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  1. As always, happy to announce a new ET: Legacy update! After nearly a whole year, we've lived to see a round version number 2.82 Feel free to download at https://www.etlegacy.com/download (remember to use 32 bit version if you also play on other mods than Legacy) Full change-log: https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/wiki/Changelog#2820---march-2024 Summary & gfx by @kemon:
  2. Version


    This Program was made by Burgo855 for the game 'Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory'. It is made for players to easily navigate through all versions of Enemy Territory with the ease of a mouse click. There are many patch selectors out there, a lot of them do not function one hundred percent correctly. Burgo uses a new patch system that is made specifically for Windows. If you wish to contact the creator or find out more use the 'Credits' and 'How To Use' Buttons. - This program also allows the user to generate a new valid etkey and also allows the user to update their PB to the latest version. Thanks for downloading & supporting this program.
  3. Most issues preventing you from starting games, causing crashes, or causing low frame rates/lag after updating Windows are related to your graphics drivers. DDU is the only utility I trust to completely uninstall your old drivers so you can install a clean and updated copy. Step 1. Download fresh, updated copies of your graphics drivers: -Use dxdiag if you’re unsure what graphics card you have. You can launch it by typing "dxdiag" in your Start Menu, and clicking on the sole program that pops up. You’ll see your card under the “Display” tab. -Download the drivers from AMD, Intel, or nVidia directly- don’t use manufacturer’s drivers that come on a CD, or from EVGA, MSi, Sapphire, Zotac, etc. (I recommend manually searching for the drivers using the dropdown boxes rather than using the automated tool. It’s unnecessary software.) Links for drivers below: AMD: https://support.amd.com -> “Find your driver” Intel: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/product/80939/Graphics-Drivers Nvidia: https://www.geforce.com/drivers Download the latest stable driver and save it to your Desktop for easy access. Step 2. Downloading DDU: -Go to the Wagnardsoft homepage. -Under the software headline, you’ll see the latest version of DDU as an announcement, such as “DDU version xxx released!” Click on the latest one. -Scroll down the changelog until you see “Click here for Download & Support”, click on that link. -Scroll down the post until you see “Official Download Here”, and click on that link. -Save the file on your Desktop for easy access. Step 3. Unpacking DDU: -The executable that’s downloaded is a self-extracting archive, not the program itself. You’ll need to unpack it first in order to run it. (see step below) -Run “DDU v.xxx”, you’ll be presented with a window asking you where you want to extract it. It defaults to wherever you saved the file. I suggest extracting it either to the root of your drive, or on your Desktop, such as “C:\DDU” or “C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\DDU. -(Note: make sure to add \DDU to the path, otherwise it will place all the files in the root of your drive, on your desktop, etc. Basically make a mess) Step 4. Starting DDU: -Navigate to the DDU folder where you unpacked the program (In example below, C:\DDU). -Run “Display Driver Uninstaller”, and click “Yes” on any UAC prompts. -You’ll get a Launch Options dialog. Click on the Dropdown menu and select “Safe Mode (Recommended)” Also- read the note in red! You must know your password! -Press Reboot to Safe Mode (NOTE: If your computer will not start in Safe Mode, read extras below) -Once your computer boots into Safe Mode and you log in, DDU will start automatically. Step 5. Running DDU: - Once your computer reboots into Safe Mode, DDU will auto-start. -Your graphics card manufacturer should be automatically detected. If not, use the information you retrieved from DXDiag to set the correct driver to remove. -Click on "Clean and Restart" Step 6. Installing Graphics Drivers: -Either before or once your computer has rebooted, make sure you are disconnected from the Internet. (Unplug ethernet cable, or disconnect from Wireless)* -Launch the graphics driver installer that you downloaded to your desktop, and follow the prompts. -Reboot your computer once the installer has finished -Have fun gaming! Extras: -If your computer will not boot into Safe Mode, restart it normally if and/or once Startup Repair does it's thing. If "Startup Options" appears, use your keyboard to select "Start Windows Normally", and press Enter. Once it restarts normally, run DDU, and use the "Normal" launch mode. Choose "Clean and Restart". Once restarted, run DDU again (with internet disconnected); clean and restart again. Now install your graphics drivers. -Why disconnect from the internet? The reason is because Windows Update will automatically install drivers. The drivers provided by Windows Update are often half-baked versions of the full drivers. You may run into the same exact problem, or experience poor performance if you use the drivers Windows installs.
