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Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Maps for Downloads.

1004 files

  1. Braundorf Final - braundorf_final.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: braundorf_final.pk3
    Map name: braundorf_final.bsp
    Author(s): Brevik
    Allied Intelligence have discovered a weapon research bunker outside of the town of Braundorf. It is the Allies mission to blow up the gas and electricity control systems, causing overloads wich will destroy the facility.
    braundorf_final waypoints.rar


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  2. Bone NCM - bonencm.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: bonencm.pk3
    Map name: bonencm.bsp
    Author(s): B0n3g1b
    Allies must steal the Tank's Rocket and Secure it to the Tank.Then destroy Radar Base Gate and Steal the Radar Parts!
    -Protect the Gate
    -Protect the Cage
    -Protect the Rocket
    -Construct the Defence
    -Construct the Command Post
    -Protect the Radar Part
    -Construct the Assault Ramp
    -Construct the Command Post
    -Construct the Water Pump
    -Destroy the Gate
    -Destroy the Cage
    -Steal the Rocket
    -Steal the Radar Part
    bonencm waypoints.rar


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  3. Base - base.pk3

    Download pk3 name: base.pk3
    Map name: base.bsp
    Author(s): dFx
    Same map as Decrypted but that map has waypoints.
    Axis must keep the decrypted documents until the reinforcement to arrive. First they must save the doors witch are very good protection. Secondary, they must keep control of the transmitter witch is the key of salvation.
    Allies have to get back the decrypted documents to their brain trust in order to change the code and change their war plans. They must enforce this axis basement, begining by doors to get decripted documents back home.


       (1 review)


  4. AE Wizerness Final - ae_wizerness_final.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: ae_wizerness_final.pk3
    Map name: ae_wizerness_final.bsp
    # The Axis/Allies need to blow open the back door that leads to upper hallway for a secondary route into the enemy base.
    # The Axis/Allies need to get to the opposing forces V2 Rocket Control Center and blow the rocket controls.
    ae_wizerness_final waypoints.rar


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  5. Dom Depot Beta 1 - dom_depot_beta1.pk3

    Download pk3 name: dom_depot_beta1.pk3
    Map name: dom_depot.bsp
    Author(s): Chris
    The Allies and Axis are put face to face. They fight for the total control of the area,
    it's Powerball! Take the ball and score it in the enemy base, but don't forget to defend
    your own goal.


       (1 review)


  6. CTF Ramp - ctf_ramp.pk3

    Download pk3 name: ctf_ramp.pk3
    Map name: ctf_ramp.bsp
    This is a fun map designed for the allies to climb the hill to see how far you can jump while grabbing the objective docs & to see if you can land in the water to survive. Can you do it?


       (1 review)


  7. CTF King of the Hill - ctf_kothet.pk3

    Download pk3 name: ctf_kothet.pk3
    Map name: ctf_kothet.bsp
    There is one checkpoint style objective. To win, a team must hold the objective for a certain total amount of time (5 minutes, in this case). The team need not hold the objective continuously, but periods shorter than 10 seconds are not counted. Warnings are displayed as each team approaches the winning time. A click sound is made each time the allies hold the objective for 10 seconds, and a clank sound is made when the axis holds it.


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  8. Todesmarz - Todesmarz.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: Todesmarz.pk3
    Map name: Todesmarz.bsp
    A new map for the ET community to enjoy! Both the Allies and the Axis must keep their Radio transmitters functioning to call in reinforcements, while sending out teammates to destroy the opposing teams transmitter. See the readme for more information.
    todesmarz.gm todesmarz.way todesmarz_goals.gm


       (2 reviews)


