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Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Maps for Downloads.

940 files

  1. hk supermario sniper b3 - hk_supermario_sniper_b3.pk3 and waypoints


    Made by: +HK.Mart*
    Xfire: martvisser
    Mail: smartie.visser@gmail.com

    Textures from the map:

    Idea By:

    et.hell-knights.com (+HK.Clan*)


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  2. (UM)Shinsen - (UM)Shinsen.pk3 and waypoints

    // Axis Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Entrance Fence"

    2 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Master Hall Door"

    3 "Primary Objective:**Construct the Small Bridge"

    4 "Primary Objective:**Dynamite the Wall Fence"

    5 "Primary Objective:**Steal and secure the First Idol"

    6 "Primary Objective:**Steal and secure the Second Idol"

    7 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Allied Command Post"

    8 "secondary Objective:**Construct the Axis Command Post"
      // Axis Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective:**Protect and rebuild the Entrance Fence"

    2 "Primary Objective:**Protect and rebuild the Master Hall Door"

    3 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Small Bridge"

    4 "Primary Objective:**Protect the Wall Fence"

    5 "Primary Objective:**Protect the First Idol"

    6 "Primary Objective:**Protect the Second Idol"

    7 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the Allied Command Post"

    8 "secondary Objective:**Destroy the Axis Command Post"


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  3. frankfurt b1 - frankfurt_b1.pk3 and waypoints Map 2022

    a big thank you to SENTENZA for the map and the waypoints files
    Map Information
    title:          FFM - Frankfurt
    file:           ffm_b1.pk3
    author:         FFM*Sentenza
    co-author:      FFM*r0rK
    email address:  hansstoffeln@googlemail.com
    discord:        Krischan#3949

    release date:   not yet (testing stage)
    editor:         NETradiant 1.5.0, Netradiant Custom 1.5.0n
    tools used:     Photoshop 2020, Audacity, Presonus Studio One, Notepad++
                   Blender, Ultimate Unwrap 3D, Substance Painter, XNview
    ETCC Command Map Tool, Q3 Model Tool, MD3compile
    build time:     started in 2005 with many breaks of many years in between
    compile time:   10 mins on a i7-9700K@8x3,6GHz

    Assets with a known license
    * American vehicle Models (Jeep, Halftrack) by detoni (detoeni.uk)
     License: You may use this file providing it's not for profit.
     Source: unknown

    * Church Bench, Pew and Pulpit Models by http://www.blackrayne.net
     License: You can use it freely in any games as long as you include a
              note indicating you got it from me
     Source:  unknown

    * Coffin by Tamara "Ophelia" Crossley (mreff@javanet.com)
     License: Include authors name and email address in the credits for there work
     Source:  unknown
    Assets by FFM*SENTENZA
    All Models in the "mapobjects/ffm/" folder are created by FFM*SENTENZA. Most
    of the textures are created by FFM*SENTENZA, but some are reworked from many
    different sources I can't remember.

    License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
    Map Trivia
    - started in 2005, after a real visit to the old city of Frankfurt, Germany
    - the club is actually a hommage to a famous club at Frankfurt Airport
    - the "radio poster" is a hommage to a famous local techno radio show
    - the crypt is a hommage to our second clan [AwB] Attawaybaby
    - the industrial complex "produces" real local food and beverages
    - the old city is a condensed version of the old city of Frankfurt
    - the bridges, the Roemer Townhall and the Cathedral are at their correct
    position like in reality
    - the Roemer Townhall is quite realistic, also the buildings opposite to it
    - the bunker is fictious

    FFM Map Credits
    We've created a lot of assets, but sometimes we've chosen to use ready assets
    from other people. We wish to thank you for your work in this file and respect
    your work. If you read this and want to use assets from our map in your own
    work, please respect the other artists work and license, too like we did.

