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Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Maps for Downloads.

1004 files

  1. Teutoburg Forest Final - teutoburg_forest.pk3 and waypoints

    The Allies have surrounded the famous Teutoburg forest, an impervious forest in northwest Germany. The Axis are hiding a substantial amount of gold in the forest. The Axis are trying to escape from the forest with the gold. The Allies are trying to prevent this for all costs.
    Story short and punchy:
    Axis are trying to escape from the forest and Allies have to prevent this.
    1:..Escort the truck with the gold to the nearby train station
    2:..Destroy the main entrance
    3:..Escort the truck over the bridge
    4:..Load the gold on the Train
    5:..Escape with the gold from the forest
    1:..Prevent the Axis from reaching the train station with the gold
    2:..Prevent the Axis from destroying the main entrance
    3:..Prevent the Axis from escorting the truck over the bridge
    4:..Prevent the Axis from loading the gold on the train
    5:..Prevent the Axis from escaping with the gold from the forest
    Written by JoNny 1th Feb 2016
    teutoburg_forest waypoints.rar


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  2. 1944 Huertgen Forest and waypoints

    1944: Huertgen Forest was thickly wooded, cut by steep defiles and trails. The Axis built deep, artillery-proof bunkers, surrounded by fighting positions.
    AXIS - The Allies are attempting to steal valuable supplies from the Axis Truckyard, stop them at all costs!
    ALLIES - The Axis Truckyard contains valuable supplies. We must secure them to claim victory in the Forest!
    1944_huertgen_final2 waypoints.rar


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  3. Circle Jump

    Trickjump map
    It's quite big map and contains lot's of jumps
    -first jump is great to train starting.
    -easier jumps
    -harder jumps
    air Strafing/Ice/wall verticals/curved walls


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  4. Neko Jump 4

    Trickjump map.
    -easier jumps, and they are getting harder with each next jump(part)
    -after allies finish all their jumps, they can go through harder jumps from axis.
    - Hard jumps from start, they don't have to make all allies easier jumps.
    Strafing/Ice/Vertical walls


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  5. Piyo-FunJumps_R2

    Trickjump map.
    -Easy jumps, great for starters.
    -Medium jumps, for those who know how to trickjump.
    -Insane & Something, for those who like challenge.
    Strafing/Ice/vertical walls


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  6. Teuthonia Final - teuthonia_final.pk3 and waypoints

    The final version of Teuthonia has now been released by Teuthis.
    === New Map Features ===
    - A second bank entrance has now been created
    - There are more obstacles to provide cover at both axis spawns
    - There's a new tunnel system
    - A new balcony near axis the spawn to allow sniping (but just a bit)
    - Texture and script errors have been fixed
    - Lots of new models added too
    "I do not plan to come up with another version as I wanna close this chapter in order to move on with some new map projects. Nevertheless, I appreciate feedback, either positive or negative, it doesn't matter." - Teuthis
    | Objectives:..
    | Allies:..
    | 1:..Repair the tank
    | 2:..Escort the Tank and destroy the tank barriers
    | 3:..Escort the Tank into position to blow up the bank door
    | 4:..Steal the gold and bring it to a nearby truck
    | 5:..Escort the truck
    | 6:..Build a Command Post for faster charge times
    | 7:..Stop the Axis from constructing a Command Post
    | Axis:..
    | 1:..Prevent the Allies from repairing the tank
    | 2:..Build up the tank barriers
    | 3:..Prevent the Allies from blowing up the bank door
    | 4:..Stop the Allies from stealing the gold
    | 5:..Stop the Allies from escaping with the gold
    | 6:..Stop the Allies from constructing a Command Post
    | 7:..Build your Command Post for improved charge times
    teuthonia_final waypoints.rar


       (1 review)


  7. ET-Assault Beta 4 - et_assault_beta4.pk3 and waypoints

    Rating ENABLED for this map. Map Type: OBJ Map Size: Large
    This map was inspired by the map mp_Assault of Return To Castle
    Wolfenstein by Id/Nerve.
    In the beginning this map was just thought as some kind of test
    map for Enemy Territory Editing for myself. But when progress
    went on people who have seen the map convinced me to finish it
    and make it official.
    The map and pk3 include a few textures and models taken from
    rtcw, hope nobody will be too mad about me using them, but
    actually i'm not having the neccessary knowledge of making my
    own models.
    Thanks to everbody who helped me out when i had some ugly
    problems/bugs and thanks to n0Lame for beta testing
    et_assault_beta4 waypoints.rar


