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Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Maps for Downloads.

1004 files

  1. praetoria_m3 and waypoints


    (the readme file)


    Mission Time: 25 Minutes

    Spawn Times: Axis 20 Seconds
    Allies 20 Seconds


    Mission Three: "The Allies must steal a prototype jet engine from the Praetoria Research Facility.
    The Axis must protect their military secrets and repel the invaders at all costs."

    Map Objectives:

    // Axis Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective:**Don't let the Allies steal the Command Card from the Drunk Officer."
    2 "Primary Objective:**Don't let the Allies Load the Engine onto the Tug at the North Crane."
    3 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from Returning the Tug to the Depot Yard."
    4 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from breaching the First Truck Barrier."
    5 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from breaching the Second Truck Barrier."
    6 "Secondary Objective:**CHECK YOUR FIRE! Don't kill your own commander!"
    7 "Secondary Objective:**Build a Command Post"
    8 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the East Courtyard."

    // Allied Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective:**Steal the Command Card from the Drunk Officer and take it to the Track Switch Console."
    2 "Primary Objective:**Get the tug to the North Crane to Steal the Supersonic Engine."
    3 "Primary Objective:**Return the Tug to the Depot Yard to Load the Engine onto the Truck."
    4 "Primary Objective:**Escort Truck past the First Truck Barrier."
    5 "Primary Objective:**Escort Truck past the Second Truck Barrier."
    6 "Secondary Objective:**CHECK YOUR FIRE! Don't make a martyr out of a drunk officer!"
    7 "Secondary Objective:**Build a Command Post"
    8 "Secondary Objective:**Capture the East Courtyard."


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  2. UJE_castle_xmas_b1 and waypoints

    UJE_castle_xmas_b1 Enemy Territory map
    map            "UJE_castle_xmas"
        longname        "[UJE]Castle Xmas"
        type            "wolfmp wolfsw wolflms"
        timelimit  25
        axisRespawnTime  3
        alliedRespawnTime 3
        lmsbriefing        "[UJE]^3Castle Xmas: The Axis are intruding Santa's Castle
                          to steal his Magic crown and
                          escape with his sledge
                          Map made by [UJE]Niek www.ujeclan.com"

    wm_axis_respawntime    15
            wm_allied_respawntime    25
            wm_number_of_objectives 7
            wm_set_round_timelimit    25
            // Objectives
            // 1: Forward Spawn (Old Town)
            // 2: Command Post
            // 3: Side Wall
            // 4: Assault Ramp
            // 5: Broken Mirror
            // 6: Basement Wall
            // 7: Gold
    uje_castle_xmas.gm uje_castle_xmas.way uje_castle_xmas_goals.gm


       (0 reviews)


  3. UJE_xmas_factory_b1

        Briefing: Axis forces are planning an assasination on Santa
     while he is sleeping ,They have to steal a special Dagger for it to make it work ,
     The allied forces have to protect Santa at all cost"
        axiswintext "Santa is dead what will happen to xmas now ?!"
        alliedwintext "The Axis Forces have been defeated and Santa is safe!"
            // Game rules
            wm_axis_respawntime        15
            wm_allied_respawntime    25
            wm_number_of_objectives 8
            wm_set_round_timelimit    30


       (0 reviews)


  4. UJE carentan b1 - UJE_carentan_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    About This File

    Map made by  [UJE]Niek
    Changed to uje version
    16-9-2020 added commandpost spawn for allies only     TABLE OF CONTENT  
    I. A brief history
    II. Creation
    III. Map & objectives
    IV. Credit
    V. Thanks
    VI. Contact
    VII. Further links
    VIII. Extra and known issues
    IX. Copyright   I.  A brief history

    This et_carentan was originally conceived as a complete and perfect reconstruction of Carentan, in order to pay tribute to this celebrated Call of Duty multiplayer map. In the mapping process, and with the consent of VS, the idea got adapted in honor of the alliance between SLUT and VS.

    The map was to be subject to a complete transformation, ultimately attempting to give the map a Vietnamese war atmosphere. Hence, the map's name became a mere "vietnamization" of Carentan: "Kha Ran Than". Evidently, the map featured the VS Vietnam mod textures and sounds. Also, beside the original Carentan setting, the map was enlarged with a beach landing and a town plaza to better suit the 40 slot VS server.

