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    Silent #1
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    Here and there. Might be a bit inactive but doing my best to make the best of both worlds :)
  • Location
    Everywhere when needed.


  • T-M
    ET: 9-8

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  1. get your ass back, we need you to recruit more Bulgarian players!:)

  2. Return you perfect Bulgarian ass back to ET :)))


  3. Get your beautiful ass back to clan! :)

  4. Hey guys, Today I tried to use cg_showhealth 1 and it wont change anything, plus other settings that I try to change and save in the config_mp the second i connect ingame they are not changed and when I get back in the file the previously made changes are gone. Any clue why?
  5. I just got my new PC, will be setting things up to restore my data and will be back to servers asap! Cya soon guys :* 


  6. Wish yall heppy celebration of the New Year!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RedBaird


      Thanks, Domi, same to ya! :)

    3. SwissMan
    4. RedBaird


      Sugeng Warsa Enggal! (Happy New Year in Javanese, to tease PhoeniXx :) ) ... this is getting tiresome as I have spammed this onto 12(?) status updates now...it was funny to begin with :D

  7. Dominatrix#1500
  8. How's summer going for ya? :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. St0rmSlaSh
    3. Neuro


      Hot and happy with lots of cold beers, morning runs, and ET!

    4. Dominatrix


      Mine is going super, thanks! Will see ya guys ingame real soon, decided to take a short break from ET, considering I didnt have a laptop for a month xD


  9. In exam session, sorry for the inactivity. You can always contact me on forums/Facebook.

    1. Nancy
    2. Entanglement


      exams here too, they f***ing test us like mouses in a lab lol. Good luck.

  10. Good people, contact me on PM if you are willing to help out with some spanish HW I have going for uni. :) Thankies

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Platonic


      Lol Red. This makes you seem old, you know.

    3. Foxboro


      hola hermosa :* tenemos que hablar espanol alguna veces

    4. schNee


      nube - cloud :D

  11. Hey mate! Nice to see you on Forums. Enjoy your stay!
  12. It worked. At least for now i dont seem to have problems connecting.
  13. silent-0.9.0.pk3 zz_silent90-0.6d.pk3 ~fearless_ssp_b1.pk3
  14. Did it, still got the problem
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