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Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Mods - Jaymod, ETpub, Silent, Nitmod, ETpro, etc.

72 files

  1. Gundam/Zaku Helmet

    Axis and Allies skinpacks



  2. Falckonet

    Falckon ET is a realism and fun based modification for RtCW:Enemy Territory. Our goal is to please players who think that ET is a fun game, but a little unrealistic, and who wish to see a few new features.



  3. britmod

    Brit-mod replaces the Americans with British troops, all flags, symbols and weapon sounds are complete, all that is needed to do is to change soldier models and complete the voice chat sounds.



  4. elitemod

    Elite Mod for Enemy Territory Servers.



  5. Baconet

    Baconet Mod




    New ET Minimod BACK 2 ROOTS by EgaL - HD and restylt Chargeimages and Commandmaps for Enemy Territory. Now you can see the path's a lot better.
    - 25 Chargeimages and 24 Commandmaps
    >> put it in your ETMAIN!!
    MAPS: Adlernest, Battery, Braundorf B4, Bremen B2, Cean 2, ET Beach invasion, ET Ice, Fueldump, Goldrush, Karsiah TE, Oasis, Radar, Railgun, Reactor Final, sp_devilvery, Supply, Supplydepot 2, SW Battery, SW Goldrush, SW Oasis, TC Base, Transmitter, Venice, Warbelle + Unknown map Image in the Loadingscreen.



  7. Enemy Territory timerun mod

    What is it?
    ETrun is a Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory timerun mod. The goal of a timerun is to get from the start of the map to the end as fast as possible.
    How does it work?
    ETrun has 3 different physics:
    * Vanilla (VET) * Vanilla Quake 3 (VQ3) * Advanced Physics (AP)
    It's heavily based on competition between players, your goal is to get the best times as possible and to compete with your friends.



  8. silEnT MOD version 0.6.1

    Some brilliant fixes are available since the recent 0.6.0 release of silEnT MOD. See details below!
    What's New in Version 0.6.1 (See full changelog)

    * Added: New optional parameter "syntax" to custom command blocks. This allows creating proper syntax help to show with !help command.
    * Added: Shrubot custom commands can now have color codes. The colors are not required when using the commands.
    * Changed: The maximum number of custom commands increased to 95.
    * Fixed: Double amount of level stars in the map change debriefing.
    * Fixed: Many coloring errors related to white nicks.
    * Fixed: Server side was not handling the new skill_(x) cvars correctly.
    * Fixed: Killed sniper had scope enabled with normal fov after revive. Depending how the sniper was killed.
    * Fixed: !baninfo was not displaying permanent bans in Expires in field.
    * Fixed: Stamina bar color bug.
    * Fixed: Lua documentation. The G_ClientNumberFromString is actually ClientNumberFromString.
    * Fixed: Some typos with shrubbot commands and inconsistencies with !help.
    * Fixed: Shrubbot !help now accepts the command names with ! infront.
    * Fixed: Unified !help syntax notation.
    * Fixed: Player names that were both online and previously stored, were printed twice in the !aliassearch command output.
    * Fixed: Formatting bug when more the 10 matching aliases for a player.
    * Fixed: With custom commands, the missing command line parameters are stripped from the command.
    * Fixed: Player name replacement gives better error messages for every case, including the command name.
    * Fixed: Teammate healthbars were flashing wrong health data. Introduced in 0.6.0.
    * Fixed: Player idents were enforcing bans to innocent players. Introduced in 0.6.0.



  9. Halloween mod

    Mod Halloween for Wolfenstein enemy territory game.



