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It's been a long time

It's been a long time and I haven't shared any new updates since a while. Sometimes, I feel it's just 2008 and we just started our community but when I see the calendar, it's 2018. When we started while back it was just me, Rainier, Joe, FEM, yoyo and medic. Rest others followed over the period of time. Medic was the one who pursued me big time, to add COD4 servers when COD4 was at peak. Then we become super popular in COD4 in top 5 and over the period of time, server activity declined. My this year goal is to make COD4 popular again slowly with new server settings and bring some oldies back for fun. I still can't believe Anique, you are still around. Even V!per came back from FAG days. 


I still can't believe almost 10 years have passed by. 10 years is a long time. I was single, working, running community during free time and enjoying my free life.  It used to be really fun time and it still is. But let's be honest, oldies are like your first love in life. You never forget them no matter what. I just wish Rainier, Joe, Medic and others would get active again. I kinda miss them sometimes. I am glad yoyo is still around and kicking, irrespective to our personal differences while back. But hey it's all history and I look forward each day towards rising sun!


I never for even once thought I will get to see 2018 with =F|A=. I had some rough time in my life during 2010-2013 and lot's of people helped me out. It would really hurt when I have to say, sorry guys, we are closing our community because of less donations, less peeps, less server activity. I get it, whatever comes in existence has to expire. But then every year, I say to myself, God no not this year, one year more. I would hate to see not talking to all of you. 


We will be soon looking to promote some of our new members to help out oldies like me and fill in the shoes so that they can continue legacy of =F|A=. Does that mean, I am going inactive? No not at all. I will be around and kicking. In fact, I have started advertising about our website on COC, COR, COD4, ET, Insurgency and DOI forums to get more new players to our community. This community has given me so much, that I can't forget. 


For once, I wish, I can go on lunch with all the members but alas, we humans are dreamers and that's what keep us alive. We are nothing but emotional animals, looking for some love from our friends and family. In this case =F|A= has been my first baby, friends and family!


I for one, thank you to all of you for being so nice to me over all the years. From members to staff, I am lucky enough to find friends who came out for rescue when I needed the help most. 


I will see you all tomorrow. Have a nice weekend ladies & gentleman!

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Well worded my friend!

Man, I have no idea what I would be doing right now if my Dad never joined this clan. I probably would not be where I am, just to keep it simple. You have provided me with a wonderful experience here, and numerous memorable moments. But I think I can speak for all of us in these terms, as we all appreciate what you guy's do for us. For example, we don't have to have new maps, but yet you add them anyways. We don't have to have new features added for forums, but you add them anyways. You show nothing but pure dedication for making our day's better, even when your's might not. It's been a privilege to do what you allow me to do, and help out with, and I thank you for that. I look forward to keep doing these things, and I feel like this is no where near the end. 


Trust me, I will be the last person to leave this place. Or let me rephrase that, I'll be here. 

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First off, huge thanks from an ET player for your continous effort to keep the community alive for so long. I realize it requires help from all FA members, but if you left, it would soon die and we all know that. Though I've joined quite recently, I've been watching how the clan has been functioning since its early days, and I can fairly say, there's no such community that has lasted so long in such a great shape, not only regarding ET clans. I've been in several ET clans and all of them had a great atmosphere, I met wonderful friends, spent moments that I'll never forget. But they all died, even though they didn't have to pay 1/10 of expenses FA has to pay. And that's probably what I like the most in FA, it just gives me some kind of sense of security, that it won't just fall apart soon and I'll be lost again (that sounded bad :D ).

So, as long as you exist and keep doing nice stuff that you do, I'll try to support you as long as I can :)

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My english isn't the best (and you know it :P) but i want to say thank you for all that you taught us. And not only in the game/forum but in the relations between players/admins/trools (:P).

You were always there to guide us in our actions.

Always there when we need some support irl, we have all high/low moment.....

Even after 8 years, your patience always surprise me (how many time you have waste your time with me, like since 2 days xd). You represent the serenity and the a self-abnegation.


Big thank you boss for your dedication to FA  :app:


FAmily will never die.....


PS : if you don't understand, post here :lol2:https://fearless-assassins.com/forum/224-language-learning-translation/


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Very cool. I agree, 10 years is a long time. People change a lot, I know I did. I hope you post more stories in the future DD!

