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vke last won the day on September 19 2009

vke had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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  • Occupation
    US Navy Submarinier

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  • Server
    Hardcore ET
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Sleep, eating, lurking teh intewebz
  • Location
    Bremerton, WA


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  1. Looks fun! I'll try to drop in.
  2. vke


    I'm in the US Navy currently. Been in for about a year now, I finished basic training on my 23 birthday, but I had thoughts of joining the marines as a younger man. I'm so grateful that I went to uni for a few years. I have a much better perspective on life and what I'm sacrificing for than many of my comrades. My joining was not just to serve my country; that is a huge part, but I joined to better myself. To push myself out of my shell, to give me unique experiences and to work with some of the most awe-inspiring machines and quality people. I thought a lot about how I could best serve my country, and carrying a rifle wasn't it. There is a need for that and if that is what you truly want to do, get some uni experience or at least wait a few years. just my 2 cents.
  3. I'm almost done with my training to be a nuclear qualified machinist's mate in the US Navy. I love my job. Every day i learn stuff that I never would have had an opportunity to learn otherwise. Not all of it is fun; but I'm getting paid for an education that less than .01% of the world will get. The Navy has done so much for me already. I've met the woman of my dreams because of the Navy.
  4. vke

    League of Legends Main Roles and favourite champ

    I main Jinx, Graves, Jarvan and Kassadin, but I can play pretty much every champ.
  5. give me real valk back!

  6. Welcome back!
  7. I'm still around! I get on server occasionally but I'm super busy with work. Still lurking forums though
  8. I have a 99 Cherokee Sport I'm slowly converting to 4wd. Just sold my 91 Honda Shadow 650 to buy the Jeep and some parts. I don't have time or a garage right now so things are going slow
  9. I'm in the US Navy Nuclear Power School, studying how to operate nuclear reactors on a submarine or aircraft carrier.
  10. Welcome back scrub
  11. vke

    Edge of Tomorrow

    The book this is based on; All You Need is Kill, was pretty awesome but it looks like the movie doesn't take to much from it I'm still excited
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h59mDlBSt7o
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