  10. silEnT MOD version 0.6.0

    The guys at MyGamingTalk.com have released a brilliant update to the ever improving silEnT MOD for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory; this time bringing some superb new features!
    Special thanks for Krauersaut for building the Mac OS X client.
    What's New in Version 0.6.0 (See full changelog)
    * Added: New dialog window under silEnT menu for screen resolutions. This dialog has autodetected possible resolution and includes widescreen resolutions.
    * Added: ETPro compatible access to sess.aWeaponStats (a GET by weapon index returns a 5-element table of numbers), from pheno of ETPub.
    * Added: Optional aliases database. New commands !aliases, !aliasesdel, !aliassearch and !userinfo now has an option to show the stored aliases. New server cvar g_dbMaxAliases.
    * Added: Mute information is displayed in with the !finger command. This includes time left, mute reason and who muted.
    * Added: Players can freely choose the type of hit sounds they prefer. This is controlled with cg_hitSoundType cvar. Related to this, server admins can configure the type of hit sounds the players default if they do not specifically select any type. By defult, the cg_hitSoundType is 0, which means server configured hit sounds and allowing custom hit sounds in custom pk3 files. Read documentation about g_hitsounds, g_defaultHitSounds and cg_hitSoundType. There is also an additional paragraph about adding custom hit sounds.
    * Added: g_misc flag 256. Setting this flag disables the "First Blood" announcement.
    * Added: g_logOptions flag 1024. This flag allows logging every player drop. It can be usefull for inspecting the server operation, but it will also cause lot of needless log writes.
    * Added: g_realPlayTime cvar. Used to show additional real play time of the payer (without spec time) in the debriefing screen.
    * Added: Flag 8 to g_playerCounting. Bots are not included into the player count.
    * Added: Cvar based enabling of both Thompson and MP40 to the limbo menu selection regardless of the team (g_classWeapons, flag 8)
    * Added: cg_effectDistance client cvar which can be used to control the maximum distance to draw the bullet effects.
    * Reworked: Class skills can be freely enabled/disabled in any order using 0 and -1 in the skill_(x) server cvars.
    * Reworked: The !finger command now shows the client operating system, again. This information was removed in the 0.5.2 because of unreliability in the full string.
    * Reworked: PPSh first person view model.
    * Reworked: The commands !gib, !lol, !pip and !pop no longer do it to everyone if target is not specified.
    * Fixed: Statistics bug with satchel charge.
    * Fixed: Shrubbot commands !useredit and !usereditpb didn't allow editing players with level higher then 32 when attempted with rcon.
    * Fixed: A bug in the player name cleaning allowed empty names using spaces.
    * Fixed: Player name doesn't change anymore everytime the name edit field loses focus. OK button must be clicked for the changes to take effect.
    * Fixed: Persistent SMG kills and deaths were getting lost if the player reconnected during the map.
    * Fixed: Dropping the helmet multiple times when repeated hits to the head. With antilag enabled.
    * Fixed: g_inactivityOptions flag 4 was not moving players to spectator. Fix from pheno of ETPub.
    * Fixed: Lagometer transparency (couldn't change lagometer transparency)
    * Fixed: Fireteam window transparency (improper drawing)
    * Fixed: Fireteam member information going over the window edge when latching to another class.
    * Fixed: g_noSkillUpgrades now locks the skills to the enabled ones, instead of changing every skill to 0.
    * Fixed: !readadmins command did not add admins correctly into the database. Versions affected on various levels from 0.5.0 to 0.5.2.
    * Fixed: Client inactivity timer ETPro compatible. Fix from pheno of ETPub.
    * Fixed: animation timing bug mainly for weapalts (switch to/from)
    * Fixed: reverted back (removed) fix for thrown knife dodging introduced in 0.5.2 version.



  11. Omni-bot ET

    Crapshoot is proud to announce the release of Omni-bot 0.82 for Enemy Territory, as linux and windows version. This release includes bug fixes, new features and several optimization's.
    A complete change log can be found here



  12. silEnT release 0.5.2 - server patch

    We have found couple of issues which required new build of server binaries. Since your server stability matters to us we are releasing new server side binaries. Admins who are currently running 0.5.2 version need to just upload contents of the silent directory from the attached silent_0.5.2_server_patch.zip file in their silent mod folder.
    For new admins who plan to use our mod they just need to download the 0.5.2 package and upload it on server as we have updated our 0.5.2 official download package. Patch is only needed for servers who are using 0.5.2 server files before July 08.
    Things fixed in the patch:
    Fixed: It was not possible to set level higher then 32 as rcon.
    Fixed: thrown knife dodging with the haft after bounce.
    Fixed: FS_HandleForFile error. Fatal error introduced in the 0.5.2.



  13. Nitmod Final

    N!tmod 2.2 Final has been released!
    Major changes:
    SQLite user database
    N!tmod GUID (NGUID) - No more ETKEY required
    Custom votes system
    Brand new hitboxes system (linked to player animation)
    Widescreen resolution support
    Global player stats (see here)
    Offline messaging system
    New configstrings system (MAX_GAMESTATE_CHARS error should no longer happen)
    Whole new maprecords code (SQLite)
    New loading screen (see here)
    Optimized entities code to reduce engine calls
    Added lot of new options to customize gameplay
    Improved Team Death Match gametype
    Fixed tons of bugs
    New "Bomb" model (see here)
    And much more...



