Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Maps for Downloads.
1004 files
ETL Ice V12 - etl_ice_v12.pk3 and waypoints
By kajto3
ETL Ice version 12. Minor changes compared to V11. Using waypoints from v3 version with removed _v suffix as bsp name is now etl_ice.
Rocket2 + Waypoints
By John Mullins
Major Quality of Life improvements of mp_rocket from Return to Castle Wolfenstein for ET
Spawntimes: 20 Allies / 30 Axis
Timelimit: 10:30
Changes from mp_rocket to Rocket2:
Added: Ladder from First Cave Flag to catwalk
Added: New Lower Train Room Stairway that connects to the new hallway up above
Added: New hallway that connects the Store Room to the West Stairwell area and the new Lower Train Room Stairway
Added: Closable metal window at Override Key room
Change: Wider Axis upper spawn
Change: Rocket Bay balcony ladder is now climbable
Change: Higher support beam locations at Override Key area
Change: Emergency Rocket Bay Door is now an Axis team door (it can still be destroyed with a dynamite)
Change: The ladders at the Lower Train Room are now Elevators
Change: Capping the objective will now trigger a 30 seconds countdown that can be Aborted/Started with the press of a button (same thing as mp_password2 but it requires a key)
Removed: Tunnel Cave-in secondary objective
Removed: The annoying train that circles around the map lower
Removed: Loud announcers
Special thanks to [UJE]Niek for the omnibot waypoints
find a bug? or have a suggestion regarding the map? contact me on discord @ John_Mullins#8799
Sub2 + Waypoints
By John Mullins
Reimagining of mp_sub from Return to Castle Wolfenstein for ET
Spawntimes: 20 Allies / 30 Axis
Timelimit: 10 Minutes
Changes from mp_sub to Sub2:
Change: Main Door is destroyed at the start of the map
Change: The Axis Submarine now requires two dynamites to be planted in order for the allies to win
Change: Wider hallways
Change: The Axis Submarine is bigger in size hence the room is also bigger and way less cramped
Added: Path from Central Access Room (Above Flag) to the Axis Workshop
Added: Two new rooms inside the axis spawn Office and Workshop that has a team door that can be destroyed by a satchel and rebuilt by the axis
Added: Dropdown from axis spawn to filtration
Added: Filtration Hallway that leads to the back of the Axis Submarine
Added: Spiral stairs at the back of the submarine pen that connects the first, second floor and the crane balcony
Added: The room overlooking the submarine from RTCW's singleplayer (third floor)
_b2 fixes: removed some models and entities reduced lightmapsize to fit the default com_hunkmegs 56 limitation. Changed the map coordinates for omnibot
special thanks to [UJE]Niek for the omnibot waypoints
find a bug? or have a suggestion regarding the map? contact me on discord @ John_Mullins#8799
uje battersea b2 - uje_battersea_b2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Map by [UJE]Niek
B2 version 4-3-2023
The Axis are invating battersea where the weapons for all allies are made for the war,
Axis are trying to destroy the rocket that is on the train on his way to be transported
to the battlefield, Allies will try to prevent this.
Axis objective
*Destroy the Traincart entrance
*Steal the keycard and bring it to the armory on the top floor
*Get 5 charges to the rocket and arm the bomb
*Destroy the side door
*Build the Commandpost
Allied objective
*Defend the Traincart entrance
*Defend the keycard
*Protect the Rocket
*Defend the side door
*build commandpost
[UJE]Clan site
bsp name of this map is UJE_battersea
Like always the credits also go to everyone who keeps this game alive.
UJE Lake sniper B1a - UJE_Lake_sniper_B1a.pk3 and waypoints Map 2023
By papywolf
FULL TITLE : [UJE] Lake sniper B1
FILENAME: UJE_Lake_sniper_B1a
AUTHOR : [UJE]Interbellum
DATE : 03-11-2021
bug report feedback : contact me at the [UJE]Clan forum: (login required)
Or Discord, username Rijnusch, nickname [UJE]Interbellum
Release date beta 1.0 : --
Eerie lake side village where both sides are reacheable with a small boat
Version : beta1
Attacking : Allies and axis
Timelimit : 20 minutes
EDITORS USED : GtkRadiant 1.6.6-20180422, Easygen 1.42, Photoshop CS6
COMPILE TIME : ca. 10 minutes
* special thanks *
[UJE] C For all the support.
