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Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Maps for Downloads.

1004 files

  1. UJE_xmas_room_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    [uJE]Xmas Room
    Map made by [uJE]Niek
    8 December 2010 for Christmas
    This is a changed version of room sniper for Christmas so... pretend yourself in my house it wouldt almost look like this. It really became a mess in my house .
    So now it's good to do some snipering in this map It's a pure funmap (again).
    uje_xmas_room waypoints.rar


       (1 review)


  2. Christmas Sniper (Beta 3) and waypoints

    Sniper map Christmas Style
    uje_christmas_sniper waypoints.rar


       (0 reviews)


  3. UJE Baserace Christmas and waypoints

    Baserace Christmas version
    uje_baserace_christmas waypoints.rar


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  4. UJE rotterdam xmas and waypoints

    UJE_rotterdam_xmas + waypoints ( and a script included ) 1.0.0
    The Allies have liberated the Harbor of Rotterdam and are using
    it's valuable ports.
    The Axis are attempting to reclaim the city by stealing top secret
    war documents from the Allied Cargoship, and transporting them out
    of the harbor with a stolen boat.
    Axis objective:
    *Capture the flag
    *Destroy the power generator
    *fix commandpost
    *Build the Ship Bridge
    *steal the secret document
    *Steal the Boat
    *Escort the Boat
    Allied objective:
    *Capture and Hold the flag
    *Defend the Power Generator
    *Prevent Axis from building a Ship Bridge
    *build commandpost
    *Prevent the axis from stealing the secret document
    *Prevent Axis from escaping with the boat


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  5. UJE_00_xmas and waypoints

    Axis must repair and steal the tank in Boozaka Town
    They have an initial 15 minutes to complete the task.
    There is a spawnflag inside the barbershop. Any team can capture the flag..
    Players from any team will spawn in Boozaka Town when their team owns the flag inside the barbershop.
    When the Axis have escorted the tank into the tunnel,
    the spawns at Boozaka Town will be forced Axis, and the flag will disappear.
    The Axis will also gain 10 minutes of extra mission-time when they have escorted the tank into the tunnel.
    For the Allies it is crucial to hold the flag at Boozaka Town for as long as they can.
    The Axis must escort the tank to the Ammo/Fuel-building at the other end of the tunnel.
    The tank will start loading ammo when it reaches the Ammo/Fuel-building; This will take 30 seconds to complete.
    The tank needs to be refueled with 8 fuelcans.
    There are 3 locations where a total of 8 fuelcans are stored (3+3+2).
    All fuelcans have to be delivered inside the Ammo/Fuel-building.
    Hint: Use your map to locate the 3 fuelcan-stations (press "G"). If a station is empty, it will not be shown on the map.
    When all fuelcans have been delivered at the Ammo/Fuel-building, The Axis gain 15 minutes extra mission-time.
    The fuelcans will be used to refuel the tank.
    The refueling of the tank takes about 48 seconds to complete.
    You can see a fuelcan disappear every 6 seconds until the storage is empty
    Hint: The Axis can destroy a wall to get easy access to the inner of the Spinner-fortress.
    After refueling -¹-, the tank must be escorted to the river outside Spinnertal.
    The Allies can build a barricade to force the tank to take a different route to the river.
    There are actually 2 paths the tank can take.
    It depends on the construction of the barricade which route the tank decides to take.
    The long route. The shorter route:
    There is a spawnflag at the Old Skool. Any team can capture this flag during the entire mission.
    When the tank reaches the river, Axis must build a 3-stage bridge , and escort the tank into Braboheim.
    Hint: The bridge can NOT be destroyed when the tank is on the bridge.
    Free drinks and games at the [uJE]Cafe
    Be careful on the birds..
    Pyranhas are not always hungry
    Speedboat for fast transport from dock to dock
    Analog clock
    Tank-MGnest locking (tunnel & bridge)
    About This File

    set g_missileSpeed 0
    Description Sets the speed a panzer/bazooka missile travels at. Set to 0 or 2500 to enable default speed. Values over 300 are ignored if Guided Rockets are enabled. Parameters Type: integer Default: 0
    uje_00_xmas waypoints.rar