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  8. rocketrace_final2 pk3 and waypoints

    Primary objective:
    - Steal ALL construction materials for the Rocket stages and escape
    with it to the room behind the MG Wallhole near Command Post
    Secondary Objective:
    - Construct a command post
    - Take the forward spawn for a shorter way to construction materials
    Primary objective:
    - Steal ALL construction materials for the Rocket stages and escape
    with it to the room behind the MG Wallhole near Command Post
    Secondary Objective:
    - Construct a command post
    - Take the Forward spawn for a shorter way to construction materials
    *Screenshots are coming soon*


       (1 review)


  9. monkey_island and waypoints

    Basic Information
    Author : Rolator
    Email address : kaffeejunkie@gmx.de
    Webpage : http://www.rolator.de.vu
    Map Information
    Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Title : Monkey Island Final
    Filename : monkey_island.pk3
    Release date : 2004-04-01
    Decription :
    Program : SD Radiant 1.4.0-rc2
    q3map2 parameter: (Final) BSP -meta, -vis, -light -fast - filter -samples 2 -bounce 8
    Build time : (with breaks) 5month
    Compile time : 20 minutes
    Compile machine : AMD Athlon XP2800, 512mb
    Installation : Place the monkey_island.pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the multiplayer->create server menu or
    bring down the console and type: map monkey_island.
    Custom Textures : no
    Sounds : the monkey;)
    Custom Models : no
    Patrol Points : yes
    Release note Final:
    It`s done... the f***in fog-bug (kick and cab u know what i mean) had waste a lot of time and nerves.
    Release note b6:
    Due to some suggestions and some practical (thx to my clan "blackSheeps" for server hosting) i have chanced the
    ammo cabinets to medic cause its a small fun-trainingsmap and the most players dont chose a medic for 1on1. if u like the
    ammo cabinets take the version b4!
    This is a small fun map for 6 players at most I think
    I was bored of little "fun" maps (i play to have fun;) without objectives, that makes ET for me attractive! So the flag holding team
    spawns right away and wins at the end of the roundtime!
    And as a special feature: Patrol Points. Stay 15 sec on the roof-top of ur bunker and dislock a medic cabinet. The First time i tryed
    this.... i think a nice feature.
    I hope u enjoy playin this map.
    Play fair and cheating sucks!
    Thanks to:
    ydnar for the shaderlab_1337 pak
    G0-Gerbil for his exellent PatrolPoint SampleMap
    Special thanks and Credits to:
    KaschZappa for test´in and hardware;)... "bS.cab","bS.em@cs","bS.dr4z43l","bS.K!ck" and the rest of my clan
    And all the Guys @ www.level-designer.de specally: michi.be,Ron-007,asw,BeoWulf...
    --> Good Job! Without them I would never start to make Maps.
    Copyright © 2004 "Rolator" all rights reserved
    This level may be electronically distributed only at
    NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
    include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN


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  10. Monte Cassino (Final 2) and waypoints

    Italia 1944, The Allies have to steal the secret Documents, we located them in a Monastery Monte Cassino
    Axis objectives
    1 "Primary Objective:
    Stop the Allies from stealing the Gold Bars from the Monastery Monte Cassino."
    2 "Secondary Objective:
    Stop the Allies from escaping with the Gold Bars from the Monastery Monte Cassino."
    3 "Secondary Objective:
    Prevent the Allies from constructing an Assault Ramp up the West and East side of the Mountain."
    4 "Secondary Objective:
    Defend the Main Entrance."
    5 "Secondary Objective:
    Defend the Side Entrance."
    6 "Secondary Objective:
    Capture the Forward Bunker in a Church."
    7 "Secondary Objective:
    Stop the Allies from constructing a Command Post."
    8 "Secondary Objective:
    Prevent the Allies from establishing a Water Pump."
    Allied objectives
    1 "Primary Objective:
    Steal two crates of Gold from the Monastery Monte Cassino."
    2 "Secondary Objective:
    Escape with the crates of Gold to the Alliies Startpoint."
    3 "Secondary Objective:
    Construct an Assault Ramp up the West and East side of the Mountain."
    4 "Secondary Objective:
    Destroy the Main Entrance."
    5 "Secondary Objective:
    Destroy the Side Entrance."
    6 "Secondary Objective:
    Capture the Forward Bunker in a Church."
    7 "Secondary Objective:
    Stop the Axis from constructing a Command Post."
    8 "Secondary Objective:
    Repair the Water Pump."
    monte_cassino waypoints.rar
    monte_cassino.gm monte_cassino.way monte_cassino_goals.gm


