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  1. Hey fellas & friends, did anyone know about this error message? I can run W:ET without any problems but if i choose some other games like EA:FC 25, COD Bo6, Fortnite aso. i got this error message & my pc did a automatically restart. I got an horror suspecion..: is my "RTX 3060" maybe broken?
  2. And here I am again, talking about a game that's in my heart. First of all, as I said previously, don't stick to my review alone, especially for this one, it's kinda an odd type of game ! Second... Well, I'm not known for being short in my reviews. So be prepared ! And Finally, hope you'll enjoy the read and if you're not, get to the end to see the sum up !! Let's get started ! I'll start with a little introduction to what is Absolver : Absolver, it's a mix as if Dark Souls and a Versus Fighter had a baby. Not clear enough ? Imagine being able to roam a small world, where you meet ennemies, or they meet you...But mostly with their feet both in your face. Clearer ? There's some boss fight, there's fighting all around, learning curve, gear, stats, but...there is also composition of what makes YOU special. Or more exactly : How you fight is special. Aaaaand there's player versus player : If you play online, you can encounter ennemies AND players attacking them...or yourself. You start by creating a character, defining he or she, defining how he or she looks, then... You choose a school. No this is not Harry Potter type of school... Windfall, wich avoid and slow down incoming attack. Forsaken, wich block and stun the opponent. Kahlt Method, wich absorb an incoming attack to regenerate. There are two more school wich unlock in game. Now I'll begin with negatives aspect of the game, compare to a Soulslike, and a Versus Figher. Those are purely subjectives ! First of all, if you intend to play Absolver in solo, FOR the solo (I specify). No, the world is small, quite beautyfull, but small. It does not have the proportion of a Dark Souls or even worse, of an Elden Ring. Boss are not that complicated, story is not that trenscendant, but is present wich is already not that bad and kinda mysterious. An other point on the map, this time the one to orientate yourself. Forget about it. You won't. (the said map) An other dark spot on the picture : In Absolver, you make your "deck" of fighting skills, with what you learn. Attacks you can learn by....fighting others, be it players or npcs. BUT. There is in total, more than a hundred attacks. Not so bad you'll say, uh ? We learn fast...Right ? Let's add some challenge then ! Today, I have...86 Attacks learned, 34 currently learning. Yup...Learning. Because to learn an attack, you'll need to either pary it, dodge it, or use the specifity of your school on it at the right timing. And it's a long run since you go randomly against randoms deck. PvP simplify the equation since you do not have to imperativly win, to learn, by opposite with the Npcs. But getting your ass kicked by Rocky, Bruce Lee, or...I need a lady...Let's say Caitlinn Jenner ! On top of being really unsettling for the last one, I think we all agree to say, it's not really pleasant. NOW, for the positive side. The deck. Yup him again. As I said, a lot of attacks to learn, but that means also a lot of customization and variety of playstyle. Let me explain : The whole combat system wants itself to be fully customizable. To begin with : an Attack begins in a position, and end in another. To proceed : the combo that will compose your deck, will have a begining position, and ending position. Combo being composed of three attacks. There is 4 guard position, so...4 combo possible. I'll speak as a controller player (Way easier for this type of game in my taste) : Your combo will be on the X. And the rotation of position will be either on the Y, wich will be a specific attack outside of your combos (so 4 more in your deck !), Or by manually rotating your guard by pressing a trigger, and moving the joystick in the wanted position. But if your attacks make you change position, the combos will cycle by itself ! Same if your opponent turns around you, your guard will move by itself ! In other words : Really hard to get yourself spammed with the same attack over and over again, and on top of that, the fight is more beautifull than ever ! (even if you get your ass served) The customization goes also throught your armor : up to you to choose if you want speed, damages, and wich defense to prioritize : Blunt or Slicing damages. And finally, customization goes by your stats wich you gain by leveling up (Up to level 50 or 60...can't recall exactly) With the last update of the game comes a store where you can exchange crystals (gained in game only) to either buy new fancy gear, or dye it ! A screen shot to get an idea of what I'm speaking of : On the left, the combos and the various attacks that compose them. On the center below, the guard position, On