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Getting older, it's cool..

It's a weird process, getting older that is. Now don't get me wrong, I don't feel like I am that old, I will only be 41 next month. But in the time I spent here on earth, things sure have changed. I don't mean just things like clothes, or music, or other fads that come and go. I mean more like who I am, and the things I care about, or that are important to me. Though the change in fads are amazing. Take this pic for instance I was like 3 or 4. Now I know the hair doo and the shirt is tot



Charles Freck's Last Mistake

Charles Freck, becoming progressively more and more depressed by what was happening around him, decided, finally, to off himself. There was no problem in the circles where he hung out in putting an end to yourself. You just bought a large quantity of downers and took them with some cheap wine. The planning part had to do with the artifacts he wanted found on him by later archeologists. He had spent several days deciding, much longer than he had spent deciding to kill himself. He would be found l



My recent absence

''Busy; Engaged in activity, as work; occupied.'' -Free dictionary   How most of my days go: Wake up Eat Remember to put some clothes on. Forget to put some clothes on. Go to morning practice (ice-time 1 and a half hours) Go to school. (Eat) Be there for 5 to 6 hours. Either spend time with friends, go to the gym or go home. Go to team practice. (Warm up 20 minutes, ice-time 50 minutes, strech 10 min) Go to a another teams practice if capable, same thing as above. Go home. Eat. Sh



Lost skill of discussion

I'm going to keep this short and to the point.   Have we forgotten the ability to discuss topics, while keeping mutual respect for each other? Many people (it seems like) want to avoid the hard discussions, but why? Well, because they are hard discussions, and generally (it seems like) these discussions turn into a fight or a yelling argument. Once a fight or "yelling" comes out, the discussion is lost and becomes pointless.   Arguments and discussions are great and it seems like in some sub



The early years

Ok so to add to my entry I decided to tell you about my early years. these will be some of my memorable moments in my life, some of which I am not proud about, some I am proud of. I am going to start of with something that I am not proud of because I want to get it out of the way first and I can remember it as if it yesterday. I truly hate myself for somethings I have done in those early years.   Born in East London, Stoke Newington to be precise, I was born to a poor east london family. My mo



Warming up for autumn with Starbucks Italian Roast

Hey guys, here's an update on my blog of coffees just in time for September, when the leaves begin to turn a brilliant orange, the air becomes crisp and it's time to settle back down into the work routine.   Here's the thing though, the other week I ran out of my usual bean of choice, and I didn't really want to drive in the mess of Seattle traffic just to get it, so instead I walked down to my local Starbucks and got a bag of whole bean Italian Roast, knowing it would at least be palatable. T



The Chair

My ancestors are calling to me everyday. One in particular says to me daily now, "why did I have to make a chair?". Apparently when he was gathering and hunting they didn;t have chairs or beds. He says the chair is the downfall of modern man. I have to agree with him. I mean they did have places to sit, usually the ground or a natural rock formations. Every day I hear about this through the waves of the ether.




This is my first ever attempt at a blog so I thought I would start with telling a little about me. I think you have truly understand where a person has come from to know a person, so this is my attempt in my first post.   I was born in East London to a quite a poor family. From what I remember we lived in squats, although I think that was the done thing in those days. Finally we moved out of London and I remember our very first house, all be it a council house.   Anyhow, school was pretty



Three in the Tree and Four on the Floor

So I had this Football coach in High School. His name is Bob Easter. He played for the Fighting Illini. I think he played some pro ball for the Browns or Bears. Well, he used to say we live in a very lazy society. His chief complaint was about the automatic transmission. And he brings up a valid point. He noticed since the manual transmission has slowly faded away that things in the US have gotten worse. I guess peeps aren;t doing enough as they are driving. I don;t know if I agree with



My First Mistake Was Admitting I made A Mistake When I was Told I made A Mistake, Then I laughed the Banter 2

league open door to the secret place nice trying then the series baseball race tennis Brown gone the wind eight men out solution authoity hhow dud om gt do hp ke doserious display of errors abound. what a first blog entry this is. i had no intentions of displaying my desktop. but i am going to leave it formlaughs welcome.



Where do you see yourself in the future with FA?

