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So we need a final solution here :P more people dislike then like the poison knifes so maybe give it a go for a few days in beg 1 and see if the popularity in the server drops or stays the same?


Almost 4 months passed. Time to draw the leader's attention here :porn

More people annoyed by poison knifes than the few that enjoy it. 

I'd regret more players being pissed off poison knifes or even leave sever than losing the few guys that are usually overdoing it (though i strongly doubt they'll leave when it's disabled).


See this poll and please vote if you havent done so yet:


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More people annoyed by poison knifes than the few that enjoy it. 

I'd regret more players being pissed off poison knifes or even leave sever than losing the few guys that are usually overdoing it (though i strongly doubt they'll leave when it's disabled).

I'd tend to disagree. We've had these settings forever now, and it's only now that the topics are coming in. (Like 8-9 years of thrown knives allowed... and just now people dislike them.) I've never seen a complaint or a poll like this the five years I've been here.


The vote you're seeing is skewed because the majority of the people that don't care or do like the poison knifes don't really care about a poll. They want to game. I see at least 30% of Jay2 and Jay3 players using poison thrown knifes, and another 15% asking how to bind throw knife key.


I say don't change it. We risk alienating players. if you can't stand thrown knives, we have others without knife throwing enabled. Silent 1 and HC are the ones that immediately come to mind. Not sure about B2 or NQ servers.


/shrug, I like poison knives and I'm not gonna vote.

PS: You can always ask for a medic. :)

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They are so annoying...However..


The point is they give noobs a chance. Also if you play fragger and you are low on HP you know a medic is coming for you so you knife him just before he kills you. Great way to get an extra kill when death was unavoidable.. :)

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I have to agree with Xernicus. The players who like, dont come here from servers to vote or even dont visit the forum. So the Poll is based only by forum users. 70 percent votes are missing( i just blind quessed).


Some players dont use knives at all, it means they dont give a f**k. 

And those who use, they just like to play different tactics , which pleases them (cant take their fun away).


Im glad we dont have molotov, but i belive some would like that.


I voted -1

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I'd tend to disagree. We've had these settings forever now, and it's only now that the topics are coming in. (Like 8-9 years of thrown knives allowed... and just now people dislike them.) I've never seen a complaint or a poll like this the five years I've been here.


The vote you're seeing is skewed because the majority of the people that don't care or do like the poison knifes don't really care about a poll. They want to game. I see at least 30% of Jay2 and Jay3 players using poison thrown knifes, and another 15% asking how to bind throw knife key.


I say don't change it. We risk alienating players. if you can't stand thrown knives, we have others without knife throwing enabled. Silent 1 and HC are the ones that immediately come to mind. Not sure about B2 or NQ servers.


/shrug, I like poison knives and I'm not gonna vote.

PS: You can always ask for a medic. :)


There are already multiple topics created about poison kives over the years: Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 Topic 6. Also stating "and just now people dislike them" is obviously pretty dumb, you can see people complaining about it on server every day when it gets too crazy. Then you point out that the poll is skewed because people that dont care didnt vote, so please tell me why you would depend your decision based on people that dont care either way. People who want to keep it and saw the topic must have voted, so the only other option is that there are many people on server that like poison knives but arent on forum but of course the other side is also true, there will be just as many people on server but no on forums who want the knives away.


From my experience Id say your percentages are way off on jay3 when I play it has never been a knifing fest and believe me, if 30% (+15%) of people were using it it WOULD be a knifing fest. So please come with honest and realistic percentages instead of basing your 'data' on your own bias. 


Also your comment about liking poison knives but not going to vote only shows youre a bit of a blockhead, trying to push your own argument about people not voting. Its stupid honestly.





3/10 arguments mate

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If knife is so annoying then you people should find some way to counter it.... :P

Well the best counter in short range is shotgun

In long range knife is very hard to use....

Knifers suffer a huge amount death rather than the no. Of kills so I don't know how some kills is causing so much fuss :P


And I agree to flag and xerni too :) it's pointless to vote here... Plus we servers with poison knife (j1 and j3) .... We have multiple servers without poison knife...

Anyways, like I previously voted it's -1 from mr


3/10 arguments mate

Alright... well seeing how everything I post in suggestions you either change the subject on or try to argue with me, let's try to stay professional and not attack each other. I try to understand what you're saying, but you get really aggressive and argumentative. Seriously. Nobody cares about making a big drama fest over a discussion. But arguments and throwing insults are going to start getting topics locked. And then you achieved nothing. So calm down and help out if you want to. I'm fine with a conversation and even a debate, but arguing and insulting... no.


