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Download pk3 name: mlb_daybreak.pk3 Map name: mlb_daybreak.bsp Level info: Axis have to prevent Allies from launching the rocket. First they have to repair and escort the tank through 2 tank barriers to the main gates. Then they have to blow the generator, dam gates and rocket bay gates. They have to steal the pass card to unlock the armory, deliver 5 dynamites to the detonator and activate the detonator to destroy the rocket. Axis can build a spawn and CP once they have passed the main gates. Allies have to prevent Axis from completing their objective. They can build 2 tank barriers to slow Axis down, build the CP and destroy the spawn Axis built. Allies: Don't let axis fight their way across the battle field. They must not get away with blowing up the rocket. Primary: - Don't let axis repair & rob the tank - Don't let the tank blow the main gate - Stop Axis from building a forward spawn - Protect the storage gate generator - Protect the dam access gate - Defend the rocket base entrance gate - Don't let Axis get the keycard - Don't let Axis place charges at the rocket Axis: Get hold of a damaged tank, repair it as use it to blast the main entrance of the Allied Fortress. Then infiltrate, get the keycard and get the 5 charges to the rocket to blow it up. mlb_daybreak waypoints.rar mlb_daybreak.way 1 review
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Version V4
Download pk3 name: golddays_v4.pk3 Map name: golddays_v4.bsp Author(s): die die ~~------------------------------------------------- Basic Information ------------------------------------------------- Author : die die Email address : rasmuss99 at ------------------------------------------------- Map Information ------------------------------------------------- Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Title : golddays Filename : golddays_v4.pk3 Release date v2 : 2006-01-04 v3 : 2006-15-02 v4 : 2006-09-11 Program : Gtkradiant 1.4 Build time : about 1 week,another week for the final Compile time : 25 min with the built in compiler, 8 min for v3 with the newest q3map2 : full compile on v3 1 hour 30 mins : full compile on v4 40 mins Compile machine : AMD 64 xp3200, 1500mb ram,x800 gto compile machine v4: amd 64 x2 xp4400 4 gig ram x800 gto Installation : Place the golddays_v4.pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the multiplayer->create server menu or bring down the console and type: map golddays_v4 ------------------------------------------------- Info! ------------------------------------------------- #. Version BETA 1 info: my first map is done, well the beta is done. BETA 1, is as ready as i can do it right now, so i am looking for bugs, misses and gameplay issues in this release. Please report any bugs or if you have ideas on how to improve the map to #. Version B2-B3 info: too long ago to remeber:P #. Version v1 info: finaly got back into mapping and spent a week fixing my first map, so i can get on with more maps:) might release V2 of this map if its needed #. Version v2 info: after a hasty release of v1 and to little sleep..i found out i had some texture problems:( #. Version v3 info: loads of small bugfixes,doors open both ways now.the tunnel has been looks less impressive, but its better on the fps.secret weapon removed, #. Version v4 info: fixed the mine issue #. Objectives : Get/Defend the gold. : Build/Destroy the Commandpost. : Dynamite/Defend the the door n ladder. : Build/dynamite the second entrance to the house : Build/destroy the sniper tower : Build/destroy the the allied basement wall ------------------------------------------------- Special thanks and Credits to: ------------------------------------------------- Drakir for prefabs n some scripts Bubba for prefabs tbh Bloodwire for some scripts everyone at the sd forum sd for compost n misc texture and making this incredible game:D everyone thats not a noob at arctic warfare server anyone i`ve forgot golddays_v4 waypoints.rar golddays_v4.way
