Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Maps for Downloads.
1004 files
antarctic base - antarctic_base.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
antarctic_base map created by : Ganjaman.
Thanks to Stealth' for the nice exploding gate,
and 2bit[TiBeT} for help with the tank,the rotating platform and offcourse creating the great mapping tutorial.
I have used several prefab brushes in this map.
And someone in germany who made the towerbunker
But no name in the readme.txt, vielen dank !
Forresthut prefab author unknown.( download from )
Hovel also prefab author unknown.( download from )
This map is only for testing final map will come soon.
contact e-mail :
allied "Remove the Axis threat by destroying the experimental Aircraft: fight your way into the main base and dynamite the Ufo."
wm_mapdescription axis "Our experimental aircraft will tip the balance in our favour.Protect the Ufo from Allied sabotage."
wm_mapdescription neutral "The Axis experimental aircraft 'Ufo' is harassing Allied shipping. The Axis must protect it from Allied attempts at sabotage."272 downloads
aop practice b3 - aop_practice_b3.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
dual map
"Alliance of Pain submachine gun practice. Leave your heavy weapons at the door."
calculus_b1 - calculus_b1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Protect the railroad manifest."
4 "Primary Objective:**Don't let them get the manifest and paintings to the truck."
3 "Secondary Objective:**Don't let them use the track switch to get the paintings"
2 "Primary Objective:**Don't let them steal the paintings with the train."
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Steal the railroad manifest."
4 "Primary Objective:**Get the manifest and paintings to the truck."
3 "Secondary Objective:**Use the track switch to get the train to the paintings."
2 "Primary Objective:**Escort the train to the paintings, then to the truck."268 downloads
canyon3 - canyon3.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Large map
Both sides have to dynamite a vault door in the other's base, capture and secure the documents. Construct bridges for fast access to forward spawnflags. The lower route is blocked by a constructible/dynamitable Allied Dam and Axis Gate.
// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Dynamite the Allied Vault Door and Steal the Allied Docs."
2 "Primary Objective:**Bring the Allied Docs to the Control Room."
3 "Secondary Objective:**Capture Allied Spawn 2."
4 "Secondary Objective:**Hold the Forward Spawn."
5 "Secondary Objective:**Defend Axis Spawn 2."
6 "Primary Objective:**Defend the Axis Vault Door and Protect Docs."
7 "Primary Objective:**Prevent Allies from delivering Docs."
8 "Secondary Objective:**Build the Command Post."
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Defend the Allied Vault Door and Protect Docs."
2 "Primary Objective:**Prevent Axis from delivering Docs."
3 "Secondary Objective:**Defend Allied Spawn 2."
4 "Secondary Objective:**Hold the Forward Spawn."
5 "Secondary Objective:**Capture Axis Spawn 2."
6 "Primary Objective:**Dynamite the Axis Vault Door and Steal the Axis Docs."
7 "Primary Objective:**Bring the Axis Docs to the Control Room."
8 "Secondary Objective:**Build the Command Post."271 downloads
nkcomplex b3 - nkcomplex_b3.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary: Stop the Allies from breaching the Main Complex Gate with dynamite."
2 "Primary: Stop the Allies from breaching the Side Entrance with dynamite."
3 "Primary: Stop the Allies from breaching the garage door.
4 "Primary: Prevent the Allies from stealing secrets documents."
5 "Primary: Prevent the Allies from tramittings the documents."
6 "Secondary: Prevent the Allies from constructing a command post."
7 "Secondary: Build a the command post and prevent allies from destroying it."
Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary: Breach the Main Complex Gate with dynamite."
2 "Primary: Breach the Side Entance with dynamite."
3 "Primary: Breach the garage door to secured the flag area."
4 "Primary: Steal the secrets documents in the research room."
5 "Primary: transmitted the documents at the radio transmitter."
6 "Secondary: Build a command post to enable a new spawn area."
7 "Secondary: Destroy the Axis Command Post."262 downloads
ctf halo - ctf_halo.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
(the readme file)
Basic Information
Author : Red (J.Le' Vesconte)
Email address :
Webpage :
Map Information
Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title : ctf_Halo
Filename : ctf_halo.pk3
Release date : 30/07/04
Decription : Based on the map gephyrophbia for halo, the Axis an allies have entered the space race........Set on a floating space staion the axis and allies are once again after that silly gold!!.