I know I think about this alot, and I know some of you all do too, I have conversations with quite a few members as to what their goals, and plans were, as far as their future with FA is concerned. I don't think there is another topic that asks this question, so I thought I would. And so to start us off, I will go first, and hopefully this will catch on, and others will do so too.. Besides, it is good for leaders and higher ups to see where you stand, and I am sure will help us all when it com



Java Trading Co: Columbian Supremo + How to make decent hotel coffee

Howdy folks, from the foggy Oregon coast, and I hope you've been doing well.   This entry is a far turn from my first one, which focused on well... high-end coffee. This entry, instead is focusing on budget coffee, or more specifically, the stuff that I am currently "drinking" in my hotel room, while listening to the waves crash upon the shore.   But in all honesty, this stuff is not half bad, especially compared to what I have been drinking. Now that will probably come as a shock to everybo



Fearless Assasin

Ok i wanna share my view about this clan so bare with my english and nonsense somewhat lol   So i started playing et from 07-08 and there was many new clans at that time and i njoyed in many clans many big clans and small clans and came across hundreds of rules and i know many many rules about servers and forums and many clans have rules different from each other... before i quit et 2 yrs back my last clan on which i played like 2 -3 times was F|A and i was like cool clan and i made an accoun



Karma (I do believe in it)

I guess most everyone here has figured out that I like to talk a lot, or at least type a lot, so here goes something I find not only interesting, but way more important than we really give credit to..   So I believe in general, that I am a pretty nice person, though flaws like, forgetfulness really can make me seem like a ****. Anyway, I was heading over to town yesterday, it was very nice, I had the windows down, had some of my favorite music playing, and of course, my gay pirate glasses o



Kicking Horse: Three Sisters review

This is my first entry into my new blog, reviewing coffee, from the beans to the aroma in my cup. And I am proudly starting with Canada's most popular coffee, Kicking Horse; particularly the Three Sisters blend. This coffee could be perhaps be considered on the pricey side, with most coffee beans selling at anywhere from $4-8 per pound, $12 per pound for the is easily double the average cost. I was however, able to find this in my local supermarket, unlike some coffees which need to be bulk o



4 years in a great F|Amily.

I thought I would make a new blog on a followup on my old one a few years back because now I'm active for good this time.   I once joined this clan because it was a big ET community, very friendly. I was once an ET F|A member. Eventually I discovered other games such as COD4 and TF2, and eventually I volunteered to become a TF2 member!   It has been a great number of years and it will only continue to grow. I feel as if I don't know many of the new people coming in so this will be a great op



Who am I really?

Just wanted to say a few words, about things that were on my mind...   Who am I really? I'm a dad, a father, the most important thing I could ever imagine being! The most rewarding, life changing thing a person could ever be.. My daughter is the most important thing to me on this earth. Would I murder everyone on the planet to keep her safe and secure? Yes, no questions asked. It may be cliche to say, but from the first time I saw her in the hospital to this very day, I fell in love, and a



The Science of being Awkward

Through countless social interactions, most of which were unwanted, I've come to the conclusion that I'm a mother effin awkward guy. Being "awkward" by definition is to lack skill or dexterity but society has dumbed it to down mean weird/odd basically. Being weird is completely relative though because my normal isn't yours and your normal isn't mine so in theory someone on earth will think YOU are weird or awkward too!   The reason I say that I'm awkward is that in most social interac



Thank you.

Lets start this from the beginning.   At the start of 2011 I stumble into a beginners jaymod server. It's wonderful, admins doing their job and maintaining a fun environment to players to derp around. But the troll inside me that had developed during puberty, woke up. I started spamming and harassing other players and admins. The admins took it for a while, I was surprised, but kept going. Then Joker stopped me. Got muted several times and even kicked, then I applied. (Can't remembe



What's in a number?

Okay, I am not going to name names or anything like that, but I feel like I should address this issue.   Lately I have had a lot of people msg me in xfire and other methods, inquiring about forum/server levels.. Mostly in the race to recruit people and move up the FA ladder. So let me just say, if you are in this for just the levels, you are in this for the wrong reason. Why are you here if that is all you are worried about? this is a family, a community, our very purpose and goal is t




So first off, I'd like to thank the wonderful FA community for inviting me to be a part of your family (or at least be put to the test)! I quite eagerly accepted as I have been waiting somewhat un-patiently (sorry for bugging, couldn't be helped!) for a while now.   Second, I'd like to apologize for a little bit of an absence from the community these past few days. This isn't the place to complain, but some professors (who shall remain nameless) thought it would be a good idea to assign over



AOSP beta 2 rom

Im playing around with the new Rom superdragonPT has released for my tablet, the Asus memo pad hd 7. I really am beginning to love the Rom, (much better then beta 1) and am surprised how much faster it is. Camera still doesnt work, but that will be fixed soon. thx DragonPT!

Dare2BeFair / Captain.

Dare2BeFair / Captain.

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