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    Beginners #2
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    Czech Rep.


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  1. Still here:) but thx rolan:)
  2. It was a pleasure meeting you there on Nq1... goodjob admins, great gameday!!
  3. hey Pike and welcome!
  4. JOHNNY008

    ET BEGINNERS #2 Stacking and other BS :)

    I remember this situation from yesterday... Harry, you are right, this was unfair, when I noticed that, I asked for teams 2 times, The disbalance from my perspective ended, when someone join axis and then Zuen changed...To be honest it is not always the best solution putteam command. We have to teach peple balance teams, if they dont do it automatically... The Putteam command is from my perspective last solution. Sometimes it takes time, but this case was solved in 1-2 min.... I really support your interest in the game, that you inform others about disbalance, and ask for a fair game. It is really important!!! Continue good job, and sometimes we have to be more patience... Beginners 2 serve is from the name dedicated to beginners too. We have stackers there, we have realy good players, and we have good regulars and random incommers... lets support them, and try to make fun from the gaming!!! p.s. Really appreciate you care about teams, but as I told you Putteam command is not usually the best solution... J.
  5. JOHNNY008

    ET Server Suggestion Beginners #2 - Map suggestions

    hey, sry guyz. I can’t remember any other maps right now. So I would support cathedral and reactor. J.
  6. I think I use standard ET 2.60.... ok, Ill try Pk3 cleaner... Thanks REN
  7. Hi all, yestarday, and today again I had a problem with connection to beg 2. During connecting to the server for the first time it take almost minute and then it turns to notification, that there is a connection problem... Second atemp runs always smoothly.... Can somebody check this? Thanks.. Johnny
  8. Hoohooooooo, New internet connection.... Back online... See u in da game :)

  9. JOHNNY008

    Server Issue Lag on Beg 2

    Hi DD, I was not waiting for the topic, but my connection is no so stable, so the day before i was not sure, if the lag is on my side, or on server... Next day, we were talking about with KERMIT laggs and he told me, that he had already mady this topic about lagging server... SO thats why I officialy wanted to say thanks...
  10. JOHNNY008

    Server Issue Lag on Beg 2

    I can confirm the issue with lagging on Beg 2 since yestarday... Thanks mate for this topic...
  11. It was lot of fun, thank you guyz.... 👍
  12. JOHNNY008

    ET Server Suggestion Beginners #2 - Map suggestions

    I would like to confirm, that new maps on Beg. 2 are really appreciated...I saw many possitive feedbacks.... 👍
  13. Merry christmas and may the force be with you whole next year!

  14. Guyz, I just want to share my happinnes with you FAmily :) I am father, and my daugher EMA was born yestarday :) sooo, maybe I'll be a bit less online, but u know real life first! :) See  ya mates :) 

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