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Welcome to Fearless Assassins Gaming Community

We are glad you decided to stop by our website and servers. At Fearless Assassins (=F|A=) we strive to bring you the best gaming experience possible. With the help of many dedicated and loyal admins, various servers, custom made maps and friendly server regulars your gaming experience should be memorable! We, at the FA community, share a special bond that resembles that of a family. This maximises the fun experience we endure daily when we play together with games such as Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, The Call of Duty Series, Insurgency, Day of Infamy, Counter Strike Series, Team Fortress 2, Minecraft & The Battlefield Series. Join the FAmily and play with us! You will be guaranteed to make many great friends from all over the globe!

Anyone from any race and country, speaking any language can join our VoIP (Discord) and gaming servers. We have clan members from all over the world so there is always someone around to talk to or play with. We do not care about the fluency of your English or the level of skill you may posses in-game. We only believe in making new friends in order to build and strengthen our community for years to come. If having a good time is your main objective, then you have certainly come to the right place and our welcome to join us any time!

Welcome our newest Recruiter and our newest Staff member By Raziel,

May 2024

(Parts of this section are auto-generated with @mraw435AI)


I am pleased to announce the promotions of Yaku to Staff and Ashuyai to Recruiter!


Whichever F|A server you play on, you have likely run into Yaku at some point. Yaku has been able to help F|A in multiple areas over the years and has played an instrumental role in helping with the F|A ETL servers. He has been a guiding force for many applicants and Trials as they go through the recruiting process and get to learn how F|A operates. Most importantly, he is ready to spark up a conversation with any new player, regular, or admin and bring welcoming presence to every server he joins. 


A personal note:

Yaku originated from NQ1 and I've been closely watching his development in this clan over the years. It wasn't a straightforward nor easy road, but he preserved and steadily became a true and trusted cornerstone of our admin team. He cares deeply about the clan as a whole and its members as individuals (I'm happy I don't receive the storm of Discord notifications he does) and I'm sure he helped a great number of players experiencing the joy of being in this clan and contributing to its success.


Ashuyai is another excellent member who brings a wonderful atmosphere to every server he joins. Ashuyai has stepped up and hosted previous gamedays on Beg2 and has been extremely helpful in populating servers. We believe Ashuyai will continue to assist applicants and trials as they get to know the F|A community! 


A personal note:

I've only met Ashuyai recently on NQ1 and Discord and it's definitely a lot of fun playing with him.


We appreciate what you both have done so far and are positive you will continue to be an influential admin within Fearless Assassins. On behalf of F|A management - congratulations and job well done so far! 

Welcome to our Newest Recruiter! By mraw435,

Apr 2024

We are pleased to announce the newest Recruiter to Fearless Assassins - @Lusciousdrunk


Lush has been a long time member who continues to do a fantastic job on any server he joins (but primarily Jay1!). Lush continues to bring a level-head and calm attitude when faced with tough situations while still finding time to vist FA's other servers to frag with all of our admins, regulars, and new players.


We appreciate what you have done so far and have no doubt that you will continue to be a great asset to FA moving forward. On behalf of FA management - congratulations and job well done so far! 

=F|A= Easter Gameday 2024!​ By razjee,

Mar 2024

Get ready for a day full of fun and action

Join the Fearless Assassins server and have fun with us!





Date: 23rd March 2024

Time: 12:00 to 00:00 GMT+0

Server: =F|A=NoQuarter#1 XPS Server!

IP: nq1.clan-fa.com





Insurgency Sandstorm EASTER GAMEDAY!

Date: 24th March 2024

Time: 12:00 to 00:00 GMT+0

Server: =F|A=Beginners COOP#1 Server!






Easter Voice Chat Party!

Date: 23&24 March 2024

Time: 12:00 to 00:00 GMT+0

DISCORD: https://link.fearless-assassins.com/discord 

CHANNEL: Noquarter



2024- Donations - Post in this topic once you donate By daredevil,

Feb 2024

Thank you for all the people who donated so far, especially, big thanks to anyone who donated more then 100$. My only suggestions or expectation is more donations in the range of 50$ rather then 100$ and above. The only reason, people have to donate more then 100$ is to fill in someone's else place. If we can do find 110 players to donate just 50$, we will reach the goal pretty fast. 


Nothing free survives for longer and hence we run website and servers based on donation. You don't hesitate to spend 10 bucks for a drink or 20 bucks for a movie for 3 hrs, then why hesitate for 50$/year for 365 days fun? You can find cost of our servers on our donation page. It has complete breakdown of cost. At the end of the day, nothing is free in the world - not your internet, not your food and/or website or servers. Someone, somewhere is paying for it and the only reason clan has survived for so long is because of community who fill in the pot. We are the classic case of Unity in Diversity.  


Quote from old clan leader Milli:



Ok peeps, here's the deal.
Take a look at clans that have survived as long as we have and you'll see ONE thing that makes us different. We don't charge for membership! We don't give promotions to those who pay more!
Have a favorite server and want to help keep it going? $5 a month from you will help pay for it! Its not hard to do. I have paypal directly linked to my bank account, and it auto-withdraws once a month. What is $5/month you ask? Its a pack of smokes for those of you who do. Its less than a month subscription to your porn site! It's cutting out a cup of coffee once a day per week a month! Its less than a large popcorn at the movies! Hell, its less than a movie ticket.
Its not hard people. I'm laid off from work and am able to give and help keep the servers alive and kicking. Even one time donations are sweet. Can't do monthly but have $50 you can give now? Great!

