Im playing around with the new Rom superdragonPT has released for my tablet, the Asus memo pad hd 7. I really am beginning to love the Rom, (much better then beta 1) and am surprised how much faster it is. Camera still doesnt work, but that will be fixed soon. thx DragonPT!
Well I guess I coulda named this, "Why I Game" but, I didn't like the way that sounds..
You know, I have gamed my whole life, whether it was pc, console, handheld, or whatever, and one of the biggest reasons is, escapism. Now I know a lot of us do it for this reasons, and I know there are various other reason too. For me it is like getting lost in a great book, where you become the main character, and take on the quest or adventure that you are reading. It takes us out of our everyday m
any mac users know any good place to get games like battlefield 4 and call of duty ghost and other fantastic games besides steam been looking and have not found any good places to buy games for mac.
"I pledge allegiance to my Clan and the Community for which it stands, one -F|A- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Nil desperandum
promoted to Server Regular
5 !spec999 one user - reason - zombie
6 !spec999 one user - reason - zombie
7 !spec999 two people - reason - zombie
!warn 3 times - reason - spanish in main chat
!warn *junior - reason - tk witn panz all the time
8 bad day for server:
!warn *moron 3 times - reason - TK o
The month of the biggest looser,,, draping 15 pounds and getting 8 pounds of pure muscle.. running 1 mile in 7.49 minutes my first time i did 12 minutes my goal is 7minutes.. so much fun doing kickboxing cardio workout
i will be on holidays soon from 9-25 august so than i wont be active on the forums but i wish you all a happy holidays or for those who have to work enjoy it!
Hello fellas, long time i don't do a damn post, being busy playing and study and i forgot about this
To continue the saga of Beast Coast, i will now introduce you Flatbush Zombies, another psychedelic, drug pusher rap group (ain't them all like this?), from Flatbush Brooklyn.
The group is formed by Erick Arc Elliott who produces all most every track of them and also raps on them, Meech (Meechy Darko) rapper, who reminds me ODB a bit, and Juice, also rapping, the last member.
They all have
Haven't write blog for while so i felt like writing something
So as all know Men's Icehockey World Championships started about week ago ive watched all finlands game in jiidu's place and ofc drank few beer and grilled some sausage after game. So he has this african studen as roommate and he's laughing and wondering that how the fins drink so much and how can small human make such noise after goal xD.
Also disc golf season started and lucky my there is course less than 1 km away my hous
after long time, i post again some rumors . please don't spank me, for the long time without my blog
AMD Reportedly Launching Radeon HD 7990 “Malta” Dual-Chip GPU on 22nd April
It has been reported by PHK over at Expreview forums that AMD would be launching their upcoming Radeon HD 7990 “Malta” GPU on 22nd April 2013. AMD has been preparing their reference Radeon HD 7990 card since a while and was only showcased recently at GDC 2013 (Games Developer Conference).
AMD Possibly
For the first spot, a group i've been listening every damn day.
This group is called The Underachievers, a Brooklyn duo. Issa Gold (or Issa Dash, a more friendly name) and AK are the members.
They have a spiritual message behind their music, they are also some weed-tokers, and psychedelic drugs abusers, they believe that we all have a part of divinity in our soul, and the psychedelic helps them to achieve the enlightment and open their 3rd Eye. They have indigo beliefs
They are also in Bea
Heya fellas, ya'll know I'm an hiphop head right? If don't, now you know.
I created this blog in hope that you can appreciate rap & hip hop, but real one not the brainwashed kind, and to show you guys some of the soundtrack of my life.
I would appeciate if you comment here your favorite rappers and stuff like that.
This is the place for Rap & HIPHOP on =F|A=
Cmon players, give it a try!
So i think ive hade this so called fintard show 3 times, i dont remember everything so i just write some sentence's (collection of my and laintime's memories) ... its gonna be "fintard logic" blog so yeah....
