Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Mods - Jaymod, ETpub, Silent, Nitmod, ETpro, etc.
72 files
Enemy Territory: Modern Combat mini Mod /
ET Modern Combat mini Mod by:
This mod generally effects:
- Thompson; changed into M4 assault Rifle
- MP40; changed into AK47
It also changes some weapon sounds and some weapon models
All changes are ONLY visual changes and do NOT affect the gameplay itself.
Omni-Bot 0.81 - Windows
By Belo
Mod name : Omni-Bot 0.81
Download name :
Omni-Bot 0.81 for Windows.
Extract the omni-bot 0.81 zip anywhere on your hard drive.
* The omnibot folder contains the omnibot mod for waypointing purposes.
o Waypointers should move the omnibot folder to the ET directory.
o Waypointers can optionally download the Menu System from the download section.
o Waypointers can optionally download Notepad++ from the download section.
* The omni-bot folder contains the bot library, waypoints, and scripts necessary to run omnibot.
In order for the omnibot library to load, the cvar 'omnibot_path' should be set to the exact path that the omni-bot folder was extracted to.
* Users running a listen server can set the path in the etconfig.cfg located in ~/Enemy Territory/<modname>/profiles/<user name>.
* Dedicated servers should have the path set in a server config typically located in the mod folder or etmain.
seta omnibot_path “/full/path/to/omni-bot”
In addition, if running any mods other than the omnibot mod, the cvar 'omnibot_enable' must be set to 1 in order for the omnibot library to be loaded.
seta omnibot_enable “1”
Mod Versions
Omnibot 0.8 is compatible with NoQuarter version 1.2.9 / 1.3.0 and ETPub version 0.9.1.
silEnT mod 0.3.3
By (Snake)
There wasn't 0.3.2 public release, so 0.3.3 covers also things done in 0.3.2.
Here is the change log:
Version 0.3.3
* Fixed alternative fire bug introduced in 0.3.2.
Version 0.3.2
* Readded class awards. They should work now correctly with XP save.
* Added possibility for server admins to enable teamhit sounds.
* Added flag 8 to g_identOptions. Actions taken based on client identifications are reported in the adminchat.
* Added default silEnT watermark.
* Fixed bug with missing hitsounds (
* Fixed bug with class stealing (
* Fixed bug with soldier secondary weapon changing to akimbos.
* Fixed throw last knife bug (
* Fixed fireteam overlay bug.
* Fixed server list server name filter bug/crash.
* Fixed bug with say_teamnl command that allowed muted players to write in team chat (
* Fixed bug with g_classWeapons cvar (
* Fixed bug in the TDM timebar.
* Fixed some bugs with the win probabilities. Not in algorithms, but with the calls to calculate them.
* Removed Active Team Balance.
* Removed g_teamForceBalance_playerrating.
* Removed !balance admin command.
* The g_XPSave flag 8 will no longer kick guidless players for duplicates.
* The !howfair command now uses K/D determining fairness.
* Possibilities for invalid kicks for spoofed client identification reduced.
Baserace server pack
all-in-one mappack for ETPro 3.2.6 servers (scoreboard.lua/mapscripts can be used for other mods too).
The mappack contains the maps Baserace, Baserace Desert, Baesrace Winters and also includes all configs, SLAC support, mapscripts and lua files. An all around careless package.
ET Paintball Mod
This is a remake of Paintball Mod 2. Its might lighter than its predacesor yet
it includes more than the original. It now includes Crystal Chams, that flow over the body like gel. Very nice effect and very visable from a distance improving your skill. Includes Gold Allied Dual Pistols and a gold knife.
Jaymod 2.2.0
By Scream
Jaybird has released his latest stable build of the JayMod mod.
JayMod 2.2.0 is the name, and here are the infos given by the author:
Easter Egg mod - z_easter.pk3
By Scream
Download pk3 name: z_easter.pk3
daz2007 has created a new fun mod - perfect for these days: Easter Egg mod.
This mod is only for NoQuarter at this time.
Medpacks, Ammopacks, Satchels, Smoke/Airstrike Grenade and the Landmines are Changed into different Coloured Eggs.
Jaymod 2.1.10 - jaymod-2.1.10.tar
By Scream
Download file: jaymod-2.1.10.tar
This release is just about identical to the 2.1.9 release, but the Punkbuster issues should be taken care of with this version. Nothing too exciting, just what 2.1.9 should have been
silEnT mod 0.3.1
By Scream
Here is the silEnT Enemy Territory mod 0.3.1.
It's the patch release which fixes some issues with the mod:
Bug fixes.
