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Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Maps for Downloads.

1004 files

  1. snipercastle b2 - snipercastle_b2.pk3 and waypoints

    Basic Information

    Author : Sauerlaender
    Email address : dzaek@msn.com

    Map Information

    Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Title : Snipercastle
    Filename : snipercastle_b2.pk3
    Release date : 12.01.2006
    Program : SD Radiant 1.4.0

    Build time : 1 Week
    Compile time : 10 mins ca.
    Compile machine : AMD Athlon 3200, 512mb

    Installation : Place the snipercastle_b2.pk3 to your etmain folder.

    #. Version Final:

    Please report any bugs or if you have ideas on how to improve the map to dzaek@msn.com

    #. Objectives:
    Its a Snipermap.....One Shot one Kill

    Special thanks and Credits to:

    Loffy and Drakir for the Reindeers from their Map Northpole!!!!!!THANKS!!!
    [MML]Gerbil for the organ Sounds from [MML]Church
    All The other great Mapper they share their Prefabs!
    Activision - GrayMatter - SplashDamage and www.level-designer.de for their great Forum.
    -=DLL=-Greyfire for the Idea to the Map.


       (0 reviews)


  2. UJE fantasie sniper b1 - UJE_fantasie_sniper_b1.pk3 andwaypoints

    [UJE]Fantasy Sniper b1

    Map made by   [UJE]Niek


    I'm running out of fantasy.


    More [UJE] maps:

    You can see the info about our other maps on our website


    [UJE]Clan site www.ujeclan.com

    you can get omnibot waypoint files from our site by [UJE]map info


    for campaigncycles the map is called UJE_fantasy_sniper


    To everyone who still keeps this game alive


       (0 reviews)


  3. LRS Highway Sniper B1 - LRS_Highway_Sniper_B1.pk3 and waypoints

    Hi all, this is a beta1 version of this map.
    We are in a traffic jam, so, we can spend our time for snipe,
    and try to get out alive.
    Have fun.

    *Thanks to |LRS|Mo0n, Cate Armstrong and me who gave their face for the drivers.
    *Thanks to (HBC)Hannes who gave his motorbike picture and sound.
    *Thanks to |LRS|Elite who gave his music for trucks.

    For any comments or request please write to:




       (0 reviews)


  4. LRS Stadium Sniper B1 - LRS_Stadium_Sniper_B1.pk3 and waypoints

    LoRenz presents his new Enemy Territory Sniper map - LRS Stadium Sniper beta 1.
    Quote: Hi all, this time, we are inside a soccer stadium. We have only to snipe the other supporters.
    Crossing is not possible.

    ***Thanks to Elite for his music***
    ***Thanks to Oldboy for the nice billboards***

    Have fun.


       (0 reviews)


  5. UJE sniper challenge fall - UJE_sniper_challenge_fall.pk3 and waypoints

    Map made by  [UJE]Niek

    "Axis and Allies are at a standoff to hold a blown bridge so neither side can rebuild it to cross into enemy territory and to help further win the war! supplies are low and the only available ammunition left is sniper rounds. you must do your best to defeat the enemy with this covert rifle.... one shot, one kill. Map designed by AE_Northerner, Mapping by +Kommando+"
    "Axis and Allies are at a standoff to hold a blown bridge so neither side can rebuild it to cross into enemy territory and to help further win the war! supplies are low and the only available ammunition left is sniper rounds. you must do your best to defeat the enemy with this covert rifle.... one shot, one kill. Map designed by AE_Northerner, Mapping by +Kommando+" wm_mapdescription nuetral "Axis and Allies are at a standoff to hold a blown bridge so neither side can rebuild it to cross into enemy territory and to help further win the war! supplies are low and the only available ammunition left is sniper rounds. you must do your best to defeat the enemy with this covert rifle.... one shot, one kill. Map designed by AE_Northerner, Mapping by +Kommando+"


       (0 reviews)


  6. et powescape b2 - et_powescape_b2.pk3 and waypoints

    A big thank you to the UJE team   [UJE]Niek  for the waypoint files

    POW Escape for ET - BETA 2

    Description             : Multiplayer Objective map for ET
    Title                   : POW Escape
    Date                    : 5th April, 2007                
    pk3 name : et_powescape_b2.pk3
    Filename : et_powescape_b2.bsp
    Author                  : Codey
    Email Address           : tas2098@hotmail.com
    Web : http://www.tramdesign.net

    Base                    : Conversion from my original RTCW map
    New sounds?             : YES
    NEW Graphics?           : YES
    Editor used        : GTK Radiant 1.4
    Compiler                : Q3MAP2


    Extract the file "et_powescape_b2.pk3" to <Enemy territory folder>/etmain
    Now you are ready to join servers running this map!!!