= Credits = fot additional information
Map maker: [UJE]Interbellum
This map may be electronically distributed in its current state, this .txt file must be included.
The .pk3 file (which this text file is located) and it's content may not be modified in any way without written permission.17 downloads
etl warbell v3 - etl_warbell_v3.pk3 and waypoints final
By papywolf
ETL Warbell (v3)
Pk3 file : etl_warbell_v3.pk3
Objdata file : etl_warbell_v3.pk3\maps\etl_warbell.objdata
Map date : 2023
Gametypes : wolfmp wolfsw wolflms
Raw map name : etl_warbell
Arena file : etl_warbell_v3.pk3\scripts\etl_warbell.arena
Date added : 2023-01-14
Myths surrounding an ancient castle deep in the mountains are the target of the Axis' occult forces. The 'Warbell' up in the church tower, is said to summon Heinrich, the mighty Wargod.**In an attempt to strengthen their war efforts, the Axis aim to summon the dark power of Heinrich to smite the Allies to oblivion once and for all.**Map by McNite.**Overhaul by kemon.
Axis objectives
Objective:**Dynamite the Guardhouse gate.
Objective:**Destroy the Generator.
Objective:**Seize the 'Book of Death' holding ritual instructions.
Objective:**Place the 'Book of Death' on the Altar to enable the summoning ritual.
Objective:**Repair the mechanism of the ancient 'Warbell'.
Objective:**Toll the 'Warbell' to awaken Heinrich.
Objective:**Sacrifice yourself in the yellow lightning to restore Heinrichs full power.
Objective:**Establish a Command Post.
Allies objectives
Objective:**Defend the Guardhouse Gate.
Objective:**Defend the Generator.
Objective:**Don't let them take the 'Book of Death'.
Objective:**Prevent them from placing the 'Book of Death' on the Altar.
Objective:**Keep the mechanism of the ancient 'Warbell' disabled.
Objective:**Stop them from activating the 'Warbell'.
Objective:**Prevent mortal sacrifices to Heinrich at all cost.
Objective:**Stop them from establishing a Command Post.65 downloads
Tram2 + Waypoints
By John Mullins
Reimagining of mp_tram from Return to Castle Wolfenstein into a stopwatch map for ET
Spawntimes: 20 Allies / 30 Axis
Changes from mp_tram to Tram2:
Map is cut in half (2nd stage only)
Documents are now at the old transmitter
Transmitter is outside South-West of the Castle
Flag spawn at the Tram Tower for Allies
Lower Basement Door now grants the Allies a permanent spawn at the Northern Hut
Lower Engine Room added that connects the lower castle entrance to the tram bay area
New spiral staircase added to the Castle as a safe way to reach the transmitter outside
UJE battersea b1- UJE_battersea_b1.pk3 and waypoints Map 2023
By papywolf
Map by [UJE]Niek
The Axis are invating battersea where the weapons for all allies are made for the war,
Axis are trying to destroy the rocket that is on the train on his way to be transported
to the battlefield, Allies will try to prevent this.
Axis objective
*Destroy the Traincart entrance
*Steal the keycard and bring it to the armory on the top floor
*Get 5 charges to the rocket and arm the bomb
*Destroy the side door
*Build the Commandpost
Allied objective
*Defend the Traincart entrance
*Defend the keycard
*Protect the Rocket
*Defend the side door
*build commandpost
[UJE]Clan site
bsp name of this map is UJE_battersea
Like always the credits also go to everyone who keeps this game alive.
UJE schwarzwald b2 - UJE_schwarzwald_b2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Author: -)A(-WuTang**
Lays of Schwarzwald is a custom ET map situated in the middle of nice, famous region of Blackwood (schwarzwald..)forests.