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Download pk3 name: desertrats.pk3 Map name: desertrats.bsp Author(s): Sylar and Blowfish Description: The 7th Armoured Division was a British armoured division which saw service during the Second World War where its exploits made it famous as the Desert Rats. After the Munich Crisis, the division was formed in Egypt during 1938 as the Mobile Division (Egypt) and its first divisional commander was the acclaimed tank theorist Major-General Sir Percy Hobart. During January 1940, the name of the unit was changed to the 7th Armoured Division. It was during this period that the nickname "Desert Rats" was coined. The division fought in every major battle during the North African Campaign; later it would land and fight in Italy before being withdrawn to the United Kingdom where it prepared to fight in North West Europe. It began landing in Normandy during the afternoon of June 6 and fought its way across Europe ending the war in Kiel and Hamburg, Germany. The 7th Armoured Brigade was detached from the division during early 1942 and fought the Japanese during the fighting in Burma before it returned to the Mediterranean Theatre and fought in Italy. Although the division was disbanded during the 1950s, the history, name and the famous 'Desert Rat' flash is carried on by the 7th Armoured Brigade. Allies: Have to defend the water supply to the fort and the two 75 mm guns that protect it from the Axis navy. Axis: Have to cut of the water supply to the Allied fort and destroy the two 75mm guns, so that their navy can attack it from sea. desertrats waypoints.rar desertrats waypoints.rar desertrats.way 3 reviews
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Version Final
Download pk3 name: fun_fortress.pk3 Map name: fun_fortress.bsp Author(s): Marko & Svarvsven Description: Axis are attacking in this map. Axis must repair and escort a tank to blow the entrance to the allied base. After that, they must steal secret rocket prototype documents and finally; transmit them from the radio station which is in the dam area. fun_fortress_readme.txt fun_fortress.way fun_fortress.way 1 review
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Download pk3 name: mp_assault_etversion.pk3 Map name: here_mp_assault.bsp One of the best RTCW maps of all time, Assault takes place in an axis airfield. Featuring long, mid and short range fragging, as well as fun objective on both sides. here_mp_assault.way 1 review
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Download pk3 name: mml_minastirith_fp3.pk3 Map name: mml_minastirith_fp3.bsp Author(s): [MML]Gerbil / zero.Gerbil Level info: Objectives are not marked properly in the limbo text, but Axis must fight their way to the top of the city, then steal the Palantir from the Tombs behind the city, and deliver it to the entrance of the Great Hall. First playable 3 changes: - Level 1 detail fleshed out - Level 2 gate area fleshed out - Certain choke points elsewhere have more cover / alternative routes - Allies can no longer get outside the city via dropping down the turrets. To make up for this... - The main City Gate starts open. This allows Allies to rush outside but only for the first few respawns - after this the gate closes. It should NOT be possible for Axis to run straight to the gate and run inside while it's still open - I have timed it to ensure this is not possible - More detail in the odd spot here and there (eg newer White Tower). mml_minastirith_fp3 waypoints.rar- 2 reviews
- Objective Map
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Download pk3 name: 1944_Nordwind2.pk3 Map name: 1944_nordwind2.bsp Author(s): +KOMMANDO+, Mateos Mateos has released a newer version of 1944 Nordwind called "1944 Nordwind 2". Description: The Axis are launching a surprise attack on allied forces. They are using a Jagdpanther to open the Truckyard Wall to allow an escape with the Allied gold! 1944_nordwind2 waypoints.rar- 1 review
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Download pk3 name: UJE_convoy_final.pk3 Map name: UJE_convoy_final.bsp Author(s): [UJE]Niek The axis are escorting a convoy (the tank with 3 trucks) from the airport through a town to the faith factory. If they make it they get alot of faith for winning the war against the allies troops. Axis objective: *Escort the convoy to the factory *Blow up 3 baricades *Sachel the side door *Fix commandpost Allied objective: *stop the axis convoy *Build baricades *Build the side door *Build commandpost 2 reviews