Program : SDRadiant 1.3.8
Build time : around on off around a month
Compile time : a couple of minutes
Compile options : -meta -vis -light -fast -filter -samples 2
Compile machine : P4 3.2ghz 1024 ddr
Installation : Extract the pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the hostgame menu or
bring down the console and type: map ctf_halo
Copyright 2004 John Le' Vesconte all rights reserved
This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN
caha tavern b1 - caha_tavern_b1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
title : CAHA: tavern
filename : caha_tavern_b1
game : wolfenstein: enemy territory
version : beta 1
date : 5.October.2005
author : Roger "redRum" Creus
url : http://www,
email :
gametype : objective, stopwatch, campaign
mines : disabled
max. players : 12 per team
1942. China. Province of Liaoning.
The well known tavern Fire Garden has been taken by an allied squad.
They are using it as a document depot, and have set two security system levels to ensure the spy lists inside it are safe.
A german squad has found out the allied shellac, so they get ready for battle and rush into the building.
Primary: Destroy the security power generator B.
.Primary: Destroy the security power generator A.
.Primary: Steal the spy lists.
.Primary: Escape with the lists through the sewers.
.Secondary: Destroy the cellar wall to open an escape route;
you must have destroyed the generator A to get access to the cellar.
.Secondary: Destroy the stairs wall and get faster acces to the top floors.
.Primary: Don't let axis destroy the security power generator B.
.Primary: Don't let axis destroy the security power generator A.
.Primary: Hold the spy lists.
.Primary: Don't let axis escape with the lists.
.Secondary: Don't let axis reach the cellar and protect the sewers exit.
.Secondary: Hold or rebuild the stairs wall to cut the allied path.276 downloads
odenthal b2 - odenthal_b2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
=== Odenthal Beta 2 ===
Name: Odenthal
Mapper: Jens 'eiM' B.
Type: Competition map (3v3 , 6v6)
Spawntimes: Axis 30s , Allies 20s
Average duration: 10 Minutes
Worked time: 3,5 Month (for beta2)
I always wanted to create a real competition map for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. But I never got started to a real
project like this... the only maps I finished are small 1v1 / 2v2 maps or my trickjumpmap (a bit bigger though).
So well, back in the Winter of 2006 I really had too much freetime because of holiday and stuff. So it came that
I reinstalled all the mappingstuff on my harddisk and thought about a nice map.
Anyway this maybe sounds a bit weird but when this amok run happened in Germany - Emsdetten me and some friends
were together hanging out and randomly heard that the guy who ran amok had mapped his school for Counterstrike.
Because we always have much fun @ LAN's and stuff the idea of mapping our school for W:ET @ LAN's became more
and more reality.
Before I write on I really have to note that I misprize the happenings of Emsdetten and i'm sorry for all
the victims and that not in my farest thougts plan to do something like an amok run.
Okay , well in my winterholidays I went skiing and had much fun but also some time to think about my mapping project.
There were many things to plan. (If you really try to remap something of your daily life you'll notice that you don't
remember many details of the looks and stuff ;>) So I made some photos , searched + created textures and made some outlines.
Anyway after about 2weeks when I were back at school I finally started to create the map in my GTKRadiant.
The map is not a perfect remake of Odenthal (the small city it's located in) because I set a higher value
on making the school realistic than the terrain etc. But still there are much similarities like the small
river ,some grassland...
So this is the story behind the map and the name Odenthal. The story set in W:ET is the following:
Axis have constituted an headquarter in the school of Odenthal. Therefore they rebuild some parts of
the school and the town. The Allies forces have to escort their Jagdpanther through the streets of
Odenthal to get access to the school. After this they have to destroy the Main Entrance and the Generator to
disable the magnetic seal of the Security doors to get access to the main building of the school. Inside this
the Axis store their secret documents which have to be secured by the Allies Forces.
Point Xmas B2 - point_xmas_b2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
The map has 2 different BSP files!