  4. I am downloading the main update : https://support.microsoft.com/en-ie/help/4038788/windows-10-update-kb4038788 " = KB4038788 (OS Build 15063.608) " Quoted from that page: Known issues in this update Symptom Workaround Installing KB4034674 may change Czech and Arabic languages Microsoft is working on a resolution and to English for Microsoft Edge and other applications. will provide an update in an upcoming release. Non-Ms sources 'All supported versions of Windows 10 are getting updates, including versions 1507, 1511, 1607, and 1703.'
  5. File Name: |H*S|Patch Selector File Submitter: CheepHeep File Submitted: 25 Feb 2014 File Category: Software This Program was made by Burgo855 for the game 'Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory'. It is made for players to easily navigate through all versions of Enemy Territory with the ease of a mouse click. There are many patch selectors out there, a lot of them do not function one hundred percent correctly. Burgo uses a new patch system that is made specifically for Windows. If you wish to contact the creator or find out more use the 'Credits' and 'How To Use' Buttons. - This program also allows the user to generate a new valid etkey and also allows the user to update their PB to the latest version. Thanks for downloading & supporting this program. Click here to download this file
  6. id Software's upcoming shooter Doom will include nine multiplayer maps at launch, Bethesda confirmed today as part of a new blog post and video. Each map is unique, Bethesda says, taking players to places like UAC facilities on Mars and the pits of Hell itself. You can take a look at these in the video below. "Every map is constructed to keep the action brutally fast-paced," Bethesda said. "These multi-tiered combat arenas are littered with hazards, and packed with items that can turn the tide of combat at a moment's notice. And while they all have secrets for you to uncover, none of them are built to allow for easy sniping or hiding points." As you can see in the video, some of the maps feature one- or two-way teleporters, which humans and demons alike can use (though weapon fire can't make it through). There are also bounce pads, explosive barrels, radioactive slime, and lava pits, as well as fire elements that will hurt you if touched. Below is a rundown of the nine multiplayer maps that will be available when Doom launches on May 13. It is possible more will be added as DLC down the road, but no announcements to that effect were made. As announced earlier, a closed multiplayer beta for Doom will run March 31 through April 3. Players who preordered Wolfenstein: The New Order and redeemed their beta code will have access to the closed beta period, while you can also go to GameStop to get a free code. It remains to be seen if there are other ways to get in. More information about Doom's multiplayer beta can be found on the official website. Doom is slated for a May 13 release date. Doom Launch Maps Include: Descriptions written by Bethesda -Excavation: A modest-sized UAC mining outpost. Watch out for the rock grinder! -Infernal: A mid-sized Hell map with both interior and exterior elements. Lots of platforms and chasms, along with teleporters. -Chasm: This massive map takes you deep below the polar ice caps of Mars. A great place to play Freeze Tag. -Disposal: This smaller map is the main waste processing facility for the UAC research and residential complexes. Unsurprisingly, it's full of radioactive slime. -Helix: This is where they experiment on demons and develop advanced weaponry. Which, naturally, makes it perfect for a quick round of Clan Arena. -Perdition: Disjointed and sadistic, this ancient arena is populated by the agonized moans of unfortunate souls who have suffered within its realm. -Sacrilegious: Set within a fracture of Hell, this map offers clear lines of sight. Move fast… or die faster. -Heatwave: An industrial UAC facility with glistening halls that will soon be slicked with human (and demon) blood. -Beneath: Before being beamed to Earth, the energies of Hell are harnessed in this symmetrical and cavernous location. Source http://www.gamespot.com/articles/new-doom-trailer-showcases-games-nine-multiplayer-/1100-6435722/
