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Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Maps for Downloads.

1004 files

  1. The Rock - therock.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: therock.pk3
    Map name: therock.bsp
    Author(s): DiabLo[PooL]
    The Allies must prevent the documents from being stolen.


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  2. 6 Flags 1.1.0 - 6flags_110.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: 6flags_110.pk3
    Map name: 6flags.bsp
    Author(s): 2Bit
    Optimum number
    of players At least 12. Plays well with 24+.
    Installation Put the pk3 file into the etmain folder.
    Description For either team to win:
    Capture both base flags and hold them for 2 minutes
    == or ==
    Control all 6 flags
    If the time limit expires the winning team is the one which controls the most flags.
    Gamemodes Objective, Stopwatch.
    Thanks to Splash Damage and Activision.
    Drakir and Iffy for various neat prefabs.
    Heckl3r and Marko/Lowlife/Bob Le Roux for some great textures and sound files.
    Amethyst7 for his great skybox.
    TibeT Clan for invaluable testing and feedback.


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  3. Den of Lions Dual Objective - denoflions_etdual.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: denoflions_etdual.pk3
    Map name: denoflions_etdual.bsp
    Author(s): Dan "RivrStyx" Dorn
    ******** Play Description ***********
    "**Dual Objective Map**.The Axis and Allied forces have setup a swap. Each side is acting alone without headquarters knowledge.
    The allies are to exchange a high ranking prisoner they have captured for a large quantity of gold the axis had stolen in a raid.
    The exchange is to take place at noon. Each side has decided to abandon the deal and secure their objectives before the exchange is to take place."
    // Allied Objective Descriptions
    wm_objective_allied_desc 1 "Primary Objective:**Destroy Axis safe door to gain entry."
    wm_objective_allied_desc 2 "Primary Objective:**Defend cell door from Axis entry."
    wm_objective_allied_desc 3 "Primary Objective:**Steal the gold and get away in the truck waiting at your base."
    wm_objective_allied_desc 4 "Primary Objective:**Guard the prisoner."
    wm_objective_allied_desc 5 "primary Objective:**Destroy the axis Command Post."
    wm_objective_allied_desc 6 "Secondary Objective:**Build the Command Post."
    wm_objective_allied_desc 7 "Secondary Objective:**Get forward flag."
    // Axis Objective Descriptions
    wm_objective_axis_desc 1 "Primary Objective:**Defend safe door from Allied entry."
    wm_objective_axis_desc 2 "Primary Objective:**Destroy cell door to gain entry."
    wm_objective_axis_desc 3 "Primary Objective:**Guard the gold."
    wm_objective_axis_desc 4 "Primary Objective:**Breakout the prisoner and get him to the Red Cross for treatment."
    wm_objective_axis_desc 5 "Secondary Objective:**Build the Command Post."
    wm_objective_axis_desc 6 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the allied Command Post."
    wm_objective_axis_desc 7 "Secondary Objective:**Get forward flag."
    denoflions_etdual waypoints.rar