  9. Road to Amiens Beta 1 - road2amiens_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: road2amiens_b1.pk3
    Map name: road2amiens_b1.bsp
    Author(s): Ray "theMaker" Jensen
    Allies must sabotage the Towers guarding the Road to Amiens.
    February 18, 1944.
    Under cover of night, an elite Allied squad has orders to sabotage the Axis Outpost
    guarding the Road to Amiens.
    5km to the north, Amiens Prison holds 700 inmates, including several important
    leaders in the French Resistance - 12 of whom are to be executed in 24 hours!
    Allies must succeed or the French activists will be shot!
    // Axis Objectives
    1 Primary Objective:**Defend the Towers!
    2 Primary Objective:**Defend the Compound Gate.
    3 Primary Objective:**Defend the Side Wall.
    4 Primary Objective:**Defend the Bunker Door.
    5 Primary Objective:**Prevent Allies from building the Assault Ramp.
    6 Secondary Objective:**Build the Cave Stairs Barrier.
    7 Secondary Objective:**Build the Command Post.
    8 Secondary Objective:**Prevent Allies from building a Command Post.
    // Allied Objectives
    1 Primary Objective:**Destroy the Towers!
    2 Primary Objective:**Destroy the Side Wall.
    3 Primary Objective:**Destroy the Compound Gate.
    4 Primary Objective:**Destroy the Bunker Door.
    5 Primary Objective:**Build the Assault Ramp.
    6 Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Cave Stairs Barrier.
    7 Secondary Objective:**Build the Command Post.
    8 Secondary Objective:**Prevent Axis from building a Command Post.
    road2amiens_b1 waypoints.rar


       (1 review)


  10. XSO Frag - xso_frag.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: xso_frag.pk3
    Map name: xso_frag.bsp
    Very simple frag map, with no objective.


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  11. Castle Trap - castle_trap.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: castle_trap.pk3
    Map name: castle_trap.bsp
    Author(s): ETc|Gouki... and ETc|#.Jay.#
    Its a nice 1 vs1 Map but you can play with more players too.
    castle_trap waypoints.rar


       (1 review)


  12. Steal V1 - steal_v1.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: steal_v1.pk3
    Map name: steal_v1.bsp
    Author(s): 1869*_Flame a.k.a Dante
    Allies want to have all 5 German gold crates, try to steal them from the Germans!
    Germans want to have all 5 allied gold crates, try to steal them from the allies!
    steal_v1 waypoints.rar


       (1 review)


  13. Black Ops House of Pain - bhop.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: bhop.pk3
    Map name: BHoP.bsp
    Allies and Axis just have to make as many frags as possible.


       (1 review)


  14. Warehouse - warehouse.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: warehouse.pk3
    Map name: warehouse.bsp
    Author(s): zig-zag
    The map supports all gametypes and it really well made just a little to dark.
    The Allies have learned of a new bomb being developed by the Axis.
    They must infiltrate an Axis warehouse, locate the bomb,
    and destroy it.
    Gametypes: Objective, Stopwatch, Last Man Standing
    warehouse waypoints.rar


       (1 review)


  15. Flag in the Middle - flag_in_the_middle.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: flag_in_the_middle.pk3
    Map name: flag_in_the_middle.bsp
    Author(s): Kent "Loffy" Lofgren
    # 6 vs. 6 map.
    # Game time: 10 minutes.
    # You must hold the flag when the time is over, to win the game. (The team that holds the flag when the game is over is the winner.)
    # If the flag is never owned by any team (no-one touches the flagpole), the game will end after 10 mintes, and it will be a draw game.
    # It has 2 bases: One Axis and one Allied. The bases are identical.


       (1 review)


  16. KOTH Warehouse - psl_koth.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: psl_koth.pk3
    Map name: psl_koth.bsp
    Author(s): Stealth'
    A pure frag map, The flag has to be successfully captured and held for 3 minutes to win. A draw is also possible.
    psl_koth waypoints.rar


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  17. Goldeneye Temple V2a - ge_temple_v2a.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: ge_temple_v2a.pk3
    Map name: ge_temple_v2a.bsp
    Primary objective Axis:
    defend the Chimpokomon lunchbox (crate of gold)
    Secondary objectives Axis:
    defend the Tunnel Barrier
    build the command post
    defend the forward flag
    Primary objectives Allies:
    steal the Chimpokomon lunchbox (crate of gold) and return it to the Sarcophagus
    Secondary objectives Allies:
    destroy the Tunnel Barrier
    build a command post
    capture the forward flag
    ge_temple_v2a waypoints.rar
    ge_temple_v2a.gm ge_temple_v2a.way ge_temple_v2a_goals.gm


       (1 review)


