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Mr.Karizmatic last won the day on January 19 2018

Mr.Karizmatic had the most liked content!

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  • Occupation
    HVAC Design Engineer

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  • Interests
    playing online games,watching soccer/cricket,playing soccer/cricket and making GFX designs in Photoshop.
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  • T-M
    ET: 23-13
    INS: 2-1
    DOI: 1-1

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Mr.Karizmatic's Achievements

  1. Thanks i m in . Man so much has changed in COC and Clash royale.
  2. still couldnt join, its asking me for silver hammer trophies ( builder trophies) , i think i have around 450 of those.
  3. Knock Knock @DJ aka GDR DJ can i come in. How are you mate hope you are doing great. So i wasnt able to join the COC clan due to high trophy, Started playing the game again along with clash royale,do u mind reducing it so i can join , my current trophy is 1002. Thankyou so much.
  4. Congratulations guys very well deserved. Good to see all of you guys have climbed the ladder with integrity and dedication towards F|A. Man i remember eazy,rambo, scar being lvl 14,15 or even 12 . So good to see this.
  5. A very happy Ramdan Kareem to all muslim friends and to everyone around the world. Have a blessed Month .
  6. Very well deserved both of you. Small tip beware of a guy name DJ he will try to keep u guys as a assistant or intern.
  7. if he continues after the temp ban, a long mute would help. for his shit talk.
  8. well just started trading for the first time in my life on zerodha . Let see how it goes, considering to go with day to day in the start till i understand and then go for long term. @daredevil what u think
  9. Is that the building u work or just an advertising wall.
  10. This was a funny video for me , it isnt anti-political that much, as there are zombies,fat superheroes and etc. If I must explain this 🤷‍♂️ The whole video is in the frame work of fiction, a dystopian nightmare of one of the founding fathers - right before he signs the constitution.
  11. And i was flying in 1 map lol. It was really fun, we almost got to the last point of this map and whole team died as enemies came from all sides, those rutheless bots. Da
  12. Oh thats cool, i work with your guys too, in my team electrical/IT engineers are there who provide power etc to our mechanical equipments, i know the wiring part seen the drawings and SLD (single line diagram) . Man that is a confusing stuff with UPS / Raw power and power and data etc. Nice to see someone with the same field of design. I use Revit 2020 software . if you are familiar with CAD then Revit isnt that hard. You are architect so sketchup and Enscape , this can help you alot. In my company architects use this kind of softwares. Which one would u recommend , i learned HAP, Trane, Designbuild pro , HEvacomp (little bit).which one u recommend.
  13. Well after seeing @captnconcrete work photos and what he does. Just wanted to see and share what all other people do in the RL Jobs . So that we can share ideas when needed help etc. i shall start, well i am a HVAC Design Engineer (MEP) . I do Air-conditioning/exhaust air design for all commercial , residential buildings etc and then creat 3D models of them . Lets keep this series alive and share .
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