    To start a server select "POWESCAPE beta2" option from the map list in game.


    Cpt. J Smith, POW
    Personal Diary

    January 18, 1943, 21:15
    Command has received information that this camp is being used as front for some sort of human experiments. The type of experiments are conducted here remains unknown but reportedly invovles some sort of maturation chambers used to mutate humans into super soldiers.
    Through the usual channels, they have sent information about the location of the facility. Originally, our plans were to dig a tunnel to the west of the camp to outside the main fence, but now we've decided to dig north to the research facility location. With any luck we can break through a wall into the facility with enough men to hold off any resistance.

    July 7, 1943, 1:02
    Great news today, Command sent word that they have an operative replacing the train driver on the south line and he will hold the train at the station for us to escape. We were also informed of dire news which indicates axis are at the final stage of their experiments, they must not be allowed to complete them!

    Yesterday, the final stage of the tunnel to the research area was completed.  Tonight we will infiltrate the facility, Some of our men will create a diversion at the north gate and make their way to our location if they are able to sneak through. Once we're inside we must locate the documents which will reveal detailed imformation about what Axis were planning.
    We must then take the documents to the train station located to the south of the camp and sneak them, and as many pow's as we can onboard.

    Finally the truth will be known and many of us will have escaped to freedom, God be with us.

    1. Steal the top secret axis documents from the reearch facility
    2. Take the documents south to the train and escape with as many pow's as you can
    3. Prevent axis retrieving the soldier activation key dropped by parachute somewhere to the south of the camp
    4. Prevent axis activating the soldiers with the key

    1. Capture and hold the North supply room to aid escape
    2. Capture and hold the Train station area to aid escape
    3. Capture and hold the Lab area to aid escape

    1. Prevent Allies stealing the top secret documents from the reearch facility
    2. Prevent Allies from escaping on the train with the documents
    3. Retrieve the soldier activation key dropped by parachute somewhere to the south of the camp
    4. Activate the soldiers with the key

    1. Capture and hold the North supply room
    2. Capture and hold the Train station area
    3. Capture and hold the Lab area

    Special functionality

    Random Objective Placement
    The two main objectives, Secret Documents and Soldier activation key, are placed randomly at the beginning of the match. To provide for more varied gameplay each match.

    Taps give health
    All taps and showers in the map when turned on can give out health when activated on.

    Water supply pump destructable
    Either Axis or ally team can destroy the water pump with TNT located at the south-east of the camp. All taps in the facility will then not function for the remainder of the match.

    Alternate route out of the camp
    The General's car can be driven down the hill and crashed through the fence, providing an alternate route out. Remember cold cars are hard to start, it may take a few tries.

    We welcome your comments good or bad!


    First of all to the Wolfy staff, without your constant feedback and testing, this map wouldn't be half what it is today.
    Brewskie of http://www.rtcwnews.com for your great gameplay suggestions, brain-storming sessions and unbelievably brilliant testing server.
    The staff at http://www.rtcwfiles.com, especially SubWolfer and Korn Warrior.
    Also thanks to http://www.planetwolfenstein.com/tramdesign guys Osias, Halister, Tunnleram, OGG servers and everyone else for taking the time to setup, run and test the map, big hugs!

    If I missed anyone, I'm also truely thankfull for everyone's input!