    VERSION: beta1 V1.000 Dec 28 2021


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  4. mia final - mia_final.pk3 and waypoints


    created by Thunder
    huey model and
    mia model also made
    by Thunder

    bsp name:mia_final
    longname in server list: missing in action final

    -fixed some of the fps problems
    -changed texture on sandbags to more fitting the etnam theme
    -Huey is now shootable( Thanx to acQu )

    ****THIS IS AN ETNAM MOD MAP**********
    After last big attack Charlie(vietcong) managed to capture 3 soldiers,
    they want to pump these for valuable information.
    The Soldiers are held in a secret P.O.W camp in the pleiku jungle, waiting for their fate.
    Luckily the us pick up a radio transmit where they get the whereabouts of the soldiers and send
    in a troop who camps nearby, equipet with a huey they are been flied out to a droppoint where they have to find their way to the maingate of pow camp, they will have to blow this and get m.i.a's out one by one and bring them to security at their camp hospital..
    vietcong will do anything to prevent allies to blow the maingate and capture the mia's.

    map made and compiled in gtk radiant 1.6.4 (64bit)

    credits to:
    SD- for their prefabs ripped from original maps
    2bit- for tutorial and prefabs
    all other who have prefabs in this map that I cant remember
    kic-for his trees (wonderful job kic)

    And special credits goes to:
    AcQu- for BIG part of scripting and getting stuff to work propperly for me

    for all their help with my map on my thread at SD forums:

    also extra thx to Mateos who provided the wayfiles
    mia.gm mia.way mia_goals.gm


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  5. fueldump nam - fueldump_nam.pk3 and waypoints


    Adjusted map for vietnam mod changed by Niek

    Skybox by avoc
    Tree models by Kic
    and everyone who keeps the game alive.


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  6. opposites 2008 - opposites_2008.pk3 and waypoints

    Prévisualisation This map has been made by Fliquid.
    You can find me at http://partycafe.fliquid.com
    Or reach me at fliquid@fliquid.com
    Thanks to the prefab makers and the guys at Splash Damage Forums!

    I suggest a maximum of 32 players on this map.

    Peace and enjoy yourself! 😉


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  7. highnoon - highnoon.pk3 and waypoints

    no information on the map


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  8. destruction final - destruction_final.pk3 and waypoints

    Title               : Destruction_final
    Filename            : destruction_final.pk3
    Date                : 2009.03.29

    Author              : Russell Story (Geehaad)
    Contact             : angel_son_7d@yahoo.com
    URL                 : N/A

    Map File        : destruction_final.bsp
    Script File      : destruction_final.script
    Release          : 2009.03.02

    Gametype            : Objective, SW, Campaign
    Maximum Players     : 64
    Recommended Players : 12-18


    *Allies have cornered the Axis into a heavily bombed out warehouse complex. The Axis are making their last stand, and trying to call reinforcements to stop the raid on their last stronghold.
    *Allies must destroy their Communications before they are able to radio for help.


    1 "Primary Objective:**Don't let them destroy the Comm Station.**This will cause a loss of communication to reinforcements.
    2 "Secondary Objective:**Don't let them destroy the Gate.**This will give them access to the warehouse.
    3 "Secondary Objective:**Protect the Weakend Wall.**This will give them access to the roof.
    4 "Secondary Objective:**destroy the side door. This will give them quick access to the forward warehouse.

    1 "Pr**Destroy the Comm Station.**This will keep Axis reinforcements from knowing about the raid on the warehouses.
    2  "Se**Destroy the Gate.**This will give access to the warehouse.
    3 "Se**Destroy the Weakend Wall.**This will give access to the roof.
    4 "Se**Destroy the side door. This will give quick access to the forward warehouse.


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  9. Decay_sw

    latest version of Decay for stopwatch and lower amount of players.
    Suitable for 6v6 


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  10. axs assault b3 - axs_assault_b3.pk3 and waypoints


    destroy main door

    destroy side door

    destroy depot door 1 and 2

    construct the command post

    destroy the gun control

    Defende all


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  11. Atlantic fixed - Atlantic_fixed.pk3 and waypoints

    2018-06-08: maker@bigsighstudios.com
    just added /textures/assault/afloor_m01.jpg

    Axis forces have to protect their special ammonution storage as well as the radio room. The Radio room is crititcal to call reinforcements. So protect the ammonution storage asswell the radio room!"

    The allied mission is to destroy the special ammonution storage. Allies also have to destroy the radio room. Good luck soldier"

    neutral "Axis have created a defensive position they call "Atlantic Wall", to protect the beach from invasions. The time has come to test the beach defensives!


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  12. n2D PureFrag21 - n2D_PureFrag21.pk3 and waypoints

    thanks to By UgC'Pinn  for providing the waypoints for this map .


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  13. blitz final - blitz.pk3 and waypoints

    Blitz  map created by :  =BO= Ganjaman.  07-dec-2009

    *********   In BETA test 1    *************

    The Allies captured a small town but the Axis base is resisting heavily.
    Axis forces are ready to attack the Allies to re-capture the V1-Launch Keycard.
    Allies have to defend the Keycard but can also attack and try to drown the Axis forces by blowing
    up the Water Control Pipes behind the Pumphouse.