Mapname : Point Xmas B2 OR Point Xmas TDM B2
BSPname : point OR point_tdm
Released: December 2016
Version : Beta 2 // 5th version
Contact Sage : ssf.sage at gmail dot com //-SSF-Sage @ (prefered)
SM-Mapping site:
Please contact us for any feedback, suggestions, constructive critisism, bug report etc.
It is the Point Break! Steal the enemy flag or kill them! Honor shall be given to the team that hoard the most points!
1] Steal the Red Flags.
2] Protect Blue Flags.
2] Establish a Command Post inside the Central House.
3] Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post inside the Central House.
***Bonus: Collect stars
1] Steal the Blue Flags.
2] Protect Red Flags.
3] Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post inside the Central House.
4] Set up a Command Post inside the Central House.
***Bonus: Collect stars274 downloads
NOD_Temple v11 and waypoints
By CabaL
Fans of the old school Command and Conquer games rejoice! The Temple of NOD From C&C Tiberian Dawn is playable in ET!
Map time: 20:00
Allied spawn time: 8s
Axis spawn time: 8s
Allies objectives
1. Shut off the front laser defenses at the gate house (red button). Be careful of the Obelisk firing it's laser!
2. Destroy the generator to permanently disable all exterior laser defenses. This will also disable the obelisk from firing.
3. Build side ladders for alternate routes to reach the temple
4. Use dynamite to breach one of the window ceilings.
5. Capture the interior spawn. Interior spawn will permanently be allies if exterior generator is destroyed.
6. Build the command post next to the interior spawn
7. Construct the generator at the far end of the temple
8. With generator built, use the button at the control panel to open the sealed door. (red button under red and green light)
9. Plant dynamite at the rocket fuel tanks to win the map.
Axis objectives:
1. Stop allies from shutting off front laser gate. Beware of Obelisk firing its laser!
2. Build command post
3. Stop allies from destroying the generator
4. Stop allies from breaching the temple
5. Stop the ceiling window from being destroyed
6. Maintain control of forward spawn
7. Stop allies from building generator and opening sealed door. Generator can be destroyed with dynamite or satchel. Door can be closed with red button.
8. Stop allies from destroying rocket fuel tanks.
Known/possible issues:
Possible overlapping spawn points seen in 60 player games.
**I, Cabal am not the map maker for NOD Temple. I am not experienced in map making or conversion from other games.**
I do not know who made the map. I could not find the names of the map maker(s) anywhere.
am hydro dam - am_hydro_dam.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
conversion: hydro_dam_v2 Enemy Territory from rtcw
Converted by Shaderman January 2005 (Beta 1) and September 2005 (Final)
URL with map description:
the times limit for this map is 1 hour or so but u can still limit ii for your mod.cfg
Please read the included file hydro_dam_v2 readme.txt first!
You'll find no RTCW texture in this map. I tried to get as close as possible to the look & feel of the
original map only using textures and models that are part of ET.
Changes from Beta 1
The most important changes are:
- Endgame bug fixed
- It's possible to set a time limit with a server side cvar. Now it's easier to run the map either in stopwatch
mode or in a campaign. See "Setting a time limit" for more information.
- New command map
- The truck is moving when Axis win
- lots more...
Setting a time limit
A time limit can be set to 20,25,30,45 or 60 minutes. This is controlled by a cvar "hydro_timelimit" which
can be set on the server. "sets hydro_timelimit 45" for example, sets the time limit to 45 Minutes. When
the limit is reached, the winning team is chosen randomly (not in Stopwatch mode). Setting the cvar to any
other value than the ones I've listed above will disable the timelimit. The timer will start at 666 minutes
but the map won't end until one team finishes it. If you don't want a timelimit, there's nothing to do for
Enemy Territory (any version). ETPro 3.1.8 or newer recommended (
to support location names.
Axis and Allied forces have set up operations on either side of a dam, each must
collect and return an objective to their bases. Access to the objective is by
means of a successful dynamite charge at enemy door. Control of base flags leads
to forward spawn opportunity.
Map features
Balanced playing area on several levels with interconnectivity between levels.
Player can attack from above ground or use the tunnel systems to attack from behind.
Twin mounted mg-42 provide additional defense for bases.
Fog limits view to prevent sniper rule, however there exist several sniper positions.
With thanks to
Teal'c of course for giving me the source to convert this map.
fov360 for making the Beta 1 command map.