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  6. River Port - river_port.pk3 and waypoints

    Map Type: OBJ Map Size: Medium Map Theme: Regular Attacker: Allies
    // Mapname : River Port B1
    // BSPname : river_port
    // Released: November 2016
    // Version : Beta1 /// 7th Version

    Allied intelligence have found out about Axis testing V2 missile in one of their Submarines. While the missile could be launched underwater it would be devastating to New York, London and other Allied Capitals. A group of Allies special forces are sent to sabotage the mission and use the Axis weapon against theirselves.
    1] Escort the M8 Greyhound to the road facing their Headquarter
    2] Destroy their Anti-Tank Gun
    3] Destroy their Tank Barrier
    4] Breach the Headquarter Entrace with the M8 Greyhound
    5] Send a false command for the Axis U-boat to come to port
    6] Steal the V2 Launch Code and secure it into the U-boat Controls
    7] Construct a V2 launch hack at the U-boat Controls
    8] Launch the V2 missile from the U-boat Controls
    1] Stop them from escorting their Tank
    2] Defend the Anti-Tank Gun
    3] Build a Tank Barrier to prevent them getting over the Bridge
    4] Protect the Headquarter
    5] Don't let them use the Radio
    6] Protect the V2 plans
    7] Deconstruct any hacks at the U-boat
    8] Don't let them use the U-boat
    river_port waypoints.rar


       (1 review)


  7. CTF Toxic

    Map Type CTF Map Size: Large Map Theme: Other
    Game : Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Title : ctf_toxic
    Filename : ctf_toxic_b3.pk3
    Release date : 26/01/2010
    Decription : This is a Capture the Flag map.
    This gametype does not exist in ET so it is fully scripted in the map script.
    The team with the most caps when the time runs out wins!
    If there is no timelimit then the first team to 100 caps wins.
    Note: You can only gain a point by bringing the enemies flag to your own,
    if your teams flag has been taken by the enemy you have to return it
    before you can make a point
    So there is a good reason to defend your flag too
    Programs used : NetRadiant 1.5.0
    Photoshop CS3
    Wordpad / Notepad
    Compile Time : 743 seconds
    Compile Machine : i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz
    12 GB RAM @ 2000mhz
    Brushes : 11754
    Entities : 286
    Installation : Place the ctf_toxic.pk3 in your etmain folder, select it from the Host Game-menu or
    bring down the console and type:
    /map ctf_toxic
    Server Admin Info:
    - Map has 32 physical spawns per team, but the map probably can't handle 32 v 32 gameplay wise.
    - Minimum amount of players for a good game: 8 v 8
    - Maximum amount of players for a good game: 25 v 25
    The maximum is a rough estimate, tested with a 15v15 and it wasn't very chaotic at all.
    Mappers Info:
    - If you want to make a CTF map be sure to check out my prefab here:
    (Also includes scoreboard system)
    - Like the effects? Be sure to check out the shader file and read the manual
    Tried to minimize the download by using effects on default textures.
    You can even change the color of a default texture!
    - B3 : Lightgrid fixed
    Fixed some brushes / lights that weren't touching the roof
    Worked on the FPS hit @ flags
    Added "yeehaa" sound trigger when jumping from broken side
    Turned toxic into func_group @ flags and middle area
    - B2 : Adjusted map time from 15 - 20 minutes
    Added more objdata
    Adjusted Arena file
    Adjusted Readme
    - B1 : Initial Private release to test gameplay


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  8. Alps Trail Final - Alps_trail.pk3 and waypoints

