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Wifestein last won the day on August 25 2012

Wifestein had the most liked content!

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  1. Where you at silly Speedy? :)

    1. speedfact


      Been around. Life stuff. Got a new kid plus new job and moving soon. Hope to be back around here soon.
      How ya been? Long time since I've annoyed ya. Didn't even know you were back lmao

    2. Wifestein


      Busy man I see, good to hear! :) Come on Discord when you've got some time again, can catch up a bit! I've been great, also got a job now :) Yeah I've only been "back" for a few weeks or something. Just play a bit of ET in the weekends lately

  2. ❤️

    1. CheepHeep
    2. Seaside




    3. Wifestein


      je suis pro en francais

  3. Even I am in the screenshot, who would have thought that! Panzer and sniper only maps were fun. Thanks
  4. Looking good
  5. THE F*CK is all i can say. is this for real? thought u were 100% gay, guess not lol, congrats i guess.. u better get ur own place soon then
  6. Answer to everything: Alexandra
  7. Shame you didn't film the 18+ trickjump room I don't know most of those maps!
  8. you game naked? with one hand? nvm, i dont want details...
  9. lol this topic so dumb, just buy ur game on steam, if ur cheap, wait for it to be on sale
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6p_Qtylumw best video....
  11. no shit
  12. So true, even lesbians fall in love with the gubbinator <3
  13. And then you get drunk and get hit on by grannys!
  14. You're lame!
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