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  4. Praetoria Mission One: Bunker Hill - praetoria_m1.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: praetoria_m1.pk3
    Map name: praetoria_m1.bsp
    Author(s): Diego
    Mission One: "Allied Paratroopers are enroute to capture a nazi airfield in northern Italy.
    An advance allied ground force must destroy the Radar Control Center inside a heavily defended bunker
    to allow their airborne forces to slip through the Axis Anti-Air defenses undetected."
    Praetoria-Mission One: Bunker Hill
    by Diego (aka Subsurface Scattering) Contact: dt3d@hotmail.com
    This map will not conflict with version 1.0 (praetoria_one.bsp). However, it is recommended
    that you remove the old PK3 file from your etmain directory as that map is now obsolete.
    Extract the PK3 file from the .ZIP file using WINZIP, or WINRAR into your Etmain folder.
    Praetoria-Mission One: Bunker Hill. Objective map for Wolf ET. Version 2.0 replaces previous releases. Contains bugfixes, gamestate usage improvements and slightly adjusted environment and spawns. Also adjusted to provide compatability with the forthcoming Mission Two.
    Version Info:
    2.0 (8-5-2009)
    This update is to make the map compatable with the next Praetoria missions, and to add Gamestate
    improvements that I have learned while working on Mission Two.
    Known Bugs:
    No valid command map layer for z error sometimes appears in console. Still haven't figured this
    one out. It is most likely caused by the 2 layer command map.
    Gameplay Changes:
    --Bridge bunker has been expanded in size and a doorway was added that leads to the health kits.
    --Final primary Allied spawn point has been moved here to bridge bunker that allies spawn closer
    to the surface and can put more pressure on the front entrance.
    --Allied spawn at the Axis CP bunker has been removed.
    --Neither team receives a spawn time bonus when building their CP.
    --Axis default spawntime set to 20 seconds. 18 seconds after the Tunnel Doors are blown by the tank.
    --Allies spawn time changed to 15 seconds.
    --North Doors have been linked to the generator. They will automatically open when the generator
    is blown. However, they must still be closed manually by the axis.
    Model Changes:
    New version of Chavo One's boat model created so that I do not have to use remap shaders on it.
    New versions of Lamp models created so I can remove remap shader calls within each model.
    New version of Tank model to reduce remap shader calls.
    New Radar and Generator Console shaders based off model shaders. New Generator Model.
    Gamestate Improvements:
    New Generator Model uses script mover to reduce gamestate.
    New CP models now use script movers to reduce gamestate.
    Removed some static debris geometry to reduce gamestate.
    Complete overhaul of the Texture and Shader library. (search and replace is my new best friend)
    Reduced character usage in scriptblocks, entities, and sound files to reduce gamestate chars.
    Previous Gamestate usage on my computer: 65-72%
    Current Gamestate usage on my computer: 58-65%
    Bug Fixes:
    Added player clip to South Defenses MG.
    Fixed a script bug that gave Axis faster charge times at the start as if CP was already built.
    Fixed a bug in the safety glass windows above the radar controls that allowed players to shoot through them.
    Reassigned a terrain shader that was looking for grass models.
    Fixed Setstate Errors on Target Debris
    1.0 (04-15-2007)
    First public release.
    Fixed the rooftop visibility bug.
    Fixed the mg nest sandbag texture bug.
    Fixed the various terrain seams and texture issues.
    Added a multilayer command map with bunker schematics for level one and level two.
    Increased spawn support from 24 to 32 players (16 per side)
    0.99 BETA
    Private Beta Test version.
    Known Bugs: Some building rooftops visibility turns off and on when seen from the main bunker.
    Visible seam in the cliff wall by the wooden bridge.
    Mission Time: 30 Minutes
    Spawn Times: Axis 20 Seconds (18 after tunnel doors destroyed)
    Allies 12 Seconds
    Mission One: "Allied Paratroopers are enroute to capture a nazi airfield in northern Italy.
    An advance allied ground force must destroy the Radar Control Center inside a heavily defended bunker
    to allow their airborne forces to slip through the Axis Anti-Air defenses undetected."
    Map Objectives:
    Primary Objectives:
    1 "Use your Churchill Tank to Breach the Tunnel Doors of the Main Bunker."
    2 "Destroy the Power Generator to release the magnetic locks on the Radar Blast doors."
    Secondary Objectives
    1 "Destroy the South Entrance of the Main Bunker."
    2 "Capture the City Garrison to use as a forward spawnpoint."
    3 "Breach the Storage Room Entrance."
    4 "Breach the South Bunker Wall."
    7 "Establish a Command Post inside the Old Church."
    8 "Stop the Axis from Building a Command Post in the Forward Bunker."
    Primarmy Objectives:
