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Platonic last won the day on August 4 2019

Platonic had the most liked content!

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  • Alias
    Bunny Bash
  • Admin
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  • Interests
    You'll find our the rest:)
  • Location
    Stekene, Belgium


  • Steam ID


  • T-M
    ET: 15-11
    COD4: 1-1

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  1. Disappearing is way too easy. Luckily, reappearing is almost just as simple.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Platonic


      I'll mark the date... Sept 25th 2023 was it?

    3. Hesis


      I dont know yet but I'll advertise the forum about the event 😛

    4. CheepHeep
  2. Pig > Platonic...


    Were are you my friend.   It's been a long time :(


    1. Platonic
    2. Renegade Pig

      Renegade Pig

      YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!   ur alive :O) 

  3. Nice to have you back, my friend! Welcome again!

  4. nice 2 see that you are still alive! ❤️

    Time to revive NQ3 now i hear?

    1. RedBaird


      Yes, it sure it! 😄


    2. Valk


      I heard he was joining the beg2 forces to make it #1 again.

  5. Hi 💕

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Renegade Pig

      Renegade Pig

      He's aLiVe !!!

    3. CheepHeep


      Hey plat! How is it going? 

    4. Hesis


      Yup it's well alive here.
      I still use the colorfull introduction you set for me when I go to beg2.

      It sparkles still lot of joy when I get in 😄

  6. You guys rock, you know

  7. Happy new year guys! It can only get better 😄 Hope, solidarity and resilience are the words of 2020 to me, up to the next thing!
  8. La Niña? Anyway, I'm partially jealous 😄 No white christmas in Belgium this year, I suppose
  9. Platonic

    ET SILENT #1 Admin

    Check the announcements: https://fearless-assassins.com/forums/forum/184-applications-join-us/ Green box: ET. Let us know if you have questions.
  10. I still wear it every day. #corona #sweatpants #homeoffice
  11. This seems unlikely, because scientists would use viruses they know to be deadly, not the existing viruses in bats; while the rna string resembles most that in bats - not that of SARS or MERS. Source sciencedaily Edit - after sourcechecking a bit more I found this has been published in Nature, which means it's been peer reviewed https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0820-9 Which reminds me how interesting molecular biology is PS - I think about all people as well - and hope for the best possible outcome... This darned virus certainly took us by surprise...
  12. Just wanted to let you know I think of you. Protect the elderly and vulnerable and combat loneliness with technology, we are good at that last one. This crisis will undoubtedly, like every crisis, show the best and the worst in people.
  13. Too bad I couldn't join. Had to help a friend move Hope you guys had fun
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