    Version history

    ET Beta2
    Fixed map going over memory limit
    Enabled axis initial spawn at lab
    Fixed train wheel alignment with tracks
    Fixed general's car windscreen texture
    Cleaned top of waterfall area
    Cleaned waterpump area

    ET beta1
    First ET conversion test release
    Converted capture points to command posts
    mass conversion of entities to et entities
    Reduced size slightly

    *Fixed crash bug when fish was killed
    *Added "Rescue Team" spawn location near waterfall
    *MOved some axis spawns from north fence area
    *Fixed area where axis could jump over fence west of the north gate
    *Moved an activation key location further away from camp

    *Bug fixed which would cause the server to crash with entity not found error
    *Soldier activation sequence tweaked for smoother movement
    *Clipped out Generator bar trapping players
    *Moved one of the Axis activation key locations away from camp to aid balance
    *Removed clips from car seats to fix gibbing at bottom of ramp
    *Reduced entity count substantially
    *Fixed hole in rocks at waterfall
    *Fixed river bottom texture, mid north side
    *Fixed clipping on chamber soldiers

    *Soldier Activation Scene added for axis primary objective!!!!
    *Misc texture align probs fixed
    *light poles re-positioned
    *Fixed west rocks
    *Cleaned brushwork on south-east river
    *Target_location for waterfall
    *Texture cleanup of grass
    *More gibbing on the general's car fixed
    *Spawn points cleanup, no more spawning ontop of each other
    *General target_location clean
    *Numbering added to labs

    *Changed timing on taps to 1.5sec delay since 3sec is too little to make any diff
    *Added clip railing for sniper roost
    *updated axis sinks texture with realistic scrapes, scratches, dings - photo source?
    *Fixed Light poles texture stretched a bit
    *Size of activation of water health was too small, increased model size
    *Fixed car gibs standing riders at bottom of ramp
    *Fixed Invalid texture sizes!
    *Changed Train signal too high and big
    *Fixed dark texture on left side of lockers in shower room
    *Fixed outer fence near frontgate is raised off terrain
    *Added train engine connect with rest of train
    *Fixed Texture align at bottom of windows shower and munition rooms
    *Fixed lightgrid screwed, removed lightgrid brushes and go back to previous scaling method
    *Added "Puffy was killed" message

    * Added dual objective
    * Added 3 random points parachute box with key for axis objective
    * Added activation point in chamber for axis objective
    * extended Vent system into the faclity above lower two labs
    * added vent system animated fans
    * Fixed vent system texturing
    * Added double doors between top two labs
    * Fixed texturing on lift doors
    * Fixed caching of lift button presses
    * Changed lab lights to brighter
    * Added dlight at tunnel entrace
    * Changed misc shiney metal to more realistic
    * Added dynomitable re-enforced windows to labs, glass breaks out wire stays, blocking gren and rocket
    * Changed chamber layout for soldier activation scenerio
    * Fixed FPS issue in chamber and south camp areas
    * Changed layout of river edges, harder to cross, need to use bridge and waterfall crossings
    * Added waterfall area, custom shaders, particles and sounds
    * Added sparks particles from flamebarrels
    * fixed scaling problem of guardhouse
    * Added working clocks
    * Added "puffy" the fish and fishbowl
    * Added flagpoles capture points at frontgate and north supply room forward spawning
    * Added sniper roost to large tree south of camp
    * Added angled tree for south-west access to camp
    * fixed rocks west of camp ugly looking
    * Added "generator" to chamber area and custom shaders
    * Added custom shader for lightpoles and scaled to more realistic
    * Changed lightpole wiring realistic
    * Changed train exiting to longer sequence, train goes further into tunnel

    This level is Copyright(c) 2007 Codey.
    You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without
    permission from the author.  You may not mass distribute this level via any
    non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks.
    You may not Redo/reproduce/update this map in any way without permission from the author.


       (0 reviews)


  7. TsC-Ardennen-Sniper-Final - TsC-Ardennen-Sniper-Final.pk3 and waypoints

    Basic Information:

    Author : TsC-Skywalker
    Email address : skywalker@tsc-group.org

    Map Information:

    Game : Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Title : TsC-Ardennen-Sniper-Final
    Filename : TsC-Ardennen-Sniper-Final
    Version : Final
    Release date : 26/02/2011

    Installation : Place the TsC-Ardennen-Sniper-Final.pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the menu 'host server' or
    bring down the console and type: /map TsC-Ardennen-Sniper-Final

    Thanks for

    My Wife for the missing time.

    My Clan , my Frinds and his Member.