Added: g_votedMuteLength which controls the lengths of the voted mutes. Default is 3 hours.
Reworked: The tripmine shaders. Visually still defaults to the old look.
Some code cleanup and minor optimizations.
Binaries compiled with optimization settings.
By Scream
To cut the story short, here are the top things in 0.3.0 release:
* new database version
* hardware based identification
* new game type: Team Death Match
* shrubbot improvements
* new landmine notifications
* new ppsh model
* weapon banks display
Traditionally, here is the change log (0.3.0):
* Added: weapon banks shown during weapon change - incorporated into HUD editor (introduced new client cvars for this: cg_wbShowDuration, cg_wbOrientation, cg_wbWideSlots)
* Fixed: defect with following FT (killed player was picked when he/she was the FT leader - but next FT member should be picked)
* Improved the database performance.
* Added new command !baninfo.
* Removed cg_damageKick client cvar.
* Reworked cg_hitSounds client cvar. Now a new option play only headshots is available
* Added: New server cvar g_punkbuster. Server that don't have punkbuster enbaled can still force clients enabling punkbuster for them to have GUIDs. This does not guarantee that every player will have a GUID but if the player has it, it will be sent to the server.
* Added: warmup countdown (last 3 seconds). Can be turned off by setting cg_showCountDown client cvar to "0"
* Added: g_classWeapons server cvar. Enables weapons per class (so far only PPSh is handled)
* Changed: allied tripmine beam color changed to blue
* Added: Muted players can't call votes.
* Added: New command !readadmins.
* Added: separate meaning of death for shoving to death (enemy killing and team killing supported)
* Added: new type of revealed landmines notifications (cg_landmineNotifyType client cvar and g_landmineNotifyType server cvar provided for this)
* Added new command !resetpls that reset individual player stats leaving XP save untouched. There has been some cases when the stats have bugged and this is an easy command for admins to correct such stats.
* Players can customise the announcements and even disable them if they like.
* Added possibility for First Blood sound for server admins.
* Fixed headshots from proned players.
* Added: silEnT mod icon displayed on loading screen
* Added: new PPSH weapon model and enhanced the weapon overall (sounds)
* Fixed: follow Fire Team bug with spec not switching outside of FT for "FT first" option.
* Fixed: spectator follow bug: SPACE + RMB caused wrong behavior.
* pmove_fixed is now recognised by the server if the players set it.
* Added new shrubbot flag '/' that will disables private messages from levels or individual players.
* Fixed !useredit add command. Before the command checked only valid command flags were added. Now it accepts any flags.
* Added kills/deaths/spree counters hud display managed by cg_killsDisplay cvar.
* Added: predefined HUDs can be now chosen from the HUD configuration menu
* Added: new predefined HUDs: etpro, etpro2 (thanks to Dragon)
* Fixed: in chat after every map players' pings are very weird (http://mygamingtalk....c/437-big-ping/)
* Added: new game type: Team Death Match (easy to be configured server side and client side)
* Added: when alternate HUD is chosen with compass in the lower part of the screen the compass slides out to bottom.
enhmod v1.0.9
By Belo
Mod name : enhmod v1.0.9
Download mod :
enhmod(2).zip (Windows) (Linux)
added in version 1.0.9:
- added custom command system, ex. !getpbss (enhmod_commands.db).
ability to define custom commands like !speed !gravity !monsterkill etc.
with !mycmds its possibile to check per level based amount of available custom commands.
- !pumpgunwar fun command.
- MAX_GAMESTATE_CHARS experimental fix.
- dual akimbo fix(ammo only in one pistol issue corrected).
- g_countryflags in synergy with enhanced hud.
· 1 : Enable
· 0 : Disable
- g_flagsbehaviour
· "random" (random flag for bots)
· [ipaddress] (custom ip to define bots country flag, ex "" for italy)
- improved forcecvar, instantly on a player connect (to do in forcecvarfile.cfg).
- forcecvarex (to do in forcecvarfile.cfg).
ex: forcecvarex cg_fov IN 90 120
· L or LOWER
- g_adrenenalinecls, controls which class carry adrenaline.
· 1 : Soldier
· 2 : Medic
· 4 : Engineer
· 8 : Field Ops
· 16 : CovertOps
- g_drawAttackerHP
· 1 console
· 2 on screen
+ all others additions from previous versions
N!tmod 2.0 Final -
By Belo
Mod name : N!tmod 2.0 Final
Download mod :
Additions :
New gametype, omnibot 0.8 support, several optimizations and bugfixes, bandwidth usage reduction, configstrings size reduction, new shrubbot features, security fixes, new gameplay features, new HUD and HUD options, shoutcaster support, minimal ETTV support, the list is long!