Information about advanced progress of Axis in the Rocketbomb research were true.
Allies are on a mission to ambush their Weapon factory in the middle of huge Schwarzwald forest and destroy everything whats worth.
Primary Objective: Escort the Tank through the Village and destroy the Tunnel Gate.
Primary Objective: Escort the Tank through the tunnels to parmanently push Axis to the Rocket Base.
Primary Objective: Bring all four Explosion Materials to the Rocket.
Primary Objective: Build the Detonator to blow up the Rocket Base.
Primary Objective: Blow up the Rocket Base using the constructed Detonator.
Secondary Objective: Do not let Axis construct the Tank Barrier.
Secondary Objective: Construct the Command Post to take partial control over the tunnels.
Primary Objective: Prevent Allies from completing their objective.
Secondary Objective: Construct the Tank Barrier.
Secondary Objective: Construct the Command Post.
Programs used:
GTKRadiant 1.5
Adobe Photoshop CC2017
Blender 2.79
MilkShape 3D
Credits & such:
Textures: dirt_m03icmp_brown.tga - from ET:L texturepack made by Kemon.
Missing images to original ET shaders were found in custom packs..
Other than that, textures were downloaded for free, or made by me.
Models: Rocketbomb, trees and foliage models - made by me.
Big dynamite - made by MLB guys.
Sounds: Sounds included in pk3 are made out of ET original sounds.
You can use all textures and models from this pack. Those downloaded are free, and those made by me are totally free too.
Thanks to C from UJE Clan for their tank generator.
Special thanks for help and feedback:
Kemon, Mateos, Thunder, [UJE]Niek, Ray, Loffy, Macchute, ryven, Ensiform, Aranud, Aciz, hatcher, JoNny, Old-Owl and others.
You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without
permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any
non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks.
You may not Redo/reproduce/update this map in any way without permission from the author.
This will change after map source file will be released to public.
Erdenberg t2 + waypoints
By yaku
Erdenberg_t2 is supposed to be a replacement of version t1. There isn't any significant difference between these versions.
T2 was compiled with a different method in order to improve overall performance.
******** Map information ********
"The axis are holding a small town of Erdenberg as one of their headquarters.
With the power of two Flak88 cannons they are shooting down the Allies
supply planes. The Allies are now sending a special crew to disable the
enemy cannons and take over the town in order to continue their battle."
Flag > Main Gate > Flak88 cannons
> CP
LRS Xmas 2016 sniper - LRS_Xmas_2016_sniper.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Hi all, this is my map for Xmas 2016.
Have fun.
For any comments or request please write to:
17/12/2016 - LoRenz
Towersrace b6 - Towersrace_b6.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Towersrace (Beta 6)
Towers race! By Cpt.Hank
Allied objectives
1 "1Axis Base*Steal construction boxes from enemy base."
2 "4Allies Base*Defend construction boxes and build all buildings."
3 "8West bunker*Captrue the bunker for attacking enemy base."
4 "8Old castle*Steal 4 construction boxes from the castle."
Axis objectives
1 "1Axis Base*Defend construction boxes and build all buildings."
2 "4Allies Base:*Steal construction boxes from enemy base."
3 "8West bunker:*Captrue the bunker for attacking enemy base."
4 "8Old castle:*Steal 4 construction boxes from the castle."15 downloads
tides - tides.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Tides of War
This map was created by FrostyChilli, FrostyMixi, Jens-Stefan in 31/01/2010.
It was completed and polished in 12/12/2014.
Inspiration for map layout came from a map called LNA 1v1. Work was started in 2009, first version completed in 2010.
Then it was not published but stalled for 4 years. Until I decided to pick up the map again and finish it.
It is the second map in my coming Campaign scenario, with the first one being finished and polished as well(2014/11).
Thank you for Rayban for foliage models and textures. Also thanks to people from SplashDamage forums for great help!
Thank you for developers of Enemy Territory for making such a great game!
// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Don't let Allied forces destroy the Generator."
2 "Primary Objective:**Defend the Secret Entrance in the basement!"
3 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent Allies from constructing the net!"
4 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the net!"
5 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the Command Post!"
6 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent Allies from destroying the sewer entrance!"
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Generator!"
2 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Secret Entrance!"
3 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the net!"
4 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent Axis from constructing the net!"
5 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the Command Post!"
6 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the sewer entrance!
traindepot b2 - traindepot_b2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Traindepot (Beta 2)
"Objective:Protect the radio equipment and the generator"
"Objective:Destroy the radio equipment and underground generator"
"the axis must defend the radio and the generator. Allies must destroy the Radio Transmitter and the generator at all cost."
Allied objectives
1 "Primary Objective:Conquer and secure the forward spawn area by completing either one of the objectives"
2 "Primary Objective:Destroy the radio"
3 "Primary Objective:Destroy the generator"
Axis objectives
1 "Primary Objective:Protect the forward spawn area. Flag becomes permanent Allies if either one of the objectives is completed. If allies have once captures the flag you can take it back but you will still spawn back"
2 "Primary Objective:Prevent Allies from reaching the tunnels"
3 "Primary Objective:Protect the Radio Transmitter"
4 "Primary Objective:Protect the generator"123 downloads
warringgods final - warringgods_final.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Title: Warring Gods
File: warringgods_final.pk3
Version: Final
Release date: September 2011
Author: Tardis
Email address:
Website 1:
Website 2:
Location: Libya / Egypt
Description : The Axis or the Allies are guarding a hoard of gold, Steal Seven crates of Gold from the Allies or the Axis
// Allies Objective Descriptions
"Primary Objective: Secure Seven crates of Gold to the Axis Gold Store. Primary Objective: Stop the Axis from stealing the Gold from the Allied Mint." "Primary Objective: Stop the Axis from Securing the Gold." "Primary Objective: Steal Seven crates of Gold."
"Secondary Objective:** Build Allies Ladder." "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Axis From Destroying The Ladder." "Secondary Objective: Stop the Axis From Building The Ladder." "Secondary Objective: Destroy Axis Ladder."
// Axis Objective Descriptions
"Primary Objective: Stop the Allies from Securing the Gold." "Primary Objective: Steal Seven crates of Gold. "Primary Objective: Secure Seven crates of Gold to the Allies Gold Store." "Primary Objective: Stop the Allies from stealing the Gold from the Axis Mint." "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Allies From Building The Ladder." "Secondary Objective: Destroy Allies Ladder. "Secondary Objective: Build Axis Ladder." "Secondary Objective: Stop the Allies From Destroying The Ladder."
base: From ctf_dkswarringgods :author = no author A Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast Map reworked and redesigned for ET.
editor: GTK Radiant 1.5
build time: about 16 weeks.
compile settings:
BSP: -meta -vis -light -fast -filter -samples 2 -bounce 8
Final compile time: 30 mins.
New :
Sky Box
Lifts Both Teams
Ladders (Water Area's)
Constructible Ladders Both Teams
Water Fix
Egypt Lamp (Main Area)
Wodden Lamps
Limbo Cam's
-Vis Fixes
Sky Box - New bespin_skybox See :bespin_skybox.shader
Objective Icon - FireFly
Egypt Lamp - Arcana (Robbie Powell)
Help - Mateos & Splashdamage Forum: Editing Wolf: ET
Distribution / Permissions
This is a Final of this map and may not be modified in anyway as to appear as a completed map by anyone else other than the author.
You May Not decompile the BSP as a base to build additional levels. You May Use Any Items From This Map As Prefabs, Textures and/ or Models, as long as credit is given (Tardis)
This file may not be commercially exploited in any way.
Thanks Tardis106 downloads
motherboard sniper - motherboard_sniper.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
A great replica of a PC inside. Have you ever wondered why sometimes your computer does not work well?
This is what happened in a repair center a few years ago. Have fun.
Hi all,
Have you ever wondered why sometimes your computer does not work well?