the right, the extra attacks to switch position. Now the most important part : the Player versus Player one ! The Open PvP can be brutal : you meet a player, and more exactly his feet in your face after an acrobatic leap. What do you understand ? If you thought he wanted to mate. You lost. BUT you'll be able to meet other players to go against one of the boss, or other players. Being more of the family of : Loyal, Good, and the last of the family : DUMB... I never tried any of those. Arena PvP on it side, is divided in 1V1 with a duel, and 3V3 with a point capture mode. Positive Side : -Various Deck, you can make YOUR style easily. -Customization of stats and gear possible. -Pretty (in my opinion at least...) -Interesting PvP in arena, and probably more interesting in group. Negative Side : -The acquisition of attacks wich can be long, and painfull to feel pass. -The solo, too short and too simplist. -The map, in both meaning, the one to locate ourselves, wich does not, and the world wich is small. Conclusion : I ain't no PvP player for start, but this game makes me like it. Because, you make YOUR character with patience, and you'll learn to enjoy getting yourself kicked, and kicking people in return. I'll say it again, if you intend to play this game for its SOLO part, and only for that, forget about it. The map too small, and if you're not a PvP enjoyer, you'll finish it in 4 hours top (I finished the main story in 6 because I kept getting lost). If you're curious, and that PvP might interest you...wait for a promotion because there's a chance that like me, you'll enjoy it. And if you like versus fighters, that Absolver caught your eye, and that you have patience (that's an important part believe me), take your time to seek other opinion, and once weighted the pros and cons, I for one, recommend it heavily. You'll probably enjoy it and that's the essential. You can find it here on steam for 30€ or in promotion on keys website. https://store.steampowered.com/app/473690/?snr=1_5_9__205 8 out of 10 in my book. For those who knows, it's a game made by the same studio that made SIFU : Sloclap.
  3. First of all, a little bit of warning. I usually don't follow a patern when I write a review since I do it on steam. I'll try to keep up with what you guys need/want to see and still give you my version of what I think about a game. Second. An important thing I believe that I will remind probably everytime : Do not follow the man of one book. It's a quote from a monk...talking about a famous book...ya know...the Bible. Here to say : If you like my review, don't stick ONLY to this one. Go search either on steam or on the internet other reviews so that you can get your opinion from yourself more than from others. Third. Do not hesitate to tell me what you think of my review, or even just if I've made fault. I'm not a native english speaker and this is the first time I translate one of my reviews ! Now I can start ! First I did not play the previous Insurgency, I can only judge Insurgency Sandstorm compare to other game of it's genre : FPS. I also only played against the A.I of the game (more than 1000 hours to play against them...that makes quite a few hours blowing up some A.I !) As usual, I'm not known for being short in my reviews so if you're impatient, scroll down ! Insurgency Sandstorm : What's that ? Many consider Insurgency Sandstorm as a simulation. Nope. Not in my book. A fps that is a simulation, it's ARMA for example : There you struggle, there the balistic is a nightmare, there the game wants you dead... Sandstorm is more Hybrid to my taste, not to tought, not to soft ! To clarify that, I will deconstruct point by point. The Balistic : The balistic is not realist, it is comfortable I'd say. We have recoil and dispersion of a weapon, but not the loss of velocity if you shoot an enemy at more than 200m...the bullet will go straight to be clear. Not a curve or whatever. The moves : We keep going with the crossing, depending on the mode Normal or Hardcore there is some various thought ! But. The game allow us to go above obstacles, do slides, crouch and lay down. So a bit far from a simulation where usually : you forget the slides. (I think again of Arma) After that...nope, no wall run (Hell'oo Titanfall ?). No power jump. (Hell'oo Doom ?) Oh and you don't kill anybody by jumping...because...you can't shoot while jumping. (Except when you jump above an obstacle but you just have one shot so you tend to forget about it.) (Side note : I always laugh a lot thinking of someone trying to shoot mid air with a shootgun like I do in CS:GO with my Sawed Off...>.