    Special Thanks to

    TsS-Yoda for helping me with the feedback/suggestions and testing the map.

    And all who gave feedback and ideas what to improve.

    You can email feedback and suggestions at skywalker@tsc-group.org


       (0 reviews)


  8. rizeur b2 - rizeur_b2.pk3 and waypoints

    Rizeur (Beta 2)

    "Allied need to destroy the Axis Radio Equipment to avoid all reinforcement from Axis and win the War. Allied Team also need to defend your own radio equipment too.."
    "Axis need to destroy the Allied Radio Equipment to avoid all reinforcement from Allied and win the War. Axis Team also need to defend your own radio equipment too"
    "Each team need to destroy and defend the radio equipment to avoid the reinforcement and win the match."
      Allied objectives

    1 "^4Primary Objective:
    ^6Disable or destroy the ^1Axis_Radio_Equipment ^6to kill ^1Axis ^6respawn."
    2 "^4Primary Objective:
    ^6Defend the ^4Allied_Radio_Equipment^6 to ^6keep ^6respawn."
    3 "^4Secondary Objective:
    ^2Construct the defensive ^4Allied_Airstrike_Net ^2to increase your ^2defense."
    4 "^4Secondary Objective:
    ^2Construct the defensive ^4Allied_MGs ^2to ^2increase your defense."
    5 "^4Secondary Objective:
    ^2Destroy or prevent the ^1Defensive_Axis_Airstrike_Net."
    6 "^4Secondary Objective:
    ^2Destroy or prevent the ^1Defensive_Axis_MGs."
    7 "^4Secondary Objective:
    ^2Prevent the ^1Axis team ^2from ^2establishing a Command Post or ^2Destroyed it. Build your from ^2increase your position with a Command ^2Post."
    8 "^4Secondary Objective:
    ^2Build the Bridge before ^1Axis team ^2built it."
      Axis objectives

    1 "^1Primary Objective:
    ^6Defend the ^1Axis_Radio_Equipment ^6to ^6keep respawn."
    2 "^1Primary Objective:
    ^6Disable or destroy the ^4Allied_Radio_Equipment ^6to kill ^4Allied ^6respawn."
    3 "^1Secondary Objective:
    ^2Destroy or prevent the ^4defensive_airstrike_net_allied."
    4 "^1Secondary Objective:
    ^2Destroy or prevent the ^4defensive_Allied_MGs."
    5 "^1Secondary Objective:
    ^2Construct the defensive ^1Axis_airstrike_net ^2to increase your ^2defense."
    6 "^1Secondary Objective:
    ^2Construct the defensive ^1Axis_MGs ^2to ^2increase your defense."
    7 "^1Secondary Objective:
    ^2Prevent the ^4Allies team ^2from ^2establishing a Command Post or ^2Destroyed it. Build your ^2from ^2increase your position with the ^2Command Post."
    8 "^1Secondary Objective:
    ^2Build the Bridge before ^4Allied team ^2built it."


       (0 reviews)


  9. ramelle b1 - ramelle_b1.pk3 and waypoints


    "Capture all 4 areas of the city."
    "Capture all 4 areas of the city."
    "Axis are attacking the small town of Ramelle after it was taken from them by allied paratroopers in the days following D-day."
      Allied objectives

    1 "Capture all 4 areas of the city."
      Axis objectives

    1 "Capture all 4 areas of the city.""


       (0 reviews)


  10. guns - guns.pk3 and waypoints

    filename: guns.pk3
    mapname: guns (working title)


    Place in your Enemy Territory/etmain folder


    Allies must break into an Axis compound and destroy two flak guns

    This is still a work in progress

    -Still more stuff to add
    -Command map is temporary
    -No LMS support yet

    Input I'm looking for:

    -Spawn times
    -Areas that yeild low FPS
    -Exploits (missing clipping, unintentional trick jumps)
    -Texture glitches
    Axis Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective:**Defend the Main Entrance from being breached."
    2 "Primary Objective:**Defend the Side Entrance from being breached."
    3 "Primary Objective:**Protect the North Gun."
    4 "Primary Objective:**Protect the South Gun."
    5 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post."
    6 "Secondary Objective:**Set up a Command Post."