TrickJump Mod -
By Belo
Mod name : TJMod 1.6.6
Download mod :
Only bugfixes, no changes in gameplay from last versions.
Jaymod 2.1.7 -
By Belo
Mod name : Jaymod 2.1.7
Download Name :
* added Haste's fixed physics code
* added Molotov Cocktail weapon
* added chicken fun !command
* offline user maintenance now possible using !commands
* now possible to ban offline users
* new ACL system for fine-grained security of !commands
* multi-page output now supported for heavy !commands
* added many DB-related !commands
* added simplistic notes for user records
* added optional reason for player muting
* added no-adrenaline option to g_weapons
* added support for ETPro's delete mapscript command
* And more...
NoQuarter Mod -
By Belo
Download Name :
Mod name : NoQuarter 1.2.3
NoQuarter version running on =F|A= servers.
ETNam Mod -
By Belo
Download Name :
Mod name : ETNam 0.1.0
ETnam mod is based on Etpub 0.8 source code, so we include its features.
For your eyes pleasure more game effects or visual features are included :
* Level 5 Soldier will earn Akimbo Mac-10.
* Engineer can use anti-tank mines.
Very powerfull explosive weapon, activated by vehicles.
* Primary weapon model will appear attached on player backpack when it's not currently selected.
* Level 5 Medic will earn battle hearth.
Once you get killed and waiting for a Medic revive, you can try to stand up by yourself holding the “use” key.
If you are able to do that, you will receive half of your HP points but you will move really slow.
* Extreme Gore
ETnam includes extreme gore features such as:
> Bloody knife;
> Bloody body and face;
> Machine Gun and Shotgun power gib;
> Smoking gibs;
> Head gibs;
> Head gibs blood spurts;
> Incinerated corpses;
> White eyes for corpses;
> Death animations;
> Pain animations;
* Level 5 FieldOps will earn Napalm canister.
* Client can bind “parachute" key.
This will allow players to open a parachute when pressing the binded key.
* And many more ...
etpub 0.9.1 -
By Belo
Here is an overview of the new features:
* GeoIP country flags
* Panzer/Sniper/Rifle war (+ shrubbot commands)
* Shoutcasting (only with installed etpub client)
* Partial support for ETTV
* Lua API support (choose between qagame with or without Lua API support)
* Improved security (g_spoofOptions, g_maxConnsPerIP, ...)
* Additional font characters
* Reviving Sprees
* Reworked team_max* restrictions
* Added some new shrubbot commands (!freeze, !unfreeze, ...)
* Cointoss callvote command
* ETPro's delete mapscript command
* Headshot Mode (+ instagib damage)
* Configurable first and last blood message
* Reworked inactivity code
* Unlocked Weapons, No Damage, Adrenaline and Instant Spawn modes
* etpub_version console command
* Referee logout command
* Omni-bot 0.8 support
* Many bugfixes
* ...
ETTV (Beta 9)
By BlackBull
Download File Name:
Mod Name: ETTV (Beta 9)
ETTV is a modification that allows anybody to spectate Enemy Territory matches without actually being on the server the teams are playing on. The purpose is so that you have have thousands of people all able to watch an exciting match live, without being able to interfere or otherwise cause problems with the match.
The ETTV modification is supplied within the ETPro modification, you do not need any further modification unless you intend to run an ETTV Server.
Readme File:
tv_noreinforcetime (default 0, disabled) - don't show reinforcement times to spectators
signals sent to server which would normally cause it to silently shutdown are now verbosely logged (linux only).
watchdog timer now defaults to 70 seconds (to prevent it tripping before com_watchdog default of 60 seconds).
zinx's new packet reassembly code, ettv should now handle poor links much better (eg links which send udp packets out of order)
ping calculation is now fixed.
gamestate is sent throttled to slaves to prevent network flooding on poor links
various demo playback crashes fixed (eg playing same demo repeatedly)
in some cases, slaves could get corrupted on map changes. fixed.
don't send etpro-specific messages to non-etpro clients (eg, should fix etpub)
Chaos Mod v0.1.6
By nani*
Mod name: Chaos Mod v0.1.6
Download: Chaos_Mod_1-0-6 & Chaos_Mod_1-0-6
What do you get if you take from every mod the best? Scennative managed it to organize this chaotic task and is proud to present a first alpha version of his ''Chaos Mod'' for W:ET.
For short you have now new weapons, sights/views, effects and as admin a lot of cvars.
