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    the Netherlands


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  • T-M
    ET: 1-1

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  1. Owned


    great time to have 2 days off! diving straight in 😄
  2. Owned


    Newest ashlands trailer about to be released, looking forward to it!
  3. i have one of those aswell, but the 2nd variant with red metal. Solid build quality overall and the sound & mic is great. you can also detach the mic if you're not using it. used to have siberia steelseries v2's but those usually lasted exactly a year so after having 3 pairs break the exact same way on me i switched to a logitech g332 type headset which lasted me 2 years. the hyperX cloud I have now is about 3 to 4 years old and still works great! there is also a wireless version of both of those headsets but as I havent used them I cant give you an accurate statement on build quality, checked on my local webshop but they are double the price over the wired ones but still close to your price range.
  4. Owned


    Valheim is on sale till february the 3rd on steam for 25% off! so if you wanted to join the FA community server now would be a good time to buy the game https://store.steampowered.com/app/892970/Valheim/
  5. Owned


    I built a small community hall near the spawnpoint with some supplies and two beehives, feel free to take some stuff to get started but please do restock as they are my own starting supplies aswell
  6. Owned


    Here are a few pictures of my work in progress base: these images show my farm, with currently carrots and turnips and 5 beehives. Also shown are my kitchen, main hall, newly built storage room, smithy and my current project being a dock/boathouse.
  7. Owned

    Valheim base images

    A couple pics of my work in progress valheim base
  8. Owned


    Started playing recently, will post some screenshots of my base later tonight when I have some spare time to do so. Really enjoying building at the moment, and have only done the first 2 bosses. Currently working on getting my tools and armor upgraded for the next boss
  9. RS & OSRS mains: Sakefake OSRS ironman: Sakefake_fer
  10. How's all going homie?


    1. Owned


      Not too bad, started working again a couple of weeks ago at a local store doing delivery prep and deliveries. Studies still on a bit of a backburner as my dad's disease is coming back and I might have to go back to hospital for another dononation, this time for t-cells which is a less invasive form for me but still not a very enjoyable experience. Will have to wait on the results before i'm sure though.

    2. daredevil


      Sorry to hear that bud! I hope all goes well and dad recovers much faster. 

    3. Owned


      Thanks, we're doing our best and trying to keep our heads up. Nothing more we can do at this point than hope for the best outcome.

  11. Owned

    ET Server Suggestion NQ #1 Map Suggestions

    Maps to be added: Hydro dam - similar to baserace but less objective advantages like the walls and bunkers Glider - an experiment if anyone likes the map, its an old one and i havent seen it played in forever but i think it was kinda fun Maps i'd like removed: Caen2 - Just not a fan Venice - Map layout favours axis hugely with the way its mapped, always ends in a fragfest if allies manage to get past the gate Snatch3 - Not a fan of the layout, axis has a lot of advantages that the allies have to constantly push for long distances and get screwed over Dubrovnik - Never been a fan of the map Radar - Only because i never see it played, so its a bit of a wasted slot imo Railgun - Same as radar
  12. thanks for the help everyone! got it installed and its working so far 😄
  13. ayy congratulations with your birthday! hope you have a great day
  14. yeah thats pretty much what I have in my pc. So in summary from what I understand: Get RAM identical to what i already have Install in slot of same color on the mobo Boot pc profit?
  15. Updated post above with specs, took some fiddling with cmd promt but i got there in the end lol
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