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Fallen Heroes
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Barn!e last won the day on February 19 2021

Barn!e had the most liked content!

Contact Methods

  • Discord
  • Occupation
    Software sales

Profile Information

  • Admin
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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Water sports, travelling, family, weed
  • Location
    United Kingdom


  • T-M
    ET 11-7

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Barn!e's Achievements

  1.  8.OCT.2021 We Lost Our Dear Friend Barn! E. We dissolves Him Way Too Early. We want to celebrate and Honor His legacy.


    We still think of you
    We would like to play again as before.


    This Friday there is an initiative van @von Rantala
    to play together like the old style.



  2. Barn!e

    I can't believe it's been one year today.

    Próst to you my friend, thinking of you.

    Herr Kamel


    1. captnconcrete


      i still think of him often . miss him also, great admin .hope hes up in the sky playing et forever .

    2. Lycium


      me too, we lost a great admin & a general wonderful person, R.i.p. old Friend ❤️ 

  3. My friend for 30 years, missed every single day.

    Barnie RIP.jpg

    1. captnconcrete


      i think about him often . he was a great fella.

    2. Sphalman


      Yeah, miss him too, very much.

  4. I finally got your "final event" onto the FA-Callendar.  


    I will have to do a little more work on the image that I had added to the event. It was from your Avatar here, but I did not realized that it was really a Full-Sized Screen-Shot!  I will have to trim it down a little, but I did get Mr. Bean's face centered for the Readers, I think. 


    If the viewers click on the Bean-Face on the Calendar, then the whole "stretched-out" image will be shown to them.  😄 



    1. RedBaird


                                            Oh!  That is not too bad! 😄 





  5. r.i.p till we meet again  xxxx

  6. R.I.P my friend, you will be missed😥

  7. R.I.P my friend 😭

  8. Rip dear friend ... :(

    1. D..X


      R.I.P friend 😢

  9. will not forget you my friend  R.I.P 

  10. Rest in peace :( 


  11. Happy birthday man :) 

    1. DeKing


      I can't realise..We will miss you so much brother  😭 ❤️ 

  12. Barn!e

    ET Server Suggestion Jay2 New Maps Suggestions

    MML Church and Dubrov deleted. Decide what you are happy with and Ill add..
  13. supplydepot2, 0, 64, fa_oasis_b2, 20, 64, fa_bremen_final, 0, 40, Tower_b27j, 20, 50, oilraid, 6, 20, fa_italy_b3_fixed, 12, 64, caen2, 0, 30, goldrush-gals, 6, 64, tc_base, 0, 8, pirates, 0, 50, et_mor2_night_final, 10, 50, baserace, 0, 20, teuthonia_final, 12, 64, adlernest, 0, 40, school, 16, 64, sos_secret_weapon, 0, 16, supply_pro, 12, 40, venice_ne4, 12, 40, frostbite, 0, 40, UJE_00, 30, 64, braundorf_final, 0, 40, necrology_final, 16, 64, sp_delivery_te, 0, 30, axislab_final, 12, 50, snatch3, 6, 50, UJE_fueldump_cp, 16, 64, ga_el_kef, 0, 20, parisbastille_b3, 16, 50,
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