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Professor Tony


Very heartfelt post. I can completely understand much of what you have said and I have only been with FA for a fraction of the 10 years. When we think of FA there are many of us who constantly call it a FAmily. The reason is that it is %100 percent true. Not only is it a place where we can be ourselves without being judged but it is full of support from everyone. I for one look forward to coming on the forums and Servers daily to reach out to people who I truly miss talking to and sharing with. This kind of support system is essential to keep my sanity sometimes. The point of my rambling is this, Every FAmily needs a leader, a person who can help in ruff times, a person who can see the big picture and whether we like it or not give us the correct guidance. This is you. I made a post when I met you on the server for the first time referring to you as a Legend. You can deny all you want but Anyone who can accomplish what you have deserves the title. Not only did you create this clan but you made strangers friends and friends FAmily. Possibly the best decision you made was giving me the opportunity to join. (Just a joke)

All this to say Thank You, not just for what you have done, but what you do and will do. 

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We did it, dd! We kickstarted the blogging :D


The reason why this gaming clan still exists, is because it is more than a gaming clan. It's an opportunity to meet people and really get to know them. Like I told you in private, we have you to thank for that. Yes yes, and all the regulars and players and 0-21 and blah blah blah but also you. We all, with some luck, made this clan into something special.


Cheers, have a good weekend!

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F|A clan is one of the bestest thing that happened with me.... Being with you guys feels like family.... I care for this clan and each n every members of it..... That's why I will try my best to keep it alive.... :)

Thanks to all DD, all the leaders and staffs and all the members and admins for working so hard for it.... Also thanks to the ex members for their effort and lastly thanks to our regulars who provide us the full server :P and for whom we get the drive to work more and more.... 


Btw those words made my day DD :D@daredevil

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I had some good times here. Also some good fights (verbal and gaming ones hahaha). It's always nice to know that beside my current community I can come and play on FA servers, and meet and HF with some old friends. There are few members I met IRL and was a blast. Anyway, really some nice ppl here. Cu arround

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It was very nice to read :)
I have to admit that I havent been here for long, only since about december (last year), when some old memories brought me back to this game (ET) :)
I am really happy that it happend and also that I found this amazing clan
In this short time (so far!) I had the chance to meet many wonderful and unique people here, and I also hope this process hasnt ended ^^ So far I only met with helpful, friendly, and caring people in this clan and I hope I will be able to give back what I get from you ^^
I would also like to promise to help keeping this community alive as long as possible, and in the best possible shape :D
And I would also like to thank the founders, without whom this wouldnt ever existed, Daredevil, who puts tireless efforts into making stuff even better and is doing a fantastic job, staff+ who are doing great job managing the clan, members and their efforts on the servers, and also the server visitors who give FA traffic
And also thank you for the opportunity for being here with all of you :)
Let us all enjoy!

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Posted (edited)

DD my friend  i know you since the start of  F|A right at the down fall of *Evil* i was only with  Evil for a little over  a year then something happen the clan fell apart must of the  members just  went  poof but  F|A was still around so my first move was to  put in my  app back in  09 i think and i been F|A ever since then i'm still a member  i never  really wanted power or i think i would of been one of the  co leaders or leader by  now but i was just to young to want that responsibility and  even tho i'm 30 i still don't think i want that weight  on my shoulders but if you ever need anyone to talk to or help with something  i may be a member but i'm still willing to help with what i can  


 i still ware my  Evil *'s in respect to the fall of evil but i'm happy lot of my good friends from evil have and still are making there way in to  F|A cookie/geoff and some others that i forget there names  of  and i'm sorry names are just not my thing 



and it's   giphy.gif  to come  xD 

Edited by *Kiba*
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Damn, it has been 10 years already. That's indeed a very long time. To hold a community together of this size and shape, you need one hell of a leader(s) and also the supporting pillars.


I remember seeing you on dow for some time.. and poof F|A was born into existence a few weeks later. From there on and now has been a trip down the memory lane, good times were had. I'm proud to be a part of this community.


If you ever want to grab a drink or 2 sometimes, hit me up man. B)

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We always will be on line guys!



Get out here with those onions. 


I remember when I was first recruited to ET many years ago. And miss the old Hulk and some other old members. Amazing how time flies. 

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  • Administrators


@Corey needs to get out of his basement. I still wonder about Z sometimes and @Forsaken is still kicking! @Maximo Decimo was shy player on .bb. days. @epicofail played on dow / .bb. since long time during 2006-07. Missed nerfy though. @Dixus buddy got busy with his kid. I pretty much remember each one :)


Me, Joe and Rainier will keep =F|A= going as long as we can with the help of you guys. It has just become part of my life and I can't live without it! It's a 2 way lane.  But I am counting on next gen people to pick up server configuration, settings, maintaining, etc. so I can sit back and relax for few months :)


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On 4/14/2018 at 7:35 PM, daredevil said:

@Corey needs to get out of his basement. I still wonder about Z sometimes and @Forsaken is still kicking! @Maximo Decimo was shy player on .bb. days. @epicofail played on dow / .bb. since long time during 2006-07. Missed nerfy though. @Dixus buddy got busy with his kid. I pretty much remember each one :)


Me, Joe and Rainier will keep =F|A= going as long as we can with the help of you guys. It has just become part of my life and I can't live without it! It's a 2 way lane.  But I am counting on next gen people to pick up server configuration, settings, maintaining, etc. so I can sit back and relax for few months :)


I can fill you in later 😘

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Well written DD. Logged on just to upvote. I've been on the forums since 2010 and I'm glad I got to see the clan grow and last to what it is today.