    Alps trail
    Axis escort map

    Made by Thunder
    credits to:
    - Teuthis for help on terrain shading
    - Mateos for help on waypointing questions
    - Macchute for help on finding wintertree models
    - Kuna for his HUT prefab
    well the whole twt crew really with informative feedback.
    This is the only version I will release of this map, bugs or no bugs!
    BUT, Source of the map will soon be released in our download section and therefore free to modify in any way you like..
    Story line:
    Axis forces needs to get the truck to the ammo depot and get the ammo onto the truck and further to the base on the other side of the alps.
    meanwhile Allied forces has comed by ski to a nearby hut to sabotage the mission at any means.
    Have fun and a really merry Christmas!
    updated version 25 dec 2015

    changelog fixed:
    -fixed script errors
    -moved materials on 2nd bridge
    -added wall at 1st bridge
    -changes to tunnel and cave spawn
    -clip so you cant run over mountain at tentspawn.
    alps_trail waypoints.rar


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  9. [UJE] Temple X-Mas - UJE_xmas_maps.pk3 and waypoints

    'UJE Temple X-Mas' is part of 'UJE Xmas Maps' mappack.
    Several snowmen, christmas trees and another xmas decorations added.
    Bsp name: UJE_temple_xmas.bsp
    Pk3 size: 32,5 MB

    Allies objectives:
    • Primary: Build the Tank Bridge and escort The Tank.
    • Primary: Destroy the 1st Tank Barrier.
    • Primary: Destroy the 2nd Tank Barrier.
    • Primary: Escort The Tank and destroy The Temple Doors.
    • Primary: Destroy Wooden Barrier in the sarcophagus room.
    • Primary: Steal the Gold Crate and deliver the Gold Crate to Tank.
    •• Secondary: Capture The Flag at the Ruins of the Church.
    •• Secondary: Construct the Command Post.
    Axis objectives:
    • Primary: Construct 1st Tank Barrier.
    • Primary: Construct 2nd Tank Barrier.
    • Primary: Construct the Wooden Barrier in the sarcophagus room.
    •• Secondary: Construct the Command Post.
    •• Secondary: Construct MG Nest at 2nd Tank Barrier.
    README File:
    Xmas maps pack
    This pack is made for xmas to have a nice feeling with these days
    Maps in this pack are:
    If you use these mappack then i hope you have fun with it.
    Thanks to all original makers of these maps and for making these .maps public.
    Also thanks to all model makers like ischbinz and berzerkr for textures.
    Keep the game alive guys and girls.
    uje_temple_xmas.gm uje_temple_xmas.way uje_temple_xmas_goals.gm


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  10. Chicken Bucket final - bucket_v2.pk3 and waypoints

    Name: Chicken Bucket final2*
    File Name: chicken_bucket_v2.zip
    1 "Primary Objective:Don't let the Axis control the jukebox."
    2 "Primary Objective:Play the Allied song on the jukebox."
    3 "Secondary Objective:Don't let the Axis construct a Command Post."
    4 "Secondary Objective:Build a Command Post to reduce the time between reinforcements."
    1 "Primary Objective:Keep the jukebox playing with the Axis song."
    2 "Primary Objective:Don't let the Allies take over the jukebox."
    3 "Secondary Objective:Construct a Command Post to reduce the time between reinforcements."
    4 "Secondary Objective:Prevent the Allies from constructing a Command Post."
    - Overview: what was supposed to be a peaceful meeting at a popular fast food place turned into a warground over the jukebox, given the conflicting musical tastes. After both sides constructed a Fort Concrete, the fight was on to see who will be the Bucket Masters!
    - Map Information:
    Filename: bucket_v2
    Menu Name: Chicken Bucket
    Gametypes: wolfmp wolfsw
    Players: Up to 32 per team is supported
    Chicken Bucket by Tasian
    bucket_v2 waypoints.rar


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  11. Transmitter Final - transmitter.pk3 and waypoints