Everyone helping to find the endgame bug.
Thegnat for making the final command map.
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You MUST NOT distribute this level UNLESS you INCLUDE THIS FILE WITH
NO MODIFICATIONS!!!. If you don't co-operate, then DON'T DISTRIBUTE
This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and/or BBS systems.
You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in
any way without my permission.
October 2005
VILLAGE - wwgn3203.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
The Allied Squad must attack the village trainstation, over-power the Axis forces on defence and destroy the infamous Axis railgun, known as “Leopold” . The Allies must also detonate dynamite at the train tunnel entrance, in order to prevent any further Axis troop trains from leaving or entering the village station.
Allied Objectives:
– Capture the forward hut flag
– Build the Allied Command Post
– Destroy the maingate defences
– Destroy railgun Leopold
– Destroy the tunnel entrance near the station
mars - mars.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Wolfenstein Enemy Territory: The Planet Mars
- Filename: mars.pk3
- Release Date: November 1, 2004
- Map Developer: JIZABOZ
- Development time: Way too long
- Final Build Time: About 20 minutes
- Tools Used: GTK Radiant 1.4, Q3map 2.3.12, Q3map2build, PhotoShop, PaintShop Pro, MilkShape, Maya 5, Easy CD-DA Extractor 6, EasyGen, Audacity 1.0, Notepad, WinRar
- Sounds: Haunebu and triangle spaceships ambience by SHADOWBUNNY ( )
- Terrain: Created from heightmaps which were made from images of the Viking Mars Surveyor mission
- Textures: Created from scratch by Jizaboz and also cropped from Viking Lander images.
- Models: Smooth Mars rock and Haunebu model 3 created in Maya by JIZABOZ. Haunebu design concept from scan of Nazi SS blueprint of Haunebu model 1 found on Internet.
- Scripting: All scripts written by JIZABOZ using scripts found in original Splash Damage Enemy Territory .pk3 archives as templates.
- Thanks: Splash Damage forum, People who wrote ET editing tutorials, my wife for allowing me so many hours to work on this, KlanKILL for all of their support and beta testing, And anyone who hosts this map on their website or game server.
- Contact: Please send any questions or comments to and use "Mars" as the Subject so that it does not get removed as spam.
Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from destroying the Secret Office Door."
2 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from stealing the Secret Document at all costs"
3 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy Allied Construction"
Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Secret Office Door"
2 "Primary Objective:**Steal the Secret Document, then find the Axis Satellite Equipment to transmit it to Earth"
3 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the Hilltop MG-42"99 downloads
etl_supply v3 - etl_supply_v3.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
BSP name etl_supply_v3.bsp
Status version 3
Latest Release January 2021
Players 32 vs 32
Original map by ginc
Visual overhaul by kemon
Campaign: Submarine Depot
‘Supply Depot, by ginc’
‘Adlernest, by Dersaidin’ (planned)
’Bergen, by Detoeni’
Axis submarines from a naval base near Bergen, Norway are cause for much distress in the Northern Atlantic. After failed attempts of disabling the base from sea and air, the OSA headquarters decided to send paratroopers behind enemy lines. Their task: Disrupt the supply lines of the base and strike a then vulnerable base from land. In the first mission, the Axis are preparing a shipment destined for the naval base from a supply depot in the mountains. The Allied paratroopers must seize those supplies for the local resistance to strengthen their efforts against the Axis forces in the region. In the second mission, alarmed by the loss of the first supply shipment, the Axis attempt to organise retaliation. The Allies must infiltrate the Axis fortification and steal the documents depicting Axis troop movements to disrupt their retaliation attempts. In the third mission, the Axis attempt to hold their naval base to ensure submarine operations in the Northern Atlantic. The Allies launch their attack on the weakened base and must disable communications to submarines on patrol to enforce their retreat and allow Allied convoys to reach the shores safely.
ET maps are played in very different settings depending on the active gamemode and server configuration. To avoid maintaining different variations of the same map version, the overhauls come with optional features that server admins can specify in the map script. If additional optional features are desired, please reach out on Discord.
... the option to toggle the truck (in-)vulnerable. By default, the truck is invulnerable. To let Axis damage it, comment the line setdamagable truck 0.