>") The necessary tactics : That's the point that allow me to say it's not a simulation. Yes, you can deploy all the advanced tactics to devastate the AI. It's even recommanded as in all FPS. BUT. It's not mandatory depending on wich server you play. Neither depending on how well you know the map. In regular games be it Normal or Hardcore, the tactic, I do without it. In a game with 50 to 60 bots, there...I think twice or even three times before thinking about, maybe, eventually, do a step to my left. The A.I : The big positive point of the game, wich makes that I don't go in PvP see if the community is more or less toxic then in other games. There we have a simulation AI, that has nothing to envy ARMA, and allow us to make the game an Hybrid as I said. Depending on how you tune it, the AI will hear, see, feel and especilly HITS you, from more or less distance. It will also be more or less intelligent : full front assault, flanking you, go in your back, all side assault...you get the point. A true pleasure and a true mess on the field ! Where we hit really in the simulation, it's in our health bar. We don't have one. One to Three bullets to die. Yes that's low. Yes that's good. What makes it a game as close as the simulation is then not how the game is made, but how people play it. Wich leads me to: The community ! The community of this game is mature : salt, cancer, toxicity insults , it's rare, really rare ! And it breaks my heart everytime I see people wich enter in the above cases, because for me, it makes the stain of coffee on the CV you have to give to your potential futur boss the same day. I do not pass. At all. Here, people are here to play either serious, or chilled out. Pseudo Hardcore Gamer : Forget about them. Pseudo Pro Gamer : Forget about them. Cheaters ? You named it : Forget about them. It's just a pleasure on 98% of the games. Community servers are in numbers, and various enough to do the job. Gameplay In depth : The game is cut in 8 Classes wich I will go through so you can have an idea of what you can encounter in your games : Commander : You give orders with your binoculars to bombard, strafe, gaz or send helicopter on your ennemies. You are the messenger of hell on Earth. And you love it. Observer : You relay the order of your commander. You follow him or lead him throught battle. You protect him. You protect YOURSELF when you relay the order because dying while not having finished your sentence is bad, and the standard is a bit too dumb to understand you when you're drowning in your blood. You are the voice of hell on Earth. And you love it. Rifleman : You are the basic soldier. The standard infantry. You have a good choice of riffle, but not of explosives. You're basically the canon flesh, the one that fills the hole, the one that didn't had the time to chose the class he love. But you fill your role. And you love it. Breacher : You are the destructor of objectives. You have a choice of Shootguns and PMs. You're made to move fast, move close, be lethal and quick. You have access to C-4, you're one true love when you have to blow up a cache of weapons. And you love C-4. Gunner : You are Armageddon. Bullets ? You make them rain on your ennemis like the flood. You have access to the Galils, and the LMG wich compensate their heavy recoil and low magazine capacity, by BIG magazines (Between 50 and 200 bullets depending on the weapon), a heavy rate of fire, battle cries like Rambo if you stay tense on your mouse. And you love Rambo. Because it is not their war. Demolition : You are also Armageddon but in a less sophisticated way. You have the same weapons as the Rifleman with a little more punch : the possibility to had a grenade launcher. You have also access to rocket launcher and C-4. You love blowing stuff up ? You will love being Demolition. Advisor : You are the Arsenal. You have access to a large scale of guns, more or less exotics from M18 to Vector, so you deal in everything that shoot, and shoot everything that wants to deal with you. And you love it. Marksman : You're the Overwatch. You have access to precision rifle, with lever, semi auto, or...anti tank ?! And you love it. Now that being said : The game in COOP have three games modes. Checkpoint : you have to move forward on a map capturing points from your ennemies, holding them sometimes. Survival : You have to move forward on random points on a map, with only your gun at the begining, and a random weapon at each point captured. Outpost : You have to defend a point from waves of ennemies. The map are big and beautyfull ! And the sound design is a big success too ! Now I can sum it up : Insurgency Sandstorm is => A FPS. You aim, you shoot, you kill or you die. +Sound +Graphism +The Community +The choice of weapons +The maps. - The bugs that can be present sometimes. ( I only had a few wich were not game breaking, but still, I prefer put that warning.) 9/10 ! In conclusion This game is a pearl, a diamond even. I loved CS:GO once a time. I loved Titanfall. I loved Overwatch and Paladins. But all those games are either ruin by their community, or lack of community. Here we have the best of two worlds : casual fps , and hardcore fps, and it works. The game currently cost 30€ on steam but is frequently on promotion !