    // Allied Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective:**Breach the Main Entrance."
    2 "Primary Objective:**Breach the Side Entrance."
    3 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the North Gun."
    4 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the South Gun."
    5 "Secondary Objective:**Establish a Command Post."
    6 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post."


       (0 reviews)


  11. winterbase - winterbase_1.7.pk3 and waypoints

    Axis Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective:**Steal a uniform**and open this door in disguise**Inside the room push the button"
    2 "Secondary Objective:**Build the commandpost, **defend the commandpost. **Destroy enemies commandpost"
    3 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the gate."
    4 "Primary Objective:**Steal a uniform**and open this door in disguise**Inside the room push the button"
    5 "Primary Objective:**Steal the keycard and bring it to the fault."
    6 "Primary Objective:**Bring the gold to the truck."
    7 "Primary Objective:**Truck."
      Allied Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective:**Defend the room**"
    2 "Secondary Objective:**Build the commandpost, **defend the commandpost. **Destroy enemies commandpost"
    3 "Primary Objective:**Defend the gate."
    4 "Primary Objective:**Defend the room."
    5 "Primary Objective:**Defend the keycard."
    6 "Primary Objective:**Defend the gold."
    7 "Primary Objective:**Defend the truck."


       (0 reviews)


  12. etl sp delivery v5 - etl_sp_delivery_v5.pk3 and waypoints

    Originally created by Apple and GW, with the Tournament Edition modifications done by jump3r, eiM and Snake, this map has been a staple of both the competitive scene and public servers since it's release in 2008. With a fresh coat of paint applied by Aciz along with few minor gameplay adjustments, we hope you'll enjoy this refreshed version of the old classic!
    Notable changes from the original
    Overhauled visuals and lighting Significantly improved VIS Axis lookout towers at first stage now require you to be standing in order to shoot out of A small box was added in each of them that still allows crouched shooting The loading doors at trucks no longer open if a gold has been delivered to them - only the required door(s) open Artillery/airstrikes can no longer be called right next to the trucks Forward bunker flag is moved slightly closer to the back wall to allow for more space for gunfights inside the bunker For a complete changelog, please see the readme inside the pk3.
    Axis Objective Descriptions

    1 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from destroying the East Wall!"
    2 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from destroying the West Wall!"
    3 "Secondary Objective:**Defend the Forward Bunker!"
    4 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from stealing any of the Gold Crates stored inside the Vault!"
    5 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from constructing the Loading Door Controls!"
    6 "Primary Objective:**Don't let the Allies escape with the first Gold Crate!"
    7 "Primary Objective:**Don't let the Allies escape with the second Gold Crate!"
      Allied Objective Descriptions

    1 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the East Wall!"
    2 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the West Wall!"
    3 "Secondary Objective:**Capture the Forward Bunker!"
    4 "Secondary Objective:**Break into the Axis Vault and steal the Gold!"
    5 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the Loading Door Controls!"
    6 "Primary Objective:**Get the first Gold Crate and secure it in a Truck!"
    7 "Primary Objective:**Get the second Gold Crate and secure it in a Truck!"


       (1 review)


  13. temple sniper night - temple_sniper_night.pk3 and waypoints

    | 5/13/06|
    | Title : temple_sniper_night
    | FileName : temple_sniper_night.bsp
    | Version : Final
    | Authors : MLB, Megalyth and Busta Capinyoass and Private Jackson
    | Email : private.jackson@hotmail.com
    | Type : Sniper
    | Spawn Points : supports up to 32 players, 16 per side
    | How To Play:..
    | :..Unzip temple_sniper_night.pk3 into your etmain folder.
    | :..Launch Enemy Territory(tm)
    | :..Find a server running temple_sniper_night
    | :..Enjoy!
    | Copyright :..
    | :..Copyright (c) MLB
    | Background :..
    | :..Map decompiled by Megalyth and Busta Capinyoass for a sniper map and decompiled once again for a night version by Private Jackson.