    Thanks to  =BO= Stealth' for the scripting assistance.
    I have used several prefab brushes in this map.Thanks to :
    FireFly for the V1 rocket model + accompanied textures.
    Dersaidin for the keycard model .

    Forresthut prefab author unknown.( download from wolfmap.de ).

    Hovel also prefab author unknown.( download from wolfmap.de ).

    A very nice skybox by  Necrom@ncer FR.( from skybox_pack )

    And I have made use of some original items from several of the original maps :

    from Siwa/Oasis map a broken house/bunker, Thanks to their creator(/s).

    from Goldrush map 3 houses which are now the village Thanks to their creator(/s) too.

    Special Thanks to ID-software and Splash-Damage for creating Enemy Territory.

    This map is only for testing final map will come soon.

    contact e-mail : johnny_b27@hotmail.com.

    This map was made with GTKRadiant 1.4 & 1.5 on win XP
    compile pc info : AMD Phenom X4 Q9750 ( 2.4 GHz ) 4 GB ddr2 and a geforce GTX 260 with 896 MB.    

    *********     In BETA test 1   ************


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  14. sedesrc1 - sedesrc1.pk3 and waypoints

    Sedes RC1
    Author: six


    Programs used in creation:
    GTKRadiant 1.4
    Adobe Photoshop 6.0


    -Pits were removed/replaced to fix "bottleneck" issues
    -Window by axis spawn is clipped to keep balance


    ----------Axis Objectives----------
    Defend the main entrance
    Defend the generator
    Defend the old city
    Defend the gold crate
    Construct the command post
    ---------Allied Objectives---------

    Destroy the main entrance
    Construct generator
    Capture the old city
    Get the gold crate
    Construct the command post


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  15. Library Beta 1 - library_b1.pk3

    Download pk3 name: library_b1.pk3
    Map name: library_b1.bsp
    Author(s): BlAcky


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  16. Library Beta 2 - library_b2.pk3

    Download pk3 name: library_b2.pk3
    Map name: library_b2.bsp
    Author(s): BlAcky


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  17. bunker - bunker.pk3 and waypoints

    *****                              Bunker                                 *****
    *                 Enemy Territory Map - by Impact - 2004                      *
    Note: This map is exclusively my own
    permanent property, that is, the copyrights are automatically mine. Equal-
    early the map is a hobby project by a gamer for gamers. Therefore
    this map freeware. Everyone is allowed to use this card for their private use
    Offer to download, copy, or publish. One too
    I expressly consent to publication in the following German game magazines to:

    PC Action
    PC Player
    Game Star
    PC Joker

    Any other commercial use, in particular publication on dis-
    chain, CD-ROM or DVD in a magazine other than those mentioned above
    is expressly prohibited.

    Everyone has the permission to change the map for the private area, or
    Copy parts of the map, e.g. to create your own maps. In this case
    I ask for the note that parts of my map are used to create the map
    were used.

    This map is my first ever map. It
    so I am aware that this is not perfect in many areas. Besides
    the map was created as part of a MapContest, which is why it is very small
    has failed and there was a certain time pressure. For these reasons it is
    this map was also my "test object" because I was practical
    all the steps that are necessary to create a map still had to be learned.
    Nevertheless, there are over two hundred hours of work in the map.

    But above all others that I mention here made this card possible

    would like to:
    www.dflv-clan.de: no map without beta test;)
    www.Fragpoint.de: Very good German tutorial and a nice one
    small forum
    www.haradirki.de: Very good German tutorial
    www.level-desinger.de: Best forum for mappers with lots of nice people
    www.planetweltenstein.de: Everyone should know, good forum for ET and RTCW

    Those were the pages I visited most of the time. The people who helped me
    just as they occur to me:

    Fragpoint, haradirki, Ron007, BeoWulf, michi.be, HBe99, Rought, Fidelcastro, NightWulf
    Micro, freakman, hardcoreraver and of course all that I haven't mentioned now.

    [DFLV] Wolfine
    [DFLV] Kosmic
    [DFLV] Maroni
    [DFLV] Maschine
    [DFLV] DerBeo
    [DFLV] CrazyPittbull
    [DFLV] Denation
    [DFLV] Dagget
    [DFLV] HomeX
    [DFLV] Nobert
    [DFLV] Servidge
    [DFLV] TheCrazyKraut
    [DFLV] Tankwart
    [DFLV] GohanZeta

    Description of the map:
    Bunker is a small map for ET, intended for 3-5 players on each side.

