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True stories that are $100% true and actually happened.

My pray here.   Some know i moved to Australia from Estonia and nowdays i live here. Before that i had couple of challenges to stay here for longer. So i had to make my second year visa to revive my another year to stay in Australia. do get it i had to make reginal work for that.( 88 days= 3 month) I took my bag and living and head to small town called Hyden Western Australia. 370km from Perth City. small country town.     Where i was working acctually 5 month and wasn't so bad where i h



So this is how it all went down :D

As most of you may know, I recently had another heart attack, and as a result ended up going through a quadruple bypass surgery. It was crazy but I survived. So I figured I would post this blog to give a bit more detailed idea of how it all went down..   I Had been having some chest pains through basically all of march, but that was nothing unusual considering I had had a couple of heart attacks in 2011, and even some stents. The reason I didn't worry as much was, as soon as a rested for



ETManager Version Alpha

Update 25 March 2015: Added links to download Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 which is required to run ETManager. Furthermore, I am not sure if it is a bug with my Windows 10 Professional Technical Preview Virtual Machine but ETManager Alpha does not seem to be able to launch after installation even with Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 installed. Though in my main computer running Windows 7 Professional, ETManager runs fine. If anyone is experiencing issues running ETManager Alpha



Test Development

Update 22 March 2015: ETManager Version Alpha is finally released. Please refer to this entry for more details: ETManager Version Alpha   Update 20 March 2015: It has been more than one week since I posted this entry and I would like to give you an update as to what has been going on with ETManager. I have just finished the basic features of ETManager (More information on what the basic features are when I release it), in other words, ETManager Version Alpha is ready to



Lost my best friend last night

Tonight I had to say goodbye to a loyal friend and guardian to my family. Hero passed away @ 11:55 pm on Tuesday, March Third in my arms. Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us every day.   RIP You Gentle Giant, Enjoy that big, open field buddy



My life could have been so much different.

Now i'm not usually one to beg for attention or talk much about my personal life to strangers, but I am feeling pretty lonely at the moment and i just want to vent for a minute. I don't know how many people will read this or care to read this but bear with me. Well, to start off, i played football since i moved to public school in 4th grade. At the time I wasn't good of course because i was young and my first year playing, however throughout middle school i got good. I mean very good at the posi

Pvt. Parts

Pvt. Parts

3 Week Training

Hey guys, I'll be going to California for 3 weeks due to Army Reserve training. I'll be leaving this Feb. 21st and won't be back till the 13th of March. Didn't know where to put this and I just wanted to let any admin or anybody know that'll I'll be away during this time period.



All must stand for freedom of expression

I believe the keystone of a strong foundation of a meaningful, effective and everlasting democracy is the “freedom of expression.” Without freedom of expression, any form of a democracy is a sham. The despotic rulers and leaders of today, whether political or religious, seem to believe that the key to conquering the minds of any people is to create a threat of terror such as what the world just witnessed in Paris. Sadly, this appears to be working in some corners of the world, but we in the free

Deepak Jain

Deepak Jain

Where I've been for the last month or so.

Hi guys,   Some of you may have noticed that I've been MIA for about a month or so, if not a little longer. I started having problems with my muscles about six months ago. Right calf had severe pains.. I thought it was a blood clot. Had hallucinations (was seeing cats that weren't there, gold dots floating around, things moving.), memory loss, and other random stuff.. But clot tests and a MRI came back fine.. Didn't think much of it, because the doctors I went to said I was fine.   One even



It would be awesome if Bethesda would remake ET and Return To Castle Wolfenstein with 2015 graphics. What do you think guys?

It would be awesome if Bethesda would remake ET and Return To Castle Wolfenstein with 2015 graphics. What do you think guys?   Since childhood I've been a big fan of the series. I started playing since I was 8 years and have always dreamed of great new graphics. I think the old games with good story and good mechanic should reconvert it.  



why i dont play so much now the reason i will share it

sorry I play few but after my car accident on 14.12.2014. car totally lost. my airbag has opened on my hand and my hand get a operation . but I have a lot of pain in my arm and my hand . but I am present   I hope you can understand it I feel really bad at. because i love to frag and have some fun my right arm is the best arm i can use   . my car accident story     I drove right by a right job. an oncoming car that wanted to turn left I still push my tromper but too late the Airb



Am I actually 19??!?!!

