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  1. a friendly reminder to touch whatever grass we have left.

  2. I'm seeing fallacious statements going around here, and now the bickering has gotten personal between these things. Even more so, disingenuously. I never intended for this post to stir the pot in general. (Murphy's Law, of course) I'm literally explaining as to how individuals can themselves contribute more to a problem without realizing it. there were several points made that should still be addressed: - the forum system still is pretty functional, but i'm sure DD has enough shit on his plate to reply to every single complaint that comes on his way, which thus should be reserved for the most serious of replies. I wasn't even devaluating the actual platform itself - just that it's being used as misdirection from admins. - when it comes to favoritism, well there's an example of having such a structure that promotes/demotes can create competition instead of collaboration, such as a gaming clan with ranks. (Xernicus essentially talked about if he didn't show restraint, then the ideal situation would have happened, which it did - however my point is that it seldom happens) - regarding word of the higher ranks: in theory, if a higher rank tells you that a person "should", or "shouldn't" act in a certain manner? how is it known to be objectively correct? when does it turn to something subjective? (rhetorical questions, yeah) Does the word of the highest member hold true and valid? or is it just a personal thing behind it all? i don't think anyone knows for sure unless they communicate effectively and just be honest with themselves, even that requires some kind of transparency. - to Cheep and Lefty, this goes beyond Mira, to be fair, and she's expressed her concern on here but apparently couldn't get any word in edgewise without ad hominem fallacies. (as of now, it seems like she can't at all right now, as her account is currently disabled) - that action speaks for itself; frankly, I don't think this isn't a legal court, nor should comments and concerns already be made trivialized from what it appears to be personal gripe; associating that in something like in a online multiplayer video game community, no offense, it just doesn't look that good. I see this not just with Mira right now, but others in the past as well. - worse cases I've seen before in other communities were in the past because of things like this. - making personal jabs and then making reactions out of what is intended to be a healthy discussion just eventually turns to bickering if there's ego put forth first. I'm even seeing reactions to posts made here, which makes it seem like this is a sports event of mental gymnastics or something. It's just a little cringe. I know that there are good people in this clan and have done their best in being the "good apples"; this isn't really about them, they know who they are. but even still, from former members that have been up in the ranks over the years - to some that are still currently in here, have said that they have been concerned about the culture change, had intention on leaving - yet refrain from speaking otherwise, for fear of retaliation. To those, I thank you. I wanted to speak freely about this topic, but from recent posts it just seems like flaming so far.
  3. *this is a long post, I hope you have the patience with me* There are times where people embody themselves in others, could be people - could be things (such as ideas). Where they idealized a concept based on whatever merit. These people in this kind of community, is where a lot of the frustration, ripens. Some really become martyrs and set as examples for something – unknowing that considering of all sides is helpful when dealing with problematic people. However, this could happen to anyone, or even anything else. If you are part of the community, you are part of the family, and you are supposedly seen as part of a belonging, a sense of purpose – not withstanding, how they treat outsiders – They believe that outsiders, would be easier to handle as they are not in the collective entity. They pay no attention to them, but as soon as they get personal with an individual of that community, now it becomes tribalism – you talk shit of one, you talk shit of all. The individual, is symbiotic, with the collective. It’s the people that look for such individualistic traits, a sense of purpose within themselves. They look for a sense of guidance – and in the pursuit of individual freedom. I don't mean to condescend, its sometimes a reason to be in a gaming clan. They embody the idea of family, purpose, order, structure, and subordination. I'm often confused at the way some members of the community treat each other, and how being ostracized can really hurt. I think that the sense of individuality in being a part of a community, especially online, where there's a power structure in place - that sense of individual freedom can be skewed. Honestly, I've personally seen high members of this community treat their own like shit. However, the worst part of this, i think its complacency, and silence around it. Perhaps its lack of transparency because it becomes clan business, but sometimes it just is blatant disregard for feedback that is constructive criticism. I’ve seen this before. I'm sure some would agree and I have personally spoken to people that have been at the other side of this, and I frankly mean no bad intentions from it. Over 2 months ago, I've seen a very close friend of mine get treated badly here out of a situation that could've been handled differently, to the point where it caused real harm. This person was treated to the point of gaslighting, and people around started to take notion of whatever rumors may have spread, which led to a skewed perspective. I felt that it damaged a lot of this person and led to them leaving the community entirely, and I've heard that in the midst of it - a high-ranking member decided to ban the person for an egregious part of time, even though they had already quit. I just find it messed up that the person didn't even get a chance to defend themselves. Yet, there's still some scrutiny behind that lingers - even if this person now doesn't want anything to do with FA anymore. Whilst some may never understand what goes through a person's mind, I think this is something that needs to be addressed because it goes deeper than this. It isn't just treating someone like shit because of a person's character, its more of the perceived notions of who or what things seem to be, versus things that are. I didn't want to interfere because I felt like that wasn't really my business, yet I felt like since there are things that have been twisted and warped to misinterpretations - It eventually just ended up being for what it is: wrong. it only exhibits more of the behavioral patterns I've seen before - It's just sad to see how people can act in this way, and I just think it can be a power trip. Even more so before, for example - some members of the community have just been neglected and dismissed to "go on forums" by your admins, which doesn't really help the issue at first hand. Dismissing it, only to have it be ignored or put off on forums, doesn't also look good. I understand that ET shouldn't be a second job, i get it. Yet, Additionally muting, or even banning for way more time than necessary - i think it just makes it seem like an ego power trip. Some clan members had a bad reputation before because of this abuse. Sure, the one thing at hand is keeping the community in check, but then its turning the other cheek as well when it's someone that is convenient for them to mess around with. It isn't just admins and clan members, just in general everyone piling on certain people because they're "the bad guy, because <rumor>". To be really honest, I've said some shit to some FA members in the past, but only when it was needed (so you can call me a hypocrite there) - yet my role is very different here, as I don't have admin privileges. I don't mean that it isn't without its good days, and it becomes pleasant and a pleasure to experience this first hand. The patterns of what's considered abuse are becoming more prominent, and I feel like if someone doesn't say anything, then it becomes normalized. I've delayed on talking about this, but it just feels like it just needs to be said. I wanted to approach this the right way. There's a lot of cherry picking and blatant disregard of people that want to say things, especially regarding admin abuse, and neglect. I don't want to stir the pot by naming names or whatever, but yeah - its just not good - and I hope its been addressed internally. No, I'm not putting an agenda, nor was i told to make a post about it by someone - this is by my own grace. This is getting to a point where things that are badly perceived, are becoming things that badly are. I simply just wish better out of a community that has provided some of the best times of my life. Thanks.
  4. #cancelinsomnia

    1. Xernicus


      #youandmeboth #iwish #hangintherebud

  5. we are human... lest not we forget


    things done, things unsaid

    perhaps, it may just be misread

    yet, what do I know? 

    I am only dead



  6. This is a world premiere... The dreaded face of the pnk and of insomnia at last.
  7. did you used to play LZ once upon a time?

    1. deadpnk


      barely remember, i've been everywhere in the early days. :o

  8. ah damn, I forgot i even existed here. 

    1. captnconcrete


      good thing u remember eh!!!lol

  9. *knocks on own echo chamber*

    *no noise*


    cool ;) 

  10. Things change, yet ever so slowly; Feeling like it doesn't move at all. Stagnant and still. 




  11. Hello, we meet again.


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