Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Maps for Downloads.
1004 files
Document raid Final - document_raid_final.pk3 and waypoints
By Stavros
Map Type: OBJ
Map Size: Medium
Map Theme: Not Set
(the readme file)
This is Final version of Document Raid map. It's avaible in Wolfstuff's download section at
Map Objectives
1)Repair and escort tank in position
2)Steal Docs and take them back to tank
3)Escort tank back home
1)Build CP (gives extra spawn)
2)Build and protect bridge to allow tank pass it
1)Stop Allies stealing the tank
2)Slow down tank
3)Protect Docs
4)Stop allied team escaping with docs
1)Build CP (gives extra spawn)
2)Keep bridge unbuild and sacthel it if it's built
document_raid_final waypoints.rar
Desert Fortress Beta 2 and waypoints
By Stavros
Map Type: OBJ
Map Size: Medium
Map Theme: Not Set
(the readme file)
Creator: Lennyballa
Map info:
You have to destroy the 75mm ammonution storage, located in the
Allied Base, at the top left tower. Before you can enter the base,
you have to blow up some walls:
The West Wall
The Side gate
The Main gate
The wooden gate
Both main gate and wooden gate are constructable, so make sure you
blow up the other walls first.
Your objective is to destroy the communication system of the Axis,
wich is located in the center tower of the base. Entering it won't
be easy, since you have to blow up:
The Main Gate
The Sewer entrance
The Side wall
The garage door
Good luck soldier
How to install:
Place the .pk3 file in your /etmain directory. Example: C:/games/Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory/etmain.
Don't create other folders.
Fixed in 0.2:
-Added extra spawnpoints
-Added some extra mg at bunkers
-Fixed wall jump bug
-New command map
-Selectable spawns
-Custom image
-New thumbnail
-Added a garage with ammo/health cabinets
-Fixed the fan (Its now rotating )
-Added some lights and plants
-Redone the Axis base a little bit
-More optimazed fps
desertfortress waypoints.rar
ET Ice Final - et_ice.pk3 and waypoints
By Stavros
Map Type: OBJ
Map Size: Medium
Map Theme: Snow
Attacker: Axis
(the readme file)
this is the mp_ice map from rtcw converted to ET
i think it's on of the best maps from rtcw and perhaps the one that fits the most onto ET
to install just extract the zip file into your etmain directory and run map et_ice
axis must steal the allied secret documents to prevent them from establishing an advanced outpost.
copyrights go all to id software, splashdamage & nerve software for creating such remarking games
have fun and enjoy it (that's the main reason i decided to convert the map to ET.. fun
et_ice waypoints.rar
Mountainpass Beta 3
By Stavros
(the readme file)
TITLE : Mountain Pass
AUTHOR : Devils Right Hand
DATE : 03.11.2015
Release date : 07/11/2016
its about the allies start searching for art treasure what the germans steal from the occupied countries,the germans hide all the arts in mines, when the germans losing the war, the germans have order to destroy the treasure least it falls into allied hands,
twt xmas competition mapping 2015 winner
Since the beginning of the war the Germans have been plundering the occupied countries of their valuable wealth this includes art and gold. Now that they are losing the war, the Germans have decided to destroy the treasure least it falls into allied hands.
Version : beta3
Attacking : allies Objective
Timelimit : 20
Spawntimes : Axis 20 / Allies 10
= Changelog =
beta 2 - remove the radio obj
beta 3 - change the Timelimit to 20 spawntime for both team at map start and after flag capture, alies now have 10 sec and axis 20 at map start , and at flag alies now have 20 sec and axis 10
Allied objectives
1 "Objective:
Capture the flag."
2 "Objective:
Steal intels about the locations of all mines where the axis hide the treasure bring it to the truck."
3 "Objective:
Destroy the wood fence and steal a truck."
Axis objectives
1 "Objective:
Prevent that the allies capture the flag."
2 "Objective
Prevent to the steal the Mines documents."
3 "Objective
Prevent to destroy the wood fence and steal a truck."
Necrology Final - necrology_final.pk3 and waypoints
By Stavros
Map Type: OBJ
Map Size: Medium
Map Theme: Not Set
Decription : - August 1945 -
End of second world war is near, but Axis and Allies need to fight for the last time.