    1 "Stop the Churchill Tank from Breaching the Tunnel Doors of the Main Bunker."
    2 "Protect the Generator that powers the magnetic locks on the Radar Blast Doors."
    Secondary Objectives:
    3 "Don't let the allies destroy the South Entrance of the Main Bunker."
    4 "Defend the City Garrison."
    5 "Defend the Storage Room Entrance."
    6 "Don't let the allies breach the South Bunker Wall."
    7 "Prevent the Allies from constructing the Command Post in the Church."
    8 "Set up a Command Post inside the Forward Bunker."
    Map Construction: Diego
    Command map : Diego
    Scripting: Diego (With lots of help)
    EB Prefab script, entity setup, and lot of tutorials to help me along the way.
    Chrucker Prefab setup of the churchill tank.
    Marko Continuous scripting help. Debugging a multitude of compile and runtime errors.
    Ammo & Health cabinet prefab. http://www.gamedesign-online.com/
    Sock dotproduct shaders, terrain textures modified from his terrain example.
    Xenon Spawn exchange scripting. Tank scripting assistance.
    Chris MG nest prefab
    Loffy Passing airplanes prefab used as a basis for my flyover sequences. (loffyswe@yahoo.se)
    thegnat Security Door switch scripting based off the ladder script from the map "Transmitter".
    SD Command post entities and scripting taken from the Splash Damage map "Radar".
    Radar Door/Power Generator linking script adapted from the setup in "Seawall Battery".
    Custom Models:
    C47 and P40 models: Diego (Models and Textures)
    Venice Speedboat: Chavo-One (Alternate model converted and retextured by Diego)
    FPS models: http://www.wemakemaps.com/
    Egyptian lamp: Arcana (Texture modified and remapped by Diego)
    Gothic lamps: Maverick (Texture modified and remapped by Diego)
    Tombstones: Arcana (Robbie Powell - arcana@fantaseum.com)
    Textures and Sound:
    Some custom textures and sounds are from outside sources. In many instances, these textures have
    been modified by either color manipulation, layer compositing with other textures, or by assembling a
    completely new texture with parts of existing ones. All VO commands are re-edited variations of the stock
    ET sounds. Additional sound are remixed effects from outside sources.
    Copyright © 2007 Don Taylor
    You may NOT modify, redo, reproduce this map in any way without permission from the author.
    You may NOT include or distribute this map in whole or in part in any sort of commercial product.
    You may NOT mass distribute this level via any non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks.
    You may NOT use custom textures from this file.
    You may NOT use the custom models from this file. The lamps and tombstones are freely available from the FPS website
    listed above. I will make my airplane models available for download in a separate file at a later time.
    Contact Chavo-One if you are interested in using his speedboat model.
    You may use the edited VO sounds found in this file. But not the sounds for the victory sequences.
    You may distribute this PK3 through any electronic network, provided you include this file and leave the archive intact.
    Note from the Author:
    Praetoria was the name of an ancient Roman Garrison in northern Italy several centuries ago. It
    sounded cool so I decided to use the name for my fictional location.
    This map was begun in 2004 originally as a Deathmatch map for MOHAA. By the time I decided to make it
    an objective map (Sometime in 2005) I had become somewhat disenchanted with the compiling limitations
    found in MOHAA's compiler. I decided at that point to migrate all of the work that I had done over to
    Enemy Territory.
    The Praetoria campaign was originally conceived as one complete map that would contain just about
    every type of objective that could be dreamed up. After months of struggling with engine and compiling
    limitations, I finally decided to break the map into a 3 part campaign. In my original design, the allies
    would capture the Axis Main Bunker once the tunnel doors were blown and then continue to escort the tank
    to the next objective. However, after splitting out the second section ofthe map, I decided that
    "Bunker Hill" would need a much more interesting final objective for the allies to tackle. After
    weeks of brainstorming and mapping, the Radar Control Center was born. I hope you enjoy destroying
    it as much as I do.
    UPDATE: 8/3/2009
    The primary reason for this update was to make Mission One compatabile with the forthcoming Mission Two.
    However, while I was in the conversion process, there were a handful of bugs reported that I had decided to
    fix. I also found quite a few that I never knew about. More importantly, I was able to apply some techniques
    that I learned while working on Mission Two that could be used to slightly improve the Gamestate usage on this
    map. Hopefully that will be enough to allow it to run on slightly larger servers. If not, a little extra
    breathing room can't hurt.
    praetoria_one waypoints.rar