  7. Battlefield 4's content updates have come to an end. A producer at DICE LA, the team responsible for the military shooter's post-launch content, made the announcement recently on Twitter. "We (as in DICE LA) are not planning to release more content on the BF4 CTE," Sirland said. CTE stands for Community Test Environment, which is the method by which DICE tests new content and gathers feedback before releasing it publicly. Sirland went on to say the CTE will not be shut down, however. Additionally, Battlefield 4's servers will remain online and DICE will continue to monitor the servers and make adjustments as necessary. Of course, nothing is set in stone, and the phrase "not planning" is not a definitive statement that no new content for Battlefield 4 will be released. But given that Battlefield 4 is more than two years old and a successor, Battlefield Hardline, is already in the market, it's somewhat surprising it's been supported as long as it has. If Battlefield 4 updates are indeed over, the game's free Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 3 remake maps--released in December 2015--will have been the title's final add-ons. Battlefield 4 originally launched in October 2013 for last-generation consoles and PC, before coming to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in November of that year. It was the first entry in the series for those consoles and its release did not go well. The game faced widespread and critical server issues. The problems, which were ultimately resolved, were so bad that EA admitted it lost players' trust. The next mainline Battlefield game is currently in development and will arrive sometime during the second half of EA's fiscal year 2017. That translates to sometime between October 2016 and March 2017. A specific release date has not been announced and we don't know anything about the game outside of that it will return to the military-themed roots of Battlefield 4. Sirland was asked repeatedly about what DICE LA is shifting to next, but he wouldn't say. "We're excited to share more info about future projects when the time is right..." he explained. Source http://www.gamespot.com/articles/no-more-battlefield-4-content-updates-dice-suggest/1100-6435638/
  8. An initiative to bring community-created maps to console players of Dying Light will reach new heights today, as PS4 and Xbox One players are set to receive four new maps when a patch goes live later this morning. The maps in question are Under the City – a choice-based horror story; Climb Down – an arcade-style parkour experience; The Hunter – a survival quest in a horde-infested forest; and TeeVee – a trippy, visual nightmare. Developer Techland first announced its plans to bring community maps to PS4 and Xbox One back in January. Not quite two months later, they're here. Game updates spread as quick as a zombie plague, it seems. Source http://www.gamesradar.com/dying-light-gets-four-new-maps-created-you-players/
  9. This caught my eye in the latest MaximumPC, but Google found this topic first, on How-To Geek: "How to Stop Windows 10 From Uploading Updates to Other PCs Over the Internet" You can set this feature to "Off", "PCs on my network" or "PCs on my network and the Internet". The article also includes a link to MicroSoft's FAQ on the subject: Windows Update Delivery Optimization: FAQ (EN-US link)
  10. Four-and-a-half years ago, we told you about a "huge" new update for Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45, the Western Front-set mod for the original Red Orchestra. Now, it's received another huge update, version 6.0.0 adding an entirely new spawning system, along with new maps, weapons and units, and so many fixes and changes that there's an 18-page PDF file to house them all. It's a pretty big occasion for the venerable mod, so v6.0.0 comes with its own trailer: Since the patch was released around a week ago, there's been another patch to fix issues introduced by v.6.0.0, so the mod should hopefully be pretty stable now. Darkest Hour is free, by the way, but you'll need Red Orchestra to play it. That's currently fairly cheap in the Steam sale. Source http://www.pcgamer.com/red-orchestras-darkest-hour-mod-gets-another-huge-update/
  11. Valve has finally detailed update 6.86 for Dota 2, following reported leaks earlier this week. Dubbed 'The Balance of Power' update, it ushers in the Arc Warden, a hero you might remember from the original Dota. He's finally made the jump to Dota 2, and as the image above demonstrates, he wields energy in a variety of ways: he can build energy barriers for defence, and even summon duplicates to help out on the field. The Arc Warden is only a small part of what's new in the patch, though.There'sew desert skin and map for Custom games, as well as a host of tweaks to the main competitive map. These include new camps and paths which "may determine whether your return to the fountain is by means of teleportation or from beyond the veil of the dead", according to the patch blog. There's a host of new items, tweaks and graphics options, and there are new stats available in the client as well. Check out the full notes here, and stay tuned for some analysis of the patch in coming days. Source http://www.pcgamer.com/dota-2-balance-of-power-update-brings-new-hero-items-and-more/
