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ET-Minimod: Map-Based Playerskins (Beta 1)

1 Screenshot

About This File

MAP-BASED-Playerskins Beta 1.0


If you ever wanted specic playerskins on your server, ischbinz gives you a little pack including a detailed readme how to do.

This pack contains a few skinsets (standard, temperated, snow, desert) for each team.

It's allowed that you're using this pack as base for your own skinmod for your server, the incuded skinsets work, but are more for demonstration to show how it works.




You can change the Playerskins for all maps just with adding 3 simple lines into your map-script:



Command BASESHADER: Always the same Your Choosen Shader:

"remapshader" "models/players/temperate/allied/all_models" "models/players/temperate/allied/allied_winter"


"remapshader" "models/players/temperate/axis/all_models.jpg" "models/players/temperate/axis/axis_winter.jpg"

Both Teams:



(For your own scriptmod don t use the " " )



The pak contains 4 skins for each team:


both Teams: all_models.jpg



Axis: axis_desert.jpg

Allied: allied_desert.jpg



Axis: axis_summer.jpg

Allied: allied_summer.jpg




Axis: axis_winter.jpg

Allied: allied_winter.jpg


Axis Elite: axis_elite.jpg



Both teams: all_models.jpg



The Pak contains 6 mapscripts:

radar - summer skins

fueldump - winter skins

oasis - desert skins

goldrush - standard skins

railgun - winterskins

tiger_dump - summer skins (map is coming soon)


This mod is based on a idea and previous work of Berzerkr (GER)

It should work with all known mods


Novemeber 2010


All models was modded by ischbinz.de

based on the orginal ET-Models - so the copyright stays to the owners


Have fun with it!


Known issiues:

Heads don't change their skins




====== Allied Desert Skins: =========





this file contain the new skins for wolfenstein et !

they was taked from the skins of pacific assault game, anyway they looks cool try them and comment ciaooo!


how to use

put the file inside your main folder!

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