This last combat is to hold dead teamate lost in combat and transport bones in crypt to resurect soul.
This map is CTF style and you need to capture dead bones placed in map for the two teams. For win you need to capture 8 bones.
Explication for playing the map necrology_b1 :
I have placed 8 bones for axis in allies side and 8 bones for allies in axis side.
For axis you have one tiny red light from bones to capture and for allies you have blue light, i have make this is for no confusion during the game.
In the middle of the map you have one Resurector to construct (command post) and this can open in automatic door from crypt for secure bones.
Example for opening crypt door :
- Resurector is not constructed from the two teams : Allies and Axis crypt door's are closed !
- Resurector is constructed from Axis : Axis crypt door is open
: Allies crypt door is closed
- Resurector is constructed from Allies : Allies crypt door is open
: Axis crypt door is closed
The two teams need to fight for capture the Resurector and defending it for have advantage for win the match.
Ok guys the briefing is finished go to fight and have fun.
Axis Objective : Construct The Resurector for opening crypt door and secure all 8 bones.
Allies Objective : Construct The Resurector for opening crypt door and secure all 8 bones.
Change from béta1 to béta2 :
- Rain deleted
- Hole deleted
- Higher global light
- New access from underway
- Teleport zone secured from planting landmines
- Add more tree
- Add water in underway
- Delete ladder for access over the church
- Deleted last 2 minutes music
- Add Axis and Allies win music
- New compilation
- Reduced time from 30 minutes to 25 minutes
necrology_final waypoints.rar
Siwa Teuthonia - siwa_teuthonia.pk3 and waypoints
By Stavros
Map Type: OBJ
Map Size: Medium
Map Theme: Other
Attacker: Allies
1.Capture the Siwa Spawn
2.Destroy the Siwa Wall
3.Lower the dropzone fence
4.Enter the dropzone to call air support
5.Bring the ammunition box to the artillery gun to load the gun
6.Rotate the artillery gun towards the gate of Teuthonia
7.Fire the artillery gun to destroy the gate of Teuthonia
Secondary objectives:
- build the waterpump to access the tunnel
- build the command post to create an alternative Spawn
- Destroy the axis command post command post
1.Prevent the Allies from capturing the Siwa Spawn
2.Prevent the Allies from destroying the Siwa wall
3.Prevent the Allies from lowing the dropzone fence
4.Prevent the Allies from from reaching the dropzone and from calling air support
5.Prevent the Allies from loading the artillery gun
6.Prevent the Allies from rotating the artillery gun
7.Prevent the Allies from firing the artillery gun
Secondary objectives:
- destroy the waterpump to prevent the allies from using the tunnel
- call air strikes to prevent the allies from reaching the dropzone
- build the command post
- Destroy allied command post command post
siwa_teuthonia waypoints.rar
Gold Days Final - golddays_v4.pk3 and waypoints
By Stavros
Map Type: OBJ Map
Size: Small Map
Theme: Regular
Attacker: Allies
#. Version BETA 1 info:
my first map is done, well the beta is done.
BETA 1, is as ready as i can do it right now, so i am looking for bugs, misses and gameplay issues in this release.
Please report any bugs or if you have ideas on how to improve the map to
#. Version B2-B3 info:
too long ago to remeber:P
#. Version v1 info:
finaly got back into mapping and spent a week fixing my first map, so i can get on with more maps:)
might release V2 of this map if its needed
#. Version v2 info:
after a hasty release of v1 and to little sleep..i found out i had some texture problems:(
#. Version v3 info:
loads of small bugfixes,doors open both ways now.the tunnel has been looks less impressive,
but its better on the fps.secret weapon removed,
#. Version v4 info:
fixed the mine issue
#. Objectives
: Get/Defend the gold.
: Build/Destroy the Commandpost.
: Dynamite/Defend the the door n ladder.
: Build/dynamite the second entrance to the house
: Build/destroy the sniper tower
: Build/destroy the the allied basement wall
golddays_v4 waypoints.rar
Le Lac Beta 4 and waypoints
By Stavros
Map by: Masterkiller(qc) (Hobbie)
release: 13/06/09
description "Allied need to Steal The Axis Boat first. Then escorte The Explosives to reach The Prototype Missile then plante a dyno to blow it all!!"
description Axis "Axis need to stop allied to reach The Prototype Missile whit The Explosives.If they planted all 4 Explosives dont let it blow up!!."
description Allied "Allied need to steal The Axis Ship then escort it to the Port Station whit The Explosives. Allied Need to reach The Prototype Missile whit The Explosives then hold the countdown for 3 min before explosion."
// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Dont let Allies stealing and escorting the Big Boat to the Port Station. Destroy it!."
2 "Primary Objective:**Dont let Allies loading the 4 explosives drop by the Plane on the Lighthouse Port to the Big Boat."
3 "Primary Objective:**Dont let Allies stealing the Gaz Tank then reaching the Canal Boat to the Port Station."
4 "Primary Objective:**Dont let Allies escorting the Canal Boat to the Beach. Destroy the Canal Boat to make Allies restart the Canal Boat run."
5 "Primary Objective:**Dont let Allies planting the 4 Explosives to the Secret Launcher Missiles.."
6 "Primary Objective:**Dont let Allies activating The Explosives then destroyed The Secret Launcher Missiles.."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Build and use the Anti-Boat Gun to destroy the Big Boat."
8 "Secondary Objective:**Dont let Allies desroying the Backdoor and Sidedoor.You can rebuild it!!"
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Steal and Escort the Big Boat to the Port Station."
2 "Primary Objective:**Load the 4 explosives drop by the Plane on to the Big Boat."
3 "Primary Objective:**Steal the Gaz Tank to start to build the Canal Boat on the Port Station."
4 "Primary Objective:**Contruct the Canal Boat. Escort and Protect the Canal Boat to the Beach!"
5 "Primary Objective:**Escort the 4 Explosives to the base of the Secret Launcher Missiles ."
6 "Primary Objective:**Activated The Explosives whit a small dyno to destroyed The Secret Launcher Missiles and finish your mission."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Anti-Boat Gun.(you can use the rocket missile in the Copter)"
8 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the BackDoor or Sidedoor side to open the Side Way to the Secret Launcher Missiles."
**Map Info
Title: Le Lac
Filename: le_lac.bsp
Game/mod: ET - wolfmp/wolfsw/wolflms
Author: masterkiller
le_lac waypoints.rar
Kerkyra B1 + waypoints
By DFighter
(the readme file)
// Mapname : Kerkyra B1
// BSPname : kerkyra
// Released: December 2016
// Version : Beta 1 //Version 8
// Map made by: -SSF-Sage and Pegazus from SM-Mapping
Please contact us for any feedback, suggestions, constructive critisism, bug report etc.
In the year 1941 a group Italian archaeologists found a buried stash of ancient writings. One of the documents mentioned a lost mythology. It stated if an army chief used three charmed artifacts, his fighters would become invincible.
These artifacts were the unstoppable Achilles' Sword, the impenetrable King's Crown and the Emperor's Chalice that gives drinkers bulls' strength.
Another legend tells about an Empress bragging about similar items. The archaeologists believe the items are same and their secret unknown. A group of Axis soldiers is sent to inspect the Empress' old Palace at The island of Corfu.
1] Escort the SdKfz 234
2] Breach the Palace Gates
3] Steal the Emperor's Chalice
4] Steal the Achilles' Sword
5] Steal the King's Crown
6] Escape with the SdKfz 234
7] *Side Objective: Destroy the Tunnel Door
8] *Side Objective: Establish a Command Post to gain Spawn
1] Stop them from escorting the Vehicle
2] Defend the Palace Gates from being breached
3] Stop them from stealing the Emperor's Chalice
4] Stop them from stealing the Achilles' Sword
5] Stop them from stealing the the King's Crown
6] Stop them from escaping with the Vehicle
7] *Side Objective: Keep the Tunnel Door intact
8] *Side Objective: Prevent Axis from establishing a Command Post Spawn
Assault RC1
By Lenovo
Protect the Communication Tower
Destroy the Communication Tower
ET_village and waypoints
By Lenovo
Allied forces are attempting to retrieve and escape with gold stolen from the Axis-occupied village.
et_village waypoints.rar
Das Boot RC1 - mp_sub_rc1_fixed.pk3 and waypoints
By Lenovo
Hidden away in the secret base is an Axis Submarine which must be destroyed.
1 "Primary Objective:Destroy the Axis Submarine."