This is what happened in a repair center a few years ago.
Have fun.
Thanks to [UJE]Niek for his support.
For any comments please write to:
15/05/2014 - LoRenz76 downloads
mohaa france tdm beta - mohaa_france_tdm_beta.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Many thanks to Niek for the waypoints files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Map Title : Moh:AA France (TDM)
Map Version : beta
Map Author : (Infinity Ward)Conversion from MoH:AA
Converted by :|Cambo
Game : Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Gametype: : Team Deathmatch
Filename : mohaa_france_tdm_beta.pk3
BSP-Name : mohaa_france_tdm
Map Size (suggested) : <20 Players
Release (date) : Oktober 2011
Allies Objective:
1. Kill the enemy!
2. Stay alive!
Axis Objective:
1. Kill the enemy!
2. Stay alive!
Copyright : Electronic Arts - Publisher
Infinity Ward - Developer
Credits : Electronic Arts - Publisher (Source & Materials)
Infinity Ward - Developer
SplashDamage Forum - Help
M|A|D [Community] - Testing
Distribution / Permissions
This is the First Beta of this map and may not be modified in anyway.
This file may not be commercially exploited in any way. Mapsource and
models will be released with a "final" version of this map.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mohaa_france_tdm.way
le lac -le_lac.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Server Administrator Attention the map does not work in N!tmod mod
Map by: Masterkiller(qc) (Hobbie)
release: 13/06/09
Email address:
description "Allied need to Steal The Axis Boat first. Then escorte The Explosives to reach The Prototype Missile then plante a dyno to blow it all!!"
description Axis "Axis need to stop allied to reach The Prototype Missile whit The Explosives.If they planted all 4 Explosives dont let it blow up!!."
description Allied "Allied need to steal The Axis Ship then escort it to the Port Station whit The Explosives. Allied Need to reach The Prototype Missile whit The Explosives then hold the countdown for 3 min before explosion."
// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Dont let Allies stealing and escorting the Big Boat to the Port Station. Destroy it!."
2 "Primary Objective:**Dont let Allies loading the 4 explosives drop by the Plane on the Lighthouse Port to the Big Boat."
3 "Primary Objective:**Dont let Allies stealing the Gaz Tank then reaching the Canal Boat to the Port Station."
4 "Primary Objective:**Dont let Allies escorting the Canal Boat to the Beach. Destroy the Canal Boat to make Allies restart the Canal Boat run."
5 "Primary Objective:**Dont let Allies planting the 4 Explosives to the Secret Launcher Missiles.."
6 "Primary Objective:**Dont let Allies activating The Explosives then destroyed The Secret Launcher Missiles.."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Build and use the Anti-Boat Gun to destroy the Big Boat."
8 "Secondary Objective:**Dont let Allies desroying the Backdoor and Sidedoor.You can rebuild it!!"
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Steal and Escort the Big Boat to the Port Station."
2 "Primary Objective:**Load the 4 explosives drop by the Plane on to the Big Boat."
3 "Primary Objective:**Steal the Gaz Tank to start to build the Canal Boat on the Port Station."
4 "Primary Objective:**Contruct the Canal Boat. Escort and Protect the Canal Boat to the Beach!"
5 "Primary Objective:**Escort the 4 Explosives to the base of the Secret Launcher Missiles ."
6 "Primary Objective:**Activated The Explosives whit a small dyno to destroyed The Secret Launcher Missiles and finish your mission."
7 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Anti-Boat Gun.(you can use the rocket missile in the Copter)"
8 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the BackDoor or Sidedoor side to open the Side Way to the Secret Launcher Missiles."
**Map Info
Title: Le Lac
Filename: le_lac.bsp
Game/mod: ET - wolfmp/wolfsw/wolflms
Author: masterkiller
**Build Info
Editor(s) Used:
Wolf Radiant1.4 and 1.5,
MilkShape 3D 1.8.4,
ET_Model_Tool_v140 (5*)
Build time: 4 months.
Pause time: more 8 months.