  18. KTA Massacre - kta_massacre.pk3

    Download pk3 name: kta_massacre.pk3
    Map name: kta_massacre.bsp
    Massacre has loong corridors for those with aim, and narrow corridors for those who enjoy quick and mad mayhem. Optimized for 12 vs 12 servers, but - knowing Heirpie, PoNS and the others over at Shit-Storm/=PoW= - it might be tested in an 25 vs 25 environment too, over at their massive servers (Caos and Extreme). Thus, I made sure that there are no "Hey! I can double jump up to this area!"-areas, e.g. I used plenty of Clip brushes. (They sometimes use the double jump setting on their servers - players reach any odd area like nothing.) I also included a lot of spawn-boxes.
    There is a secret room, up in the north-east corner of Massacre. I just have to add these perplexing facilities in almost every map. (No, there are no such rooms in North Pole. I get that question alot.)
    Massacre was made for clan kta. Just as a frag arena for them, and their servers (www.clan-kta.com). But it's for any server to download and use of course. I think I speak for many mappers when I say that the more servers that host custom maps, the better. The only visible Kta-related thing in the map, besides the name, is a small sign, (barely noticable) near the wall in a dark corner somewhere near the centre of the map.
    A key feature of Massacre is the neutral flag pole. It starts un-taken by both teams. The Axis and the Allies will have to run and fight for the flag, in the centre. Hopefully, there will be a lot of crazy fragging in that area, with the flag going back and forth between the teams. The Allied forces will get permanent forward spawn (and the flag will vanish) once the big Wall is dynamited. One of the smaller gates is named Steelrat's Gate to thank Steelrat for his excellent script/flag-prefab that I used.
    Although there is one main route, via the centre flag, there are also sneaky ways to go around the fragging action. Needless to say, the Axis must send some guys to the side doors/gates at match start - or else those gold thirsty Allies will steal their precious metal.


       (1 review)


  19. POW Escape Beta 2 - et_powescape2_b.pk3 and waypoints

    A big thank you to the UJE team in  [UJE]Niek  for the waypoint files
    Download pk3 name: et_powescape_b2.pk3
    Map name: et_powescape_b2.bsp
    Author(s): Codey
    Are you looking for a fun map to play with your friends, but still want the challenge to be there? Then this is definately the download for you! Not only do you have to complete the two main objectives (or stop them from being completed, depending on which team you're playing as) but these are randomly placed...which means, you cannot spawn, and make a bee line for the objective's location...you have to try to stay alive and search for them! If you think this offsets the balance in the game, don't despair, as the showers and taps will not just clean your hands and face, they will also give you health when turned on.
    There are some important features in this map to keep in mind:
    Random Objective Placement
    The two main objectives, Secret Documents and Soldier activation key, are placed randomly at the beginning of the match. To provide for more varied gameplay each match.
    Faucets give health
    All taps and showers in the map when turned on can give out health.
    Water supply pump destructible
    Either Axis or ally team can destroy the water pump with TNT located at the south-east of the camp. All taps in the facility will then not function for the remainder of the match.
    Alternate route out of the camp
    The General's car can be driven down the hill and crashed through the fence, providing an alternate route out. But you must find the key and start it up first.
    Each team has primary and seconday objectives, I think this adds to the challenge of the map, and if you're looking to have fun with the potential of some serious frag fests...then keep this in mind: the more, the merrier! The full potential of this map will be enjoyed if you have more rather then less players in the server.
    Some of your objectives are:
    1. Steal the top secret axis documents from the reearch facility
    2. Take the documents south to the train and escape with as many pow's as you can
    1. Capture and hold the North supply room to aid escape
    2. Capture and hold the Train station area to aid escape
    1. Prevent Allies stealing the top secret documents from the research facility
    2. Prevent Allies from escaping on the train with the documents
    1. Capture and hold the North supply room
    2. Capture and hold the Train station area
    et_powescape_b2.gm et_powescape_b2_goals.gm


       (1 review)