       (1 review)


  11. Adlernest Roof B1 - adlernest_roof_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    Adlernest Roof B1
    Modified with DerSaidin's permission.
    - Roof access added from CP spawn and axis spawn after the controls are blown
    - Added access to the abyss with rope exit leading to under axis spawn
    - Bug jump on the roof removed
    - Added rocket launcher (can be used once only), which creates a hole in the roof (near the ammo packs)
    - Removed walls next to the ammo packs
    Modified by KiSsMySeXyAsS a.k.a. MorpHDoc
    adlernest_roof_b1 waypoints.rar


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  12. El Kef Final - el_kef_final.pk3 and waypoints

    Map Type: OBJ
    Map Size: Medium
    Attacker: Allies
    Map Description:
    El Kef is a city taken over by the Axis forces in order backup and cover the Tunisian coast.
    An allied squad is sent over to El Kef to rob a radio transmitter so Axis forces can receive the
    crypted messages of Axis defense points.
    The map is split in 2 main sections:
    - A first section where the aim is to rush for a forward spawn flag and destroy a main entrance
    gate. This section is similar to the first part of oasis because the flag and objective are close
    and a team door allows an attacking team covert ops to open a direct access to the final objective
    - A second section where the aim is to steal an objective and return it to a truck. There are several
    ways of reaching this objective, and an important one is a command post which provides an advanced spawn
    for the team that sets it up.
    Map Contents:
    - 1 neutral command post
    - 3 different spawns for allies, 2 for axis
    - 1 objective to rob (radio transmitter)
    - 1 extraction point (truck)
    - 2 constructible defenses for the defending team (satchel breakable)
    - 1 health & ammo rack
    el_kef_final waypoints.rar


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  13. Caen 4 Final - caen_4.pk3 and waypoints

    Place caen_4.pk3 into you "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory/etmain" directory.
    Gamemodes supported:
    Objective, stopwatch. LMS not supported
    1 "Primary Objective:Defend the town."
    2 "Primary Objective:Prevent the Axis from repairing the tank."
    3 "Primary Objective:Stop the tank from crossing the river."
    4 "Primary Objective:Don't let them break into Battalion HQ."
    5 "Primary Objective:Protect the maps."
    6 "Primary Objective:Do not let the Axis get away with our maps."
    7 "Secondary Objective:Establish a Command Post inside the town hall."
    8 "Secondary Objective:Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post."
    1 "Primary Objective:Take control of the town."
    2 "Primary Objective:Repair the tank."
    3 "Primary Objective:Escort the tank across the river."
    4 "Primary Objective:Break into the Allied Battalion Headquarters."
    5 "Primary Objective:Steal the maps."
    6 "Primary Objective:Escape with the maps."
    7 "Secondary Objective:Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post."
    8 "Secondary Objective:Set up a Command Post inside the town hall."
    Change log
    If you do not want to add additional filesize to server,
    use the non-pk3 version (caen_fixes.zip). If you want some visual/acoustic improvements, use the pk3.
    caen_4 waypoints.rar


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  14. Adlernest HNS - adlernest_hns.pk3 and waypoints

    Changes from Adlernest final:
    Added elevator from abyss to corridors and roof
    Ladder access to the roof from CP
    Clipped mountains and gaps
    Removed a wall and added a door near ammo racks
    Added holes into walls around abyss
    Added rock steps from abyss to the bridge
    adlernest_hns waypoints.rar


       (1 review)


  15. Barroca's Base Beta 8 and waypoints

    Rating ENABLED for this map. Map Type: OBJ Map Size: Medium
    barrocas_base_b8 waypoints.rar


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  16. AA-Guns Final and waypoints

    Map Description:
    The axis forces are retreiving in hurry from north africa
    and are gathering the ammo storaged in a bunker.
    The allied forces are about to destroy this low guarded axis
    ammunition bunker.
    1. Destroy / protect the Axis north bunker door
    2. Destroy / protect the Axis southbunker door
    3. Destroy / protect the Axis ammo storage
    4. Build command post
    Map Features:
    - command post
    - Ammo and health cabinets
    - some custom textures
    - custom shaders
    aa-guns waypoints.rar


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  17. Norwegian Battery b6 and waypoints