The links you provided actually hurt your argument from the founders side:

I suggest people learn to use them like picking up a panzer or the ever so unpopular yet effective rifle grenade.

I dont want knives off, I dont know how to use them, but sure know how to dodge them and then thank the opponent with my panzer. Like I said before in one of my other post if we remove every weapon that ppl hate we r gonna be left only with pliers and then all we gonna do is twist each others nipples.

And a truncated quote:

PS I personally don't like poison knifes lol.. but I can't put or run server with my choice since every person from different race, country, etc plays on our server.

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  • Platinum VIP

If knife is so annoying then you people should find some way to counter it.... :P

Well the best counter in short range is shotgun

In long range knife is very hard to use....

Knifers suffer a huge amount death rather than the no. Of kills so I don't know how some kills is causing so much fuss :P


And I agree to flag and xerni too :) it's pointless to vote here... Plus we servers with poison knife (j1 and j3) .... We have multiple servers without poison knife...

Anyways, like I previously voted it's -1 from mr

Shotgun is just about as annoying as poison knife.........

  • Like 1

Alright... well seeing how everything I post in suggestions you either change the subject on or try to argue with me, let's try to stay professional and not attack each other. I try to understand what you're saying, but you get really aggressive and argumentative. Seriously. Nobody cares about making a big drama fest over a discussion. But arguments and throwing insults are going to start getting topics locked. And then you achieved nothing. So calm down and help out if you want to. I'm fine with a conversation and even a debate, but arguing and insulting... no.


The links you provided actually hurt your argument from the founders side:

And a truncated quote:


Only remark that was pointed at you directly was 'a bit of a blockhead' the rest was more pointed at your post rather than you as a person. Im not trying to have a fight with you or anyone but if you come with arguments that seem so biased then I just want to point out exactly what I think about it without mincing words. I know my argumentation comes across as aggressive, and I know I should work on that if I want people to respect the sentences I write. So Im sorry, honestly.



About your quotes, if founders were positive about the suggestiosn then we wouldnt be here discussing it once again would we? I at least didnt expect to get anything positive from those topics. I just noted them to point out your remark didnt make any sense, nor was it well researched. 


I think dare's response is actually helping my side more than your side tho. He is saying he wants to run the server the way the players want it, not how he necessarily wants it. And the poll is pointing out exactly what the players want.




Anyways, please forgive my rudeness and judge your opinion on my arguments, not my tone :) 

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  • Platinum VIP

Don't understand this thread, if you don't like the poison knife stick too servers that don't have it on, simplest solution i know haha

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Shotgun is just about as annoying as poison knife.........

I'm not sure what to say about this. I can agree, especially with bots... but they're a part of the base game. :/

I've found it pretty easy to counter a shotgun by making moves that would be easy to counter with a thompson/MP40. (jumping/crouching esp)


(Truncated quote, just to get the point. View spoiler for personal remarks)

I just want to point out exactly what I think about it without mincing words.

I think dare's response is actually helping my side more than your side tho. He is saying he wants to run the server the way the players want it, not how he necessarily wants it. And the poll is pointing out exactly what the players want.. And I want you to know that I respect you and your opinion. It's really easy to misunderstand things over text.

Great post mate- and you're absolutely right. I do need to work on my debates and how to make my point without bias. I hope you know that I respect both you and your opinion- I always have.

We come across from two different sides of ET (at least from what I understand, me coming to FA from a fun/pub server experience and you coming to FA from an ETPro experience... let me know if I'm wrong), but I think this makes for a great collaboration of what's best for all.

imo, things like this are easily heated debates, because there's two sides that want two opposite things. I honestly couldn't care whether there's poisoned thrown knifes or not. *

Personally, I think of Jay2/Jay3 as more of fun pub servers and given the maps and roles most players use (*cough* medic *cough*), I think thrown knifes are acceptable. I might cuss a bit when I die due to a poisoned knife, but I feel that I ultimately have more fun because of them.


For Jay1, I think poisoned knives should perhaps be given a second thought given the number of players, the size of maps that are being played, and thus the lack of ammo/medic crates available.


* I don't use poisons knives much, if at all. That's why I say I don't care. I only use them to get back at others that use them on me... (and mayyyybe troll a bit) :) that being said, we can save that for knife wars gamemode.

RE: Destiny


Thanks for your input, looks like I took it incorrectly. I appreciate what you said, and I appreciate you pointing out flaws in my opinion/argument and putting me in my place. I think I needed that.

Coming from a purely fun experience, It looks to me like I've disregarded quite a bit and I need to take into consideration that bias.

Honestly, thank you. Cheers mate!


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