  14. KMOD

    KMOD+ which was built on top of clutch152 kmod aims to bring complete
    admin support for Return to castle wolfenstien: Enemy Territory, and
    mainly for ETpro mod.
    main features:
    - TZAC support
    - Complete shrubbot support
    - Comes with a set of most used admin commands
    - Ability to write your own commands and share them easily (Drag & Drop)
    - Killing Spree’s / Multi-Kills
    - Banners
    - Player Inactivity
    And lots more.
    Installation notes:
    Extract the kmod+.zip into your etpro directory, and add "kmod+.lua” to the lua_modules cvar.
    Make sure the fs_homepath and fs_basepath cvar’s are set correctly to the ET directory.
    Please report bugs back to http://kmod.bugs3.com
    And don’t forget to share your custom made commands with us.
    ** 20/02/2012 # add TZAC support: kmod+ now gets the guid age from TZAC
    ** 17/02/2012 # fixed TZAC issues
    ** 17/02/2012 # added hardcoded fear sounds
    ** 02/02/2012 # added heavy weapon restrictions (panzer,flamer,mg42,mortar,mines)
    ** 8/20/2011 # added ban support on tzac enabled server
    ** 8/19/2011 # revised core functions and some commands to relay on global_players_table[slot]["guid"] instead of the mod's cl_guid
    ** 8/14/2011 # added slac/tzac support, if pb is disabled, player[guid] is the slac/tzac user ID number.
    ** 7/2/2009 # added updated kmod+.lua - some forcecvar to make users see the commands output and log in the console
    ** 7/2/2009 # fixed doesnt work: callvote() -> callvote(clientNum)
    0.5.4 -- first alpha
    ** 6/24/2009 # banner time and index carries over maps (cvar save/load)
    ** 6/24/2009 # killing spree, multikills recoded
    ** 2/7/2009 # fixed spectator inactivity kicking players on connect, yet again.
    ** 01/02/2009 # fixed kmod+ was stop grabbing guid-age's from pb_sv_plist on the first user that didnt have guid (?)
    ** 01/02/2009 # fixed spectrator inactivity kicking innocent players on server join, once again. (it heppends because the server assignes some random inactivity
    number to a connecting player, and until the player loaded the map, he has unpredected "inactivity" time. sometimes that inactivity time is
    bigger then the allowed inactivity time, and the player is kicked instantly)
    ** removed: advance player spawn (anti spawn killing) - if you want anti spawnkill module, use ETask.lua, its way better.
    ** added support (not full) for a shrubbot.cfg file - there must be at least 1 [admin] block for it to work (make a dummy admin)
    ** work-around: player tracker vulnerability - a player could use the system names [alias] [ip] or [warning] do disrupt the way the info displayed
    ** add: smart ban mask using player track facility
    the command !banmask will ban the level 2 ip mask (xxx.xxx) of a player
    and normal ban the player
    players that already exist in the player track facility and connected from the banned ip mask
    will allow to join the server (assuming they are known and trusted players)
    any new players from the banned subnet mask will be kicked!
    ** fix: k_spectatorInactivity kicking players when connecting to the server because of wierd inactivity time stamps
    ** fix: k_spectatorInactivity was working always like the server is full
    ** add: etpro's /follow command expended - /follow will now trigger the follow (unlike full name as before)
    ** /console_command has been moved out of the core files into seperate files under "console"
    ** changed: private messages - ignored clients are unable to send private messages to the ignoring client
    ** work around: etpro's sess.ignoreClients field isnt exposed to the lua API
    we track the ignores by our selves
    a whole ignore/unignore system set up
    ** cross TJmod-KMOD+ support! (/save /load /iwant /goto /goback
    ** add: k_max_name_change - maximum allowed name changes per map
    ** add: fully supported !bans (including temp bans)
    ** add: k_mute bitflag (up to bitflag 16 - 5 flags)
    ** add: fully supported !mute (including temp mute)
    ** changed !war to support diffrent classes for allies and axis, and ability to set ammo/clip munition
    ** shurbbot.dat file save functionality change, now dumping all the admins from memory to file.
    ** add/fix: swear/censor punishment (just added functunality, need to take another look at the code though)
    ** fix: min guid age check - a player connected to the same slot of a player with new guid were kicked for new guid
    ** fix: advance spawning - sometimes player spawned without shield
    ** add: spectator Inactivity
    ** add: playerInactivity
    ** add: levels flags
    ** add: guid spoof check
    ** add: min guid check
    ** improved PM's (can now send to more then 1 person)
    ** add: banners
    ** add: levels.dat support
    ** add: admin greeting
    ** add: fully supported !ban !unban !showbans commands ****note: deleting the banlist.dat file will not unban the banned clients, the bans are loaded to punkbuster
    ** changed: the unknown KMOD admin and command system, to global tables: global_admin_table[GUID] = level , admin_commands_table[command] = level
    ** command return is now either silent or public (silent return if command is silent /!command)
    ** can now rcon all commands - /rcon password !command
    ** silent command possible - /!command
    ** moved all commands out of the kmod.lua to a seperate command.lua files
    ** add panzer per players