       (0 reviews)


  14. uje city-sniper 2 - uje_city-sniper_2.pk3 and waypoints

    [UJE] City sniper

    Map made by  [UJE]Niek

    * 48 players sniper-map (24 Germans & 24 Dutchmen)
    * few bot optimalizations implemented (build for a 24-bot-server)
    * health-cabinets can be toggled on/off by a admin.
    * all smoke can be toggled on/off by a admin.
    * all fences can be toggled on/off by a admin
    * /rcon set sv_uje_medi 1/0
    * /rcon set sv_uje_smoke 1/0
    * /rcon set sv_uje_fence 1/0

    This is the second map I've made.
    It's a snipermap because there are too few snipermaps published.
    This is a small city with lots of places to hide and shoot from.
    Nice moving water and neon lights.
    Shoot your targets from high or low places.
    Have lots of fun with this map.

    I want to say special thanks to [UJE]C for his help with
    adjusting the map, the scripting and the shaders.
    I can't say it enough; Without his help this map wasn't made.


    More [UJE] maps:
    UJE_00 made by [UJE]C
    UJE_sniper made by [UJE]Niek
    UJE_city_sniper made by [UJE]Niek


    [UJE]Clan site



       (0 reviews)


  15. UJE sky sniper b1 - UJE_sky_sniper_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    [UJE]Sky sniper b1

    Map made by [UJE]Niek


    This time a sniperwar in the sky
    2 large zeppelins escorting ammo and stuff for the war.
    a lot of choppers are escorting it for backup.
    A way to pass is this time made with helicopters.
    You can start a heli at youre site and go to the other site,
    but beware..............
    an alarm goes of when you get on the other site,so it's not easy.


    extra stuff

    * Passing helicopters
    * 3 points medic and ammo
    * Funny sounds


    On our site you can see the info about all the maps we've made


    [UJE]Clan site

    you can get omnibot waypoint files from our site in [UJE]map info


       (0 reviews)


  16. UJE cheese sniper b4 - UJE_cheese_sniper_b4.pk3 and waypoints

    [UJE]Cheese sniper b4

    Map made by [UJE]Sogeking
    b3 version 10-08-2009
    b4 version 15-06-2010

    This is the first map made by Sogeking
    You gotto like cheese in this map because there is a lot in it
    In this map you will feel like a little mouse because the atmosphere is huge.The theme is cheese that's why there also are a lot of camera's in this map
    So put a big smile on youre face and snipe some


    Extra features

    * Mousetrap
    * Jumppad
    * You can shoot holes in the cheese


    More [UJE] maps:

    You can see the info about our other maps on our website


    [UJE]Clan site www.ujeclan.com

    you can get omnibot waypoint files from our site by [UJE]map info
    for campaigncycles the map is called UJE_cheese


       (0 reviews)


  17. UJE fastfood sniper b7 - UJE_fastfood_sniper_b7.pk3 and waypoints

    [UJE] fastfood sniper b7

    Map made by [UJE]Niek
    changed to b6 5-11-2009
    Changed to b7 10-11-2010

    2 Dinnerhouses standing against eachother.
    Who has the best food or the best dinner.
    Let the snipers decide.
    This map is specially made for the ujemembers because all the pictures
    are ujemembers


    More [UJE] maps:

    You can see the info about our other maps on our website


    [UJE]Clan site www.ujeclan.com

    you can get omnibot waypoint files from our site by [UJE]map info


    for campaigncycles the map is called UJE_fastfood_sniper


       (0 reviews)


  18. UJE house sniper - UJE_house_sniper.pk3 and waypoints

    [UJE] House sniper

    Map made by [UJE]Niek


    This time a smaller map.
    Only 2 houses in a yard.
    The way to cross is in the pool but it will not be easy and
    an alarm goes of when youre in the pool.


    * Lot's of sounds added


    More [UJE] maps:

    You can see the info about our other maps on our website


    [UJE]Clan site www.ujeclan.com

    you can get omnibot waypoint files from our site by [UJE]map info
    for campaigncycles the map is called UJE_house_sniper


    Thanks to everyone that keeps the game alive


       (0 reviews)


  19. sniper gigant - sniper_gigant.pk3 and waypoints

    _____        __
     \_   \_ __  / _| ___
      / /\/ '_ \| |_ / _ \
    /\/ /_ | | | |  _| (_) |
    \____/ |_| |_|_|  \___/


    Author.............: Ex-Member Conflict

    Major/Minor Changes and Bugfixes made by:

    Author.............: #RoN.et'cl4ym4n?
    eMail..............: cl4ym4n@ron-clan.net
    xFire..............: cl4ym4n

    WWW................: http://www.ron-clan.net/

    IRC................: #RoN.et@Quakenet.org

    Copyright (c) 2008 [RoN] Clan - Realm Of Napalm.