    Map type: OBJ
    Map size: Large
    Attacker: Allies
    Civilians manipulated by the Volksempfänger's propaganda program are resisting the allied forces.
    To break the resistance, Allies have to overtake a local Transmitter, which is amplifying the master-signal from Berlin for local receivers.
    They have to manipulate the transmission-frequency by installing a radio Modification Kit on the Transmitter.
    The Allies also have to rotate the Antenna towards their pirate sender.
    - Construct the Bridge.
    - Carry the Modification Kit to the Transmitter-Station inside the Castle complex.
    - Rearrange the Antenna towards our pirate sender.
    - Infiltrate through the Tunnel Grate.
    - Capture the Forward Hut from the Axis.
    - Destroy the Serpentine Barricade to secure the Forward Hut.
    - Stop the Axis from constructing a Command Post in the Forest Hut.
    - Prevent the Allies from building the Bridge.
    - Don't let the Allies carry the Modification Kit to the Transmitter.
    - Prevent the Allies from rearranging the Antenna towards their pirate sender.
    - Defend the Forward Hut from the Allies.
    - Defend the Serpentine Barricade from Allied sabotage attempts.
    - Stop the Allies from constructing a Command Post in the Forest Hut.
    Serveradmins might raise their HUNKMEG configuration. In some cases, the server may crash with custom maps. oO? Ours didn't.
    Hunkusage of Transmitter (may vary): 49.689.216 Byte (Client) 45.419.616 Byte (Server)
    This map is not built with competitive gaming in mind. Its built for public fun.
    So please, don't start moaning that it might be unbalanced. We tried to balance it as good as possible, providing alternative routes.
    transmitter waypoints.rar


       (1 review)


  12. Rommel GA Final - rommel_ga.pk3 and waypoints

    rommel_ga waypoints.rarMap type: OBJ
    Map size: Large
    Allied Objectives
    1. Breach West Gate
    2. Breach East Gate
    3. Capture the Forward Spawn
    4. Steal the Key Card
    5. Transit thru the Tank Depot
    6. Construct the Command Post
    7. Use CP to Change the Team Door
    8. Spawn at the CP-Controlled Spawn
    9. Deliver Key Card to Cistern
    10. Destroy the Cistern Controls
    Gameplay Notes
    # Map is designed for 12-28 players
    # Allies are on offense
    # Allies can gain access to the cistern before access card is delivered but cistern controls cannot be blown up unless key card has been capped
    # If the allies build the CP, the team door by the Tank Depot becomes accessible to everyone and the allies gain a 5 second respawn advantage
    # Once West Gate has been blown, the forward spawn point becomes a permanent allied spawn
    rommel_ga waypoints.rar


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  13. Base 47 Final - base47.pk3 and waypoints

    Map Story
    At Base 47 everything is normal, the Axis are unaware of the Allied plans to attack the base tonight. A truck has broken down in the main access tunnel leaving the gate open. Will Axis defend Base 47 or will Allies defeat them?
    Map Objectives
    Allied Objectives
    Primary objectives:
    *Steal the Secret War Documents and transmit them at the radio room.
    *Destroy the Radar Tower in the Base.

    Secondary Objectives:
    *Destroy the Sewer Door for an extra route into the base.
    *Construct the Command Post.

    Axis Objectives:
    Primary objectives:
    *Stop the Allied forces from stealing the Secret War Documents documents from the office.
    *Prevent the Allies from destroying the Radar Tower.

    Secondary objectives:
    *Stop the Allied forces from detroying the Sewer Entrance Door.
    *Construct the Command Post.

    base47 waypoints.rar


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  14. JFF Playground - jff_playground_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    ##################### GENRAL INFO #############################
    MAP Name: JFF_Playground_b1
    Game: Enemy Territory
    Version: beta 1
    Author: papaschlumpf [JFF]
    Date: 04.01.2006
    website: http://www.jff-funclan.de/
    ##################### MAP DESCRIPTION ###########################
    Both sides have to steal the enemys gold and build the one command post
    in the church. Only the side wich have stolen the gold and build
    the command post can win the match. There is no default way, to steal
    the gold and build the command post. You can first build the command post
    and then steal the gold or invert.
    -> Allies and Axis:
    -> Attack:
    .) Steal the enemys gold.
    .) Build the command post
    -> Defend:
    .) Defend the gold
    .) Don't let the enemy build the command post