    In an initial phase, Kha Ran Than was to be provided exclusively to the VS clan to use on their VETERAN SOLDIERS-VIETNAM server. Later on it would, independently of the VS Vietnam mod, be made public for others when adapted to the original CoD Carentan setting, preserving the said enlargments.

    This et_carentan was originally conceived as a complete and perfect reconstruction of Carentan, in order to pay tribute to this celebrated Call of Duty multiplayer map. In the mapping process, and with the consent of VS, the idea got adapted in honor of the alliance between SLUT and VS.

    The map was to be subject to a complete transformation, ultimately attempting to give the map a Vietnamese war atmosphere. Hence, the map's name became a mere "vietnamization" of Carentan: "Kha Ran Than". Evidently, the map featured the VS Vietnam mod textures and sounds. Also, beside the original Carentan setting, the map was enlarged with a beach landing and a town plaza to better suit the 40 slot VS server.

    In an initial phase, Kha Ran Than was to be provided exclusively to the VS clan to use on their VETERAN SOLDIERS-VIETNAM server. Later on it would, independently of the VS Vietnam mod, be made public for others when adapted to the original CoD Carentan setting, preserving the said enlargments.

    II. Creation

    In the process, they received a great deal of help from other distinguished mappers, who will be thanked and credited later on in this readme.

    The entire concept took about a year of weekend work to become reality, from somewhere in September 2008 to September 2009.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: It must be emphasized the final result was achieved without ever decompiling anything from the original CoD map or any other map from any other game. Also, out of respect of the original creation, the map is provided with completely different textures than the CoD version.

    III. Map & objectives

    1. Setting:

    As said, the map's setting is based on the Call of Duty map, which in turn based itself on the prestigious "Band of Brothers" series. The liberation of Carentan took place on June 12, 1944. It is this framework this map is relying on as well. In order to insert a worthy objective, we decided upon the stealing of a tank, escorting it to German head quarters, stealing documents there and securing those in a Huey helicopter.

    The map features the original CoD town of Carentan, together with a small beach and a town plaza.

    2. Objectives

    - Attacking team: US Easy Company

    Objective: Stealing top secret documents which could gravily endanger the planned liberation of Europe from the German terror.

    - Defending team: Germany

    Objective: the Germans are in the middle of transmitting the secret intel and must prevent the documents from getting stolen.

    3. Map and spawn times

    Time limit: 30 minutes
    Allied spawn time: 12 seconds
    Axis spawn time: 15 seconds

    IV. Credit

    Credit goes to:

    - Sage for the -vis improvements, misc editing and great support
    - Menzel for his car model
    - Pegazus for his helicopter model and great support
    - Necromancer for his skybox pack
    - VS Monkey
    - UJE Niek for, amongst others, his great blending and, together with UJE C, more -vis improving
    - Official 6-maps source (for crates, radar house: allies first spawn (edited by us) and other
    models that come default with the game)
    - the original CoD Carentan creators
    - Rayban for the treeline texture and shader

    V. Thanks

    Our thanks goes to:

    - Monkey for testing the first versions of the map and the helpful feedback
    - a particular, very kind inhabitant of a place called The Delta Quadrant
    - the VS clan for its great server, home of its celebrated Vietnam 0.0.2 mod as well as the Vietnamized version of this map, Kha Ran Than
    - Pegazus and Sage from S&M mapping
    - UJE Niek and C
    - all mappers, in particular on the splashdamage forums, who helped us in any way
    - everyone who tested this map or brought an added value to the map
    - you who are reading this and will (hopefully) play et_carentan
    - our Nintendo Wii for entertaining us during compiling times (... long times it were)
    - our PC for hangin' on

    VII. Further links


       (0 reviews)