  15. ETpub Nightly Build Client & Server

    Because etpub.org is always "broken"pheno choose this way to release a new Nightly Build of ETpub server and client.
    Hopefully this builds will fix your no/duplicated GUID problems with running PunkBuster on a ETpub server.
    List of what has changed:
    (server) play g_hitsound_team_* when reflect friendly fire is on and the weapon is reflectable
    (server) fixed !admintest output
    (server) Lua API: et_ClientBegin() is now ETPro compatible (called only once per map)
    (server) moved standard output of GeoIP and Lua API to console (level logfile cleanup part #1)
    (client) fixed broken linux client because of missing realtime library
    (server) fixed sporadic server crashes on client disconnect
    (server) fixed XPSave reset to stored value every userinfo change
    hardware banning by using clients MAC address (Linux, Windows and Mac OS X)
    automatically generates new etkey file by downloading it from etkey.org (Linux, Windows and Mac OS X)
    XPSave and Shrubbot without running PunkBuster
    g_clientVersion and g_panzerLevelUp (see docs)
    some bugfixes
    For a complete list of changes and all informations about ETpub visit it's Assembla Space.
    Make sure to backup your databases (xpsave, admin, shrubbot, ...) before using this builds.



  16. fullscreen replays menu pk3

    If you think it's annoying to have such a tiny window for choosing replays in Jaymod main menu (and maybe some other mods like etmain), and you don't wanna scroll so much all the time when you choose a demo to watch, then this little pk3 could help...
    Just put big_replay_menu.pk3 in your mod folder (for example, jaymod folder), and the 'replays' window in your main menu will be bigger.
    To go back to the default small menu, just delete the pk3



  17. ETJump 2.0.0

    What is ETJump?
    ETJump is a trickjump modification for Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. It is based on etmain and includes bugfixes and lot's of features to give you the perfect trickjumping experience.
    Key features:
    -Built-in shrubbot -like admin system
    The admin system uses client side usernames & passwords instead of punkbuster guids.
    -A fully working portal gun! The portal gun is in a beta state at the moment
    -Save & load. You can save your position and load it.
    -Custom mapscript support
    -Ghost players. No more blocking / killing.
    -New entities for maps.
    -Plenty of other things!
    Mod is under development by Zero & Feengur.
    More information www.etjump.com



  18. silEnT mod

    The Team from mygamingtalk.com released ET-Mod silEnT 0.5.2.
    This version introduces changes made server side as well as client side. Again plenty of the changes we did we did in an effort to meet admins' expectations but there are also some enhancements for the players experience. Some important fixes are also there. Just go and check the changelog below.



