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  1. K.LisTa

    ET Jay #2 FG42+Adrenaline

    IMO, this discussion is pretty much over. Unless I've missed something : We can't modify the weapon itself. We can't tweak adrenaline. Nerfing the covert ops class would be unfair. What else would be possible to do about it ? Changing mod ? That's a little drastic, with no indication it will solve the issue.
  2. K.LisTa

    ET Jay #2 FG42+Adrenaline

    Adrenaline was fine on this server 10 years ago, when you had 20vs20+ fights every evening. It allowed you to press forward, and gave you an incentive to attack the front line. If you wanted to steal the gold from the bank of the default Goldrush map, you needed to have adrenaline to avoid being obliterated as soon as you enter the bank by the 8 -10 axis campers. The server isn't as popular anymore. The majority of the time, there are a few bots on the server. What's the point of adrenaline during a 6vs6 fight ? It's no longer a gimmick to help you survive pushing forward, it becomes a "f*** you I win this 1vs1 regardless of your actions". If you're a good player, you can even pin down the whole enemy team on your own. It also encourages a behavior which is, in my opinion, is toxic as hell : there are players who spawn, rush to the enemy spawn, use adrenaline and spawnkill. Die eventually. Rinse and repeat. They spend whole maps spawnkilling, nothing else. They get good amount of kills and they're happy with that. Well, while the rules allow it, I'm not sure people enjoy having to deal with a medic or a flamer under adrenaline every time they spawn. It also goes against any kind of teamplay : you don't want to heal others or give ammunition. If you do you're actually shooting yourself in the foot since you're delaying your access to adrenaline. And lastly adrenaline makes landmines and rifles grenades a complete joke. On NQ1 they are borderline OP, on this server, you laugh when you see them.
  3. K.LisTa

    ET Jay #2 FG42+Adrenaline

    1. What makes the FG42 so powerful on FA2 in the first place ? It doesn't feel that powerful on jay1. 2. Is there a way to reduce the damage reduction of adrenaline ? Because that's the real problem on this server in my opinion, it doesn't really matter if it's a fg42 or an mp40. It's just way too much.
  4. If that makes the server popular, why not. FA2 only fills up when jay1 is either full or down anyway. And very few of these jay1 regulars stay on fa2 once the map currently played is finished.
  5. K.LisTa

    ET Server Suggestion Jay2 New Maps Suggestions

    Bremen ends too quickly. Earlier I saw the allies win it in less than 10 minutes (map is at most 20 minutes long). On this server, once the keycard is secured (with adrenaline, this isn't a challenge), the map is basically won for allies. Right now, antirush lasts 5 minutes. Please consider extending it to 10 or 12 minutes at least.
  6. K.LisTa

    ET Server Suggestion Jay2 New Maps Suggestions

    Can we have antirush on the map "School" please ? So we can actually frag for a bit. Edit : and tweak antirush on Bremen as well.
  7. yes NQ1.
  8. Currently at max engineer level, you can fire 4 rifle grenades in a row without needing to wait. That's nuts.
  9. Hi, rambo medic here (well I do play others classes, ask Jay2 regulars how much they like my sten). I do agree that 156hp is too much for public servers, but I don't think you can tweak medics health, I've never seen it on any server. The only way I can imagine to nerf the medic class is to reduce the total amount or/and the recharge rate of the action bar. That would mean less medpacks to heal themselves (and others as well), thus less agressivity on the battlefield. On beginners 2, I honestly don't know why medics have access to the PPSh-41 btw. It's borderline OP. About levels for regulars, a friendly reminder that lvl 4s and below don't have access to !put command. If you want some help, give us the means to do it. It's not uncommon I have to sit in spec several minutes before having the opportunity to join the weaker side, on jay2 and bg2 mostly. Especially if bots fail to connect to the server.
  10. K.LisTa

    ET BEGINNERS #2 The burning question

    Well, in my opinion 22vs22 is still too much. It's playable, but it isn't as enjoyable. You were there on Fueldump and Goldrush : when the server is full, it becomes harder and harder for the attacking team to move forward. Does this server need to be as big as Jay1 ? But hey, you've been running servers for a while, you know what you're doing. And thanks for the new maps.
  11. K.LisTa

    ET BEGINNERS #2 The burning question

    In the "map suggestions" topic for this server, it has been proposed several times, by several persons, to switch the Oasis official map for the Oasis beta 3 version. Currently it is borderline impossible for allies to get through the choke points when the server gets full, especially with those short spawn time. In my opinion anyway, this server has too many slots to be enjoyable with those server settings (should have a 40 slots cap). My apologies for being off topic.
  12. K.LisTa

    ET BEGINNERS #2 The burning question

    Adrenaline isn't a problem on this server. The action bar is slow to refill and doesn't replenish itself on respawn : if you decide to use it you better make it count. This implementation is miles better than the one on Jay2, where adren is absolutely OP since there is barely no drawback. If you want to tweak it, sure, go ahead, but it wont make any noticeable difference. Maybe more camping though. As for the flamer, I honestly don't see any problem as it is currently. Maybe you can lower the ammo reserve ? I dunno. I've got more complains about maps with obvious choke points (@Rendel , seriously, can we finally get rid of Oasis Official for the B3 version, like in the next few days ? How much more begging do we need to do ? There were server issues, the pandemic, etc ... I get that. I understand it can take some time. But we have been asking for this change since January at least, and we are already in the last days of April).
  13. K.LisTa

    ET Server Suggestion Beginners #2 - Map suggestions

    Just pick some ideas from Jay1 rotation :
  14. K.LisTa

    ET Server Suggestion Beginners #2 - Map suggestions

    Can we please have Siwa Oasis beta 3, pretty please with sugar on top ?
  15. K.LisTa

    ET Jay #1 3 Maps Panzer rule

    Child 1 : Drop the panzer, you had it 3 maps in a row ! Child 2 : No I didn't. Child 1 : Yes, you must give it to someone else ! Child 2 :No, this is my third map. Child 1 : No, you're lying. Admins, do something !!!!!11!! Child 2 : You're the one lying, you just can't stand being owned ! Child 1 : Admins !!!! you're uselesss, as usual ..... Ah, the memories... Have fun with that, folks.
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