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Honored Veteran
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Chuckun last won the day on January 25 2019

Chuckun had the most liked content!

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  • Occupation
    Web Developer

Profile Information

  • Alias
  • Admin
  • Server
    Hardcore ET
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Web development & security testing
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Chuckun's Achievements

  1. Time to cum back!!

    1. **MrDeaTh.


      We get old , our time is past 


      have fun 


  2. We are thinking about you.

  3. Hello my old friend? Just saying hi!

  4. miss ya bro  was thinking about good old times i hope your doing okay :) 

  5. Will be good to "see" you. 😄 

  6. Just giving ya a shout out hope things are good!!🤪

  7. @Chuckun Where have you been? We miss you!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nancy


      wait wait, I vaguely remember that member...  🤔

    3. Nancy
    4. *Kiba*


      i hope your doing okay bro

  8. Yeah mouse pads are a lot cheaper to replace than desks lol
  9. Hey Ox! Glad you finally made it here Stick around my HC friend!
  10. Good idea @ScoOfi I am not good enough for leagues these days but it would be good for us as a community to host some for sure. I hope there's enough interest!
  11. Welcome mate! Played with you a lot on HC and it's always nice to meet old timers - like many here, I've been playing since '03! Glad to have you here.
  12. You most likely just need to run ET as admin if you get errors like that.
  13. Was really looking forward to this, loved this when it happened when I was a kid. Sadly though, it's totally overcast here so won't be seeing anything but clouds.
  14. You missed one - Grime - and the UK smashes it with the likes of Stormzy, Skepta, etc
  15. About 20c maximum here lol
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