.rar, important to have improved precision turned off in windows)
    Readme.txt file is included in rar. All details about configs are there. (1300-1400 words) (You need to rename README.rar to README.txt to view it)
    It's v3, previous versions not uploaded.
    If you have any questions, complaints about this config write pm to me.
    Hope you like it.
    Th3ory (Shana in screenshots)
    P.S. I recommend opening those files in Sublime Text program. I think you are going to like it. ( One of best text editors imo )



  21. ivyCFG

    .U ll need to set your own values for
    because of rendering issues
    .mouse DPI = 1200
    windows sensitivity = 6/11
    .If your game is still too dark after you exec the autoexec file just adjust your screen gamma(on windows with your gcard settings) till u get it better but its not necessary for some poeple.
    .U can also set your own FPS(com_maxfps"value") i myself use 142fps/144hz displayrefresh as u can see on screenshots.
    .And finally for sensitivity and other mouse settings in close,medium and long range cfg files
    u are free to go there and set values if u want it. But those are mine and they depend on my own gameplay
    and ofc how fast i move my mouse on my mousepad.
    Feedbacks are welcome!



  22. Th3ory Cfg

    Feel free to use it
    3 Files included:
    T.cfg -> basic cfg(graphic is shown on ss)
    Low.cfg -> If you prefer lowest graphics(made it myself )
    Name5.cfg -> Your name here, also left some binds(they aren't finished so add your text there)
    System: Windows 8
    Pc Specs:
    -Mb: Msi Z77A-GD55(MS-7751)
    - I5 3570K quad core, 3,4 GHz
    - AMD radeon HD 7950
    - 8GB Ram 1333 MHz
    - Samsung 27" , SyncMaster P2770HD
    - 1920x1080
    - Logitech B110
    - 6/11 Windows Sensitvity
    - 500Hz
    - 800Dpi
    - 20cm 360°
    Key Binds:
    MOUSE3 = Self Kill
    DownARROW = Join Specorators
    LEFTARROW = Join Axis
    RIGHTARROW = Join Allies
    Mwheelup = weaponbank 3 + reload
    Mwheeldown = weaponbank 6
    F6 = exec T.cfg
    F7 =Vid_restart
    Numpad7 = covertops + sten
    Numpad8 = medic
    Numpad9 = Covertops + m1grand
    F8 = script for changing volume.
    Alt = walk
    n = player stats

    I run T.cfg on stable 125 fps, I can get almost 1k fps without fps cap.
    cl_maxpackets 100
    rate 34000
    snaps 20
    cl_timenudge 25



  23. S3ti etconfig

    Here my ET config, nothing special but I'm often asked for it. I use it for Jaymod, Silent, ETPro.
    For ETPro and Silent I also use class and spawnpoint selectors for each map, will upload them separately when I got them sorted, it's a mess
    So here are 3 config files included:
    binds.cfg (Place your own keybinds in here)
    scripts.cfg (At the end of each script is the respective keybind)
    Additional Settings
    Resolution: 1024x768 + 8xMSAA
    Display: Refresh Rate 120 Hz
    Mouse: Logitech MX518
    DPI: 800
    Windows Sens: 7 / 11
    USB Port: 500 Hz
    RInput 1.31
    Sensitivity: 25 cm / 360°



  24. Quovadis' CFG

    Just the cfg I use for scrims / pubs.



  25. Haruhi Suzumiya CFG **Updated**

    *********Updated with a 2nd .cfg file with current settings I've been using for the past few weeks. New video card, mouse, and monitor. Went back to using "r_ignorehwgamma 1. Screenshots are still from my old cfg"*******

    My current cfg that I have been using since I built this PC around 6 months ago running Windows 7 Home Premium.
    I run 125Fps stable.

    Pc Specs:
    - Asus Sabertooth x58
    - i7 950 @ 3.07 GHz
    - BFG 7900GTX Oc
    - 8GB Corsair XMS3 1333MHz
    - Acer 23in
    - 1920x1080
    - Razer DeathAdder
    - 7/11 Windows Sensitvity
    - 500Hz
    - 900Dpi
    - Razer Driver Sensitivity turned down a little.
    - 30cm 180



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