  5. Chartow Final

    Informacje o tym pliku:
    Nazwa mapy: Chartow_Final
    Nazwa pliku: Chartow_Final.pk3 (Chartow_Final.bsp)
    Druga nazwa: ^hChartow ^1Final
    Typ mapy: wolfmp wolfsw wolfcp
    Wersja: Wersja finalna (utworzona 23 lutego 2018, edytowana 29 listopada 2020)
    Limit czasu mapy: 20 minut
    Czas odrodzenia Allies: 18 sekund
    Czas odrodzenia Axis: 22 sekundy
    Liczba celów: 8 celów
    Mapa została wykonana przez FILIPE
    Opis misji:
    Neutralny opis mapy:
    W mieście Chartów pośród ciasno ułożonych fabryk położony jest bank. Za jego progiem znajduję się sejf. Trzeba go zniszczyć, a zawartość dostarczyć do nadajnika radiowego.
    To zadanie leży na barkach Alliesów. Ale przedtem muszą przejąć wrogi czołg i eskortować go pod drzwi banku. Po zakończonej misji Alliesi mają się wycofać z miasta.
    Opis mapy Alliesów:
    W pomieszczeniach banku znajduję się sejf. Musicie go zniszczyć, a jego zawartość dostarczyć do nadajnika radiowego. Ale wpierw musicie przejąć wrogi czołg i eskortować go do drzwi banku.
    Po zakończonej misji wycofajcie się z miasta.
    Opis mapy Axis:
    Postawiono Wam najważniejsze zadanie w całej rzeszy. Chrońcie zawartości banku przed wykradnięciem go przez wroga. Żeby to wykonać musicie odeprzeć nieprzyjacielski atak i uniemożliwić im przejęcie naszego czołgu.
    Opisy celów Alliesów:
    1) Przejmij wrogi czołg i eskortuj go pod drzwi banku!
    2) Ochroń czołg przed nieprzyjacielskim ostrzałem i podprowadź go pod drzwi banku!
    3) Przejęty czołg wroga doprowadź pod drzwi banku. Niszczycielskim strzałem udostępnij pomieszczenia skarbca!
    4) Zniszcz sejf i zdobądź jego zawartość, po czym dostarcz go do nadajnika radiowego!
    5) Zniszcz ścianę boczną by stworzyć krótszą drogę do czołgu.
    6) Zniszcz ścianę dzielącą kanały i magazyn by stworzyć drogę na tyły czołgu.
    7) Zniszcz bramę wjazdową i w ten sposób utoruj sobie krótszą drogę do ucieczki.
    8  Ustaw stanowisko dowodzenia w barze Axis. Uniemożliw zniszczenia i przejęcia go przez nieprzyjaciela.
    Opisy celów Axis:
    1) Nie dopuść do przejęcia naszego czołgu przez wroga!
    2) Nie pozwól by nieprzyjaciel podprowadził czołg do drzwi banku!
    3) Nie pozwól na strzał z niszczyciela i zniszczenie drzwi banku!
    4) Nie pozwól na zniszczenie sejfu i wykradnięcia jego zawartości!
    5) Nie pozwól wrogowi na utworzenie sobie krótszej drogi. Chroń ścianę boczną.
    6) Nie pozwól wrogowi na zakradanie się w tyłach magazynu. Chroń ścianę magazynu czołgu.
    7) Nie pozwól wrogowi na stworzenie sobie krótszej drogi na ucieczkę. Chroń bramę wjazdową.
    8  Ustaw stanowisko dowodzenia w barze Axis. Uniemożliw zniszczenia i przejęcia go przez nieprzyjaciela.
    Podziękowania dla @Xiahou Dun za pomoc w przetłumaczeniu opisu celów.
    Chartow_Final.gm Chartow_Final.way Chartow_Final_goals.gm


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  6. UJE_wildwest_sniper_b3

    Pretend youreself in the Wildwest.
    Only this time no cowboys and indians but snipers. It's set in 2 towns both on the edge of a river. Go find some good spots and kill them all.


       (0 reviews)


  7. uje_warzone

    (the readme file)

    [UJE] Warzone

    Map made by [UJE]Niek
    Special effects made by [UJE]C


    welcome in the warzone.Alies are attacking a city that is
    suppressed by alies attacks.Alies are searching for the last
    hideout place of the axis.Alies have to escort the tank and
    find the last hideout where they have to destroy axis
    communication centre.Axis have to prevent this.
    Only thing that is intact is the uje friends bar,have funn in there


    Special stuff:

    * A Hammond in the church and sound when entering the church
    * Planes bombing the place every 6 minutes.
    * Firesupport is shooting the planes from the ground
    * A big cafe Spawn with lots of efffects:
    - A disco with lots of beats and a sampler
    - Disco lights
    - Laser show
    - Smokemachine
    - Free drinks
    - dartboard
    - Doctor.Who beaming telephonecell
    - And lots of paintings from friendly clans of the [UJE]clan
    * Semi bullet-proof cafe.
    * Parachute drop

    So lot's of funstuf in the bar,
    a place where you can really relax and rest or even take a dance,
    drink some beers or gamble a bit.