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  5. Exhumed Day - ExhumedDay.pk3

    Download pk3 name: ExhumedDay.pk3
    Map name: Exhumed.bsp
    Have you ever wanted to do something, but didn't how? This was Hitler's problem. His fascination with the occult led him to the conclusion that the Egyptians were on the right track with their burial techniques...and he wanted to be on that train! What was the dilemma that he faced? He didn't have a ticket stubb...or more to the point, the mummification technique was a mystery to the Third Reiht.
    With this thought in mind, the German dictator sent his army to Egypt with orders to procur a mommy and transport it back to the Fatherland for research. The problem with secret plans is, they don't stay secret for very long...the Allies get wind of this expedition, and send their own forces to stop the Axis aggressor.
    The Germans have no idea the Allies are on their way to stop them, will this fact make a difference in the grand scheme of things?
    With Exhumed Day v1.0, you can expect:
    New Textures New Sounds New Models
    Refer to the readme for more information.  
    Map Information
    Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Title : Exhumed Day Version 1.0
    Filename : ExhumedDay.pk3
    Map name for campaign : Exhumed
    Release date : 18.04.2007
    Translated by Quebecois french:
    When Hitler dies he wants to be mummified.
    But the German Nazis don't know the mummification techniques.
    That's why Hitler sends his brigade ( Vehrmacht) in Egypt in order to steal a mummy and conduct research on it. The Allies are informed of this and have to stop Hitler from stealing the mummy.
    Only the "Vehrmacht" are not expecting to see the allies in Egypt in the middle of the desert.
    Will you be able outsmart the Egypt surprises? You have to take the mummy in the heart of the pyramid.
    Decription : - Berlin 1943 -
    Hitler pour sa mort veut se faire mommifier.
    Seulement les chercheurs du Reich ne conaissent pas les techniques de mommifications.
    C'est pour cela que le Führer décide d'envoyer une troupe de la Vehrmacht en Egypte afin d'y dérobé une mommie pour y faire des expériences sur celle-ci.
    Les alliés informé de cette opération du Reich, doivent impérativement empécher le vol de la mommie.
    Seulement la Vehrmacht ne s'attend pas à voir les alliés dans la même citée Egyptienne perdue au millieu du desert.
    Serez-vous capable de déjouez les surprises de la citée Egyptienne, vous devez prendre la mommie au coeur du tombeau sous la pyramide.
    Program : SD Radiant 1.4.0
    Build time : 5 Mois
    Compile time : 10 Minutes
    Compile machine : AMD Athlon 64 FX-55 , 4 GO Ram
    Specific : Mettre hunkmegs 128
    New Textures : Yes
    New Sounds : Yes
    New Models : Yes


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  6. Uran Project Beta 2 - uranproject_b2.pk3

    Download pk3 name: uranproject_b2.pk3
    Map name: uranproject_b2.bsp
    Author(s): ischbinzz
    Axis try to build their own nuclear weapon. They do it in a laboratory in the "Alpenfestung" (alps-fortress). They had build a small atomic reactor to get some plutonium. Allied had to enter the bunker areas and must destroy the cooling system of the reactor core to stop the axis experiments and destroy the lab-complex. To do that allies must hold the destroyed reactor core for about 1 or two minutes until the reactor is overheated. But the axis can repair the cooling system - and stop the overheating...
    nuclear power plant
    beta 2
    learning mapping, making this map took over 300 hours - hope you have fun with it!
    if you found some bugs or have some suggestions post it in www-dark-alchemy.com forums or e-mail: ischbinzz@hotmail.com
    known issues:
    release 12.03.2007
    1. little more light
    2. new house
    3. changed dynathings - funnel exit, old_bunker area
    4, elavator can only used after destroying the funnnel exit
    5. few other minor changes
    2nd beta version!
    compiled with -meta, -vis, -light -super 2 (took about 46 hours on my a64 4400@2500mhz)


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  7. Gardenn Beta 3 - Gardenn_b3.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: Gardenn_b3.pk3
    Map name: gardenn.bsp
    Author(s): Mjx - Scorp
    Map Pour 3VS3 4vs4 ou 6Vs6 Max spawn 12/12
    gardenn waypoints.rar


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  8. Sandheli Alpha 1 - sandheli01a.pk3

    Download pk3 name: sandheli01a.pk3
    Map name: sandheli01a.bsp
    Author(s): Antti "seven_dc" Suuronen
    Decription :
    1945, The axis has developed a new weapon: the assault helicopter.
    The allied haw discovered the prototype building site and they must
    Destroy the axis helicopter.


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  9. British Bulldog 1.5.0 - bulldog_150.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: bulldog_150.pk3
    Map name: bulldog.bsp
    Author(s): 2Bit
    Description The entire action centres on the race to deliver 6 gold crates into your team's vaults.
    Engineers are not necessary: there are no dynamitable objectives and nothing to build.
    This is a manic romp and not to be taken seriously.
    Grab each of your 6 gold crates one at a time and deliver them to the vault. Allied crates
    from the East cages must go into the West vault, and vice-versa. Similarly for the Axis
    crates in the North cages to the South vault and vice-versa. Arrows shown in team colours
    (Allies=blue Axis=red) guide the way for the current objective.
    There are four flag poles. They are NOT forward spawn points: instead they function like
    a Command Post. Each flag captured improves your team's Charge speed:
    0 flags = no bonus
    1 flag = small bonus
    2 flags = same bonus as a Command Post, plus Cov Op landmine warnings are transmitted
    3 flags = decent bonus
    4 flags = great bonus
    Stars will drop to the ground from time to time. Grab them before they disappear to be
    granted power-ups and bonuses. Notable powerups are:
    Expressway - 1 star required. This provides a launch pad from the spawn point
    to the opposite side of the map. Handy when the next objective is over there.
    Sleigh pad - 5 stars required. This provides a jump pad (located at the snowman) up
    to the flying sleigh. The pad operates only when the sleigh is overhead.
    When ridden, the sleigh will launch dual panzer strikes at the enemy base.
    bulldog waypoints.rar