  4. Name of the game: NieR:Automata Platform: Steam (PC) / PS4 Average price: 60 euros ARPG Copy of the test I published on Steam: Test en Français 1ère partie / Test in English 2nd part: ____________________ NieR Automata est une véritable oeuvre d'art au charme incroyable! Même si techniquement en terme de graphisme on est plus devant un jeu pas vraiment bien optimisé ni avec des textures léchées sur certaines partie de l'environnement, l’expérience, elle, pleine de rebondissements et d’intelligence. Doté d'un scénario captivant, d'un gameplay riche et dynamique digne du studio PlatinumGames. Original sur bien des aspects, surprenant par beaucoup d’autres, fascinant à vivre et à écouter, NieR : Automata possède tous les atouts d’un jeu mémorable rappelant dans un tout autre domaine et genre différent Shenmue. Et puis sincèrement, nos amis androïdes: 2B et A2 (quel physique! oui, oui... je sais ce que vous allez me dire.. ) de même que 9S, vous n'êtes pas prêt de les oublier. 19/20 sans hésiter pour ce jeu (le point en moins pour les défauts sur certaines textures et le manque d'optimisation PC). ____________________ NieR Automata is a true work of art with incredible charm! Even if technically in terms of graphics we are facing a game not really well optimized nor with textures licked on some part of the environment, despite that, the experience is full of twists and intelligence. Featuring a captivating storyline, rich and dynamic gameplay worthy of the PlatinumGames studio. Original on many aspects, surprising on many others, fascinating to live and listen, NieR: Automata possesses all the assets of a memorable game recalling in a completely different field and different kind Shenmue. And really... our android friends: 2B and A2 (such bodies! yeah, yeah... i know what you gonna say... )As well as 9S, you are not likely to forget them that soon. 19/20 without hesitation for this game (minus one for some textures and the lack of optimization on PC).
  5. 1) My pc has 8 GB of RAM I am not using 4 and the task manager already says that I am over 90% why that happends and how can I solve it? 2) WTF is happening with chrome, I have 19 tabs open only 1 video playing and already it is consuming 3GB of RAM. Is that normal? am I being attacked by virus/malware/spies?
  6. Show me where u kick my ass. And I'll show u where I kick yours!
  7. For Honor Trailer: https://www.ubisoft.com/en-US/game/for-honor/ Official site: https://forhonor.ubisoft.com/game/en-US/home/index.aspx Anyone else play it? Would fun to have someone to play with. Add me! -> Albatra0z. peace!
  8. In this tutorial I will show how to use the posting feature on our new forums. It's mostly the same but some very neat things have been added and changed! This is how it looks. . 1. Files 2. Text 3. Preview 4. BBCode 5. Tagging
  9. Carbonautics

    Other Fortnite BR

    Since the game is free and so much played across the world wondered any of you guys played it?... I am playing it on NA servers mostly (coz EU has more ping than NA somehow, and we don't have asian servers yet i guess), if anyone does add me on epicgames launcher : Carbonautics
  10. Just grabbed this on Steam the other day and it is pretty great. The graphics are on point with this one.
  11. Hey guys, sorry for the inactivity As some of you may have already found out, I'm building my very first computer next week (or I'm going to Canada Computers to get my parts). I've decided on what parts I want, but I feel feedback is very important. Here is a list of what my computer build is: CPU Intel - Core i3-6100 3.7GHz Dual-Core Processor $151.17 Motherboard MSI - B150M Pro-VD Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard $86.99 Memory Kingston - HyperX Fury Black 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2133 Memory $93.99 Storage Western Digital - Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive $59.95 Video Card EVGA - GeForce GTX 1060 6GB 6GB SC GAMING Video Card $374.99 Case NZXT - S340 (White) ATX Mid Tower Case $94.99 Power Supply EVGA - 450W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply $54.99 Total - $917.07 CDN So there it is. The prices listed are how much they are being sold (cheapest) on online retailers such as amazon Canada, so it might alter, especially at Canada Computers, but my goal is to build one for around or less than $1000 CDN excluding tax (which is 13% HST). I wouldn't bother me if it reaches $1100 CDN, but I want to avoid it if necessary. I'm sort of confused as of whether I should upgrade the i3 - 6100 to a i5 - 