    More [UJE] maps are on our website if you like to check them out.


    Special thanks too all the friendly clans for sending in there pictures!

    * =DM= - ODIN - of death milkman clan
    * {BN} Powder puff of Battle Net clan
    * [TSC]Yoda of The SniperClan
    * )A( Old owl of Dark Alchemy
    * (TOP) Rakker of The Orange Players clan
    * [BOT]OKRedman of the BOTclan
    (Unfortenetly he did not see this map cause he had an motorcycle accident
    and lost his life by the crash.
    I will always remember Donald Fair may he rest in peace
    * {NB}Dr Ryan Of the Nuremberg clan
    * DUTCHBAT RLN* if the dutchbat clan
    * [TTW]Beowulf from the thunder storm warriors
    * {TTS}Terrorsquad from the tiger town souls

    All thanks for being friendly clans!

    *And ofcourse i want to say special thanks to [UJE]C because he did it again.
    He made lot's of nice shaders and adjusted lots of things.
    Well I can't say it enough Thanks C for the help

    C says:

    There are several models used in ths map, and ALL credit goes to the makers of these models.
    Not every model was accompanied by shaders, so i had to make some myself..

    Thanks to the (unknown) maker of the C47- & P40 airplanes..whoever You are..

    I put in 1 model myself, it's a parachute from "DeGeneration".

    Good model work! thanks for displaying it in this map.

    information & references:
    Furthermore, i want to thank Chruker for providing me with lots of information on his website:
    The scripting-reference and the "MD3 Tag The Dummy".
    This is his site: http://games.chruker.dk/enemy_territory

    And of course, i want to thank everyone who made the SplashDamage-forums to what they are now,
    one big knowledge base.. Without it, i would've asked many questions myself..
    Fortunately, there is an answer to allmost any problem. I rarely visit another mapping-forum.

    Thanks Niek, for letting me script, shade and debug Your map.. 🙂


    [UJE]Clan site

    you can get omnibot waypoint files of the snipermaps
    from our site by clicking "[UJE]map info" in the main-menu.

    the real name of the map is UJE_warzone


       (0 reviews)


  8. UJE_warzone_sniper_final


    Oke, this map is a special one. Lot's of special features in it. A town is split in 2 cause of a fight , now they are shooting at eachother from one side to the other. Between the shooting bombers bomb the place down , as you will see the houses are real shot down. In this map there are sniperplaces for all sorts of sniper technics , so i hope every sniper likes this map. For me this map was a real experience cause i had ask all our friendly clans to send in a picture for in this map. Well most of the clans did so i really want to thank them for sending in their picture.
    Even if there is a lot of shooting in this map there is also a place where you can relax. Not everyone wanted the fight between both sides. For them there is a shelter bar under the map , with all kinds of special things. It's a no shooting area with free drinks free gamble play darts or even dance a bit. Here are all the paintings of our friendly clans . When you want to go back in fight , you can use the Dr Who telephonecel ,it will beem you up.
    Ofcourse i want to thank C for adding his gamble machine and making all sorts of special thinks with his master skill shadering and scripting .Well done c you really give this map a special look.


       (0 reviews)


  9. uje_vulcano_escape

    Download pk3 name: UJE_vulcano_escape_b7.pk3
    Map name: UJE_vulcano_escape.bsp
    The Axis are stuck between two volcano's that are about to erupt, they need to get away from there before they do! Axis must escort the tank, open the gate, build the bridge, and get away with the truck before there out of time! Allies must prevent all of this!


       (0 reviews)


  10. UJE_the_ghetto

    (the readme file)

    [UJE]The Ghetto xmas

    Map made by [UJE]Niek


    "The Allies have occupied the Ghetto and have set up a Ganghouse.
    The Axis must push the Allies back to the Ganghouse,
    get a tank there to break into the Ganghouse, and steal their Combatmaps."