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  15. MLB Bergheim (Beta 9) - mlb_bergheim_09.pk3 and waypoints

    Map Description:
    The battle front is constantly advancing within german lands.
    Allies have reached the small town of Bergheim that they need to take over in order to have an advanced
    settlement. It's a strategic position for the outcome of the war.
    "Capture the Fortress flag and defend it."
    "Defend at all costs the Fortress!"
    "Allies have reached the small town of Bergheim that they need to take over in order to have an advanced settlement.They have to capture the Fortress flag."
    mlb_bergheim_09 waypoints.rar


       (0 reviews)


  16. City of Lost Children Final 2 - lostchildren.pk3 and waypoints

    Title : city of lost children
    BSP Name : lostchildren
    Author : Here
    Game : wolfmp
    Description : a map based on the movie
    * MAP Information *
    New Textures : none
    New sounds : none
    * Construction *
    Base : none
    Build programs : q3map
    Editor used : q3radiant!
    Other programs : bspc-gui
    Known Bugs : none
    The Axis powers go at this map on the defensive! By all means that are available on the Axis powers they need to protect valuable papers. it must Between the narrow waterways and corridors the Allies under no circumstances be able to gain the upper hand and the blockades Freizusprengen. Did the Allies broke through the house wall there is retreat to the ship, so that the Allies are not able to forward the papers by radio to their headquarters.
    The Allies must especially rely on Enge kidneys because they have to blow up the many blockages in this Map. Also command centers and MGs must be built with the help of pliers. Is the path to the documents / papers forced open and have broken through the house wall with dynamite, the documents are retrieved and are brought safely to the ship. The ship is in the harbor behind to erupting house wall. In the ship itself, the path is not as wide, since the papers have to be brought to the top floor and transmitted by means of the radio. If the documents are on target, the Allies have won the match.
    Special features of the Map:
    Well what is special about this Map. First of the map has been drawn up by the French. Filmmaker JP Geunet after the movie "city of lost children". Who plays this map should therefore be reflected in the Kullisse the film. It is striking that the map is divided into two zones. One zone is in the documents, between the narrow streets. The other zone is behind to erupting house wall. To understand this it is best times on ingame to the house wall and beyond this. Now if you go Duch going to the other side, you should understand what I mean.
    Graphic implementation:
    The graphic implementation is actually fine. the red house walls can use the map in a "blush" appear. The sky is dark with brownish elements and fits well with the general design. unfortunately lacks a little variety in detail. It seems as if every corner of the same, especially because there are narrow streets you see after some time only red tiles. The blast end of the Allies Hauswand would ach may be a little more details tolerated. In the next version so takes a little more love be plugged into detail.
    The map is not only with a large 17.7 MB map but also on the wide forth. To empfelen this map is for many players (at least 12) since otherwise hurtling only through the alleys. the more players, the slower will be the match for the many alleys and recesses give good coverage for campers. Is the path to the documents only forced open, it will be difficult to bring the documents on this long way to the ship. In whole, it makes be fun this map to play with many players.
    lostchildren waypoints.rar


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  17. CTF Staatsschutz Frag Arena (Final) and waypoints

    Both teams need to capture 8 enemy flags to win!
    ctf_ss.gm ctf_ss.way ctf_ss_goals.gm


       (0 reviews)


  18. Tank Race Beta 1 and waypoints

    Rating ENABLED for this map. Map Type: OBJ Map Size: Small Map Theme: Other Attacker: Both
    (the readme file)
    Basic Information
    Author : Frank "WeeBull" Helling
    Textures missed were fixed by:|WF|Doofy|
    Map Information
    Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Title : Tankrace_b1
    Filename : tankrace_b1.pk3
    Release date : 24-11-2005
    Description : my first playable map.
    Program : SD Radiant 1.4.0
    Build time : Couple of months...way too long
    Compile time : 10 minutes
    Compile machine : AMD Athlon 1200 mHz, 512mb, GeForce 4 MX 4000 128 mb
    Installation : Place the tankrace_b1.pk3 to your etmain folder, find a server running the map or
    bring down the console and type: map tankrace_b1.
    New Textures : Yes, 7 home made + a home made sky set.
    New Sounds : Yes, all VO's, 38 in total.
    New Models : Nope