As some of you know, today is my birthday! I am now officially 19! This year has been amazing, one of the best actually, and I want to share with you guys all the stuff I had gone through and all of my friends in the F|Amily who had helped me go through the way!   So one if the biggest events was the day I had graduated high school! It was amazing, I was with all my friends, we were laughing! Man I miss that day so much . Here's a picture!   Get it, cuz its a hot "dog"   Anyways, the se



Freedom by Exact.

My first and probably last blog. I’m writing this with all the wars and problems of the world in mind, like Gaza, like Ukraine and many more. Conflicts in different places, nearby or far away. Terrorism in your own country and countries anywhere. I think, problems are everywhere. But did you ever think about how they occurred? Or better, how to stop them? Maybe you did, like me. I’m a thinker, and now, I’m at a point of sharing my own thoughts. In my opinion we all need to live in freedom! It’s



=F|A= Year End Review

Well, another years has quickly shot by me/us and we are now starting a whole new year. Sometimes it seems I have been a part of this community, and sometimes it is like I just got here. Now I don't say it feels like I have been here forever because it's like a relationship you want out of so bad, but more because it really feels like a family. There have been so many friendships made, that I would not trade for anything, and people that I have gotten closer to here than with some people in real



Just a quick note

To the few that might be interested in where I am and to the majority of you people, that randomly got here in your boredom:   GOGO is bussy! That's all really... You didn't expect more, did you? Plus, I have never kept a blog before... but the idea intrigued me. So, maybe with the passage of time I will start scribbling on the blank spaces of this as-of-now empty blog wannabe.   Cheers!



to know me better

I am boy with consentratie lack to keep it short oxygen have been too short to me during birth.   I'm not highly educated. but that does not stop me to the bar for myself again and again explaining something higher. I love game programs and make time for my family. I lost my father when I was six months old can not understand and down with guilt but I try to accept now that is not so and pull me up.   and the sweetest of all is to help where I can be there for the people us that ma



Welcome to Skylark's Blog!

Hi there guys and Welcome to Skylark's Blog! Here you will know a bit about me , Some awesome tutorials on different maps, and more So Stay with us!   Enjoy!



Why I Decide to Keep this Lovely Name

Hey guys, first blog so don't be hatin'   Anyways, let's get serious. I was asked many times "Dude, you're 18, don't you think FireWienie is a bit childish for someone your age?"   Well... here's the true story: When I was about 6 years old, I wanted to go on the internet and try out new games. This was the time I had started playing my first online game (don't remember what it was called). I had no idea what to name myself! Luckily my grandpa was with me and decided to help. We were think



I'm Glad I Grew Up as an Only Child

As you can tell by the title I was an only child. Oddly enough when someone asks "do you have any siblings?" and I reply with "No I was an only child" I get a very negative reaction. People always tend to think I should be lonely, sad, or I've missed something. Don't get me wrong the thought of a big brother to run around with sounded appealing as a kid, but now that I'm older I realize my childhood ruled!   Growing up I liked to be home. Of course in my teenage years (which wasn't t



Catch up with flash

It has been a while since I last wrote blog so i thought why not give you guys something to read and little catch up on me why I was afk for almost 6 months.   So about 10 months ago me and my friends started company named Caffeine Overdose Oy what we do? well we wan't to do mobile games and make money with that. But for starters we are looking for any kind of coding related jobs to get some start up money. First few months were quiet but in summer we really hit off we got lots of business par

yellow flash

yellow flash

Movie Review - Interstellar

I am having a bad cold today so I guess this will be short . Yesterday me and my school friends organized a get together and then we went to Interstellar . I had been a fan of the Luddite ever since I saw memento . And I have been waiting for this movie since I saw the trailer . Well I ain't surprised to say that I was wowed by the movie . But I am surprised to say that I understood most of the movie with one watch itself . Theory of Anti aging still confuses me though :/ . Anyways , top notch

rajaah thunder

rajaah thunder


The start:   This i the first blog i do so be nice lol       Hello im coming here to discharge myself published....Every Starts on the Police Academy was a hard year betwn made the hit on be a graduate when they give me my badge and my gun i was proud of myself finnaly i can call me as proud Police oficer after all the work i´ve done for.... The ride in the workplace was quiet at my first few months, from concerns me and kept on with my normal life, girls, alcohol and even started to retu

Night Hunter

Night Hunter

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