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Download pk3 name: flame-guards.pk3 Map name: flame-guards.bsp The Axis are about to surrender to the invading Allies. Their only chance not to lose control of the last remaining rocket base is to neutralize it. Allies have to prevent Axis from taking over this strategical Factory Complex at all costs. The layout of this map reuses some of the best features in the MLB map packs, including time extension (the total round time increases when the attacking team completes an objective). So far, it's the biggest indoor map I've made without using terrain. The Enemy Territory entity limit has been reached, meaning I couldn't extend the map much more. Map Features: 6 different spawn locations for Axis 5 different spawn locations for Allies Time Extensions upon objective completion. This avoid having a long lasting round and ends the round quickly if the Axis team can get past a specific objective 1 Neutral command post 6 MG42 gun nests 6 dynamitable Axis objectives A time bomb on the last map section. This has been highly inspired from the MLB Daybreak map. The layout in the last section of FG Warzone makes this objective much more interesting 3 secret rooms. Note that they are in now way like the MLB secret rooms. You don access them the same way, they don give any specific bonuses and are located in map sections that aren't strategic. They therefore only act as easter eggs A huge ET map of epic proportions! Very much like Daybreak. Axis must collect gun parts and gun ammo, Build and fire gun to advance or map ends. flame-guards waypoints.rar- 1 review
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Download pk3 name: railgun_eu_b2.pk3 Map name: railgun_eu.bsp The Allies must prevent the Axis from loading and firing Dora, a colossal railway gun. The Axis must transport and load Dora's ammunition, protect her firing controls and fire her to win. Notes: There are also two modifications for this map which can be added - A snow-reduction mod for improved performance, and a spawnfix mod to keep things more fair. railgun_eu_b2 railgun_eu.way 1 comment
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Version 1.4.0
Download pk3 name: chartwell_140.pk3 Map name: chartwell.bsp Author(s): 2Bit Chartwell, England, 1943. Axis have launched a surprise paratrooper attack on Chartwell, the home of Winston Churchill, to steal the plans for the D-Day invasion. - Axis win if they successfully steal and transmit the D-Day plans before the map timer expires. Axis initial spawn is at the the buildings in the grounds of the house. If they destroy the AA gun or the AA gun controls then the Axis spawn changes randomly for every Axis spawn, with the spawners arriving at any part of the map. Allies must repair both in order to prevent Axis paratroopers. This makes the Axis attack easier as they can attack from any direction. To enter the house Axis must destroy the Main door or either of the side doors. Axis must grab the key from the Dining Room and take it to the Safe in the Study. Either of the Study doors must be destroyed to get in (one needs dyna, one needs satchel). Once the Safe is opened, take the D-Day plans to the Command Post for victory. Axis Cov Ops can booby trap the entrances to the AA gun and AA gun controls, by standing nearby for a few seconds. Allied Cov Ops can defuse them in the same way. Booby traps show as faint transparent bars, and are set off if an allied soldier touches them. chartwell waypoints.rar chartwell.way 1 review
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Version BETA 6
Download PK3 Name: UJE_the_ghetto_b6.pk3 Map Name: UJE_the_ghetto.bsp Author(s): [UJE]Niek The Allies have occupied the Ghetto and have set up a Ganghouse and The Axis must push the Allies back to the Ganghouse, get a tank there to break into the Ganghouse, and steal their Combat maps. All in all a fun map! uje_the_ghetto.way 1 review
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Version Final
Download PK3 Name: caen.pk3 Map Name: Caen.bsp Author(s): Zig-Zag The Allies have occupied the town of Caen and have set up a Battalion headquarters. The Axis must push the Allies back across the river, get a tank across to break into the battalion headquarters, and steal their maps. caen waypoints.rar caen.way- 1 comment
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Download pk3 name: UJE_vulcano_escape_b7.pk3 Map name: UJE_vulcano_escape.bsp Author(s): [UJE]Happy ***DESCRIPTION*** The Axis are stuck between two volcano's that are about to erupt, they need to get away from there before they do! Axis must escort the tank, open the gate, build the bridge, and get away with the truck before there out of time! Allies must prevent all of this! uje_vulcano_escape waypoints.rar uje_vulcano_escape.way