6600 for about $140 CDN more, and would like your guys' opinion. My siblings recommend that I do exactly that. Also forgot to mention, my goal is to run most, if not all, AAA games at 1080p ultra settings at 60fps. I'm not interested in 120 Hz, or 1440p, just 1080p 60fps or higher. I am not planning on overclocking the CPU. The CD-ROM is not added because I will be taking it from my no-longer-working Optiplex, as it is still functional. For the ram, I want to know if there may be more powerful sticks that aren't MUCH more expensive than what is already listed. I might buy LED strips to make it look fancy, because honestly what is gaming if there isn't any RGB Lastly, I am not interested in buying any AMD cards. I am a fan of AMD themselves, but I just want to have my build to hold a GTX 1060 6gb as it has many high reviews and not too many complaints. Thanks for the feedback to whoever replies <3 , Wienie P.S. if you find any parts and are not sure what the price is in Canada, just go to https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/ , create a build, and just type in your part name. It lists all the prices based off different websites and what they are selling it for. P.S.S. I am also aware that the price on pcpartpicker will most probably not be accurate to what it may be in actual stores, but it gives a rough idea. I will be holding some extra cash in case. P.S.S.S. Yes I know about the GPU price spike from the cryptominers, but Canada Computers is selling there graphics card for around its normal price range (375 bucks CDN for the graphics card I'm buying). I might just check on them just in case. P.S.S.S.S. sorry if the format is wacky
  12. Well as u all or somebody know my NVDIA card is fkd up. so cant play alot of games. And my laptop is like 5-6 yrs old. Thinking of building a new pc. as i was and will always be a PC(windows) guy. So any good gaming pc suggestions like, ram,graphic card,motherboard,mouse,monitor,keyboard. everything. i already have a 1TB HDD so thats covered. I know u guys shall ask budget. Well its around 50K INR = 775 $ .
  13. Hi, I need some advise from you guys, who know a little about hardware. I'm going to buy additional 8gb ram and and new graphic card - geforce 1050ti - but I wonder whether these components will fit and there will be no problem with e.g. cooling or supplying with electricity. In a file below I'll put my whole specification. Thanks in advance for all your support https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B92n7EVmnLupU1JKaEV0elFIRFk (Just download file and then double click, it will open in a browser in readable format)
  14. Hello, My PC is pretty old, 8+ yrs, BUt 8 years ago, this machine was pretty decent. Here are the specs: attached. I'd like to maybe overclock etc and I could use some tip/advice. i know theres voltage settings involved. I am familiar w BIOS, etc and how to make changes, but I tread lightly. I wanna get the most outta my PC, eventually I want a new one. Advice? Thx. also, used HWinfo and I know i have some older drivers, but I a leery of using "driveragent" or some shit, sometimes. ur PC gets worse w some driver issues, any opinion on that app? spec_2.LOG
  15. Hallo! With the growing security concern via the net, I thought I'd share my security tips,etc and how ive secured my PC w/o $$ and so far, so good. Maybe others can contribute their knowledge/wisdom. I was watching youtube and saw all the "web analytics" blocked in the site (see blocking) Good old Kaspersky I.S. I recommend, built in browser protection, I have a trial reset, G2G. Also, I cant emphasize enough, use a host file(see block2) block imbedded ads, if you really wanna get technical, clear browser cookies, visit a site, and then check options/remove individual cookies and see what othe sites are connecting to you. (Mozilla) Ive added individual ads to my hostfile blocklist Oh, I stay away from IE. Derp! P2p, use peer block, maybe VPN, definitely have: Spybot, Spywareblaster, Malwarebytes, CCleaner, or some utility, Ive tested othe antimalware progs, Ive found some things, here and there, but my install is over 3yrs old, still good. I boot up in like 1:20s. EVGA 122-CK-NF68-AR LGA 775 NVIDIA nForce 680i SLI ATX Intel MotherboardIntel Pentium D 3.4Ghz 4Gig Ram, Win7 32bit Geforce 210 Pc is like 8 yrs old, lol. Becoming a classic, So, what you workin with?
  16. Help, My PC wont display, has a beeeep, beeeep, repeated, at start up, no BIOS, no display, reseated RAM, VC, etc, help. worked a few minutes before, new PSU (a year or 2 old).
