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  1. Past hour
  2. Hey everyone, some of you may already know me from Jay1, but never bothered yet to introduce myself on the forums, so hereby my introduction I've been playing Wolf:ET since I was like 6 years old (I'm 26 now) and it's still the only game I enjoy playing after all these years. I took a lot of breaks but always came back! Mostly I just like to frag and fool around on jay1, and have some laughs. I might say some dumb stuff from time to time but that's just my enthusiasm. Never played etpro or scrims, but I'd be down to learn it. I also spend some time on trickjump servers, cuz I just love the movement of this game I'm from Belgium for those who are interested, and still studying I like to do graphic design as a hobby, learned it all by myself - so if anyone is interested hit me up! Nice to meet you all and see you on jay1 to get rekt!
  3. Today
  4. Save your ETKey, Silent.dat, Custom cfg's and I always save all my maps in etmain. Install it from scratch and then transfer these backups to the appropriate folders
  5. Move closer to the server, or server closer to you. Joke aside, can check your isp routing and try what have been mentioned.
  6. Awesome, I was going to ask this question! Following!
  7. Yesterday
  8. I am a lil slow myself, but I hang in there.
  9. "Brutal"? I was feeling sorry for the building on crutches. I will bet that it can hardly walk around now!
  10. Another Birthday? Bah, Humbug! 😄
  11. RedBaird

    Ashuyais threshold

    Oh, "Pepe"! That is why it seems so familiar! "Where have I seen that shark's face before"! 😄 At least I got the shark-part right!
  12. happy birthday bro enjoy
  13. Zicario


    Hello Bluey, Nice to see more old players coming back.
  14. Ashuyai

    Ashuyais threshold

    It's a combination Left shark and the Pepe meme 😄
  15. Ah yes, good ol' brutalist architecture
  16. This was a few months back and I soooooooo need this again!!
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