    This level may be electronically distributed only at
    NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
    include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN



       (0 reviews)


  20. sniper ruines b1 - sniper_ruines_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    no information on the map


       (0 reviews)


  21. TTW Sniperhell b1 - TTW_Sniperhell_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    no information on the map


       (0 reviews)


  22. industry swe - industry_swe.pk3 and waypoints

    Industry SWE Stopwatch Edition 1.0

    - Repair tanks
    - Escort tanks
    - Blow up Panzersperre 1
    - Blow up tank barrier 2
    - Set up command posts
    - Set up a radio system
    - Blow up safe
    - Steal documents
    - Send documents

    - Prevent repair of the tank
    - Stop tanks
    - Defend Tank Barrier 1
    - Set up anti-tank barrier 2
    - Set up command posts
    - Blow up the radio system
    - Defend safe
    - Defend documents
    - Prevent documents from being sent


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  23. mp starkbier + mp whiskey - fragpoint.pk3 and waypoints

    Author: Thomas "Fragpoint" Bayer
    Mapname: mp_starkbier and mp_whiskey
    Kind of map: RtcW(ET)-Multiplayer
    Finishing: 29.12.2003
    Homepage: http://www.fragpoint.de

    Unrar the file "fragpoint.rar" and copy the new file "fragpoint.pk3" into the "ETMAIN"-Folder of your ET-Installation. Start the game and select "Host Game". Now you will find 2 news maps called "Starkbier" and "Whiskey". Select one of them, start a server and have fun!

    You can read the background story, if you start the map in ET.

    I hope, you like the two maps. They are desigend for small LAN´s and quick matches.

    I have used the Textures of ET and Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Also i have used Textures of ASW´s Homepage (http://www.asw-w.de)

    The map is very dark/bright on your PC? Adjust the Brightness of your Game. No problems known.

    Many thanks to the community of www.doom3maps.de and www.level-designer.de. which supperted me with knowledge and pieces of advice.
    BeoWulV (Scripting): Many thanks for your help!
    Major Fleischer: Many thanks for translating!

    THX for Beta-Testing to:
    -Major Fleischer (http://www.planetsmilies.de)
    -Freakman (http://www.freakman.net)
    -BeoWulV (http://www.beowulv.ch)

    9. OTHER ONE
    Compile-Time with q3map2 ca. 15 minutes.
    GTK-Radiant-Version: 1.3.13
    My System: Athlon XP 2000+, 1,5 GB Ram, Geforce 4 Ti4200. The two *.map-Files are included in the PK3-File. Beginners should take a look on them.$
    Story :
    We have to demoralise the German troops, by cutting off their beer supply. Therefor we have to loot the secret beer formula from their safe!"
    "The Allies want to steal our secret beer formula, in order to strengthen the morale of their own troops and to weaken us. This must be prevented!"
    "The strong combat morale and the blind obedience of the Germans are based on the benefits of Starkbier. Therefore the Allies will try to steal the secret beer formula."
    "We have to demoralise the German troops, by cutting off their beer supply. Therefor we have to loot the secret beer formula from their safe!"
    "The Allies want to steal our secret beer formula, in order to strengthen the morale of their own troops and to weaken us. This must be prevented!"
    "The strong combat morale and the blind obedience of the Germans are based on the benefits of Starkbier. Therefore the Allies will try to steal the secret beer formula."
    "We have to demoralise the Americans, by cutting off their whiskey supply. Therefor we have to loot the secret whiskey formula from their safe!"
    "The Axis want to steal our secret whiskey formula, in order to strengthen the morale of their own troops and to weaken us. This must be prevented!"
    "The strong combat morale and the blind obedience of the Americans are based on the benefits of Whiskey. Therefore the Axis will try to steal the secret whiskey formula."