  20. POW Camp Beta 5 - powcamp_b5.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: powcamp_b5.pk3
    Map name: powcamp_b5.bsp
    Author(s): James "JAM" Meigs
    The Allies have analyzed aerial recon photos and discovered the location of a notorious POW camp. A small Allied force is given the task of breaking into the camp to destroy it and liberate the prisoners from their captors.
    1: Fix and advance the tank to destroy the garison wall.
    2: Build the Sola River bridge to move the tank across the river.
    3: Steal the Main Camp Gate Key from the Commandant quarters
    4: Take the key to the control tower to access the main POW camp.
    5: Blow up the Execution Wall to gain access to the crematorium/Gas Chamber
    6: Take the artillery shell from the gas chamber.
    7: Throw the artillery shell into the oven to blow up the crematorium.
    A: Build the command post
    B: Capture the forward spawn flag in the main POW Camp.
    😄 Build the assault ramp to have another way into the camp.
    😧 Disable or destroy the gas controls
    E: Build the scaffold for another way into the crematorium
    F: Dyno the invasion barrier to have another path into crematorium
    1: Prevent the Allies from escorting the Tank to the garrison wall.
    2: Prevent the Sola river bridge from being built.
    3: Protect the gate key from being stolen
    4: Don not allow Allies to take the key to the control tower.
    5: Protect the execution wall from being demolished.
    6: Protect the artillery shell from being stolen.
    7: Prevent allies from transporting the artillery shell to the crematorium oven.
    A: Build the command post
    B: Capture the forward spawn flag in the main POW Camp.
    😄 Do not allow Allies to build the assault ramp.
    😧 Build and maintain the gas controls
    E: Prevent the allies from building the scaffold
    F: Build and protect the invasion barrier to force allies south
    powcamp_b5 waypoints.rar


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  21. Raw Castle Tournament Edition - raw_te.pk3

    Download pk3 name: raw_te.pk3
    Map name: raw_te.bsp
    Author(s): Roger "redRum" Creus
    The allied army has taken a farm in East Anglia.
    There is a castle down the hills, the Axis is using it as their stronghold.
    The fortress is strongly defended by an old big wall which the allies will have to pass through.
    Valuable documents are resting into a vault, at the castle.
    Will the Allies be able to steal and transmit them?
    1. Protect the Documents
    2. Prevent allies from transmitting the Documents
    3. Defend the Main Wall
    4. Defend the Castle Main Door
    5. Defend or construct the Vault Door guarding the Documents.
    6. (Secondary) Dont let they capture the Tower Spawn
    7. (Secondary) Prevent allies from destroying the Castle Side Wall
    1. Steal the secret Documents
    2. Transmit the Documents
    3. Blow up the Main Wall and secure the Forward Spawn
    4. Destroy the Castle Main Door
    5. Blow up the Vault Door guarding the Documents.
    6. (Secondary) Capture the Tower Spawn
    7. (Secondary) Destroy the Side Wall and use it as a ramp to get access to the castle.


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  22. Sands of Time Beta 2 - sot_b2.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: sot_b2.pk3
    Map name: sot_b2.bsp
    Author(s): S.S.Pons, S.S.Darkness, Lowlife, william "neotic" buser
    The Axis war machine is running out of money to keep there war effort going, they have heard of a ancient temple that has a stash of gold that could keep the war going for years, allied intelligence has picked up the information thru informants and have sent a Special elite squad of allied Soldiers (Shit-Storm troopers) to stop the axis from pillaging the temples gold, allied forces have found the temple and have started to secure the area.
    sot_b2 waypoints.rar


       (1 review)


  23. Resurrection - resurrection.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: resurrection.pk3
    Map name: resurrection.bsp
    Author(s): RivrStyx
    1. Destroy Main Gate power to gain access to Kreiger.
    2. Steal Book of the Resurrection from Kreiger Mansion and make way to raft and escape to caves.
    3. Capture flag in mansion room to advance.
    4. Destroy secondary door for access into lower mansion.
    5. Destroy catacomb door for access into book room.
    Prevent all this!
    resurrection waypoints.rar


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  24. Osiris Final - osiris_final.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: osiris_final.pk3
    Map name: osiris_final.bsp
    Author(s): mel0ne
    small map
    steal the 3 goldbars from your opponents


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  25. Oasis Winter - oasis_winter.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: oasis_winter.pk3
    Map name: oasis_winter.bsp
    Author(s): Molotov
    as the name of the map says: oasis in winter dress;)
    oasis_winter waypoints.rar


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