  12. Merry Christmas, everyone! Peace, goodwill and OP revolvers to all men, isn't that how the saying goes? Well, it's too early to call OP on the new Desert Eagle-slot R8, but Counter-Strike sure is sexing it up: The R8 costs a mere $850 and a body shot will be enough to drop anyone, regardless of body armour. Presuming you can judge those lengthy trigger-pulls, that appears to be monstrous stopping power, but our best man is on the job so we'll have solid analysis for you soon. Joining the R8 in the Winter Update is the Killer Replay feature, which allows you to relive your deaths from your opponent's perspective in Demolition and Casual modes. Given that this will force me to confront how many deaths are my own damn fault, I'm not entirely thrilled. In competitive matchmaking, meanwhile, your team is now able to vote for a 60-second timeout if the stress is all getting a bit much for you. Of course, all of this pales to insignificance against the news that chickens now have Christmas jumpers. Source http://www.pcgamer.com/csgo-winter-update-adds-festively-obscene-pistol/
  13. The latest patch for the PC version of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain has officially landed and while it brings back Quiet provided you beat a specific mission 7 times, there are also some things that are a bit confusing for the game’s fans. This new patch, according to Reddit changes the meaning and title of Chapter 2 title cards. For your information, Chapter 2 is titled Race in the English version of the game. There had been discussions about what the meaning of the Chapter 2 title cards are and it appears the new meanings make things more confusing. For example the Russian version has been updated from Гонка (competitive Race) to Раса (ethnic Race) and Rasse (Human-Race) to Parasiten (PARASITES) for the German version. As you can clearly observe updating a really small feature such as the title card more than 2 months after launch is weird. Furthermore, for some regions the context is totally changed compared to the English version. We are not sure whether this patch has also changed the English version since one needs to play the game with a fresh save. While that update has changed a few of the cards, Redditors have also found that the new update has not removed the phantom Chapter 3 title card. Those same Redditors have even allowed for a way for people to confirm that the Chapter 3 title card is still in the game, though it appears the developers are burying these things rather deep considering the number of steps that are needed in order to actually check this stuff out. And why exactly Konami hasn’t removed is weird as well or they don’t care at this point. Source http://gamingbolt.com/metal-gear-solid-5-latest-patch-updates-chapter-2-title-card-chapter-3-title-card-still-present
  14. A couple of months ago, Tom Senior took a look at Diablo 3's fulsome 2.3 update, then asked "what's next?" Well, update 2.4 is next, and it adds a new zone, extra areas, and lots of the other stuff to help keep the action RPG alive and kicking. The update was detailed at BlizzCon this weekend, and soon elaborated on over at the Diablog. The headline addition is that new zone, Greyhollow Island, which will be bolted onto Act V. Exclusive to Adventure Zone, the "mysterious forested locale is steeped in intrigue, and rumors abound that those who visit are doomed to never return". Until they respawn and head back, anyway. It does look pretty mysterious: Meanwhile, Sanctuary has been expanded with a couple of new areas: The Eternal Woods and Royal Quarters. Basically, spooky woods, and Leoric's inner chambers, the latter located behind a blockade that will soon be cleared. The update will also see players getting more stash space, a revised buff interface, rejiggered set items, and additional legendaries. The other headline features are the new Set Dungeons, non-randomised dungeons dedicated to specific sets. "Once you complete and don the full six pieces of any given class set, you’ll receive a clue to track down an ancient dungeon designed just for you and your set," Blizzard says. "Mastering a set dungeon comes with cosmetic rewards unique to each set, but the truly dedicated can earn even more exclusive rewards by mastering all the sets from one class or even all 24 of them!" Patch 2.4.0 will hit the PTR "in the weeks following BlizzCon", and there are many more details on the Diablo blog. Source http://www.pcgamer.com/diablo-3-update-24-adds-new-zone-set-dungeons-and-more/
