Map Scripts
Download map scripts and fixes for Enemy Territory.
71 files
By DoubleDragon
This goes in to etmain/maps on server side to fix sound errors clients shouldn't have to download this file I don't think
None of the scripting was removed just marked out to stop the errors
There was only 5 sound paths that had wav files to sync to out of 99 voiceannounce commands
I have no clue where the rest of the sound files are another reason for a script adjustment
Ragnars Battery Script - NoQuarter and ETPro version
By Buckwild
Ragnars Battery Script - NoQuarter and ETPro version
Game rules:
axis_respawntime 30
allied_respawntime 20
number_of_objectives 6
set_round_timelimit 20
1: Destroy Battery Gun / Defend Battery Gun
2: Construct Beach Assault Ramp / Prevent Beach Assault Ramp
3: Capture West Bunker / Defend West Bunker
4: Destroy Door Controls / Protect Door Controls
5: Allied command post
6: Axis command post
announce: "The server is running Ragnars Battery Script (noquarter version).
* After Allies built the Beach Assault Ramp for the 5th time it can only be destroyed
by dynamite."
* Assault Ramp near the North-West MG Nest available (see the command map for location).
Allies can build the Bunker Assault Ramp by using the materials inside the bunker.
* Axis can rebuild the Backdoor."
Allies need dynamite to destroy the Backdoor for the first time."
For all subsequent attacks also satchels can be used."
* Axis can spawn near the backdoor as long as the Axis command post is built.
* Axis MG nests and the command post are built on map start.
* The Generator does not open or close the backdoor, only doors near the Gun and at the
bunker front close and open as usual."
* The MG42 nests in the East Bunker (near the Command Post) are removed.
* Frontline mod."
* Script includes all ETPro map script fixes.
* Script includes mortis' map fixes.
for feedback, updatesand bug reports.
Flame Guards Warzone - Timefix
By Buckwild
Mapscript for Flame-guards warzone Enemy Territory map
to reduce timelimit additions for advancing Axis.
Timelimit at start reduced from 20 to 15 Minutes.
5 Minutes are added instead of 10 for each of 4 objectives.
This is a server side mapscript.
Map made for Flame-Guards Clan by Marko Mytho of MLB Clan.
My first mapscript, Works! Cheers!
By daredevil
Script for map dubrovnik_final. It blocks the access to the roof.
Frostbite Final
By Wifestein
Adjusts wait states and disables speakers when storage wall is destroyed....
By Wifestein
Not really a bugfix but a minor gameplay change.
Fixed grammar of the wm_announcements and the upped the charge bar requirement to build the gate to 1.5. This creates more incentive for Axis to come forth and defuse dynamite, rather than simply sit back and rebuilt the gate instantly when it blows.
Saberpeak_final Competition Script - Very Experimental!
By Wifestein
Fixes timing bug that caused Allies to lose when 40 seconds remain and dynamite is planted. Attempts to fix the ship-damaged-while-blowing-boulder bug where the ship gets messed up. Not sure if bug #2 is totally fixed, it needs some testing on busy servers. Adds progressive forward spawns as the boat advances, first the docks, then the ammo drop zone....making that hellish long walk shorter, and making it easier for Allies to advance the boat/capture the CP bunker.
Saberpeak_final Bugfix Script - Experimental
By Wifestein
Fixes timing bug that caused Allies to lose when 40 seconds remain and dynamite is planted. Attempts to fix ship-damaged-while-blowing-boulder bug where the ship gets messed up. Not sure if bug #2 is totally fixed, it needs some testing on busy servers.
By Wifestein
The Allies have control of Caen and have set up a Battalion Headquarters across the river. The Axis are trying to regain control of the town and get to a broken down tank, break into battallion HQ, and steal combat intelligence.
- Take control of the town.
- Repair the tank.
- Escort the tank across the river.
- Break into the Allied Battalion Headquarters.
- Steal the maps.
- Escape with the maps.
- Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post.
- Set up a Command Post inside the town hall.
- Defend the town.
- Prevent the Axis from repairing the tank.
- Stop the tank from crossing the river.
- Don't let them break into Battalion HQ.
- Protect the maps.
- Do not let the Axis get away with our maps.
- Establish a Command Post inside the town hall.
- Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post
Snatch 2 : Competition Version - beta1
By Wifestein
Summary of changes:
All MG nests removed
All truck barriers removed (making it parts-truck-wall-escape or wall-parts-truck-escape)
Removed bridge
More autospawn tweakage (irrelevant to comp)
Allied - Axis spawntimes set to 20/30 instead of 15/30
Map time reduced from 20mins to 15 mins (reduced to accomodate removed barriers)
Began process to remove health/ammo cabs (not sure how many to keep or remove)
Future changes:
remove some/all health cabinets?
remove some teamdoors to speed Axis travel times?
make truck easier to damage?
By Wifestein
This is beta script that needs testing in the real world. This one was an exercise in fugly script mangling. Report bugs to me. This script is working for me, but I need more feedback.
Corrected autospawns
Corrected endgame wait states
Removed bad TWO and spawns at CP
Created correctly working TWO and spawns at CP
Made a new autospawn system
Added wm_announcements for CP spawn activity
El Kef Final
By Wifestein
I have made a version of the new el_kef_final that makes a minor correction in the intial autospawn wait, so that autospawns are set before players spawn. This in addition to Marko's spawn bug fix.
By Wifestein
Updates many aspects of gameplay: time is reduced to 15 mins, depot defenses can be knocked down with grenades, bridge is easy to build, tank is fast and invulnerable, except at the end of the map, after blowing the side wall, the tank becomes 'normal', and now features a spline 71 autospawn at command post (if active). Only stage 1 of the east defnses can be built.
Abridged fueldump
By Wifestein
Another reduced/accelerated fueldump version (somewhat akin to the various sw_fueldump flavors) by nUllSkillZ. Tank speed should be raised (suggestion 1.25)! Yet another flavor of fueldump for you!
Introduction: "Quicker Fueldump" is an ET-Pro V 3.2.6 mapscript modification with the following features:
- Global -- timelimit: 20 -- Axis spantime: 25 -- Allied spawntime: 20 -- Tank is invulnerable - 1st stage -- Allied first spawn and tankstart at 2nd wooden hut (original Allied spawn still present and choosable but reduced to 6 spawnpoints) -- Bridge only one stage constructible with a chargebarrequest of 1.25 -- Footbridge chargebarrequest 0.75
-- Tank destroys Tunnelentrance immediately after passing the Bridge
- 2nd stage -- capturable spawnflag at Garage (only for allied)
if captured by allied flag can be choosen as spawnpoint spawn is independent of Commandpost state -- Garage Ammo-/Health-cabinet available from startup independent of Commandpost state -- Tank destroys Maingate after leaving the Tunnel Garage spawnflag switches to default and is removed -- final Tankposition in front of Maingate
enables another choosable allied spawn in the room near the tunnel exit
-- Sidewall is dynamitable -- Axis teamdoor inside Fueldump building removed -- Depotgates are still two stage constructibles
but will be removed completely stage by stage after first time full construct and some additional fixes from mortis and reyalP
Fueldump - new script
By Wifestein
In addition to the standard etpro features, the autospawn is set to the command post (if active) at spline 73. An announcement indicates when this is set. This forces teh noobs to autospawn forward when the tank exits the tunnels and is heading towards the depot. Corrects autospawn wait times to be set prior to players spawning. Reduces end of round wait state, making a 31 second plant by Allies winnable (previously, Allies had to plant with 34 or more seconds remaining).
Fueldump "Pro" Script III
By Wifestein
In addition to all etpro features and setting of the allied autospawn to the cp at spline 73, this script disables stage 2 of the east depot defenses. Thanks to 2/3Soul for the modified constructible code. Noobs can no longer build the east defenses, stage 2 with this script. Only stage 1 can be built. On the west side, both stages of depot defenses work normally. No more games spoiled by hyperactive noobs. Player clips block all trickjumps into fueldump. 2 axis spawns are enabled in the Axis truck garage. Axis can spawn at Axis CP when CP is built. Allies can spawn at Health and Ammo hut after advancing the tank to the MG nest. Allied spawn at Ammo Hut is disabled after tank blows the main tunnel door. Axis spawn is disabled by blowing up the Axis CP. Bridge stages reduced to one engy bar each for faster build. Allied footpath is reduced to .75 bar for fast build time. This script is experimental!
Fueldump "Pro" Script II
By Wifestein
In addition to all etpro features and setting of the allied autospawn to the cp at spline 73, this script disables stage 2 of the east depot defenses. Thanks to 2/3Soul for the modified constructible code. Noobs can no longer build the east defenses, stage 2 with this script. Only stage 1 can be built. On the west side, both stages of depot defenses work normally. No more games spoiled by hyperactive noobs. Player clips block all trickjumps into fueldump. 2 axis spawns are enabled in the Axis truck garage.
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