    Installation Guide:

    Unrar the file "bunker.rar" and copy the new file "bunker.pk3" into the "ETMAIN" folder of your ET installation. Start the game and select "Host Game".

    Simply extract the Bunker.rar file into a directory of your choice. You should then find a bunker.pk3 file. It belongs in the ET main directory. If you start the game now you should be able to start the map via host game


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  18. sfx endor - sfx_endor.pk3 and waypoints

    Axis Objective Descriptions

    1    "Primary Objective:**Defend the Shield Generator."
    2    "Primary Objective:**Defend the Entrance Door."
    3    "Primary Objective:**Defend the First Sas Spawn."
    4    "Primary Objective:**Defend the Backup Generator controlling the magnetic seal to the Shield Generator."
    5    "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Troopers from constructing a Charge Booster."
    6    "Secondary Objective:**Construct a Charge Booster."
      Allied Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Shield Generator."
    2 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Entrance Door."
    3 "Primary Objective:**Capture the First Sas Spawn."
    4 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Backup Generator to deactivate the sealed door to the Shield Generator."
    5 "Primary Objective:**Construct the Charge Booster for advanced spawn location."
    6 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Raiders from constructing a Charge Booster."


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  19. villagun b1 - villagun_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    *** Villa Gun - beta 1 release (18/09/14) ***
    * Author: islander
     Find me at dark-alchemy.com forum
    - beta 1:
    - Add Roof Gun
    - Add Desert Spawn
    - Add CP
    - Add Villa Ladder
    - Add Health and Ammo Cabinets points
    - Change axis spawntime with active CP (27s)
    - And finally: make the map BIGGER
    - alpha 2b:
    - One Gun only
    - First public version

    The map got a lot bigger than in previous release.
    It should give you a better gameplay with more players.
    Axis team has now more ways to defend the objective
    and should not be vaporized with airstrike so easy.
    The map is longer as now 2 guns need to be destroyed.
    There is also a new allied capturable spawn.

    As this was my first map I can see now many problems
    mostly with VIS, visible caulk etc. Due to the design
    it would take a lot of effort to fix all the issues
    and the final effect wouldn't be worth it IMO. For this
    reason this is probably the last release of this map
    unless some major bug occurs.

    If you are insane enough and to my surprise you would
    like to get the sources of the map and edit it please
    find me on dark-alchemy.com forum. And if you are reading
    this in XXII century and I'm already dead please find
    my friends from the Dark Alchemy community so they may
    help you.

    Thank you for testing to all Dark Alchemy members,
    and especially Old-Owl for running the community
    that without which this map wouldn't be born.

    Thank you for WF Gaming Clan members for playing the map
    and giving advices to improve the design.

      * Axis:
    Don't let the Allies reach the Villa and prevent them from destroying both Anti-Aircraft Guns!"

     "Primary Objective: Defend the Garden Anti-Aircraft Gun!"
     "Primary Objective:**Defend the Roof Anti-Aircraft Gun!"
     "Secondary Objective: Don't let them dynamite the Side Warehouse Entrance!"
     "Secondary Objective: Don't let them destroy the Villa Gate and rebuild it as fast as it's possible!"
     "Secondary Objective: Don't let them construct The Ladder!"
     "Secondary Objective: Recapture the allied Desert Spawn!"
     "Secondary Objective: Construct the Command Post for faster recharge and spawntime

      * Allies:
    Reach the Villa and destroy both Anti-Aircraft Guns to let our aircrafts start the city bombing!"

    "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Garden Anti-Aircraft Gun!"
    "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Roof Anti-Aircraft Gun!"
    "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Side Warehouse Entrance to gain a new way to the Villa Gun!"
    "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Villa Gate and reach the Villa Gun area!"
    "Secondary Objective:**Construct the The Ladder!"
    "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Roof Anti-Aircraft Gun!"
    "Secondary Objective:**Capture the Desert Spawn!"
    "Secondary Objective:**Construct the Command Post for faster recharge!


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  20. sottevast pe - sottevast_pe.pk3 and waypoints

    Sottevast PE (Final) / Public Edition

    March 2010

    Since Dersaidin released the sources of all his maps
    to the public, it's alright to modifiy them.