  17. When you think "Corsair" you probably associate the company with cases, mice, keyboards, RAM, and plenty of other PC components, but never all together as one product. That's about to change with the upcoming Corsair ONE PC, the manufacturer's first foray into a fully built and ready to go system. According to AnandTech, the Corsair ONE is a compact tower PC, too small for a full ATX motherboard, with a case designed loosely on the existing Carbide 330R and Obsidian 550D. There are fins on top, and instead of the side window found on a lot of modern cases, there are triangular ventilation holes on both sides. Corsair hasn't completely abandoned "gamer" designs just yet though, as some lighting runs down the front panel. The front panel also contains a single HDMI and USB port. Corsair hasn't released the full details of the case yet, nor what will actually be found inside of the PC when it's ready. However the front port panel would suggest easy access for virtual reality headset cables, so we're expecting something fairly powerful in terms of hardware. Even the ONE's official website is scant on details, with just a picture and an option to sign up for an email alert when it's ready for release. With no pricing and no availability announced yet, we'll have to wait and see what Corsair has in store. S http://www.pcgamer.com/corsair-announces-fully-built-one-pc/
  18. Update: The Steam free weekend event is already live, and as expected, it comes with a discount: You can pick up the full game for $25. Original Story: If you haven't yet picked up Rainbow Six Siege, this weekend will present you with an opportunity to try it out for free on both PC and PS4. With its next free expansion arriving in a week, Ubisoft has announced it will make the game available for free on both platforms from November 11-13. This marks the first time PS4 owners will have the chance to try it for free; previous free events have been available on both PC and Xbox One (which is not included this time around). This is the full version of Siege that will be available. These types of promotions are typically accompanied by sales on the game in question, though Ubisoft didn't mention if that would be the case here. We've followed up with the company to find out more. If you're patient, we do know you'll be able to pick up Siege for $15 on Black Friday at places like Walmart and Target. Ubisoft continues to tout that Siege is doing well. Today's announcement claims there are more people playing now than there were at launch. Meanwhile, Ubisoft is set to fully reveal the game's Red Crow update this weekend, followed by a launch on November 17. Source http://www.gamespot.com/articles/rainbow-six-siege-goes-free-for-a-weekend-on-ps4-a/1100-6445332/
  19. AnnouncementDeep Silver Weekend - Up to 80% Off Deep Silver games13 oct Save up to 80% on Deep Silver games as part of this week's Weekend Deal*! *Offer ends Monday at 10AM Pacific Time http://store.steampowered.com/sale/deepsilver/ Few other promotions too which should be considered PAYDAY 2 free till one more and if ya wanna keep it 5 euros (normally 20 euros) http://store.steampowered.com/app/218620/ Brutal Legend 2.5 euros (normally 15 euros) http://store.steampowered.com/app/225260/?snr=1_7_7_204_150_2 Trine 2: Complete Story 2.5 euros (normally 17 euros) http://store.steampowered.com/app/35720/ Sanctum 2 3 euros (normally 15 euros) http://store.steampowered.com/app/210770/?snr=1_7_7_204_150_2
  20. Following a closed beta test earlier this year, an open beta for id Software's new shooter Doom is now available across PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. PS4 (5.4 GB) Xbox One (8.57 GB) PC (22 GB minimum required space) Beta players will get to try Doom's team deathmatch and Warpath modes on the Heatwave and Infernal maps. You can learn more about these through GameSpot's previous coverage: maps, modes. Here is a full rundown of what's included in the Doom beta, as written by id Software: Maps: Heatwave and Infernal Game Modes: 6v6 Team Deathmatch and Warpath Demon: Revenant Weapons: Rocket Launcher, Plasma Rifle, Super Shotgun, Vortex Rifle, Static Rifle, Heavy Assault Rifle, and Lightning Gun Power Weapons: Gauss Cannon Equipment: Frag Grenade, Personal Teleporter, Siphon Grenade The trial period ends on April 17 across all platforms, though it's not clear exactly what time that day it will come to a close. Doom is slated for a May 13 release date. In other news about the game, Bethesda recently announced the game's post-launch DLC, which will include more maps, weapons, items, and customization options. Source http://www.gamespot.com/articles/psa-doom-open-beta-starts-today-on-ps4-xbox-one-pc/1100-6438884/
  21. Dmitriy

    My gaming PC

    Hello! Here is my pc all games working on max settings Motherboard Asus P8P67 Cpu: Intel Core I5 2500K @4.5Ghz Ram: Kingston Hyper X blu @1866Mhz 2X2Gb Gpu: Msi Geforce GTX 970 4G Gaming Cooler:Zalman CNPS9500 LED Psu:Chieftec APS550s Monitor: Samsung BX2231 1920X1080 http://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/859343