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Download pk3 name: UJE_00.pk3 Map pk3 name: UJE_00.bsp Author(s): [UJE]C Axis must repair and steal the tank in Boozaka Town. There is a spawnflag inside the barbershop. Any team can capture the flag. When the Axis have escorted the tank into the tunnel, the spawns at Boozaka Town will be forced Axis, and the flag will disappear. The Allies must hold the flag at Boozaka Town for as long as they can. The Axis must escort the tank to the Ammo/Fuel-building at the end of the tunnel. The tank needs to be refueled with 8 fuelcans. There are 3 locations where a total of 8 fuelcans are stored (3+3+2). All fuelcans have to be delivered inside the Ammo/Fuel-building. After refueling, the tank must be escorted to the river outside Spinnertal. The Allies can build a barricade to force the tank to take a different route to the river. There is a spawnflag at the Old Skool. Any team can capture this flag during the entire mission. When the tank reaches the river, Axis must build a 3-stage bridge, and escort the tank into Braboheim. The bridge can NOT be destroyed when the tank is on the bridge. There is a neutral command-post; Any team can build/conquer this CP. uje_00 waypoints.rar uje_00.way
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Download pk3 name: parisbastille_b3.pk3 Map name: parisbastille_b3.bsp Author(s): Uchronic & Bob Le Roux Description: OBJECTIVES (AXIS): 1. Destroy the Yellow Pillar (west). 2. Destroy the Red Pillar (east). 3. Destroy the wall to gain access to the underground. 4. Capture the forward spawn point. 5. Construct the Foot Bridge. 6 & 7 : Construct your command post, and destroy the opposite one. OBJECTIVES (ALLIES): Defend at all cost ! parisbastille_b3 waypoints.rar- 2 reviews
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Download pk3 name: ruins23.pk3 Map name: ruins23.bsp Author(s): William Tyler "neotic" Buser From RTCW file front website: "Allied Forces have discovered an ancient relic, known as the Hourglass, on a forgotten island. The treasure in combination with its key, the Dagger of Time, allows the user to control and manipulate time. Axis command has learned of this discovery and has assembled an immediate landing party to capture the relics. Allied Forces have secured the island and are ready for any attack. To advance, the Axis Forces will require anything that will facilitate their progress throughout the island palace and fortress. The Axis force will have to move swiftly to infiltrate the Palace in hope of overcoming it; eventually leading them to the Fortress that gaurds the relics. Allies must desperately slow their progress throughout the Palace and its gardens. If the Allies fail the Fortress is their last chance." ruins23 waypoints.rar- 1 review
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Version pk3
Download pk3 name: sot_b2.pk3 Map name: sot_b2.bsp Author(s): S.S.Pons, S.S.Darkness, Lowlife, william "neotic" buser The Axis war machine is running out of money to keep there war effort going, they have heard of a ancient temple that has a stash of gold that could keep the war going for years, allied intelligence has picked up the information thru informants and have sent a Special elite squad of allied Soldiers (Shit-Storm troopers) to stop the axis from pillaging the temples gold, allied forces have found the temple and have started to secure the area. sot_b2 waypoints.rar- 1 review
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Download pk3 name: mlb_hotchkiss.pk3 Map name: mlb_hotchkiss.bsp Description: Axis spawn in a building which faces the first factory storage area. Allies have locked the main ways in but the bombs have breached entire walls open leaving a few ways to sneak in. Once Axis have found a few ways in, their main objective is to dynamite the factory main gate. This gate lies just below a blown piece of the storage roof and wasn't annihilated by the air forces.In this last part, Axis have to destroy the missile launcher in order to disable all Allied defense... mlb_hotchkiss waypoints.rar- 1 review
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Download pk3 name: mlb_bayraid.pk3 Map name: mlb_bayraid.bsp Description : MLB Bayraid is an upgrade of Lowlife's original map known as Bayraid. Axis attack on this map and the main objective is to push allies back to the sea front and hold them there in order to set up a radio chain composed of 2 command posts, a generator and an amplifier. mlb_bayraid waypoints.rar- 1 review
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