    Sid & Etch

    An Axis V2 missile project has been advancing in a silo
    facility called Sottevast. Allied spies have discovered
    an attack is about to be launched from this secret silo,
    and a small team of elite soldiers were mobilized to
    prevent the launch.

    Allies are attacking.
    Allied objectives:
    - (Primary) Capture the Targeting System
    - Enter the silo facility by dynamiting the main entrance
     or by using a disguise
    - Take control of the Axis forward spawn
    - Construct the command post to activate a forward spawn
    - (Optional) Open the side door to gain additional access

    Axis objectives:
    - (Primary) Defend the Targeting System
    - Defend the silo facility's main entrance and prevent a
     covert entry
    - Hold the forward spawn
    - Stop the Allies from constructing a command post, or
     destroy it if it has been made
    - (Optional) Keep the side door closed to hinder the
     Allied progress


    Axis  : 20
    Allies: 20

    Information on bunker IRL:

    Additonal pk3:

    The additional pk3 contains a ETpro mapscript.
    Works only with ETpro, NQ, and other mods wich are

    + Added Health and Ammo Cabinets to Command Post
    + Added Health and Ammo Cabinets and MG Nest to Side Bunker
    + Added Neutral Command Post to Bunker near Forward Bunker
    + Added Model for delivered Objective
    + Added Secondary Map Objective: Allies need to blow up the V2 Rocket
    + Fixed Tunnel Barrier appearance when under construction


    Sottevast PE (Final):

    + Based on Beta 3b
    + Added tracemap
    + Removed all unnecessary files from the pk3
    + Ficed mapscript
    + Fixed spelling errors
    + Reworked command map
    + New levelshot
    + Sottevast is now shown on the right place in the
    command map
    + Retextured the map in near every aspect, because with
    the old textures this great map looked like shit

    Sottevast (Beta 3b):

    + Tunnel barricade, can be constructed by either team.
    + Fixed scripting so that Allies will now get the forward
    flag for 30 seconds when main door blows. (Previously
    they had to be holding it to secure it for 30 seconds.)

    Sottevast (Beta 3):

    + Spawntimes 30/20
    + Removed Team door near main door - Closed this tunnel completely.
    + Side door:
    No longer dynoable
    open/close by both sides
    + Edits to the flag building and flag scripting:
    - Open the side with the two team doors (so theres no teamdoors,
    just a big open side like on the middle side of the flag) Allies
    will be able to attack caves without blowing anything.
    - xis spawn in the other side of the building (which is now open)
    - Flag is recaptureable
    - Axis loose flag when main is blown, but can still recapture
    it (wait 30 seconds)
    + Move allied CP spawns back onto the ramp. Increases distance and allows
    allies to pick that hall above CP easier.
    + Voiceovers
    + Improved river banks
    + Mineable areas added around the rocket
    + End of round camera things
    + ETPro Fireteam locations

    Sottevast (Beta 2):

    - Flag can no longer be reclaimed by axis once a door has been blown.
    - Changed terrain near main door. Added two bunkers. Added ladder with team door.
    - Fixed CP's killed build box thingo.
    - CP is now both Axis and Allied
    - Fixed ladder out of river that you'd sort of get stuck on the top and fall back in
    - Added another stair out of the water on the axis side.
    - Moved Allied first spawn closer
    - Improved command map .


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  21. targetpush - targetpush.pk3 and waypoints

    Custom map information
    Enemy Territory (W:ET)

    Target push


    May 2014

    Number of players:
    6 vs. 6 or 8 vs. 8.


    The Allied Forces are attacking to steal one Axis Flag and bring it back to their base for victory. The Axis Forces are defending the Axis Flag.

    Editing program:
    GtkRadiant 1.4.0

    Place the pk3 in your etmain folder, select it from the game menu (Host), or bring down the console and use the command /map targetpush to run the map.

    Kent "Loffy" Lofgren, Sweden



    Thanks to:
    Server admins who support and host custom maps, and the Splash Damage forum community (http://www.splashdamage.com).