  22. DEMOSCENE! ..some of You know, some don't , so (my favorite!)...just to show just to listen...enjoy!
  23. Ubisoft has announced the minimum and recommended PC specifications and provided a list of supported video cards for the upcoming prehistoric action game Far Cry Primal. This information was posted today on the Ubisoft blog. At least 4 GB of RAM is required to run Far Cry Primal, while you'll also need a 64-bit operating system and Windows 7, 8.1, or 10. You can see the minimum and recommended Far Cry Primal specs below. In other news about Far Cry Primal, Ubisoft held a livestream today dedicated to the game. During the broadcast, Ubisoft confirmed that you'll have the option to remove the HUD. This will provide an extra-difficult challenge, developers said, especially in areas where you need to use stealth. Far Cry Primal arrives February 23 on Xbox One and PlayStation 4, while the PC edition debuts March 1. At the end of the livestream today, developers teased that Ubisoft will make some exciting announcements next week about the game, though no other details were divulged. Far Cry Primal PC Specs: Minimum: OS: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64-bit versions only) Processor: Intel Core i3-550 | AMD Phenom II X4 955 or equivalent RAM: 4 GB Video Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 (1 GB VRAM) | AMD Radeon HD 5770 (1 GB VRAM) or equivalent Hard Disk Space: 20 GB Peripherals: Windows-compatible keyboard, mouse, optional controller Recommended: OS: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64-bit versions only) Processor: Intel Core i7-2600K | AMD FX-8350 or equivalent RAM: 8 GB Video Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 780 | AMD Radeon R9 280X or equivalent Hard Disk Space: 20 GB Peripherals: Windows-compatible keyboard, mouse, optional controller Supported Video Cards at Release: AMD Radeon HD 5770 (1 GB VRAM) or better, HD 7000 / 200 / 300 / Fury X series Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 (1 GB VRAM) or better, GTX 500 / 600 / 700 / 900 / TITAN series Laptop versions of these cards may work, but are not officially supported Source http://www.gamespot.com/articles/far-cry-primal-pc-specs-revealed-no-hud-option-con/1100-6433607/
  24. As expected, AMD announced its new GPU architecture for 2016 at the Consumer Electronics Show today, and it potentially marks a significant move for the company. Polaris, as it's called, sees AMD moving from the 28nm technology both it and Nvidia have been using for years to 14nm FinFET GPUs. This will allow for the company's hardware to offer a "remarkable generational jump in power efficiency." It says the new line of GPUs is built for "fluid frame rates in graphics, gaming, VR, and multimedia applications running on compelling small form-factor thin and light computer designs." It also promises "industry-leading performance-per-watt" and support for HDR monitors., HDMI 2.0a, DisplayPort 1.3, and 4K h.265 encoding and decoding. The video above, which features various AMD employees talking up the advantages of Polaris, also briefly compares the power consumption of two comparable cards. Running Star Wars Battlefront at 1080p and Medium video settings, the Polaris card uses about 86 watts, whereas we see a stock GTX 950 using 153 watts. (The subsequent fine print pins the latter rig's power draw at 140 watts.) Further details weren't shared, but AMD says the first Polaris-based cards should begin shipping in mid-2016. Source http://www.gamespot.com/articles/amd-unveils-its-new-gpu-architecture-polaris/1100-6433503/
  25. Hey guys, Im looking into building a new pc for a fresh start, with new hard and software. I have been browsing around a bit and and looking at parts. The games i'd really like to play with some normal settings so it is playable with some good fps are fallout 4 and gta 5. My budget is not determined yet but i'd like something not too high, so i started searching for some cheaper but kind of high end builds and would like to know if any of you know if these are some good builds or not. these are the two I found most recently and would like to get some info about as im not that much of an expert on building pc's. http://www.gamersnexus.net/pc-builds/2164-budget-gaming-pc-build-for-fallout-4 http://www.gamersnexus.net/pc-builds/2218-mid-range-gaming-pc-build-diy any help is appreciated and if you have a similar or better build for a similar price you can always post it here for others and me to look at!
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