    Story: its the late summer of 1943 and the axis are loosing control over the north sea. The allied has noticed that and a new power is growing in the allied forces. The allied high comand has desided to use the new mobility over the north sea to attack german bases in norway.
    But before they can start the offensive they need to destroy a battery so they can get close into the rocky beaches with their battleships..
    Mission: the allies need to unlock the battery with a keycard and then destroy the guncontrols.
    Map by oVe - TheWolfTeam.
    norwegian_battery_b6 waypoints.rar


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  18. F|A Base

    F|A Base map for et, made by DeathBringer


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  19. Norwegian_battery

    Norwegian battery b5
    Story: its the late summer of 1943 and the axis are loosing control over the north sea, a new power is growing in the allied forces and they are now aout to attack the german bases in norway as they got good mobility over the north sea. But they need to destroy a battery firts, before they can get closer with their ships.
    Mission: the allies must steal a keycard and unlock the doors of the battery.
    Then they need to destroy the guncontrols
    Special: 2h/a cabinets + totally new section + a target show where the allies must steal and deliver the keycard + there are now 4 entrences to the battery to avoid ultra-camping.
    source: http://www.thewolfteam.org/download.php?view.97


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  20. The Shrine Beta 3 and waypoints

    This is a new Axis-attack map created by Thunder.
    ~~~The Storyline~~~
    Allied command has intercepted some secret radio transmissions sent between Axis forces, where there has been talk of an ancient Egyptian shrine which is located deep inside a pyramid. This ancient artifact is said to possess great powers, so the Allied forces hurry to try and to defend the pyramid in order to make the shrine safe. Unfortunately for the Allies, an Axis attack force is already closing in on them.
    the_shrine_beta3 waypoints.rar


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  21. Sniper From Mars - sniper_from_mars.pk3 and waypoints

    LoRenz released his new ET Map - Sniper From Mars
    This map is about an horror sci-fi movie, and also a tribute to Star Trek.
    Two Vulcan starships, Shran class, after a space battle, fall on Mars.
    The hull is broken, corrosion begins, but we must continue the fight.
    The snipers come into play!
    Crossing is possible, easy on terrain, but hard to go into enemy starship. Atmosphere is set to 320.

    sniper_from_mars.gm sniper_from_mars.way sniper_from_mars_goals.gm


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  22. UJE Airport Final and waypoints

    UJE Airport Final made by [uJE] Niek - Allies objective map
    The allies have to break into the airfield. Once they blow up the main entrance they can destroy the flight controls and detroy the 2 airplanes.
    Allies objective:
    *Destroy the main entrance
    *Destroy both cargoplanes
    *Destroy the Flight controls
    *Destroy the sidedoor for faster acces
    *Fix commandpost
    Axis objective
    *Defend the main entrance
    *Prevent the allies from blowing up the cargoplanes
    *Prevent the allies from blowing up the flight controls
    *Build commandpost
    *Build the side door


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  23. Dingenskirchen Beta 1 - dingenskirchen_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    December 1944: The noose tightens around the Reich's neck as Allied forces threaten to cross the Siegfried Line and advance into Germany. In a strategy meeting in an Eifel castle, German high command has worked out plans on how to repel the invaders. Allied intelligence wants these plans destroyed before they can be distributed to the front line.
    This map has three main objectives instead of one, two of which must be completed by the Allies in order to win the match. This was done in an attempt to prevent the massive objective camping by the defending team on some maps.
    Allied mission:
    Repair and steal the axis tank located in the village.
    Capture the village spawn and escort the tank past all obstacles and use it to blow open the Castle Gate.
    Map Objective 1/3: Steal an ancient treasure which the Axis have hidden inside the castle wine cellar.
    Map Objective 2/3: Blow up the axis high command conference room to sabotage the coordination of the axis troops.
    Map Objective 3/3: Retrieve a microfilm containing axis war secrets which an OSA agent managed to get hold of and swallow before being killed by the German forces.
    dingenskirchen_b1 waypoints.rar


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  24. |ES|Puffo Sniper and waypoints

    ES|Puffo Sniper did it for fun and for my clan. Was demand from my daughter, so, i made it!
    Hope you like it and you have fun. Thanks to my daughter Caterina for his help for texture.
    no crossing map
    incl. waypoints


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  25. |ES|Italy Sniper and waypoints

    |ES|Italy Sniper is a copy of his own house and garden. Even details like location of furniture in the house should match.
    Ofcourse, things has been added or removed to the map, to make it more playable.
    I guess we can say, this map is an invitation to visit the home of |ES|LoRenz on a hot someday in the North of Italy.
    Enjoy the visit, and remember, when you visit someone, be polite, and only shot in direction of neighbour
    no crossing map
    incl. waypoints


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