... an optional clip brush in the crane controls window to prevent TJ. This clip is enabled by default. To disable it, uncomment the line setstate crane_controls_TJ invisible.
... the option to disable radio speakers. They are enabled by default. To disable, uncomment the lines setstate radio_1_speaker invisible and setstate radio_2_speaker invisible.
an optional CP spawn for the Axis team. By default, the spawn is disabled. To enable it, uncomment the line globalaccum 2 set 1.
version 3
Substantial performance improvements by reducing drawn surfaces with adjusted light settings. (Thank you hatcher for comprehensive support)
Provided option to toggle truck invulnerable or not through mapscript (invulnerable by default). (Thank you ETc.Jay for reporting and absolutely huge thanks to Ensiform for finding the perfect way to do this)
Fixed gold crate support blocks visible through walls.
Fixed setstate errors in console after dynamiting 1st main gate. (Thank you WuTangH for reporting)
Fixed CP sound playing in second round after /map_restart. (Thank you WuTangH for reporting)
Fixed surfaceparm grasssteps to add missing sounds when walking on grass. (Thank you WuTangH and Aciz for reporting)
Adjusted clip brush at forward bunker teamdoor/gate to prevent getting stuck on the edge.
Crate controls not showing satchel icon for Axis. (Thank you WuTangH for reporting)
Fixed visible seams in terrain textures.
Increased amount of spawn slots from 20vs20 to 32vs32. (Thank you Dmxj for reporting)
Fixed skyportal incorectly having sky shader instead of mountain.
Fixed flying rock next to east depot wall.
Reduced weird shadows from the ceiling lampshades. (Thank you Aciz for reporting.)
mia1d - mia1d.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Prévisualisation MAP MISING IN ACTION final
created by Thunder
huey model and
mia model also made
by Thunder
bsp name:mia_final
longname in server list: missing in action final
-fixed some of the fps problems
-changed texture on sandbags to more fitting the etnam theme
-Huey is now shootable( Thanx to acQu )
****THIS IS AN ETNAM MOD MAP**********
After last big attack Charlie(vietcong) managed to capture 3 soldiers,
they want to pump these for valuable information.
The Soldiers are held in a secret P.O.W camp in the pleiku jungle, waiting for their fate.
Luckily the us pick up a radio transmit where they get the whereabouts of the soldiers and send
in a troop who camps nearby, equipet with a huey they are been flied out to a droppoint where they have to find their way to the maingate of pow camp, they will have to blow this and get m.i.a's out one by one and bring them to security at their camp hospital..
vietcong will do anything to prevent allies to blow the maingate and capture the mia's.
map made and compiled in gtk radiant 1.6.4 (64bit)
credits to:
SD- for their prefabs ripped from original maps
2bit- for tutorial and prefabs
all other who have prefabs in this map that I cant remember
kic-for his trees (wonderful job kic)
And special credits goes to:
AcQu- for BIG part of scripting and getting stuff to work propperly for me
for all their help with my map on my thread at SD forums:
also extra thx to Mateos who provided the wayfiles171 downloads
etl frostbite v9 - etl_frostbite_v9.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
About This File
APRIL 2020 Cedric 'keMoN' E.
This map is an overhaul of the original Frostbite map created by Moonkey.
As part of the ET: Legacy asset creation effort certain maps are being overhauled.
Those maps have been selected for their stable gameplay even in a competitive environment.
to last version:
• Removed rogue clip at office entrance.
• Changed catwalk in warehouse from `clipweapon` to `clip`. It is now permeable for weapons.
• Simplified collision of machines at side entrance.
• Added player clips to various shelves, pipes and doorways.
• Fixed one alarm speaker not being named correctly.
• Added a trickjump coming from warehouse, jumping onto box, onto truck into green passage. Disabled by default. Can be activated through mapscript. (deactivate line: setstate courtyard_TJ_box invisible)
• Removed collision of blackboards.
• Increased amount of shared files with other ET: Legacy overhauls to decrease filesize once they are shipped together.
to original:
• The player is now able to stop and revert Storage Wall movement by activating the button again.
• Alarm now also sounds when the Service Door has been dynamited before the Storage Wall and Main Door.