    #. Version info:
    First Beta version
    Like Drakir said: "There is no such thing as a final version!"
    How to play!
    #. Stop the Allies from repairing their Tank.
    #. Disable the Allied Tank to prevent it from being escorted one round.
    #. Repair your team's Tank.
    #. Protect the Tank and escort it one round.
    #. Prevent the Allies from building the Command Post inside the tower.
    #. Build the Command Post inside the tower.
    #. Repair your team's Tank.
    #. Protect the Tank and escort it one round.
    #. Stop the Axis from repairing their Tank.
    #. Disable the Axis Tank to prevent it from being escorted one round.
    #. Build the Command Post inside the tower.
    #. Prevent the Axis from building the Command Post inside the tower.
    tankrace_b1 waypoints.rar
    tankrace_b1.gm tankrace_b1.way tankrace_b1_goals.gm


       (3 reviews)


  19. Canyon Depths beta 7 - canyon_depths_b7.pk3 and waypoints

    Canyon Depths beta 7 - Public
    For testing purpose, feel free to distribute ❤️
    Please send bug reports to itekimasu@gmail.com (mail, msn).
    Musics used :
    Desert : Yoko Kanno - Digging My Potato
    Castle : Django Reinhardt - Montmartre
    Caves : Saint Seya - Zodiac Theme
    08/2007 - 02/2011
    By Yatta_Yatta-O_o
    Thanks to :
    - the ET mappers community at splashdamage.com forums,
    - the ETF team for sharing their server for 2011 tests - special thanks to Nosi and RazorSword,
    - Chrucker for his ET scripting reference/tutorial website,
    - the CFB and ROP teams for older tests and for their patience with crippled early versions,
    - Google for searching documentation, help & resources
    Canyon Depths is a huge ET map that uses more space than most.
    The mapper took advantage of the fact that maps are a large cube.
    It starts outside, high in the cube.
    Tank breaks through underground and winds down underneath the path...
    Since It's so large, Clients and servers need to raise Their com_hunkmeg setting to at least 90(default 50).
    Axis spawn at the tank, But It won't move till fuel is stolen from fort and tank refueled.
    Axis must escort tank(no driving) past fort and barrier, Then tank needs 5 fuel cans and
    2 objectives(hidden nearby) to continue. Then tank needs mobile bridge driven to water so
    It can cross. Then tank breaks through underground for a long journey to break into keycard
    objective that opens path to garage door switches. Once opened, Tank proceeds...Then Axis
    need to sneek through base to throw 2 switches so tank can proceed. Once tank crashes...
    Then They can go for final objective.
    canyon_depths_b7 waypoints.rar


       (1 review)


  20. Tower Beta (23)

    Axis and allies must try to win there are points who stay more up hes gonna win on that up up thing xd and there is a system counting who is gonna stay up there 999point idk i think every 10-20point is 1-2sec.


       (0 reviews)


  21. Springfield_pb and waypoints

    wm_mapdescription allied "Steal the plutonium from the powerplant"
    wm_mapdescription axis "Stop the allies from stealing the plutonium from the powerplant"
    wm_mapdescription neutral "Allies have to steal the plutonium from the powerplant"

    Allied objectives
    1 "Primary Objective: Steal the Truck from the Simpsons House."
    2 "Primary Objective: Escort the Truck."
    3 "Primary Objective: Blow the way free to reach Moes Tavern."
    4 "Primary Objective: Steal the Plutonium."
    5 "Primary Objective: Escape with the plutonium."
    6 "Secondary Objective: Establish a Command Post inside the Simpsons House"
    7 "Secondary Objective: Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post inside the Simpsons House."

