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CSL last won the day on September 29 2010

CSL had the most liked content!


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  • Occupation
    Grenade Beta Tester

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  1. Happy New Year Everyone!
  2. Happy Birthday F|Amily.
  3. U alive mate? 

    1. CSL


      Yes Sir!. Funny thing is my son just started playing ET on our servers. His nick is EAL!. How you been mate.

  4. CSL

    Website Coronavirus Updates

    Here in Israel situation is pretty much as in Europe. Quarantine for 14 days required for all entering the country. Schools,malls,museums,sports etc. all canceled or closed. Restaurants take out food only. Many small businesses suffering. Lots of people working from home. My luck is my job is considered essential so I am at work. Stay safe everybody. P.S. no toilet paper shortage here.
  5. 10 Years in F|A! 

    1. excedo


      Congratulations! :)

    2. DJ aka GDR DJ

      DJ aka GDR DJ

      welcome in the club :ph34r:

    3. Hulk



  6. One month to go for my 10th anniversary in F|A. How time flies.

  7. Loving the festive forum layout. Happy holidays all!

  8. U alive and kicking mate? 

    1. CSL


      Im Alive mate. Busy with real life. Miss all you guys!

    2. daredevil


      Join up sometimes! Its been really long time bud!

  9. @Pabbatt Blue Try Casefile. Awesome true crime podcast
  10. FFS I had a 386 lol
  11. Some Observations after being back on our ET severs after not playing for a few years.


    Things that haven't changed:

    1. I still suck.

    2. Oasis with 50 players is still a clusterf*** :D

    2. Same raters, whiners, and spawn killers still around

    3. People still complain after !shuff

    4. I still hate Castle Attack

    5. We still have the best damn ET severs.

    Things that have changed :(

    1. No JoeD trolling annoying players.

    2. Tipsy went to anger management classes and is so sweet to people.

    3.No mandatory !splata during warmup.

    4. Haven't seen one player !pantsed in the past week.



    1. audrey


      No splatting and no pantsing is unforgivable. Please do report dem admins

    2. Hulk


      Gaa I miss !splata those were the good days.. also miss JoeD as well... preach!!😨

  12. CSL

    Whats up hermano. Long time no see. I am back on the servers after a looooooooooooooong break. Find me on Jay! somtime.

    1. Papito


      OMG, Im so surprised hermano, Im pretty excited on fact, will be awesome be there. <3

  13. CSL

    Hey Sweet girl. Been a long time hope you are doing well.

    1. Baska


      Hi. Im doin terrible cuz my beloved doggy is slipping away to travel behind "rainbow bridge" ...so im heartbroken.

    2. CSL


      Sorry to hear that. Hope you have better days ahead.

  14. Perfect opportunity to revive a dead topic. WB Joe now all we are missing are Ranier, Fem.....and we can arty like its 2011 P.S. waited the required 2 weeks to make sure topic was really dead
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