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  10. Smash N Grab - smashngrab.pk3

    Download pk3 name: smashngrab.pk3
    Map name: smash.bsp
    The Allies have intercepted transmissions that the Axis are coming their way and intend on looting their gold reserves.


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  11. El Kef Beta 3 - beta03_el_kef.pk3

    Download pk3 name: beta03_el_kef.pk3
    Map name: el_kef.bsp
    El Kef - the making of:
    Map & Script : Marko
    Command map : Burniole
    Testing : Burniole, Coniole, Gone, Blanchet, Kennie, Flak
    Map Description:
    El Kef is a city taken over by the Allied forces in order backup and cover the Tunisian coast.
    An axis squad is sent over to El Kef to rob a radio transmitter so Axis forces can receive the
    crypted messages of Allied defense points.
    The map is split in 2 main sections:
    - A first section where the aim is to rush for a forward spawn flag and destroy a main entrance
    gate. This section is similar to the first part of oasis because the flag and objective are close
    and a team door allows an attacking team covert ops to open a direct access to the final objective
    - A second section where the aim is to steal an objective and return it to a truck. There are several
    ways of reaching this objective, and an important one is a command post which provides an advanced spawn
    for the team that sets it up.
    Map Contents:
    - 1 neutral command post
    - 3 different spawns per team
    - 1 objective to rob (radio transmitter)
    - 1 extraction point (truck)
    - 2 constructible defenses for the defending team (satchel breakable)
    - 1 health & ammo rack


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  12. St. Nazaire FP - stnazaireFP.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: stnazaireFP.pk3
    Map name: stnazaire.bsp
    The Map
    The map is based on the real life scenario of the commando raid on the dry dock at St Nazaire (NW France), the dry dock was essential in the plans of the Axis forces to cut off the supply routes across the Atlantic. The sister ship of the Bismark the Tirpitz was the ship capable of doing this, but the only dry dock large enough to cope with the repairs of such a ship was St Nazaire.
    So in March 1942 the Allied forces came up with Operation Chariot a plan to disable the dry dock leaving the Tirpitz no safe haven. The Allied troops disguised the HMS Campbelltown as a German gun ship and sailed right up the estuary ramming the ship right into the front of the dry dock gates, the hull of the ship was filled with explosives on a delay fuse. Whilst the ship was firmly wedged into the "caisson" the troops raided the dock blowing up the winding equipment for the docks thus disabling it from use for some time.
    Allied Objectives.
    Spawn at either the Old Mole or on board the HMS Campbelltown Troops spawning at the Campbelltown should blow the harbour wall for easier access The door to south winding house needs to be blown The South winding equipment can then be blown The forward spawn in the warehouse allows quicker route through The north winding house door can be barricaded by the Axis troops (satchel destroyable) The north winding equipment can then be blown to win the game.  
    Axis Objectives.
    Spawn at either the warehouse forward spawn point or Axis Garrison Build the North winding house barricade Defend the Winding equipment on both south and north  


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  13. ET UFO Beta 3 - et_ufo_b3.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: et_ufo_b3.pk3
    Map name: et_ufo_b3.bsp
    Author(s): Tom "Menzel" Haskins
    ----------Axis Objectives----------
    Defend the main gate.
    Defend the side gate.
    Defend the UFO documents.
    Prevent the Allies from transmitting the UFO documents.
    Prevent the allies from constructiong the command post.
    ---------Allied Objectives---------
    Destroy the main gate.
    Destroy the side gate.
    Get the UFO documents.
    Transmit the UFO documents.
    Constuct the command post.
    et_ufo_b3 waypoints.rar


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  14. Craterlake 2 - Craterlake_2.pk3