  15. Captain America: Civil War - May 6, 2016 Doctor Strange - November 4, 2016 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 - May 5, 2017 Spider-Man - July 28, 2017 Thor: Ragnarok - November 3, 2017 Black Panther - February 16, 2018 Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 - May 4, 2018 Ant-Man and The Wasp - Jul 6, 2018 Captain Marvel - March 8, 2019 Avengers: Infinity War Part 2 - May 3, 2019 The Inhumans - July 12, 2019 Three Unannounced Movies - 2020 Marvel is taking a deep breath before plunging into the third phase of its interconnected film universe, which begins in 2016 with Captain America: Civil War. The influential studio is changing its initial plans today, squeezing in an Ant-Man sequel and making 2018 an extravagant year of three new Marvel movies: Black Panther in February, Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 in May, and Ant-Man and the Wasp in July. The studio's first woman-led film, Captain Marvel, is pushed into early 2019. The deliberately diminutive Ant-Man is having a major effect on Marvel’s plans, despite emerging from a publicly troubled development and being initially seen as another esoteric, is-that-going-to-work-in-a-movie import from the comics. But like Guardians of the Galaxy, and possibly the upcoming Doctor Strange, Marvel is making the weird work. With the introduction of an Ant-Man sequel, the rest of the Marvel lineup has shuffled into the release order you see above. Phase 3 doesn’t include 2017’s Spider-Man movie, which technically falls under Sony Pictures, but I added it since the character will appear in Marvel’s Phase 3 movies. Barring any other surprise announcements, Marvel itself has 13 movies due between now and 2020. Ten of those form what the studio calls Phase 3, set to conclude with The Inhumans in 2019. After that, Marvel plans to fill 2020 with three more unannounced, uncategorized films. And yes, before you make the joke, there is a Marvel character called Hindsight. Source http://www.gamesradar.com/
  16. After much community demand, Valve has rolled out a Counter-Strike: Global Offensive patch addressing complaints about character animations and hitbox detection. It's a mammoth update, but the biggest change is probably the brand new player body and world model weapon animations. The studio has also created a solution to the enduring problem of weapon models sometimes sticking through walls, doors or other surfaces (for a good demonstration of that problem, check out this video). Oh, and the M4A1-S now has reduced price, armor penetration, ROF and an increased base spread. Source http://www.pcgamer.com/
  17. Just wanted to post a fresh topic pertaining to the status of COD4 #3 and any lag issues, or re-boot requests. I may be way off as to doing such here. But, since I couldn't readily/easily find a place to report the current lag on the Beginners server, I thought I'd add a topic for the next guy to find and add-on to... 7/29/15 @7pm lag with constant connection interruptions, may need a server reboot I leave for a trip tomorrow, so I'll see yall on Monday ...
  18. I would like to start off with a small introduction of myself. I am blackknight8653. I am not sure if many of you know me but this post will be my first post I will be posting in F|A Report News Section. I am not sure if I am allowed to post here but I thought I should share some things that some might not know. I apologise in advance if my English is not that perfect and my writing skills may not be on par with professional writers but I thought it is important that I share this with all of you especially for those who are not aware. It is currently 30 July 2015 (in my country and it is almost 31 July 2015 in a few hours time), which is 1 day after the official release of Windows 10. I know some in F|A forums have already tried Windows 10 insider or just installed Windows 10 which released yesterday and have mixed reviews about this new Windows release by Microsoft. I just updated my own computer to Windows 10 a few hours ago as during the official launch day I faced some Windows Update Error (Error Code 800240020, etc) and I only managed to fix it today as I am currently busy with my military work. Similar to some, I have also tried the Windows 10 Technical Preview and now that Windows 10 have been officially release I thought I did share a particular hidden feature which some of you might not realised after updating to Windows 10. This particular feature is related to Windows Update. In Windows 10, Microsoft introduced a new method in how Windows Update would function in Windows 10. This method was introduced in the early stages of the Windows 10 Technical Preview and I am sure some of you already know what I am about to talk about. It is none other than Microsoft adoption of BitTorrent-Style P2P (also known as peer-to-peer which is a protocol) method to deliver updates to Windows 10 users. I am sure many of you know what "torrenting" is and what it is often associated to. Torrenting has long been put under the spotlight with negative presses relating torrenting with illegal activities eg. pirating. However, this is not the main purpose behind torrenting. In order to make it easier for general users