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  22. temple of dal - temple_of_dal.pk3 and waypoints

    Map name - temple_of_dal
     Version - final v1.5
     Complete Date - Sunday 19 September 2004 Pm 6:11 (Korea time)
     Making time - 7days
     Making tool - GtkRadiant 1.3.8-ET
     Bsp Complete type - BSP -meta,-vis,-light -fast -samples 2 -filter
     Author - DalGongJu & fetchinist
     Author Email - fetchinist@hotmail.com
    Download pk3 name:  Temple_of_dal.pk3
    Map name:                  temple_of_dal.bsp  
    Allies Primary Objective - Capture the Artifact of dal
    Secondary Objective - Capture the 2nd flag
    Secondary Objective - Destrory Main gate/Side gate/Wall of altar

    Axis Primary Objective - Defence Allies for 20minute
    Secondary Objective - Recapture the Allies 2nd flag
    Secondary Objective - Protect Main gate/Side gate/Wall of altar


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  23. mt whoverest b4 6 - mt_whoverest_b4_6.pk3 and waypoints

    allied    Withstand the axis onslaught and prevent them from recovering their stolen documents."
    axis        Break into the well guarded allied base and recover some stolen documents.
    neutral    High in the alps a remote allied base, craftily hidden in the mountainside the allies attempt to decipher the contents of stolen axis documents.

    1    "Primary Objective:**Recover the stolen documents hidden deep within the allied outpost."
    2    "Secondary Objective:**Capture the forward spawn."
    3    "Secondary Objective:**Construct a command post."
    4    "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the main door."
    5    "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the vent grill."
    6    "Secondary Objective:**Open the electric doors by re-wiring the control panel."
    7    "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the allies from building a command post and destroy it if they suceed."
    8    "Primary Objective:**Prevent the allies from recovering the vital information."

    1    "Primary Objective:**Prevent axis from stealing some documents."
    2    "Secondary Objective:**Defend the forward spawn."
    3    "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the construction of the axis command post."
    4    "Secondary Objective:**Protect the main door from axis engineers."
    5    "Secondary Objective:**Ensure that the axis cannot destroy the vent access grill."
    6     "Secondary Objective:**Maintain the control panel and re-wire it incase axis manage to jam the electric doors open."
    7     "Secondary Objective:**Build a command post."
    8     "Primary Objective:**Recover the  vital information."

    Axis must fight their way into a remote but well guarded allied outpost set high in the alps and recover the secret documents. Poster un nouveau sujet Titre du sujet  
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  24. Fox2 - Fox2.pk3 and waypoints

    Author        : Fox2
    Email address    : Toiletmanquestions@hotmail.com

    Made in Belgium
    Map Information

    "Allies forces have to steal a box that contains documents (Docbox). These documents have information about the locations of German Artillery Fire in France. The docbox is located in a library in the little French town called Fox. Now go to war soldier!    

    Game        : Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Title        : Fox2
    Filename    : Fox2.pk3
    Release date    : 2006
    Decription    : Allies forces have to steal a docbox!
    Program        : SD Radiant 1.4.0
    uild time     : /
    Compile time    : /

    Installation    : Place the Fox2.pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the multiplayer->create server menu or
                     bring down the console and type: map Fox2

    #. This is a "FUN" map for the holidays. The map is intended to be fun playing but also at the same time being competive. So that it can be used as a war map between clans.

    Special thanks and Credits to:


    Everybody I forgot!

    Copyright 2006 Toiletman

    This level may be electronically distributed only at
    NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
    include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN


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  25. flag in the middle - flag_in_the_middle.pk3 and waypoints

    Author        : Kent "Loffy" Lofgren, Sweden
    Email address    : loffyswe@yahoo.se

    Map Information
    Game        : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Title        : Flag in the middle
    Filename    : flag_in_the_middle.pk3
    Release date    : March, 2006
    Program        : SD Radiant 1.4.0
    Compile time    : 0.5 hours.
    Compile machine    : Dell Dimension 8200, 2.0 Ghz Pentium 4, 512mb.

    Installation    : Place the flag_in_the_middle.pk3 in your etmain folder, select it from the Host Game-menu or bring down the console and type: /map flag_in_the_middle .

    Skybox (stratosphere) by sock.

    * 6 vs. 6 map.
    * Game time: 10 minutes.
    * You must hold the flag when the time is over, to win the game. (The team that holds the flag when the game is over is the winner.)
    * If the flag is never owned by any team (no-one touches the flagpole), the game will end after 10 mintes, and it will be a draw game.
    * It has 2 bases: One Axis and one Allied. The bases are identical.
    (Il a 2 bases : Un axe et un alliés. Les bases sont identiques. Sie hat 2 Hauptquartiere: Das der Alliierten und das der Achsenmächte. Beide Hauptquartiere sind identisch.)


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