    Download pk3 name: Craterlake_2.pk3
    Map name: Craterlake_2.bsp
    Author(s): Cerberus
    Other issues: Command map is too small for the command map texture so player icons will go off the map
    Map: Craterlake 2
    Type of Map: Objective


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  15. Decrypted 2 Beta 2 - decrypted2_b2.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: decrypted2_b2.pk3
    Map name: decrypted2_b2.bsp
    Author(s): dFx
    Axis intercepted a transmission and decrypted it. Allies must send it back to their HQ to ensure of operations safety.
    version 2_b2 :
    _moved command post to improve gameplay
    _added a ladder in water system
    _mg42 bug fix
    _reduced spawntime to 20-20
    _fixed missed texture on ventilation system
    _moved alled stairs into ofice
    _improved graphics of lifter
    _changed skybox
    _fixed arena file
    version 2_a :
    _removed old spaw way
    _added lifter
    _added one canalisation to objective
    _added docks way
    _moved command post
    _allied command post now remove the flag pole
    _adapted for 6o6
    movie :
    _textures bug fixing
    _added new textures
    _added some wall trim
    _added new way to the bridge
    _added a pump
    _removed vis optimisation for movie
    final :
    _added some rocks
    _light bug fixing
    _texture bug fixing
    _model miss fixing
    beta 2.2 :
    _added 1 more axis way to go to the transmitter
    _light bug fixing
    beta 2.1 :
    _added 1 more way to get back to transmitter
    _added cameras for objs
    _modificated script file
    _ladder bug fixing
    _light intensity bug fixing
    beta 1.2 :
    _added a new space in a wall.
    _added wire on lights
    _added a new sky texture
    _added limbo picture
    _added loaded picture
    _added some green liquid in water
    _modificated shaders
    beta 1.1 :
    _added green liquid
    _added barrels
    _added lights
    _added crates
    _added some trickjumps
    _added metal trim
    _removed glasses
    _changed brick wall texture
    _changed transmitter limbo's picture
    _changed brick wall limbo's picture
    _changed documents name
    _changed objectives texts
    decrypted2_b2 waypoints.rar


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  16. Budapest Beta 1 - budapest_beta1.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: budapest_beta1.pk3
    Map name: budapest_beta1.bsp
    Author(s): ClasShadow
    main objective is to destroy a large bridge, also included are 2 elevators that are team construct/own
    2 trams to ride, a forward flag with team swapping doors, an extensive sewer network with three gates
    for the allies to destroy and a patrol boat with a mounted mg.
    ///////Textures/////////excluding terrain
    alpha mapped tree textures
    ShareCg by fusebulb
    other textures
    various other free/share sights and some of my own handy work, im especially proud of the man hole covers with Budapest etched on them .
    all voice chat sounds were put together using the "Free Audio Editor" from existing wolf et wav files
    Free Audio Editor 2009 available at http://www.free-audio-editor.com/index.htm
    a small note after struggling to get the new sounds to load, i acquired the quake3 util program fixWav from http://www.btinternet.com/~AnthonyJ/projects/FixWAV/ and that did the trick.
    piano sound effect from http://www.pacdv.com/sounds/index.html
    -with some small editing on my part, mainly to reduce the size.
    all either edited stock md3's from wolf et pk0, or my own creations. none of the static models are inculded in the pk3 so if u want them youll have to contact me.
    //////Omni-bot scripts and map coding,//////////
    all my own work, with help from various tutorials and forum posts.
    special thanks to dood and crapshoot at the omni_bot forums for there help and clearifications