First time was in Jiidu's place few months ago, i was in my auntie's husbands 50th birthday party and drank there something and then went to jiidu's place for after party we visited local pub first b4 fintard show began. So we joined ts i cant remember what we talked mainly and did i p
In the beginning there was me! No wait..... that does quite come off right...
In the first days there was myself, Katie Kuric, Mr Rogers, and Dr Zeuss. Yes that has the sound of "let's get it started!"
Katie was quite the freak by the way. Or so they say >.> Anyway, I wanted to start my own epicness blog cause im awesome!! or so the Voice in my head says. I wanted to reintroduce myself as well:
My name is Mike Berry seasoned war vet and recent Army retiree. I wish you could se
Has been a while since my last blog update. What's been happening?
Well. I'm glad you asked. OK. You didn't ask, but I'll let you know anyway.
Started in my college course in September, which has taken up quite a lot of my time - it's all geared towards getting work, so a lot of work. Crazy amounts. Right now I've got three separate group projects; User Centered Design, Web Communications and an Industry project with one of the larger companies in Ireland. These group projects are with
Before I start this note I'm going to mentioned that the "Title" was just something that sounded like a good thing to put, not quite sure why. Also, what I've written was supposed to be something more substantial but I'm struggling to work out where to go from where it currently ends. Enjoy.
event is a reaction to an action. When we understand this every moment in life becomes as special as the last, and the next.
I would like to explain something before I delve deep into my though
Hello colleagues,
I know the W: ET for a long time, like the game since the year 2000. Although known him so long, I never learned much about the game as in recent months. I have great difficulty with English, so I'm sure I made some mistakes, especially with regard to communication. I must have left a very bad impression. I am Brazilian, I like to interact with people, and how I do not understand much English, there is much less understood weeks ago, I simply ignored what they said, well, I mu
So here we go. The word on the street is that the team Joe Biden is spearheading has agreed to bring Obama ideas on using executive orders to curb mass shootings with assault rifles. Not mass killings... mass shootings with assault rifles.
What this means essentially is that nowadays the government of the U.S. thinks for some reason we work for them instead of the other way around. The 2nd Amendment is there so we can protect our homes and families.
So as you can see, I purchased the CoD:MW3 branded version of the G9x because it's half the price of the standard one - wouldn't you?
Purchased for £30 from Ebuyer - can be bought cheaper in the US.
What's in the box?
1x Logitech G9x CoD:MW3 branded gaming mouse
1x Spare 'rugged' feel CoD:MW3 branded mouse cover
1x Metal Logitech weights tin, holding varying weights for the mouse.
1x Soft textile Logitech CoD:MW3 branded mousepad (no mousepad included with the standard G9x)
In portuguese:
Eu tive que seguir um caminho árduo para chegar até aqui. E ainda tenho muito o que fazer para conseguir ser aceito como um =F|A=.
Procure informaçãos sobre requisições (apply) para aderir ao grupo, isso vai facilitar muito sua adesão.
Google Translator:
I had to follow a hard path to get here. And I still have lots to do to get itself accepted as a = F | A =.
Seek Info on Apply to join the group, it will greatly facilitate its accession.
Good luck!
I bought this mouse for a total of £6.98 when my last grey mouse ball wore out and it definitely is the business.
I think that the seller has set the price to 99p and then offset it with shipping costs of £6.99 as a marketing strategy - this is because I notice he doesn't deliver to hong kong where the item is located, so I assume the reason for this is that he would not profit from it ( though it might just be how they ship it)
I haven't teste
Seagate Goflex,
It does exactly what it says on the tin - a 3 tb (2.72 after formatting) usb3.0 harddrive. (and has survived a 1 metre drop by my idiot friend)
I am not sure if it supports USB 2.0, I think it does because it also requires to be plugged into a power outlet - but i'm not sure whether it's just as fast as usb 2.0 should be.
I bought the 3TB model ( STCA3000101 ) earlier in this year when I was helping my friend store some camera raws when his harddrive broke.
If I put
I lost my common sense and am therefore closing this blog. No sense writing about something I don't have.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all of you anyways =)
That much at least has to be said!
Best regards,