Check it out and report bugs here
ET-Minimod: Map-Based Playerskins (Beta 1)
By nani*
MAP-BASED-Playerskins Beta 1.0
If you ever wanted specic playerskins on your server, ischbinz gives you a little pack including a detailed readme how to do.
This pack contains a few skinsets (standard, temperated, snow, desert) for each team.
It's allowed that you're using this pack as base for your own skinmod for your server, the incuded skinsets work, but are more for demonstration to show how it works.
You can change the Playerskins for all maps just with adding 3 simple lines into your map-script:
Command BASESHADER: Always the same Your Choosen Shader:
"remapshader" "models/players/temperate/allied/all_models" "models/players/temperate/allied/allied_winter"
"remapshader" "models/players/temperate/axis/all_models.jpg" "models/players/temperate/axis/axis_winter.jpg"
Both Teams:
(For your own scriptmod don t use the " " )
The pak contains 4 skins for each team:
both Teams: all_models.jpg
Axis: axis_desert.jpg
Allied: allied_desert.jpg
Axis: axis_summer.jpg
Allied: allied_summer.jpg
Axis: axis_winter.jpg
Allied: allied_winter.jpg
Axis Elite: axis_elite.jpg
Both teams: all_models.jpg
The Pak contains 6 mapscripts:
radar - summer skins
fueldump - winter skins
oasis - desert skins
goldrush - standard skins
railgun - winterskins
tiger_dump - summer skins (map is coming soon)
This mod is based on a idea and previous work of Berzerkr (GER)
It should work with all known mods
Novemeber 2010
All models was modded by
based on the orginal ET-Models - so the copyright stays to the owners
Have fun with it!
Known issiues:
Heads don't change their skins
====== Allied Desert Skins: =========
this file contain the new skins for wolfenstein et !
they was taked from the skins of pacific assault game, anyway they looks cool try them and comment ciaooo!
how to use
put the file inside your main folder!
ET Pro 3.2.6
Download: Et Pro
ET Pro is a mod specifically targeted at competition play, with features specifically designed for administration of competition servers.
silEnT Mod
By daredevil
Mod Name: silEnT Mod
Download File Name:
Added: New sound for thrown knife.
Added: g_dbUserMaxAge server cvar. If this cvar is set, users that are older then then this value are automatically removed from the user database. Default value is 0 which also disables the automated functionality.
Added: !givexp command. With this command admin can add to an online or an offline player a specific amount of XP to a specific skill.
Added: !userdelete command. With this command any users except bots can be removed from the database.
Added: !userban command. A handy online command for banning offline players.
Added: !userlist command. With this command admin can view all the players that are stored in the database.
Added: !useredit command. This command can be used to edit any player that has visited the server.
Added: User database. This holds information of all the users that have visited the server (during the lifetime of the database).
Added: Quick chat box can be used to give commands.
Added: New shrubbot flag '?' that will allow speccing admins to see private messages when they are in spec.
Changed: g_knifeDamage is now g_knifeThrowDamage. Also, the actual damage is no longer randmon.
Changed: !listplayers is now plain !list.
Changed: ETPub !userinfo renamed to !finger. In future a new !userinfo command will give different information.
Reworked: !stats command now shows total and session specific kills and deaths made by Thompson, MP40 and PPSh weapons.
Reworked: Private message sound is now built in and not configurable. sound file can be overridden though.
Reworked: If poison sound is enabled, the poison sound is played only to the player who has been poisoned.
Reworked: !time command shows the clients local time.
Reworked: To throw knife +attack2 must be used as the command (this is automatically rebound at first use of altfire, so no additional work is needed on the user side)
Reworked: Knives throwing. Now knives are held while they charge power.
Reworked: Knifes rotate when thrown.
Reworked: Knife icon enlarges when +attack2 button is pressed and held (e.g. nade icon pulsates)
Removed: Without the need to support several client versions, the server will now send all obituaries as events.
This change removes all excess flags from g_obituary. From now on, the server will send obituary events to clients with any nonzero value in g_obituary cvar and will not send events if it is set to 0.
Removed: Party panzers removed.
Removed: g_XPSaveFile. This is now controlled with new cvar g_dbDirectory.
Removed: g_shrubbot. This is now controlled with new cvar g_dbDirectory.
Fixed: Memory leaking in the ETPub settings.cfg handling.
Fixed: During the intermission, the full width of the chatbox is now used.
Fixed: During the gameplay, the chat no longer overlaps with the gun icon.
Fixed: Player can't throw his/hers last knife.
Added: vote blocking
Enhancement: lot of rewriting to the data sent from server to the client.
Reworked:!freeze command now needs parameter to avoid freezing all player.
Added: Knife Model
Fixed: Team change spam to stop server crash
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