2 "Secondary Objective:Destroy the Main Door."
3 "Third Objective:Destroy the Filtration Door."
4 "Fourth Objective:Control the Allied Forward Spawn."
5 "Fifth Objective:Construct the command post."
1 "Primary Objective:Protect the Axis Submarine."
2 "Secondary Objective:Protect Main Door."
3 "Third Objective:Protect Filtration Door."
4 "Fourth Objective:Control the Allied Forward Spawn Point."
5 "Fifth:Construct the command post." mp_sub_rc1.way
UJE The Ghetto - uje_the_ghetto.pk3 and waypoints
By Ann!b@l
"The Axis have launched an attack on the ghetto. Our Ganghouse is comprimised. Hold the line and keep them out of the ghetto. Our fall back position is in the ghetto."
"Retake the ghetto and repair the tank awaiting you there. Use it to break into Ganghouse and steal their combat maps. Escape by helicopter."
"The Allies have control of the ghetto and have set up a Ganghouse in the ghetto. The Axis are trying to regain control of the ghetto and get to a broken down tank, break into Ganghouse, and steal theire combat maps."
1 "Primary Objective:Defend the Ghetto."
2 "Primary Objective:Prevent the Axis from repairing the tank."
3 "Primary Objective:Stop the tank from Getting into the Ganghouse."
4 "Primary Objective:Don't let them break into Ganghouse."
5 "Primary Objective:Protect the Combat maps."
6 "Primary Objective:Do not let the Axis get away with our Combat maps."
7 "Secondary Objective:Establish a Command Post inside the Ghetto building."
8 "Secondary Objective:Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post."
1 "Primary Objective:Take control of the Ghetto."
2 "Primary Objective:Repair the tank."
3 "Primary Objective:Escort the tank to the Ganghouse."
4 "Primary Objective:Break into the Allied Ganghouse."
5 "Primary Objective:Steal the Combat maps."
6 "Primary Objective:Escape with the Combat maps."
7 "Secondary Objective:Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post."
8 "Secondary Objective:Set up a Command Post inside the town hall."
uje_the_ghetto waypoints.rar
UJE The Ghetto Xmas - uje_the_ghetto_xmas.pk3 and waypoints
By DFighter
"The Axis have launched an attack on the ghetto. Our Ganghouse is comprimised. Hold the line and keep them out of the ghetto. Our fall back position is in the ghetto."
"Retake the ghetto and repair the tank awaiting you there. Use it to break into Ganghouse and steal their combat maps. Escape by helicopter."
"The Allies have control of the ghetto and have set up a Ganghouse in the ghetto. The Axis are trying to regain control of the ghetto and get to a broken down tank, break into Ganghouse, and steal theire combat maps." Objectives
Allied objectives
1 "Primary Objective:
Defend the Ghetto."
2 "Primary Objective:
Prevent the Axis from repairing the tank."
3 "Primary Objective:
Stop the tank from Getting into the Ganghouse."
4 "Primary Objective:
Don't let them break into Ganghouse."
5 "Primary Objective:
Protect the Combat maps."
6 "Primary Objective:
Do not let the Axis get away with our Combat maps."
7 "Secondary Objective:
Establish a Command Post inside the Ghetto building."
8 "Secondary Objective:
Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post."
Axis objectives
1 "Primary Objective:
Take control of the Ghetto."
2 "Primary Objective:
Repair the tank."
3 "Primary Objective:
Escort the tank to the Ganghouse."
4 "Primary Objective:
Break into the Allied Ganghouse."
5 "Primary Objective:
Steal the Combat maps."
6 "Primary Objective:
Escape with the Combat maps."
7 "Secondary Objective:
Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post."
8 "Secondary Objective:
Set up a Command Post inside the town h
uje_the_ghetto_xmas waypoints.rar
Lapland Beta 3 - lapland3.pk3 and waypoints
By DFighter
// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Stop the tank from getting to the base."
2 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the presents from being stolen."
3 "Secondary Objective:**Build tank barrier one."
4 "Secondary Objective:**Build tank barrier two."
5 "Secondary Objective:**Build a command post."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the allied command post."
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Escort the tank to the axis base."
2 "Primary Objective:**Steal the axis presents."
3 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy tank barrier one."
4 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy tank barrier two."