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  17. Nightmare - nightmare.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: nightmare.pk3
    Map name: nightmare.bsp
    Author(s): Blowfish
    The map was started two weeks before Halloween 2009, because of a joke Stealth made. Lets build a map for halloween...... sure why not. Ofcourse we didnt make it, since we normaly need about 2-3 months for a map. The reason we used some stuf from other mappers / modelmakers ...
    The objectives are simple. Allies have to get the documents from the graveyard to the statue near the church. And have to blow up the generator, protecting Dracula's chest. Both can be done at the same time. There are a few hidden portals which will help you move around the map or get you out of endless tunnels.
    Have fun playing it and let me (blowfish@xs4all.nl) know if you run into weard things.
    == Map name : Nightmare ==
    == version : 1.0 ==
    == Made by : Blackops Clan ==
    == Designed : Blowfish
    == website : http://www.enemyterritory.biz ==
    == Date : 11-12-2009 ==
    The map was started two weeks before Halloween 2009, because of a joke Stealth made. Lets build a map for halloween...... sure why not. Ofcourse we didnt make it, since we normaly need about 2-3 months for a map. The reason we used some stuf from other mappers / modelmakers ...
    The objectives are simple. Allies have to get the documents from the graveyard to the statue near the church. And have to blow up the generator, protecting Dracula's chest. Both can be done at the same time. There are a few hidden portals which will help you move around the map or get you out of endless tunnels.
    Have fun playing it and let me (blowfish@xs4all.nl) know if you run into weard things.
    Omnibot 0.66
    Included in the zip file.
    Special Thanks to
    Scripting, debugging, waypointing
    Stealth - Blackops Clan
    Made the castle and changed part of the church by Magic.
    Ganjaman - Blackops Clan
    Made the generator house
    wooden hut he made for Breakout 2
    Magic (www.magics-territory.com)
    He made the base of the nice Church and used some textures of Mitchell.
    The designers of Enemy Territory, since I copied a few things from the original maps and modified em.
    Splashdamage forum (www.Splashdamage.com)
    For all the people helping eachother create maps.
    2Bit (http://www.pythononline.co.uk/et/tutorial.htm)
    For the great dummy proof tutorial they made. This helped me a lot !
    Berzerkr of www.wolfmap.de
    For the great resource of ET things on that website (like the good RSS feeds and prefab section).
    Erik-Ftn, ola_erik@hotmail.com
    Created the rtcw_ent_in_et_beta2.pk3 which I used for some nice extras.
    Blackops Clan
    To all who helped us testing and debugging.
    Oak (Oak@abonados.cplus.es)
    Title : Crucified Guy
    Mapobject type : Cross-attached 😜
    Date : Jun 28th 2000
    Filename : md3-crucified.pk3
    Title : Impaled Skeleton
    Mapobject type : Impaled Object
    Date : May, 8
    Filename : md3-impaled_skel.pk3
    Title : Celtic Cross
    Mapobject type : Stand still
    Date : May 10th 2000
    Filename : md3-celtic_cross.pk3
    Gollum (sam.a.williams@virginnet.co.uk)
    Title : Skeleton pack
    Mapobject types : Skeletons in different positions
    Date : August 5 - 8
    Tim Douthit (dead_gibs@yahoo.com)
    Two models:
    Griffin.md3 Statue of a griffin
    Fountain.md3 Fountain with two Griffins
    Jeffrey R Chaplin aka CASE (jeffrey@channel1.com)
    MD3-CASE01.PK3, map object model
    Ruilaanh Guard
    Tamara "Ophelia" Crossley (mreff@javanet.com)
    Angel statue
    Dracula by tragesser
    Bought as 3ds file and converted to md3 with Milkshape.
    Do not use in map, unless you also bought the model at Turbosquid.com !!


       (0 reviews)


  18. CTF Maat Beta 1 - ctf_maat_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: ctf_maat_b1.pk3
    Map name: ctf_maat_b1.bsp
    Author(s): cyburk
    It's a CTF map where both teams have to capture up to 4 flags to win the game. When the time runs up the team with more captured flags wins. In case of a draw the game ends draw.
    Custom Enemy Territory Map.
    Axis Respawn Time: 15 sec
    Allied Respawn Time: 15 sec
    Match Time: 25 Minutes
    Filesize: 6,9 MB
    Both Teams are Attacking
    Deep in the Egypt Desert stands the Tempel of Maat where the Gods hold the Papyrus of the Future. Since the Future is not written yet there are two Papyrus Documents with two versions of the Future! One with the victorious Future for the Allies and one victorious for the Axis! The Team who transmitts the Documents first will prevail over the other.


       (0 reviews)