• Structural mesh and VIS blocking has been improved
• Visual changes have been made
Author: Moonkey
Overhaul: kemon
Compile parameters: [q3map2] -bsp -meta -v -mv 1024 -mi 6144 "[MapFile]"
[q3map2] -vis -saveprt -v "[MapFile]"
[q3map2] -light -fast -samples 2 -bounce 2 -bouncescale 2 -v -thresh 0.25 -shade -dirty -dirtdepth 256 -lightmapsize 512 -patchshadows -external "[MapFile]"
Primary: Steal the Supply Documents and transmit them back to Allied Command.
Secondary: Destroy the Main Door into the Complex.
Secondary: Breach the Storage Wall.
Secondary: Dynamite the Service Door.
Secondary: Prevent the Axis from constructing a Command Post in the Transmitter Building.
Secondary: Establish a forward Command Post in the Upper Complex.
Primary: Stop the Allies from transmitting the Supply Documents.
Secondary: Defend the Main Door.
Secondary: Defend the Storage Wall from being breached.
Secondary: Stop the Allies from destroying the Service Door.
Secondary: Set up a Command Post inside the Transmitter Building.
Secondary: Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post in the Upper Complex.
blackmoon_raid_b1 and waypoints
By papywolf
- Map name: Blackmoon Raid
- pk3 and its files names: blackmoon_raid_b1
- Author: -)A(-WuTang**
- Version: Beta 1 (B1)
- Released: January 2018
A small snow map, originally meant to be released before Christmas, but I was too slow.
Primary: Escort the Tank through village and blow up Defense Gate.
Primary: Dynamite the Generator.
Construct Tank Barrier.
Credits and such things:
Textures were downloaded from free websites, or made by me.
Models: conife_trees, wall_lamp, and chandelier were made by me.
Thanks to C from UJE Clan for their prefab generator.
Few good people to mention:
UJE-Niek and his clan for testing the map before release,
Kemon, TWT-Thunder, Ray from WolfWatch, mr.Ronboy..
=== Big thanks to Mateos for Omnibot waypoints. ==
BigForest and waypoints
By papywolf
About This File
created 01/03/2004
"The allied forces have turned an old mine complex of the Stepenne Forest into their base. The allied team have to defend the three gold crates hinded in his base."
axis "The allied forces have turned an old mine complex of the Stepenne Forest into their base. The allied team have to defend the three gold crates hinded in his base. The axis troops are dropped in the Stepenne Forest with the mission of stealing the three gold crates hided in the allied base and returning them to the helicopter landing area."
neutral "Allies and axis are fighting in the Stepenne Forest, the axis forces are attempting to steal three gold crates from the allied base build in a old mine complex."
Bellum and waypoints
By papywolf
About This File
reated by StoerFaktoR
"a simple minimap where the allies have to destroy the maingate and the generator!!!
beetown_a1 and waypoints
By papywolf
Pk3 file : beetown_a1.pk3 Objdata file : beetown_a1.pk3\maps\beetown_a1.objdata Map date : 2011-11-04 Gametypes : wolfmp wolfsw Raw map name : beetown_a1 Arena file : beetown_a1.pk3\scripts\beetown_a1.arena Date added : 2016-06-26
This is a Dual object map. The team that captures 4 objects first or the highest number of object wins. If it is a draw at time limit the map ends draw.
1942 The town Bee in Holland has been occupied by the Axis for some time and the conflict begins to grow. Mr. Bee has hidden all the beer, but Axis has taken all the honey as a guarantee for the harvest. Mr. Bee has sent out all his KillerBee's to get back the honey and Axis has sent out all the evil Scout's to bring back the beer. Let the battle begin.*Bee Town A1 made by |>B<|Mongo*Suggestions and ideas send to Email or PM at |>B<| BUNKERGAMMING COMMUNITY HTTP
Axis objectives
Your mission, as an Axis player: Run into Allies Base and steal back our Beer. Take the Beer back to the storage cellar. You can steal back more then 1 Beer barrel at the same time and score. If you take back 4 barrels of Beer, you win. If it is a draw at time limit the map ends draw.