5 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the axis command post."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Build a Command Post." lapland3.way
Warmissile FP4 - Warmissile_fp4.pk3 and waypoints
By Stavros
Map Type: OBJ
Map Size: Large
Map Theme: Regular
Attacker: Allies
allied "Destroy Doors controls and steal the keycard!"
axis "Kill the allies!"
neutral "Allies have to prevent Axis from starting up the rocket!"
Axis Objective
**Capture The Flag! **Defend the Flag!
**Defend the Generator!
**Destroy the Allies Command Post!
**Repair the Axis Command Post **Defend the Axis Command Post!
**Defend the Main Generator!
Allied Objective
**Capture The Flag! **Defend the Flag!
**Destroy the Generator!
**Repair the Allied Command Post **Defend the Allied Command Post!
**Destroy the Axis Command Post!
**Destroy the Main Generator!
Point Xmas and waypoints
By DFighter
(the readme file)
// !The map has 2 different BSP files!
// Mapname : Point Xmas B1 OR Point Xmas TDM B1
// BSPname : point OR point_tdm
// Released: December 2016
// Version : Beta 1 // 4th version
// Map made by: -SSF-Sage from SM-Mapping
// Contact Sage : ssf.sage at gmail dot com //-SSF-Sage @ (prefered)
// SM-Mapping site:
Please contact us for any feedback, suggestions, constructive critisism, bug report etc.
Story: it is the Point Break! Steal the enemy flag or kill them! Honor shall be given to the team that hoard the most points!
!!The map comes with 3 version!!!
1] Steal the Red Flags.
2] Establish a Command Post inside the Central House.
3] Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post inside the Central House.
***Bonus: Collect stars
1] Steal the Blue Flags.
2] Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post inside the Central House.
3] Set up a Command Post inside the Central House.
***Bonus: Collect stars
1] Steal the Red Flag for 2 points or kill the enemy team for 1 point.
1] Steal the Blue Flag for 2 points or kill the enemy team for 1 point.
point.bsp / LMS version
1] Survive!
Installation: put the pk3 file into your Etmain folder.
Uninstallation: delete the pk3 file from your Etmain folder.
How to play:
g_gametypes 2=objective, 3=stopwatch, 4=campaign
/callvote map point
Team Deathmatch:
g_gametypes 2=objective, 3=stopwatch, 4=campaign
/callvote map point_tdm
g_gametypes 5=LMS
/callvote map point
/callvote map point_tdm
Disclaimer: we can not be held responsible for anything.
Credits: one or more textures on this map have been created with images from These images may not be redistributed by default. Please visit for more information.
Big amount of textures, models and prefabs etc. are made by Pegazus and SM-mapping
Xmas themed prefabs, horse
Loffy, Drakir and 2bit
Xmas themed prefabs
Map testing:
//////Big thanks to testing
///We owe you guys for all the help, testing and feedback!
Members and players from:
point waypoints.rar
2Hide CAL - 2hide_cal_r1.pk3 and waypoints
By Stavros
Map Type: OBJ
Map Size: Large
Map Theme: Regular
Attacker: Allies
Map Information
Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title : 2Hide_cal_r1
Filename : 2hide_cal_r1.pk3
Release date : 2004-01-21
Decription : During the Axis attempt to fire across the english canal they have built and hidden a huge gun in a farmhouse. To stop the firing of the gun, Allied forces need to get hold of the secret codes that unlocks the door to the hidden gun and then destroy the gun to make sure it cannot be used!.
Installation : Place the 2hide_cal_r1.pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the multiplayer->create server menu or
bring down the console and type: map 2hide_cal_r.
New Textures : 1
New Sounds : Nope
New Models : Nope
#. Version _r1 info:
Another bug fixed! Hopefully this will be the last update....really sorry for any inconvinience.
#. Version _r info:
The map had a bug in it from start that appeard on some servers. That when the game ended it came into a loop.
I have removed the thing i belive caused it, and the map are now no different than any other map out there. had to remove the gun shooting at the game end if Axis won.
