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audrey last won the day on January 12 2021

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    ET: 18-14

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  1. Pa di si? 🍍

  2. Nancy - > audrey


    Get your Dalmacian ass back into the action! 

    Dođi, samo dođi!


     November 21, 22022 


    daredevil -> audrey

    Get u butt back to gaming, no kidding. On the side note, how's all going? 


    October 20, 2022

  3. Get your Dalmacian ass back into the action! 

    Dođi, samo dođi!

  4. Get u butt back to gaming, no kidding. On the side note, how's all going? 

  5. A NEWBIE?? Well well well..

    How are you guysies and girlsies? I miss you terribly! 🥺

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. audrey


      Mr. Cheepers!

    3. Rolan001


      audrey come back at discord!


    4. Fighter


      Audreeeey ❤️ 😄

  6. How are you? The summer season started and our city filled up with another EU registrations car plates... At least some jobs opportunities appeared and life thrives.


    1. audrey


      Hey Patrick!


      Pfffft i can't believe how many tourists are here, it's complete mad house. I actually can't wait for autumn 😄


      How have you been?

    2. Nancy


      mah,  I bought a house, finally lost my job, searching for new one, - usual Croatian routine... XDD

      soon I am going to Zadar, Split, Mostar, DU for 2 week of offroad moto-vacantion.


      how ar y?


  7. sup reyrey, long time no see ❤️

    1. audrey


      Well HI! 😊

      really long time, miss you all terribly.

      A lot of things happened, maybe I'll write something soon 😄


      How are youuu reyrey

  8. Happy Birthday ❤️ Enjoy your day! :)

    1. audrey


      Thank you! 🎀🥰

    2. Sparrow


      Happy Birthday! Ahoy

  9. Hecken u absolute snooz, are you alive even

  10. HEYYYY MY FAVOURITE a**h****

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Koen


      Given the situation in the outside world (which I never venture anyways :P), I'm doing alright!


      Work is tough, but that's a good thing. Besides that there's enough entertainment around the house!


      Now then, how are you doing holy bearer of fruit?  

    3. audrey


      Good babe


      I'm forever great.

    4. Koen


      Good news all around :)

  11. Happy bday dear Leather I hope you're doing great.
  12. So maybe like 7 or 8 pm (gmt+1) I mean thats the best time for me, but we can negotiate 😄 I know for USA its not the best timing. You're welcome fam, been waiting for your topic:) Can you make a discord channel for us then? So good to see you RedB :-))
  13. Let's set up a date and a time to play people. We need to get at least 8 people to play, tho ideally would be 10 (which is also max) We can play mod with proximity chat in which we can talk in-game, or otherwise we'll meet up on discord voice channel and go from there. It's super fun game and I'd love to play again something with u guys. How's this Thursday 14th for you guys? @Dest!Ny @Heat @Sonofdoc @Scarface@
  14. audrey

    Other Among Us

    I play on PC. @CheepHeep we need more people, at least 6 or 7 of us 😄
  15. audrey

    Other Among Us

    Hey babes! Been wondering do any of you play Among Us? Would love to get some crowd to play with sometime.
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