to understand, the basic idea to torrenting is the ability to share/distribute large files easily to many people. Using this concept, Microsoft is able to tap into the huge potential that P2P can offer. One such potential is that it can reduce the load on Microsoft's servers and reduce the time it takes for users to download updates for Windows 10. I am sure many of you now wonder how would Microsoft be able to accomplish this as P2P methods are only effective if there are many "peers", in simple terms, many people "sharing" the updates. To answer this question, Microsoft makes the option for every Windows 10 users to be automatically opt in to become part of this P2P network. In other words, you would also automatically become part of the programme. Now I am sure some of you are beginning to have concerns about such programme especially with regards to it possibility using your bandwidth affecting your gameplay or felt that being automatically opt in for such a programme to be a violation of individual rights etc. Regardless of how you may feel with regards to this new adoption by Microsoft, I will provide you a way to opt out of this programme. With this guide I hope it brings a sense of comfort to those who have concerns with regards to this new feature introduced to Windows Update, How to disable P2P in Windows Update: Step 1 : Go to your Start Menu and click Settings. Step 2 : On the Settings page, click on Update & security. Step 3 : Select the Windows Update tab and click on Advanced options. Step 4 : You should see a panel as shown in the image below. Click Choose how updates are delivered. Step 5 : Turn off the option under "When this is turned on, your PC may also send parts of previously downloaded Windows updates and apps to PCs on your local network, or PCs on the Internet, depending on what's selected below." Step 6 : You have successfully disable the new feature introduced by Microsoft. If you are not convinced by my article or feel the need to have more reliable sources with regards to this issue, I have list some other news articles from popular news sources) below: http://www.forbes.com/sites/antonyleather/2015/03/16/windows-10-to-use-bittorrent-style-p2p-to-deliver-updates/ http://www.techtimes.com/articles/39960/20150316/windows-10-updates-might-come-via-p2p.htm http://venturebeat.com/2015/07/29/windows-10-tips-for-gamers-how-to-save-your-bandwidth-do-a-clean-install-and-more/ (For those who are looking for a more recent article) This is the first time I have wrote an article and I apologise if it is not well written. I may write another article if I have time on how to update to Windows 10 for those who are eligible but did not get to update as you encountered errors such as (Error Code: 800240020). This is not related to the article but for those who are wondering why I have not been online on Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory etc, it is due to the fact that I have been busy with military work, my own projects (which I hope to release soon) and the need to take a break from activities such as gaming due to doctor's advice. I apologise as I might not be online on Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory for a while though I may or may not play a little once in a while. I will still be active on F|A Forums. If you need me, do not be afraid to private message me. It is getting late now and it is time for my rest. Goodnight. Thank you for reading. I hope the article is useful.
  19. Well, some time ago et legacy has been released. He're is a link to its site http://www.etlegacy.com/ It has some bugfixed, improvements, support for newer windows etc. Feel free to test it yourself Th3o P.S. Didn't find any topic like that, even in search, If you know about similar one, ask staff+ to merge them
  20. (The following is taken directly from the CS:GO subreddit http://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/2rtm4u/counterstrike_global_offensive_update_for_late/) BLOG POST: http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2015/01/11109/Via csgo_servers: COMMUNITY MARKETKeys purchased from the Steam Community Market are given a seven-day trade and market restriction. GAMEPLAY Reduced P250 ammo from 5 magazines to 3. Reverted CZ nerf to ammo and fire rate. MISC Added the Chroma Case, that features new finishes for knives. Added UI for showing multiple offers. MAPS Mirage Fixed a bug where players could clip through a wall near CT spawn Removed center scaffolding near hole to CT sniper position Train Extended buyzone for T spawn Further optimizations Dust2 Fixed bullet penetration through arch models in tunnels Fixed collision for door top of mid Added Goose to Goose Facade Updated radar Fixed fade distance on props Updated player clips in areas where bomb could be lost Enjoy the new update guys!