#. This is a League version made specially for CAL, the Cyberathlete Amateur League:
#. Made several changes to make the map faster:
1. Removed the forward spawn flag. Allies still spawn at the trucks. Axis now starts in town.
2. Removed the locked team door.
3. Removed the blastable wall.
4. Removed the Blastable side gate.
5. Removed the wall that blocks the left side valley into the farmhouse.
6. Made a new tunnel and a new house to make it easier to use the left side valley.
7. Moved the High Guardhouse and made it Allies constructable instead.
8. Added a ladder from the trucks back upto the farmhouse upper level.
9. Moved the Ammo/Health from the Castle to where the forward spawn used to be.
10. Changed respawn times, Axis now 30 seconds, Allies 15.
11. Changed timelimit to 20 minutes instead of earlier 30.
Allied:"During the Axis attempt to fire across the english canal they have built and hidden a huge gun in a farmhouse. To stop the firing of the gun, Allied forces need to get hold of the secret codes that unlocks the door to the hidden gun and then destroy the gun to make sure it cannot be used!"
Axis:"During the Axis attempt to fire across the english canal they have built and hidden a huge gun in a farmhouse. To stop the firing of the gun, Allied forces need to get hold of the secret codes that unlocks the door to the hidden gun and then destroy the gun to make sure it cannot be used!"
Neutral:"During the Axis attempt to fire across the english canal they have built and hidden a huge gun in a farmhouse. To stop the firing of the gun, Allied forces need to get hold of the secret codes that unlocks the door to the hidden gun and then destroy the gun to make sure it cannot be used!"
2hide_cal_r1 waypoints.rar
Raid Final - raid_final.pk3 and waypoints
By Stavros
Map Type:OBJ
Map Size:Large
Map Theme:Regular
(incl. Waypoints)
Author : Magic
Email :
Release : 17-04-2016
Website :
Game Information.
Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
File name : raid_final.pk3
BSP name : raid_final
Menu name : Raid
Game modes : wolfmp wolfsw.
Players : 6-8 per team
Version : final
Attacking : Allies
Timelimit : 25
Spawntimes : Axis : 20 / Allies : 15
Install : Put the pk3 file into the etmain folder.
Story :
Axis are holding the library as their HQ -
Allies has decided to do a raid for the axis gold -
Escort the truck and force your way through the town to the library -
Steal the gold and escape
raid_final waypoints.rar
MP Rocket ET - mp_rocket_et_a1.pk3 and waypoints
By Stavros
Map Type:OBJ
Map Size:Large
Map Theme:Regular
The Axis have developed a new, longer ranged, more accurate V2 Rocket. A prototype is will launch from a hidden base buried deep beneath the mountains. If successful, this could well mark the turning point of the war. The Allied forces have learned of the launch location and detached a crack group of commandos to ensure the test launch fails ...**Allies must gain access to the control room, steal the override key, then take it across the launch pad to the override console to shut down the launch.
mp_rocket_et_a1 waypoints.rar
Marrakech Streets 2 Snow - et_mor2_snow.pk3 and waypoints
By DFighter
"Break into the town, find your way to the lab enterance, steal the documents and make your escape."
"Protect the town and lab from the Allie invasion."
"An abandoned area on the outskirts of Marrakech is being used by the Axis top scientists to test top secret new weaponary. Battle rages through this abandoned area as Allied Special Forces attempt a suprise attack on the town's garrison and try to steal the plans before Axis re-enforcements can arrive." Objectives
Allied objectives
1 "Build the bridge over the barriers and get the tank over to the front gate."
2 "Blow open the town's front gate."
3 "Dynomite the back door."
4 "Steal the documents from the lab."
5 "Escape the town with the documents."
Axis objectives
1 "Don't let the Allies get the tank over the barriers."
2 "Protect the town's front gate."
3 "Secure the back door area."
4 "Prevent the Allies from stealing the documents."
5 "Get the documents back to the lab." et_mor2_snow.way
Wolfsrudel 4 (Final/Fix2) - wolfsrudel_final.pk3 and waypoints
By DFighter
"We must steal the mobile emitters and destroy the Main Radio Mast to prevent the axis to send new orders to their Submarines in North Atlantic"
"The allied troops have found our base. The Mobile emitters and the Main Radio Mast must be defended."
"The German Uboote in the North Atlantic seem be commanded by this base. The Mobile emitters must be stolen and the main radio Mast be destroyed." Objectives
Allied objectives
1 "Primary Objective:
Dynamite the Maingate"
2 "Primary Objective:
To disable the Radarstation steal both of the Radarparts and bring it to the escape truck."
