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    INS 3-1
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  1. Just realized you are from SLO :))))


    Kako si?? :) LJ ili Maribor?

  2. Hey buddy. Nice orange name :D ;)

  3. No voice spam added to the loading screen. Please enforce the rule as you see fit. Sorry for taking so long.
  4. Sorry for the late reply. It's not a Workshop mod, it's part of the game settings. I believe the server needs to have spectating of bots enabled in order for it to work. Try putting this in the config to see if it works: "spec_allow_bots" "1"
  5. Wow, I didn't expect this at all.😲 I'm kinda at a loss for words... Thanks to everyone who ever helped us with Insurgency and Day of Infamy. And also congratulations to Red Angel, well deserved!
  6. Really good looking poster!
  7. Try setting paged pool memory to low. That fixes it for some people.
  8. redfromsvn

    Insurgency How To Admin Insurgency

    Let's say there's a troublemaker called jozo6673 and you want to kick him. You open the console and type in: sm_kick jozo teamkilling (sm_kick playername reason)
  9. redfromsvn

    Insurgency How To Admin Insurgency

    Use this guide to get the admin menu fixed.
  10. The first 6 are for PVP and are from 2015, even the author doesn't know if they still work after all the official updates, particularly the latest one, which broke a lot of mods. The other one is reported broken in the comments.
  11. They're called roman candles, I think.
  12. I'll probably buy it later just in case they delay the release or something.
  13. You can check out the price history here.
  14. Never got fixed 😑 https://steamcommunity.com/app/447820/discussions/0/1470840994975594076/
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