    Axis: Take control of the Town disco spawn
    Repair the tank and escort it to the ganghouse
    Repair the road
    sachel or dynamite the roadblock
    Get the combat maps to the chopper on the roof
    Alied: Hold the towndisco spawn
    Prevent that the axis get into the ghetto


    Special stuff
    * Moving girls added by C
    * Funny sounds
    * Chopper for getting to objective
    * Alarm when there are axis on the roof
    * New features check them

    More [UJE] maps:

    You can see the info about our other maps on our website


    [UJE]Clan site www.ujeclan.com

    you can get omnibot waypoint files from our site by [UJE]map info


       (0 reviews)


  11. UJE_the_beast

    (the readme file)


    [UJE]The Beast 04-12-2011

    Made by [UJE]Niek
    Beast stuff made by [UJE]ischbinz


    Axis objective map:

    Axis are loosing the war bigtime so they had to come
    up with a new idea.
    This time they bring the almighty beast into war.
    They have to escort the beast to the labs where
    the allies took the zombies for testing.
    once the beast destroyed the main gate the axis can
    try to free the zombies by blowing up the Forcefields.
    Allies have to prevent this all.


    Axis objective

    * Escort the Beast till it destroys the Main entrance of the lab
    * Destroy the 2 Generators that keep the Forcefield active.
    * Fix the Commandpost
    * Build the bridge

    Allied objective

    * Stop the Beast
    * Prevent the Axis from blowing up the Generators
    * Build commandpost
    * Prevent the axis from building the Bridge


    More [UJE] maps:

    You can see the info about our other maps on our website


    [UJE]Clan site www.ujeclan.com



       (0 reviews)


  12. UJE Paris - UJE_paris_public.pk3 and waypoints

    UJE] Niek releases his new handsome Enemy Territory map - UJE-Paris beta 1.
    The Axis forces are invading Paris this time. They are on their way passing the Seine into the center of Paris where they want to destroy the Eiffel Tower.
    France will be fallen if they succeed. The Allied forces need to stop them at all costs
    Axis Objective
    * Escort both Tanks into Paris
    * Destroy 2 Tank barriers
    * Destroy the Eiffel Tower
    * Build the commandpost
    Allied Objective
    * Stop the Tanks
    * Build the commandpost
    Special thanks to Fabi for the scripting adjustments and thanks to everyone that keeps the game alive.


       (0 reviews)


  13. UJE_marketgarden_b2

    (the readme file)

    Basic Information
    Designer : Anxiety
    Email Address : ?

    Clan Site : http://tsgclan.com/

    Map Information

    Notice for Server Admins and Players:
    This is a repacked File (pk3 from 40 MB to 17 MB)

    Game : Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Title : Market Garden
    Filename : marketgarden_et_r2.pk3
    Version : Final
    Release date : 12/16/2005

    # The Axis need to blow up the communications center at the allied base
    # The Allies need to blow up the axis water control tower near the bridge Servers currently running this map # Servername  


       (0 reviews)


  14. UJE_mall_b6

    (the readme file)

    b1 version 10-01-2015
    b3 version 04-02-2015
    b4 version 30-04-2015
    b5 version 31-10-2015
    By [UJE]Niek

    In the city of UJE are some very important documents hidden by some
    Allied troops , Axis are trying to get those documents back.
    They invaded the UJE Mall with a tank to blow up the solid door
    of the building where the documents are hidden.
    It will not be easy because the Allied forced know they are coming
    and they are trying to prevent this with all the sources they have.
    Have alot of fun.


    Axis objective
    *escort the tank
    *blow up 2 baricades
    *fix commandpost
    *fix the generator to close the gate
    *blow the safe door
    *steal the secret document
    *send the secret document

    Allied objective
    *stop the axis tank
    *build baricade 1
    *build baricade 2
    *build commandpost
    *defend the generator to keep the gate open
    *Prevent the axis from stealing the secret document


    More [UJE] maps:

    You can see the info about our other maps on our website


    [UJE]Clan site www.ujeclan.com


    for campaigncycles the map is called UJE_mall


       (0 reviews)


  15. UJE_lava_panzer_b1

    (the readme file)


    Map made by [UJE]Niek


    a map mostly filled with containers and trucks.
    It's made for panzer war to really have a good time.
    I hope everybody has a lot of fun in this map

    I want to say special thanks to [UJE]C for his help with
    the script and the shaders.