    Axis objectives
    1 "Primary Objective: Don't let the Allies steal the Truck."
    2 "Primary Objective: Stop the Truck."
    3 "Primary Objective: Don't let the Allies destroy the blockades."
    4 "Primary Objective: Protect the Plutonium."
    5 "Primary Objective: Don't let the Allies escape with the Plutonium."
    6 "Secondary Objective: Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post inside the Simpsons House."
    7 "Secondary Objective: Set up a Command Post inside the Simpsons House."
    springfield_pb.gm springfield_pb.way springfield_pb_goals.gm


       (0 reviews)


  22. Byzantine Beta2 and waypoints

    (the readm
    Long Name: Byzantine
    Short Name: Byzantine
    Byzantine is a large, dual-objective, city-themed map. The original inspiration was the city of Istanbul, but it has since changed to a point where it no longer bears any resemblance to that city, save for a couple of place names.
    - Dual objective
    - City themed
    - Built for 20+ players (minimum)
    - Both sides must cap two objectives
    - One objective is behind a dynamitable door, the second objective is behind a constructable wall/fence and must be disassembled (1.5 chargebar) first in order to uncover the returnable objective
    - 2 level command map
    - Overview graphic is included in .zip file or can be found at: http://planetwolfenstein.com/4newbies/maps/byzantine-summary.jpg
    Recommended Player Load: 20+ players, large map. Has been tested on a 60-slot server and seems to hold up under a lot of people
    Gameplay Notes:
    - There is a passage thru the middle from the Docks to the Mosque, which has a team door on either end. Therefore, this can only be used if you have a covert with a uniform
    - The command post and forward spawn are near the Mosque. The only midfield East-West route is via the Mosque courtyard. The forward flag is placed halfway between the spawn points and the objectives for each side
    - Ammo and health cabinets are in seperate stores in the middle of the Covered Market (Kapali Carsi)
    - Stairwells into cistern level are labeled as Yerabatan Saray (Basilica Cisterns) and Cemberlitas Hamami (Cemberlitas Baths)
    Known Issues:
    - There are some spots where spectators can see over the tops of buildings and will see either the lightmap or will see untextured faces. I tried to minimize this as much as possible without adding new geometry to the map
    - Everyone on the Splash Damage mapping forums for putting up with a lot of n00b questions
    - Mean Mr. Mustard for helping me figure out why my scripts weren't working
    - Drakir for a fabulous forward spawn point prefab w/ script as well as a couple other prefabs- highly recommend this (www.sikstrom.nu/rikard/prefabs.htm)
    - Hummer for making the trans_red version of the secret docs model, and making both versions of the gold
    - Seven_DC for a great neutral command post prefab w/ script (voima.dyndns.org/~seven/prefabs_neutralcommandpost.zip) - highly recommend this
    - ^WJ|Apple for some of his Dubrovnik textures (edits of some mediterranean textures from mapcenter.com)
    - Team Wolfjaeger for lots of creative input
    - Team Charter's Phalanx for additional input and for putting the map up on their server
    - Sock and his Simland site for some of the Egyptsoc_ textures
    - trh.searchturkey.com/iznik_tiles/ for graphics of Iznik tiles used on the mosque and in the market
    - Art from Subverse (mapcenter.com)
    - MG42 prefabs by Deathstick (available from www.sikstrom.nu/rikard/prefabs.htm)
    - A few posters by Dawg
    - Trash models and textures from Black Rayne
    - Feedback, comments, and suggestions from a ton of people. For those who took the time to provide meaningful feedback, I tried to tastefully work your name into the map somewhere.
    - Thanks to Rogue, shaky, and Stickboy for lots of super bug finding and gameplay assistance all the way through this project ... thereby helping to keep me sane
    Additions since last release:
    - Broke up the skyline somewhat (b3)
    - Added signage (b3)
    - Fixed the .sps file (b3)
    - Added the tracemap (b3)
    - Added clutter to the streets (b3)
    - Replaced all the windows (b3)
    - Created some more second story sections (b5)
    - Added 2 constructable machineguns (b5)
    - Revamped the two-teamdoor passage (b5)
    - Eliminated one major passageway along the east side of the map, the one which allowed teams moving from their spawn points to totally miss each other (b5)
    - Seperated Axis and Allied spawns into 2 seperate selectable spawn points each. (b5)
    - Added period posters at random spots in the map. Unfortunately, couldn't find any in Turkish (b5)
    - Clipped the crap out of a bunch of building tops (b7)
    - Changed the texture on the mosque from marble to white stucco. Should make it less bright for those who max out their competition brightness settings (b7)
    - Added ladder access from market interior to upper passage (b8)
    - Retextured cisterns and baths (b8)
    - Replaced models (normal and trans_red) and command map icons for radio codes and axis gold (b8)
    - Replaced construction crate command map icons for the radio/radar cabinets (b8)
    - Improved edge of map, by water (b8)
    - Opened up top of market (b8)
    - Added store fronts to outside of market (b8)
    - Started axis safehouse and dock warehouse doors constructed at game start (b8)
    - Open up more access to the roof of the covered market (b8)
    - Added storefronts to the outside of the covered market (b8)
    - Added more signage (b8)
    - Added more lighting (b8)
    - Fixed some light leakage in the German Embassy and the two rooms overlooking the Mosque Courtyard (b8)
    - Added a ramp of clip material in the baths to address issue of people getting hung up on the bottom stairs (b8)
    - Edited the objdata file to make it more apparent that this map is dual-objective and that each side has two objectives to capture and secure. You will see this when you are a spectator and open the limbo menu (b8)
    - Moved Allied constructible MG forward a bit (b9)
    - Added some more lighting and fixed light leakage (b9)
    - Added garbage cans and park benches (models from Black Rayne) (b9)
    - Significantly lowered the clip ceiling, at about the 3-story level (final2)e file)
    byzantine waypoints.rar