    Allied objectives

    1 "Primary Objective:
    Blow up the safe to get the secret beer formula."
    2 "Primary Objective:
    Bring the secret beer formula into our radio room."
    1 "Primary Objective:
    Inhibit the Axis to dynamite the safe."
    2 "Primary Objective:
    The Axis may not escape with the secret whiskey formula."
    Axis objectives

    1 "Primary Objective:
    Inhibit the Allies to dynamite the safe."
    2 "Primary Objective:
    The Allies may not escape with the secret beer formula."
    1 "Primary Objective:
    Blow up the safe to get the secret whiskey formula."
    2 "Primary Objective:
    Bring the secret whiskey formula into our radio room."

    The map was constructed by myself. Modification or new releasing of my map is not allowed! But you can offer the map for a FREE/GRATIS download. If you want to make money with my map, you have to get my specially agreement. If you want to use one of my textures in your map, it would be nice, if you place a link to my homepage (www.fragpoint.de) in your readme.
    Copyright 2003 by Thomas "Fragpoint" Bayer (www.fragpoint.de)


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  24. katastrophie b1 - katastrophie_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    Kernel's Katastrophie:

    Dateline: 1944
    Axis forces have used the theories of Nickola Tesla and rumors of the Philadelphia Experiment to fuel their own experiments into the possibilities of electromagnetic forces.
    Rumors abound that they have advanced to a dangerous level that could decide the outcome of the war.
    These experiments are being conducted at a top secret base.


    This is my first attempt at mapping.
    The first BIG mistake was mapping on a system that was not "clean".

    I owe many people a debt of gratitude for their textures and shaders.
    I don't know who they are but if you do, go to www.prisoners-of-war.com and look for
    the Katastrophie section on our forums (or start a post, or send me a P.M.).
    I will gladly add their name to the credits.

    Special note to server admins:

    This version is designed to provide a 15 minute objective lock out (and 30 minute play clock) when the sv_keywords cvar is set to:
    /sv_keywords 123
    This will give players 15 minutes to screw around exploring the map and gathering XP before the generator is able to be blown.
    Without this cvar set to 123, this map will play normally with a 25 minute clock and objectives enabled at the start.


    A big thanks to Erik for his RTCW entities in ET.
    Shout out to Hank since I borrowed many dimensions from some of his Hankjump maps.
    Many thanks to Chruker who answered lots of my questions and for his excellent website or mapping info.
    Thank you Spalsh Damage forum members for your answers and informative posts.

    You can contact me at:    www.prisoners-of-war.com

    =PoW= Kernel 2.6.5
    Axis Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective: Defend the EMF inducer at all costs."
    2 "Secondary Objective: Defend the shield generator. Rebuild it if necessary."
    3 "Stop the allies from destroying the vent house."
    4 "Stop the allies from destroying the vent cover and getting inside."
    5 "Follow the arrows to the objective area if you are lost. There are reports of many secret passages."
    6 "Allies may try to breach the bunker to gain additional access. STOP THEM!"
    // Allied Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective: Destroy the EMF inducer."
    2 "Secondary Objective: Destroy the shield generator."
    3 "Destroy the vent house to gain another access route."
    4 "Destroy the vent cover to get inside."
    5 "Follow the arrows to the objective area if you are lost. There are reports of many secret passages."
    6 "Breach the bunker to gain additional access."


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  25. budapest beta2 - budapest_beta2.pk3 and waypoints


    "Destroy the Bridge."
    "Don't let them Destroy the Bridge."
    "The Allies must Destroy the Bridge."
      Allied objectives
    1 "Destroy the Bridge."
    2 "Destroy the East Bridge Support."
    3 "Destroy the West Bridge Support."
    4 "Capture the Forward Bunker."
    5 "Destroy the Bridge Defences."
    6 "Gain Control of the First Elevator."
    7 "Gain Control of the Second Elevator."
    8 "Build the Command Post."
      Axis objectives

    1 "Don't let them Destroy the Bridge."
    2 "Don't let them Destroy East Bridge Support."
    3 "Don't let them Destroy West Bridge Support."
    4 "Capture the Forward Bunker."
    5 "Build the Bridge Defences."
    6 "Gain Control of the First Elevator."
    7 "Gain Control of the Second Elevator."
    8 "Build the Command Post."


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