It won't be very long until FA becomes the community which I attended the longest, unless you consider d2jsp forum as one entity 😛

But this sure is the only community where I bothered to take real life changes with me to my gaming personality and I'm happy I did, something I pick the fruits of to this day even in games unrelated to this community.


That is, during the rare opportunity I have the time to play something.


Thanks for the community, chief!



I came from a well respected clan that was one of the oldest around at the time. It eventually fell after the founder had life issues come up. It gave me exposure into what a quality gaming group looked like. Keep in mind we only had an ETpub server and a couple ETpro servers later on.


However, what you and the other founders created is something incredible. The number of servers that F|A has continuously ran is unlike anything else. I believe 100% ET would not still be were it currently is without your participation with the silent and other development teams, custom anticheat, consistent server maintenance, admin rules, forums, donors, staff, recruitment, and of course the FA members and regular visitors.


F|A in my opinion is a big reason ET is still enjoyed by thousands across the globe. So thank you, it is still my favorite game out there and we are so lucky to have you all running these servers.



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The Partisan GR

Posted (edited)

Thank you, Daredevil, for this warm and heartfelt post, but above all, thank you for making this community come true and maintaining it for all these years. I've had some great moments in our servers, in game jokes and teases that I was often recalling afterwards and bursting to laughter; wonderful people, kind, supportive, with a great sense of humour, humane and mature; and a great gaming environment, free of hacks and injustices. I've been a regular in FA servers for as long as I remember playing COD4, and that is a long, long time. FA servers won me from the start due to their quality and that of their membership, and came to frequent them almost exclusively many years before I finally became a clan member. I remember Speed as a player (a memory he might want to erase 😛), and learned a lot from Forsaken, a legend back in those years. I remember Abnerdog, in honour of whom my favourite server was named. And many, many others...people came and left, and some I miss a great deal. But the intimate place where the fellowship hanged out have always been the FA servers. For this, they have earned a very special place in my heart, became a part of my life. Though I sometimes flirt with the notion of abandoning COD4 at last (as you say, all things end), I always find myself returning. It's by no means the game anymore, COD4 is by now a very old game; it's the community, the nostalgia, the reluctance to let a piece of my life and emotions go. I echo what you said about "first love". Us old-timers understand perfectly each other, having shared the same old love. So if God permits it, no, not this year. And once again, thank you so much for all you have offered us, a part of us will always be indebted to you. :)

Edited by The Partisan GR
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Ahhh , the memory lane :D


I remeber the begginings :D , good old times and hope for new better times  with this awesome community . 


Love you to pieces @daredevil

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CHAMBArelli Eduardo


My English is not one of the best, sometimes I do not communicate because of it. But I always knew that the FA family was there with its members, leaders, players, and as soon as I met I wanted to be a part of it all. I owe my congratulations to those responsible for maintaining everything. Everyone who started and gave continuity so that today, I would come back and find all this here and even better! Both the game and the players have been part of my life, even I do not talk much, but I recognize everyone who made/make part of the history of the game.

Thanks man, here in Brazil lacks this feeling of union and family and I as a Brazilian and seeing so many other Brazilians around here, I feel grateful for this feeling that the clan conveys to us.

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I joined in 2010 as a Cod4 player. I enjoy going on the forums and reading about all the stuff going on. Thanks for starting a great clan :)


It sucks that we can't all meet up and hang out, but we have had some local meet ups. We met up in Belgium once, DFighter was also there. Good times.

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This was a really nice read. Honestly, I didn't realize how much running the clan cut into your IRL. I knew it would to some degree, and I know you're not annoyed, that you will continue, I just feel bad that I'm not helping more. Besides donating, which I will do quite soon, what else can I do to help? I realize you don't know me all that well yet, I just want to be fair. Share the burden, you know? You do so much for us and I'm happy to do my share. Even though I'm somewhat new here, this clan is like my family. So, if I can do anything else... Just let me know :)



Great reading and super thx for keeping up the server and the community.  When I was reading your post I just had to donate asap. Not sure why I didn't do it before. 

Keep up the great job. High - Five from Norway :)

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