Primary Objective:*Steal the Southwest Beer barrels 1 and 2 that Allies gard in this tower.*Secondary Objective:*Construct the Southwest Assault Ramp to get another way to the objectivs. Primary Objective:*Steal the Southeast Beer barrels 1 and 2 that Allies gard in this tower.*Secondary Objective:*Construct the Southeast Assault Ramp to get another way to the objectivs. Primary Objective:*Defend the Northwest Honey jar 1 and 2 so Allies not steal it back.*Secondary Objective:*Destroy the Northwest Assault Ramp Primary Objective:*Defend the Northeast Honey jar 1 and 2 so Allies not steal it back.*Secondary Objective:*Destroy the Northeast Assault Ramp Secondary Objective:*Destroy Allies Main Gate to get another entry to their Base.*Destroy the Southwest and Southeast Iron Fence.*All 3 object must be Destroyed before green V. Secondary Objective:*Defend the Main Gate so Allies not get another way in ore out to your Base.*Defend the Northwest and Northeast Iron Fence.*Iron Fence must be OK otherwise red X. Secondary Objective:*Construct the Command Post to increase Charge speed and also to open the secret way under ground to the Allies Base. Our secret Spy has manipulated the door so that we can only use it but we need to destroy the drainage grate to get up. Secondary Objective:*Destroy Allies Command Post to decrease their Charge speed.*Defend the Drain Grate. Allies objectives
Your mission, as an Allied player: Run into Axis Base and steal back our Honey. Take the Honey back to the storage cellar. You can steal back more then 1 Honey jar at the same time and score. If you take back 4 jars of Honey, you win. If it is a draw at time limit the map ends draw.
Primary Objective:*Defend the Southwest Beer barrels 1 and 2 so Axis not steal it back.*Secondary Objective:*Destroy the Southwest Assault Ramp Primary Objective:*Defend the Southeast Beer barrels 1 and 2 so Axis not steal it back.*Secondary Objective:*Destroy the Southeast Assault Ramp Primary Objective:*Steal the Northwest Honey jar 1 and 2 that Axis gard in this tower.*Secondary Objective:*Construct the Northwest Assault Ramp to get another way to the objectivs. Primary Objective:*Steal the Northeast Honey jar 1 and 2 that Axis gard in this tower.*Secondary Objective:*Construct the Northeast Assault Ramp to get another way to the objectivs. Secondary Objective:*Defend the Main Gate so Axis not get another way in ore out to your Base.*Defend the Southwest and Southeast Iron Fence.*Iron Fence must be OK otherwise red X. Secondary Objective:*Destroy Axis Main Gate to get another entry to their Base.*Destroy the Northwest and Northeast Iron Fence.*All 3 object must be Destroyed before green V. Secondary Objective:*Destroy Axis Command Post to decrease their Charge speed.*Defend the Drain Grate. Secondary Objective:*Construct the Command Post to increase Charge speed and also to open the secret way under ground to the Axis Base. Our secret Spy has manipulated the door so that we can only use it but we need to destroy the drainage grate to get up.
beerrun_b7a_0331 and waypoints
By papywolf
About This File
// Set scenario information
wm_mapdescription axis "The Allies are trying to steal your beer! Destroy them on sight!"
wm_mapdescription allied "The Axis are hiding two kegs of the best beer in the world. Steal it!"
wm_mapdescription neutral "The Allies are trying to steal two kegs of beer which the Axis hold."
// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Protect the key card"
2 "Primary Objective:**Don't let the Allies shut down the power to the Keg Vault"
3 "Primary Objective:**Defend the first Keg of Beer"
4 "Primary Objective:**Defend the second Keg of Beer"
5 "Primary Objective:**Construct and defend the Brewery Controls"
6 "Primary Objective:**Capture the Forward Flag"
7 "Primary Objective:**Prevent Allies from securing the Beer Kegs"
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Steal the key card"
2 "Primary Objective:**Disable power to the Keg Vault"
3 "Primary Objective:**Steal the first Keg of Beer"
4 "Primary Objective:**Steal the second Keg of Beer"
5 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Brewery Controls"
6 "Primary Objective:**Capture the Forward Flag"
7 "Primary Objective:**Secure the Beer Kegs at the getaway Truck" Poster un nouveau sujet89 downloads
battleship and waypoints
By papywolf
About This File
Battleship map created by : =BO= Ganjaman. 01-okt-2009
he Battleship Scharnau from this map is loosly based on the german ww2 battleship Scharnhorst.