    More [UJE] maps:

    UJE_00 made by [UJE]C (Jul 30 2006)
    UJE_sniper made by [UJE]Niek (Dec 21 2006)
    UJE_city_sniper made by [UJE]Niek (Jan 02 2007)
    UJE_sniper_boot made by [UJE]Niek (Jan 11 2007)
    UJE_flat_sniper made by [UJE]Niek (Feb 05 2007)
    UJE_oldskool_sniper made by [UJE]Niek (Mar 28 2007)
    UJE_oldskool_sniper_np made by [UJE]Niek (Apr 11 2007)
    UJE_sniper_boot_np made by [UJE]Niek (May 24 2007)
    UJE_warzone_sniper made by [UJE]Niek (Apr 21 2007)
    UJE_hospital_sniper made by [UJE]Niek (Jun 16 2007)
    UJE_jungle_sniper made by [UJE]Niek (Jun 24 2007)
    UJE_space_panzer made by [UJE]Niek (july 22 2007)
    UJE_space_sniper made by [UJE]Niek (july 23 2007)
    UJE_jungle_panzer made by [UJE]Niek (august 15 2007)

    I also have modifications maps of them all for playing tce
    If you want them just make contakt with me on our site , and
    i will send them to you.


    [UJE]Clan site



       (0 reviews)


  16. uje_jungle_panzer

    (the readme file)

    [UJE] Jungle Panzer

    Map made by [UJE]Niek


    This time youre playing in a jungle panzer map.
    You can jump around whole map with a gravity of 200..
    Try to get all the people that are humping around.
    The trees and bush will also give you cover and some tree cabins
    are in the map where you can panzer from.
    Again some funny sounds are in the jungle so go and check them out.
    I hope that everybody likes this map and the others i made.

    For quistions or something else you can always visit our forum at



       (0 reviews)


  17. UJE inca sniper b1 - UJE_inca_sniper_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    This is the first map made by Phrankhi
    The sniperscene is set in an inca town
    There is a way to cross but it's very hard as you will notice
    The spawn is in a tunnelnetwork so you can go from the underground to alot of sniperspots
    The tree models are made by kic ,thanks for that.
    Have a lot of fun in this map


       (0 reviews)


  18. uje_hospital_panzer

    (the readme file)

    [UJE] Hospital panzer

    Map made by [UJE]Niek


    This is a first playable beta version of hospital panzer.
    After the war the wounded were stationed in an hospital for
    recouvering there wounds but.....
    An invasion of enemy soldiers started so now they've got to defend
    there hospital for falling down..
    Have real fun on this map



       (0 reviews)


  19. UJE_gondola_sniper_b1

    Had to make a snipermap for xmas for the year 2013 and yes wolfenstein et is still alive after so many years ,Congratulations with this great game So...there are snow gondolas in this map for all the people who don't like snow. Crossing is possible in 2 ways ,with the gondola and by foot. Have alot of fun in this map and merry xmas and a good newyear


       (0 reviews)


  20. uje_goldrush

    About This File
    Original Map by SplashDamage.
    This is a modified version of Gold Rush that allows greater access to
    old and new area's while trying to maintain the stock look of the original map.
    More improvements over the previous beta 2 version which include,
    - More access to ledges throughout the map and not just the bank courtyard.
    - New area's added, once again they remain secret's and i wont say where.
    - Area at the entrance of the crawl-way near the command post can now be
      mined under the bushes, this is to offset how easy is was before when the axis
      coverts would use this route to blow the cp, now if they don't watch they can
      crawl over a mine by mistake.
    - One of the new area's added allows the allies another route into the bank, once
      again though.. this route can be easily defended by the axis on larger servers.
    - shutters that are in front of the new mg, plus access routes to axis spawn area,
      plus the way to the command post, via the light tower are now shootable instead of
      being able to open. once destroyed they are gone for the rest of the game.
    - Most of the new doors that were added have now been changed to standard et doors,
      with louder doors sounds to accompany them and they now swing both way's.
    - Other changes include repairs to the original map that had some iffy brushwork and
      removed and reclipped over 90% of the ceiling clip brushes. ( the changes to the brushwork
      managed to drop the average windings down 14 meg from the stock compile time and lower vis
      data... although... only mappers might appreciate that tech talk.. 😃 fps remains the same.
    - new misc repairs where i found some sloppiness in mapping on my part, caulked area's are
      no longer visible. other misc differences also.. to many to mention.
    this version is intended to hopefully solve the issue of the error MAX_GAMESTATE_CHARS when
    the allies win on large servers up to 60 players.for smaller servers the previous version with
    the elevators ( goldrush-ga ) still works fine.
    Hopefully the average gamer who has played gold rush will not notice anything different as
    that was the intention, to keep the map as original looking as possible and to stumble upon
    some new area and say to themselves,
    "i have played this map hundreds of times and never seen that before... "
    Why did i do this??? because on larger servers up to 40 or more players, it's near impossible
    for the allied team to win, and hopefully more greater access can improve their chances to win
    at least 50% of the time, and personally i have always thought of goldrush as a death match map
    and there's more humorous and ambush kill places in this one to make that happen.
    email: RayBanB@gmail.com with comments/critisms ect... but again i will say that if your going
    to email and say "i dont see anything different... " then your not looking hard enough!