  19. ETBlight 0.8x | etblight_0.8x_server_setup.zip

    A new ET mod calles ETBlight is out now. Version 0.8x is just released by Bastard
    ETBlight is build on ETPub 0.9.1 (Surprise!).
    99% of the original cvars are maintained.
    ETBlight has focus on Primary Weapons and a new player class, called The Scientist.
    ETBlight is intended only for "fun servers"



  20. pak2.pk3

    Regarding Silent MOD @ Hardcore server
    Yesterday, lots of people became unable to connect to the hardcore server (running Silent 0.5.0) and recieved
    "warning: Couldn't find image for shader ui/assets/themes/2/*" ... in their console
    It apperas that the problem was caused because they were missing pak2.pk3 in their etmain directory.
    so the solution is to download this file into your etmain directory



  21. silEnT 0.5.0

    The 0.5.0 version of silEnT mod is out.
    The amount of changes below might suggest that 0.5.0 is not a huge improvement, but believe us it is a huge step forward.
    Here we present the main features:
    silEnT GUID, the new silEnT GUIDs replace the PB GUIDs in everywhere, but compatibility is provided for the old PB GUIDs also
    Admin Level Protection (ALP), with this mechanism, the server can ensure that admins on protected levels are properly authenticated
    g_cheatLog, server will log all non gaming related information into this log if enabled
    g_XPSaveMinXP, when this value is set to above 0 or above, the XP save system will use different timestamp for the XP save then the rest of the database. This allows cvars like g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp to work correctly.
    Referee hack attempts are logged
    dboptimize server console command. Read the manual for more information. Do note that this command is server resource intensive and should not be used often.
    Support for revive spree sounds. Admins can add custom sound files revive3.wav, revive5.wav and revive10.wav under the sound/announces if they like.
    Debriefing, mouse wheel scrolling of the lists when the cursor is over the list, not only over the scroll bar
    Omnibot (unofficial 0.82) support for tripmines (tripmines can be planted by bots)

    And the change log:
    Added: dboptimize server console command. Read the manual for more information.Do note that this command is server resource intensive and should not be used often.
    Added: support for revive spree sounds. Admins can add custom sound files revive3.wav, revive5.wav and revive10.wav under the sound/announces if they like.
    Added: g_XPSaveMinXP, when this value is set to above 0 or above, the XP save system will use different timestamp for the XP save then the rest of the database. This allows cvars like g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp to work correctly.
    Added: referee hack attempts are logged
    Added: Admin Level Protection (ALP), with this mechanism, the server can ensure that admins on protected levels are properly authenticated
    Added: silEnT GUID, the new silEnT GUIDs replace the PB GUIDs in everywhere, but compatibility is provided for the old PB GUIDs also
    Added: g_cheatLog, server will log all non gaming related information into this log if enabled
    Added: debriefing, mouse wheel scrolling of the lists when the cursor is over the list, not only over the scroll bar
    Added: omnibot support for tripmines (tripmines can be planted by bots)
    Fixed: vote blocking will not block referee commands
    Fixed: missing original mouse cursor in the menus for Windows builds
    Fixed: silenced colt anim bug
    Fixed: XP for team kills made with tripmines
    Reworked: tripmines can't be destroyed when they are not armed, now it takes 2 shots instead of 1 to destroy the tmine.



  22. RTCW: PPSh-41 model for RtCW and ET | rtcw_et_ppsh_model.zip

    PPSh-41 model for RtCW and ET by Alexandre - This mod replaces the Thompson models in RtCW and ET with PPSh-41 models (linear magazine version). Sounds ans icons are also changed.
    To get the models in ET, unzip "ppsh_model.pk3" in the "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory/etmain" directory.



  23. ET: N!tmod 2.2 beta 1 (with XreaL Support) | nitmod_2.2b1.zip

    N!trox release his N!tmod on version 2.2 beta 1 - The new N!tmod-version contains a lot of modifications and much added, such as: the XreaL-support.



  24. christmas_all_in_one.zip

    This mod was created by -=([A])=-Hudson:
    This will make the allies and the axis have a fairy wand instead of knives,
    the landmines will be santa sacks throwing presents,
    the ammo crates are christmas crackers
    helmets are replaced with halo's and wings
    mortar shells will be huge santa's
    Put the file pk3 in your mod folder (Jaymod/etpro/etpub or etmain if no mod installed)
    then start your server, that's it.
    Distribute it as you wish
    More info in readme.txt



  25. DAS REBELLION CHRISTMAS PACK / zdrcxmas06.zip

    repacked by **DRC**SIPPENHAFT
    Santa hats for Allies
    Reindeer hat with antlers for axis
    Snowball grenades
    Christmas tree minemarkers
    Colored satchels for axis and allied cov opts
    Ribbons on ammo and health packs
    Rockin Christmas tunes at map end for axis and allies
    Red and green constructables



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