       (0 reviews)


  23. bremen_truckmod - bremen_truckmod.pk3 and waypoints

    Forever, Axis have been complaining that They can't win.
    Alpha version: Truck can be damaged, Also: No landmines.
    Game : Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Reworked by : Sid & Etch
    Allied spies undercovered details of an Axis plan
    to transport a fortune in gold to a more secure location.
    The Allies have planned an attack to intercept the gold
    during its stopover in Bremen.
    Axis objectives:
    - Stop the Allies from stealing the gold.
    - Stop the Allies from destroying the Main Entrance.
    - Hold the forward spawn.
    - Stop the Allies from constructing a command post, or destroy it if it has been made.
    - Be alert, the Allies may attempt attack through a side door. Don't let them satchel the side door.
    - Stop the allies from powering up the generator. Defend the keycard.
    - Don't let the Allies steal the truck.
    - Build the truckbarriers to hinder the Allied escape.
    Allied objectives:
    - Steal the truck with its load of gold.
    - Blow open the Main Entrance to push through the city.
    - Take control of the forward spawn.
    - Construct the command post to activate a forward spawn.
    - Satchel the side door to gain additional access.
    - Use the keycard to power up the generator.
    - Repair and steal the truck.
    - Don't let the Axis hold up the truck with a truck barrier.
    Axis 30
    Allies 20
    bremen_truckmod waypoints.rar


       (0 reviews)


  24. Decay_b2

    here is a video of the map


    and screenshots


    OBJ for allies

    - transmit docs to secure forward flag spawn and open main gate.
    - destroy side gate and build CP for an additional spawn point.
    - dynamite the generator to access gold crates in the vault.
    - deliver 2 gold crates to the truck and win.

    OBJ for axis
    - defend forward spawn flag and do not let allies transmit the secret docs.
    - defend side gate and build CP to prevent allies from having an aditional spawn point.
    - defend the generator.
    - defend the gold and do not let allies deliver the gold crates to the truck.


       (1 review)


  25. F|A Base v2 and waypoints

    Second version of the F|A Base - Enemy Territory map
    Bugs fixed, new things added.
    INFO: http://fearless-assassins.com/topic/78635-re-publishing-fa-base
    fabase.gm fabase.way fabase_goals.gm


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