  19. Soccer_b2 - soccer_b2.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: soccer_b2.pk3
    Map name: soccer_b2.bsp
    The team that have scored five goals or have scored the most goals when time expires wins!
    Allied Objectives
    1 "Primary Objective:**Steal Axis gold."
    2 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from stealing Allied gold."
    3 "Primary Objective**Score goals with the stolen gold."
    4 "Primary Objective**Prevent the Axis from scoring goals."
    5 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the Allied Radio Jammer.**This will slower the Axis recharge rate!"
    6 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from constructing there Radio Jammer."
    7 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the Allied commandpost**Gain a faster recharge rate!"
    8 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from constructing there commandpost."
    Axis Objectives
    1 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from stealing Axis gold."
    2 "Primary Objective:**Steal Allied gold."
    3 "Primary Objective**Prevent the Allied from scoring goals."
    4 "Primary Objective**Score goals with the stolen gold."
    5 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Allied from constructing there Radio Jammer.**This will slower the Allied recharge rate!"
    6 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the Axis Radio Jammer."
    7 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the Axis commandpost**Gain a faster recharge rate!"
    8 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from constructing there commandpost."
    Allies 16
    Axis 16
    Prefab Acknowledgements
    Special thanks to:
    Known Bugs
    -On the commandmap it looks like players are walking backwards when they don't.
    -Some textures on the ground floor (paintball room) don't load. See-through from one side.
    I want to thank the people who made the tutorials, without it I couldn't make the map!
    Also thanks to the Splashdamage forums!
    EEFclan.nl for hosting my map, for testing & helping with bug fixes!
    Programs used
    - Enemy Territory (ETPro)
    - GtkRadient 1.3.8
    - Adobe Photoshop CS4
    - WinRAR
    - PakScape
    Change log
    Finished Soccer_b2 17-02-2010
    Bug fix textures 24-02-2010
    In this file find the waypoints file to run the score of the game of football game:
    soccer_b2 waypoints.rar


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  20. War in 058 - WarIn058fix.pk3

    Download pk3 name: WarIn058fix.pk3
    Map name: WarIn058.bsp
    Author(s): NightMare058 & Scorpio!
    Axis must fight against Allies. Both teams have their own base.


       (0 reviews)


  21. UJE Mountain Sniper NC | UJE_mountain_sniper_nc.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: UJE_mountain_sniper_nc.pk3
    Map name: UJE_mountain_sniper_nc.bsp
    Author(s): [UJE]Niek
    No crossing versions of UJE Mountain Sniper NC map.
    Map have way points inclusive.


       (0 reviews)


  22. UJE Kitchen Sniper NC - UJE_kitchen_sniper_nc.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: UJE_kitchen_sniper_nc.pk3
    Map name: UJE_kitchen_sniper_nc.bsp
    Author(s): [UJE]Niek
    No crossing versions of UJE Kitchen Sniper NC map
    map have way points inclusive.


       (0 reviews)


  23. UJE Flat Sniper NC - UJE_flat_sniper_nc.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: UJE_flat_sniper_nc.pk3
    Map name: UJE_flat_sniper_nc.bsp
    Author(s): [UJE]Niek
    No crossing versions of UJE Flat Sniper NC map .
    All maps have way points inclusive.


       (0 reviews)


  24. Rushers 11 Beta 2 - rushers11_b2.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: rushers11_b2.pk3
    Map name: rushers11.bsp
    Author(s): Atari"ET.Atlas"
    The Allies have to Rush the Gizeh City and Destroy the Axis Generator before the Allies start their Air Attack. The German Afrika Korps has to be stopped from threatening the vital British supply line across the Suez Canal.
    - Construct the Bridge.
    - Escort the tank to the Depot2.
    - Destroy the Axis Generator.
    - Infiltrate through the Depot1 gate.
    - Capture the Forward Depot1 from the Axis. Keep the attack rolling!
    - Destroy the Bridg gate.
    - Stop the Axis from constructing a Command Post .
    - Prevent the Allies from building the Bridge.
    - Don't let the Allies Destroy the Generator.
    - Prevent the Allies from Overtake Depot2.
    - Prevent allied escorting the tank to the Bridge Gate.
    - Defend the Depot1 from the Allies.
    - Stop the Tank from reaching ther Depot2.
    - Stop the Allies from constructing a Command Post.
    Additional information:
    Type : Objective, Campaign, Stopwatch
    Spawn Points : supports up to 32 players, 16 per side
    rushers11 waypoints.rar


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  25. Midnight Raid Beta 1 - midnightraid_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: midnightraid_b1.pk3
    Map name: midnightraid_b1.bsp
    Author(s): Benfun7
    The Allies have made their way into the Mountains to destroy the Axis fuel supply.
    - Destroy the West Fuel Supply before axis reinforcements arrive.
    - Destroy the East Fuel Supply before axis reinforcements arrive.
    - Destroy the main gate.
    - Open the depot gates.
    - Set up a Command Post.
    - Prevent Allies in the implementation of the above.
    midnightraid_b1 waypoints.rar


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