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  21. UJE_fueldump_cp

    About This File
    --UJE_fueldump --
    This is an adjusted version of Fueldump. Because the map couldn't be played on no quarter.

    Ambient is changed to summer ,trees are replaced and alot of patch brushes are deleted. Also a door at the fueldump is added and commandpoast spawn is there.

    // Axis Objective Descriptions
    1 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from constructing and reinforcing a Bridge over the frozen river."
    2 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allied Tank from destroying the Tunnel Doors."
    3 "Primary Objective:**Disable the Allied Tank before it can blow open the Depot Gates."
    4 "Primary Objective:**Defend the Depot Fuel Dump."
    5 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the damaged Side Wall."
    6 "Secondary Objective:**Build your Command Post for improved charge times."
    7 "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Allies from constructing a Command Post."
    // Allied Objective Descriptions
    1 "Primary Objective:**Construct and reinforce a Bridge over the frozen river."
    2 "Primary Objective:**Escort the Tank over the Bridge to destroy the Tunnel Doors."
    3 "Primary Objective:**Cover the Tank as it destroys the Axis Depot Gates."
    4 "Primary Objective:**Dynamite the Axis Fuel Dump."
    5 "Secondary Objective:**Escort the Tank to destroy the Side Wall to the rear of the Depot."
    6 "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Axis from constructing a Command Post."
    7 "Secondary Objective:**Build a Command Post for faster charge times."


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  22. UJE_forest_panzer_b1

    (the readme file)

    [UJE] Forest panzer

    Map made by [UJE]Niek


    Deep down in the forest is a very nice spot. only.....
    Some crazy people wandering around and shoot everyone they see.
    The peacefull place has become a real warzone.


    * All the lights you see are the medic and ammo supplies


    More [UJE] maps:

    You can see the info about our other maps on our website


    [UJE]Clan site www.ujeclan.com

    you can get omnibot waypoint files from our site by [UJE]map info
    for campaigncycles the map is called UJE_egypt_panzer


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  23. uje_egypt_panzer

    (the readme file)

    [UJE] Egypt panzer

    Map made by [UJE]Niek


    Oke EGYPTIAN time.
    1 pyramide this time with a very large building around it.
    There are some very special features in this map so try to find it.
    There is a catapult for passing to higher ground
    and there are flying carpets instead of elevators.
    Go walk around and shoot everyone you see.
    Have lots of fun on this map


    Extra features

    * flying carpets instead of an elevator
    * Catapults for crossing and the abbility to put them out as admin.
    * A ghost that will follow you in the long hallway
    * Fun sounds
    * some scary things


    More [UJE] maps:

    You can see the info about our other maps on our website


    [UJE]Clan site www.ujeclan.com

    you can get omnibot waypoint files from our site by [UJE]map info
    for campaigncycles the map is called UJE_egypt_panzer


    i wanne say Thanks to all the guys who made these beautiful models


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  24. uje_city_patrol

    Axis objective map. The Axis have one big objective this Time,
    First they have to escort the tank that will be followed by alot of trucks to the factory.
    On theire way to the Factory they will have to go through a river and through a Town.
    Allies have to try and stop them.


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  25. UJE_cave_panzer_b1 and waypoints

    Just a small panzermap..
    Tested alot to create a nice atmosphere in the map Hope you get the feeling that you are really in a cave.


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