In ww2 this ship was almost always accompanied by it's sister ship the Gneisenau.
They became known as "the ugly sisters" although they were handsome ships to look at.
Thanks to =BO= Stealth' for the scripting assistance.
I have used several prefab brushes in this map.
Thanks. :
Forresthut prefab author unknown.( download from )
Hovel also prefab author unknown.( download from )
And I have made use of some original items from several of the original maps :
from Battery map the lighthouse and a bunker/tunnel entrance Thanks to their creator(/s).
from Goldrush map 3 houses which is now the harbour village Thanks to their creator(/s) too.
Also Thanks to ID-software and Splash-Damage for creating Enemy Territory.
This map is only for testing final map will come soon.
contact e-mail :
This map was made with GTKRadiant 1.5 on win XP
compile pc info : AMD Phenom X4 Q9750 ( 2.4 GHz ) 4 GB ddr2 and a geforce GTX 260 with 896 MB.
// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from opening the Engineroom Blast Doors."
2 "Primary Objective:**Protect Ship Engine One from Allied attempts at sabotage."
3 "Primary Objective:**Protect Ship Engine Two from Allied attempts at sabotage."
4 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the harbour wall."
5 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from constructing the Assault Ramp."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from setting up a Command Post."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Set up a Command Post in the Battleship."
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Open the Engineroom Blast-doors."
2 "Primary Objective:**Destroy Ship Engine one."
3 "Primary Objective:**Destroy Ship Engine two."
4 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Harbour Wall."
5 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the Assault Ramp."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the Command Post."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post in the Battleship."
battlefield_of_nightmare and waypoints
By papywolf
About This File
2 styles for this map so 2 files arena
// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Defend our generator."
2 "Primary Objective:**Defend our forward spawn of inspection place."
3 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allied construct the commnd post.*If constract it,destroy it."
4 "Primary Objective:**Defend our computer."
5 "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Allied build the assault ramp."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the secret cave entrance."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the cave entrance."
8 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the our depot entrances."
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Axis' generator."
2 "Primary Objective:**Capture the forward spawn of inspection place."
3 "Primary Objective:**Construct the command post and defend it."
4 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Axis' computer."
5 "Secondary Objective:**Build the assault ramp and defend it."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the secret cave entrance."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the cave entrance."
8 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Axis' depot entrances."
Battle_Chess_Sniper and waypoints
By papywolf
Map made by [UJE]Niek
Lorenz presents his new sniper map, with a realy nice design of a complete chessboard with figures!
"This time the battle takes place on an ancient chessboard, the game was stopped because there was something wrong. As usual, the matter will be settled by the snipers."
base47 and waypoints
By papywolf
Pk3 file : base47.pk3 Objdata file : base47.pk3\maps\base47.objdata Map date : 2005-06-06 Gametypes : wolfmp wolfsw Raw map name : base47 Arena file : base47.pk3\scripts\base47.arena Date added : 2016-06-26
At Base 47 everything is normal, the Axis are unaware of the Allied plans to attack the base tonight. A truck has broken down in the main access tunnel leaving the gate open. **Will Axis defend Base 47 or will Allies destroy the radar tower and steal the war documents?
At Base 47 everything is normal, the Axis are unaware of the Allied plans to attack the base tonight. A truck has broken down in the main access tunnel leaving the gate open. **Will Axis defend Base 47 or will Allies destroy the radar tower and steal the war documents?
Allies objectives
Primary Objective:**Steal the Secret War Documents and transmit them at the radio room. Primary Objective:**Destroy the Radar Tower in the Base. Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Sewer Door for an extra route into the base. Seconday Objective:**Construct the Command Post.
Axis objectives
Axis must defend the Radar tower and keep any secret war documents safe from the Allied attack!
Primary Objective:**Stop the Allied forces from stealing the Secret War Documents documents from the office. Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from destroying the Radar Tower. Secondary Objective:**Stop the Allied forces from detroying the Sewer Entrance Door. Secondary Objective:**Construct the Command Post.249 downloads
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