3 "Primary Objective:
Destroy the Main Axis Radio Mast with dynamite."
4 "Secondary Objective:
Capture the Forward Bunker from the Axis."
5 "Secondary Objective:
Dynamite the Sidewall to get into the Base."
6 "Secondary Objective:
Dynamite the Bunkersidewall to get into the Base."
7 "Secondary Objective:
Build a Command Post."
8 "Secondary Objective:
Destroy the Axis Command Post."
Axis objectives
1 "Primary Objective:
Defend the Maingate."
2 "Primary Objective:
Prevent both Radarparts from being stolen."
3 "Primary Objective:
Prevent the Allies for destroying the Main Radio Mast."
4 "Secondary Objective:
Defend the Forward Bunker."
5 "Secondary Objective:
Defend the Sidewall for breaching ."
6 "Secondary Objective:
Defend the Bunkersidewall for breaching ."
7 "Secondary Objective:
Destroy the Allied Command Post."
8 "Secondary Objective:
Build a Command Post."
wolfsrudel_final waypoints.rar
Western and waypoints
By Stavros
Mapname : Western Beta 1
BSPname : western
Released: August 2015
Version : First public release
Sheriff has put some Sabio Gang members in Jail after a long night of committing hostile deeds. The Gang in dark coats is up to free their Fellows.
If you decide your Fellows deserve their nights in Jail you can find multiple other ways to entertain yourself in the lovely Western town of Pegaso Pass.
1] Destroy the Gunsmith's door
2] Steal two packs of Dynamite
3] Steal a Detonator
4] Prepare the Detonator!
5] Activate and defend the Detonator for 30 seconds!
1] Don't let them destroy the Gunsmith's door
2] Don't let them steal two packs of Dynamite!
3] Don't let them steal a Detonator!
4] Don't let them prepare the Detonator!
5] Disable the detonator before the 30 second timer runs out!
Use g_moverscale 1 (default value) or otherwise the Cart will not work correctly.
Use pmove_fixed 0 and normal settings. The trickjump is tweaked to regular server with adrenaline.
Put the pk3 file into your Etmain folder.
Delete the pk3 file from your Etmain folder.
western waypoints.rar
Santas Grotto 1.2 and waypoints
By DFighter
"Ok soldier! Were going to the North Pole. Axis have stolen Santa's Sack and are holding it until we release their prisoners. We can't let that happen! Get through the Gates, Steal the Sack and get it back to Santas Grotto before Christmas eve!"
"Attention! Allies are sending troops here. We can only assume they want Santa's Sack. Don't let them get the sack. If we can hold them off we might be able to release the prisonners and ruin their 'Christmas' FOREVER!!!"
"Axis have taken hostage Santa's Sack and want their prisoners released and they will give the sack back. Allies will loose the war if that happens. Allies need to go through the gates and get Santa his sack back. Otherwise christmas will be ruined!" Objectives
Allied objectives
1 "Secondary Objective:
Destroy the First Gate."
2 "Secondary Objective:
Steal the Key to the Second Gate."
3 "Secondary Objective:
Open the Second gate."
4 "Secondary Objective:
Fix the Fusebox to the third Gate."
5 "Secondary Objective:
Steal Santa's Sack."
6 "Primary Objective:
Get Santa's Sack to the Grotto!"
7 "Secondary Objective:
Capture the North Pole."
8 "Secondary Objective:
Capture the command post in Sleigh Traffic Control for quicker support."
Axis objectives
1 "Secondary Objective:
Defend the First Gate."
2 "Secondary Objective:
Protect the second gate key."
3 "Secondary Objective:
Keep Gate 2 shut."
4 "Secondary Objective:
Dont let them Fix the Third Gate."
5 "Secondary Objective:
Protect Santa's Sack."
6 "Primary Objective:
DON'T let them take Santa's Sack back to Santa!"
7 "Secondary Objective:
Don't let them capture the North Pole."
8 "Secondary Objective:
Capture the command post in Sleigh Traffic Control for quicker support."
santas_grotto_v1_2 waypoints.rar
EA XMas - eaxmas.pk3 and waypoints
By DFighter
"Dont let the Allies Steal the Game!"
"Steal the Game"
"eA Xmas 2010"
eaxmas waypoints.rar
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