Compile time: about 1 hour
Extract le_lac.pk3 into your (wolfet)\etmain directory.
Host a game whit le_lac map or le_lac_campaign
You can launch the game by tipping this command on the console game. map le_lac
**Play Information
Single Player: NO
wolfmp: YES
wolfsw: YES
wolflms: YES
**news stuffs
New Sounds: YES (35 wav)
New Graphics YES (82 textures)
New Models YES (48 models)
Forum tread link:
**Special Thanks that help me to do and learn more about scripting
-Saberpeak source ( )
-Daybreak source (
-Rayben for the plane parachute drop prefab
-UJE UJE_warzone_sniper for the parachute spawn
Avoc (sky base ad shadder)
**Special Thanks to this website: ( good models)
Mail me suggestions, bugs, complaints, comments and or ideas for improvement.
E-mail me at lachose@gmail.com76 downloads
UJE final battle b4 - UJE_final_battle_b4.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
new waypoints files 0.8 2023
--UJE_final_battle --Map made by [UJE]Niek
The Axis have lost the war! Stop the final battalion of axis soldiers that are trying to get through the Alps.
Prevent them from refueling and constructing bridges to get to their final destination.
Axis Objective
* Escort the tank to the boat
* Steal the fuel
* Destroy the bariers
* Build the bridges
Allied Objective
* Prevent the axis to flee with the tank10 downloads
etl warbell v2 - etl_warbell_v2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Warbell, by McNite'
November 2022
Cedric 'kemon' Easton
This map is an overhaul of the original Warbell map from ET created by McNite.
As part of the ET: Legacy asset creation effort certain maps are being overhauled.
Those maps have been selected for their stable gameplay, even in a competitive environment.
to original:
• Changed secret room dynamite objective in the Guardhouse to a generator dynamite objective that reveals a passage to the room behind.
• Guardhouse doors now open after generator is destroyed not after the lower gate is destroyed.
-> Flag secure is still tied to the lower gate.
• Added Voice Operator announcements.
• Extended sacrifice lightning to outside of the church roof for a near-global status indicator.
• Cleaned and stream-lined the entire playable area for faster and smoother movement.
Dynamite the Guardhouse gate.
Destroy the Generator.
Seize the 'Book of Death' holding ritual instructions.
Place the 'Book of Death' on the Altar to enable the summoning ritual.
Repair the mechanism of the ancient 'Warbell'.
Toll the 'Warbell' to awaken Heinrich and sacrifice yourself in the light.
Dynamite the Abbey Main Gate to gain access.
Establish a Command Post.
Defend the Guardhouse Gate.
Defend the Generator.
Don't let them take the 'Book of Death'.
Prevent them from placing the 'Book of Death' on the Altar.
Keep the mechanism of the ancient 'Warbell' disabled.
Stop them from activating the 'Warbell'. Prevent mortal sacrifices to Heinrich at all cost.
Defend the Abbey Main Gate.
Stop them from establishing a Command Post.
This map is an overhaul of the original Warbell map from ET created by McNite.
As part of the ET: Legacy asset creation effort certain maps are being overhauled.
Those maps have been selected for their stable gameplay, even in a competitive environment.
• Added Axis' sacrifices as a map objective in the limbo menu. Thank you u!ps for reporting.
• Lowered castle window decals looking like an Allied player on the roof from a distance. Thank you Aciz for reporting.
• Darkened the river and waterfall texture for better integration into the atmosphere. Thank you u!ps for reporting.
• Fixed tolling the Warbell being possible multiple times resetting the sacrifice routine. Thank you TeamMuppet for playtesting.
• Fixed tolling the Warbell being possible as Allied......that's just not smart.
• Removed flying brush at tunnel entrance. Thank you Exagone for reporting.
• Added vegetation to the cliff side of the castle. Thank you Exagone for reporting.
• Added generator door to the back secret room entrance. Thank you Exagone for reporting.
• Added background music for more ambience. Thank you u!ps for reporting.