We need your help folks. Here's the low down and dirty...we have almost as many NON members donating as we do members. That does NOT speak well of the clan. So please, help out and pitch in!


Thanks to every donor small or big, for keeping the fun possible.

Cost break down -  https://fearless-assassins.com/donate/updates/ 

Donation link:  https://fearless-assassins.com/donate/ 

Thank you once again!





Welcome our new Staff members By von Rantala,

Jan 2024

We are glad to announce our new Staff members @Lt Steiner and @mraw435



We want to thank you for hard work and dedication towards our clan. Your PM is always open and you are ready to help anyone who need the help. You are easy guys to talk and you are able to fix difficult situations. You not add fuel to fires, but you are firemans to calm ppls down when there is difficult matters discussed in server or site. Clan can benefit a lot for your help in Staff and your way to solve difficult situation and your kind and respectfull way to talk to peoples.


My own special thanks


@mraw435 Thank you for your help on our Jay2 gameday project and Jay2 matters. I know as recruiter+ members need us more on popular servers, but you still doing a lot for jay2 in undercover.


@Lt Steiner I always enjoy to talk with you and you been great supporter and help for me. You earned your promo base your hard work towards clan and i am happy to see you as staff, but i am more happy when i can call you as my friend. Thanks mate!



Congratulations! Enjoy your promo!



PS. Big thank you to everyone who has been helping us. We had great year of 2023. We got many new members and as we always say future of us is in hand of next generation. I am interested to see how our 2023 class progress and when we get our first recruiters or staffs from that class. We had great gamedays and a lot fun in 2023. Many of us found new friends and some got great stickers and letter from Paul. Because you members, we have Fearless Assassins, clan where to come play, relax and enjoy some games what we love. Thank you and Happy New Year!

  • Our picks

    • Thank you for all the people who donated so far, especially, big thanks to anyone who donated more then 100$. My only suggestions or expectation is more donations in the range of 50$ rather then 100$ and above. The only reason, people have to donate more then 100$ is to fill in someone's else place. If we can do find 110 players to donate just 50$, we will reach the goal pretty fast. 
      Nothing free survives for longer and hence we run website and servers based on donation. You don't hesitate to spend 10 bucks for a drink or 20 bucks for a movie for 3 hrs, then why hesitate for 50$/year for 365 days fun? You can find cost of our servers on our donation page. It has complete breakdown of cost. At the end of the day, nothing is free in the world - not your internet, not your food and/or website or servers. Someone, somewhere is paying for it and the only reason clan has survived for so long is because of community who fill in the pot. We are the classic case of Unity in Diversity.  
      Quote from old clan leader Milli:

      Thanks to every donor small or big, for keeping the fun possible.
      Cost break down - https://fearless-assassins.com/donate/updates/
      Donation link: https://fearless-assassins.com/donate/
      Thank you once again!
        • 100
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      • 166 replies
    • =F|A= presents:

      We listened to your feedback and remodeled server to give you the best possible experience from ET:

      32 slots
      Newest version of Legacy mod
      Friendly Fire enabled
      Skills enabled
      Objective oriented gameplay
      Competition oriented maps

      Server IP: etl.clan-fa.com:27950

      I would like to personally thank:

      @daredevil for listening to our ideas, changing everything ASAP and guidance over all remodeling process,
      @RendeL for starting that server journey and leading it in the first phase,
      @kajto3 and @TomekKromek for technical support and solutions,
      and every person who helped us with testing and provided suggestions. Thank you!

      Please be aware that server is fresh and we could overlook something. Don't hesitate to let us know:
      Server issues/suggestions report here.
      Map issues/sugestions post here.
      We will fix everything as soon as possible.
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      • 193 replies
    • You want fun, instead of playing objectives, and the next game day or event is too far in the future?
      So come to play every second Sunday from 12 to 15 CET on our F|A Beginners#2 server!!!
      No more hogging zookas, now everyone can have one.
      Want to try your K43 or M1 skills? Come here and get some headshots. 
      Want to start a BBQ? Come and start grilling with our handy flamethrower.
      Something is missing? "Kein Problem", make sure to contact our members and add your suggestion for what to play on the next map!
      Everyone is welcome, so hop on and have some fun!
        • 100
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      • 1 reply
    • Enemy Territory Auto pk3 cleaner cleans up extra non stock or custom pk3 from your etmain and mod folders.
      Fixed some old links
      added normal servers menu to etmain
      added auto clean *.tmp files
      3 Steps:
      1-> Download
      2-> Double Click
      3-> Install
      (if you've changed ET folder!! on step 2 hit browse to the right ET folder)
      It removes any file with name start or have:
      ~~.pk3 (used for customized menu)
      **.tmp (un-finished download pk3, better delete if ET crash)
      **.pid (resets configuration to default settings if ET crash)
      Run this file to keep your ET installation clean. Less pk3 you have installed, more faster your ET will start.
      How to use video tutorial:
        • Thanks
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