  21. The August Xbox One system update has begun its intrepid global rollout, Microsoft has announced, and this is a big 'un. The most significant addition is 3D Blu-ray support, something that the PS4 received in an update last month. It's taken far too long to arrive, but now you've got another excuse to crack out the Jurassic Park 3D Blu-ray. Another welcome new feature is mobile purchasing, which now allows you to buy games and DLC remotely so that - assuming you've told your console to download updates automatically - you should have everything waiting for you when you get home. The activity feed has also been given a scrub - you can now post status updates and comment on other people's posts. But it's the controller low battery notification that's really brought a joyful tear to our eye. No more getting caught by surprise when the gamepad runs out of juice. Source: http://www.techradar.com/news/gaming/consoles/biggest-xbox-one-update-yet-begins-its-rollout-adds-3d-blu-ray-support-1261778
  22. IMPORTANT!!!: If you have lost your admin level, please report it on tracker ASAP! Link below Howdy! As the title states, I have updated our Minecraft server to the latest build of Bukkit, which is for the 1.7.9 version of Minecraft! I have also taken the liberty to update any outdated plugins as well as add a few new ones: UUID Fetcher - shows you your UUID with the /uuid command AntiLagg - Added to hopefully improve some of the issues players have been having with lag on the server side. THIS WILL NOT HELP CLIENT SIDE LAG! SwearSwitch - Since Minecraft is a game for all ages, and a large number of players are young kids/teens, I have added an optional swear filter. If a player does not wish to see swearing, they can use the /censor command to filter it out. This does not mean that we can go crazy and let it all hang out, but it should make things a bit easier for those who are sensitive to such things. Backpacks - I have added the ability to use a backpack, Default users will have a 9 slot backpack, Regular Users will have 18 slots, Donators will have 27 slots, VIP donors will have more slots depending on their level of VIP subscription, Starting at 36 all the way up to 54 slots. To access your backpack, simply use the /backpack command. Down the road I might add the shopkeeprs plugin back to the server and open the Markkit and player trade shops again, but for now it is still disabled. Regarding the new UUID system: At this point in time not all of our plugins are ready for the switch to the UUID system, so until then I have added a plugin as a temporary security measure that will not allow users who have changed their username to connect to the server until they change it back to their original UN. This is simply to protect not only our server but the people who play there. So for the time being, please do not change your username until our server (or any server for that matter) has made the switch to the UUID system. As usual, the first few weeks after an update are going to be a bit weird/buggy, so if you run into any bugs or errors PLEASE REPORT THEM ON OUR MINECRAFT TRACKER!! Found here: http://fearless-assassins.com/tracker/project-19-minecraft/ I'm looking forward to what the future holds for our Minecraft server, and I am very excited! Thank you for your continued patronage and your patience and we hope you enjoy our server! Regards, GI-JOE Fearless-Assassins Leader
  23. Ann!b@l

    War Thunder War Thunder - Update 1.39

    http://warthunder.com/en/game/changelog/ I started the update, but takes ages to download...
  24. Heya ET players, I just wanted to alert you to an update for the AMD Catalyst driver that you should not install. As some of you know, with the technology for GPUs rapidly changing, support for our beloved aging games is starting to fade... in terms of our FPS rate. I got a rude awakening to that, after I updated the drivers for my AMD Radeon HD6570, hoping that it would fix a problem in another game (it didn't). From what I can gather (based on my own experience, and the AMD forums), AMD Catalyst version 13.9 is the last to support W:ET in all of it's glory. I updated from 13.4 to 13.12 and I could barely get about 20fps. Setting the r_primatives variable helped, but only boosted it to around 50fps. For the record, I'm used to 90-125fps (125fps being the maximum set in the cvar). I tried changing all of the MSAA settings, 3D settings, overclocking settings (who the hell would even need to overclock for ET? lol), etc. Nothing really helped. There might be something I'm missing out here (please say so, if I am missing something huge), but for now watch those driver updates.
  25. JalapenoJaco

    Minecraft Minecraft 1.7.2

    Who likes the new 1.7.2 update for minecraft? To be honest they added a whole lot of unnecessary things in my view. Like flowers, redsand, packed ice, and made a super secret setting () . But still I love minecraft and play 1.7.2! So is there any thoughts on the new update? Anything you think should be added to minecraft?
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