• Implemented ambience change to a more occult/evil atmosphere once the Book is delivered to the Altar. Thank you u!ps and Dmxj for reporting.
• Implemented a teleport death sequence for jumping off the cliff and sacrificing oneself for more ambience. Thank you Firefly for indirect inspiration and resources.
• Fixed river having dark edges when extending above the river bank.
• Changed Heinrich's voice lines from voice operator to localised speaker broadcasting in the castle church. Thank you Aciz for reporting.
• Swapped 2nd and 3rd sacrifice lightning positions to be consistent with the original map. Thank you u!ps for reporting.
• Fixed 'Book of Death' command-map icon not disappearing after being delivered. Thank you Aciz for reporting.
• Removed Axis CP auto-spawn rendering the cave system unused. Behaves like the original now. Thank you Aciz for reporting.
• Changed the Axis-only CP to a Neutral Command Post to be consistent with the original. Thank you Aciz for reporting.
• Made generator doors in the guardhouse functional for Allied to be consistent with the original. Thank you Mateos for reporting.
• Changed sacrifice lightning idle sound from electric to occult. Thank you u!ps for reporting.
• Added more ambient sounds for a more immersive atmosphere. Thank you u!ps and Dmxj for reporting.
• Implemented a few hidden sound triggers to world props to enable sound easter-eggs (original Warbell had some). Thank you Vice86 for reporting.
• Fixed planting landmines not possible on grass patches inside the castle. Thank you Rohambili for reporting.
• Added optional health and ammo cabinets to the Axis CP. Enabled by default. Thank you c0rnn for reporting.
• Added optional rope constructible to access the church roof from below. Intended to provide an alternative to Exagone's report for double-jump access to that roof.
• Added optional blocking of the room next to the bell mechanism to prevent the defenders from setting up tents and roasting marshmallows. Thank you c0rnn for reporting.
• Added optional sacrifice mechanism where Axis need to 'steal' Heinrich's armor pieces from the castle church along with a sacrificial dagger. Only a player holding those items can sacrifice themselves. This is intended to make defending a bit easier as firepower can be focussed on one player rather than 10 yeeting themselves into the light at once. Thank you u!ps for reporting.
v1 (to original):
• Changed secret room dynamite objective in the Guardhouse to a generator dynamite objective that reveals a passage to the room behind.
• Guardhouse doors now open after generator is destroyed not after the lower gate is destroyed.
-> Flag secure is still tied to the lower gate.
• Added Voice Operator announcements.
• Extended sacrifice lightning to outside of the church roof for a near-global status indicator.
• Cleaned and stream-lined the entire playable area for faster and smoother movement.
• Changed the terrain near the garden gate to prevent players frequently being flung to death.
radar winter - radar_winter.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Wurzburg Radar Winter Edition
Modified by StoerFaktoR
Regards to Splashdamage and ID Software Inc.
Special Thanx to the [NRW] Funclan for beta testing. |
//////////////////////////////// | |
//////////////////////////////// |
[NRW] Server (Noquarter 1.2.9) |
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IP: |
////////////////////////// |
Also greetings to all Mappers ,Developers,Editors and Modifiers.
Wurzburg Radar Winter Edition
Rain is replaced with falling snow.
More fog
Floor and some building textures are replaced with wintertextures
Skybox taken out of Railgun
Summer trees are replaced with winter trees
If u find bugs pls contact me :
Best Regards
StoerFaktoR aka Chris24 downloads
LRS Sniperama B1 - LRS_Sniperama_B1 and waypoints
By papywolf
Hi all, this map is my tribute to my favorite cartoon.
For who love this cartoon will be a nice jump inside it,
you can try the suicide cab, visit the headmuseum, call the
future lift, go inside the Planet Express ship, visit the strip club.
For all the others, will be only another sniper map
Crossing is not possible.
Thanks to LRS Elite for his music.
Before play this map, ask your doctor if Sniperama is right for you.
Have fun!!!92 downloads
SNE Factory Sniper b1 - SNE_Factory_Sniper_b1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
no information on the map
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