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  1. oh sorry i was talking about cg_showblood 1 and cg_bloodDamageBlend. but with bloodflash it is probably the same.
  2. for me it works on 1 but it is reset every time i reconnect i think. on jay2 it is reset as well on reconnect but on jay 3 it stays bloody. not sure about the other servers atm. He made a correction later :
  3. i never understood why this radar exists.. on other game its a cheat xD i also dont understand why everybody can see enemy in disguise. it should be limited to certain classes as it was meant to be, though the object will be in danger more often and a good defense teamplay is needed.
  4. great! that's it thought this is cvar to autoswitch weapon when out of ammo
  5. thanks! that works actually but it also stop me from picking up medkits automatically which makes it impossible to quickly heal myself being a med :s
  6. when i step on a dead persons binoculars they always get autoselected. anybody knows how to avoid this? only occurs in silent mod.
  7. you can run it in wine. it's the only solution that supports all mods afaik.
  8. if you do seta r_ignorehwgamma 1 you ignore the in game gamma setting and you'll have to do the gamma setting via console e.g. seta r_gamma 1.6 r_ignorehwgamma 0 enables ingame setting. try r_overbrightbits 0 ! if i set this to 1 i 'm also alone in the dark.
  9. Hi! welcome to the forums!
  10. r3wind3r

    Server Issue N!tmod

    I noticed on this page it still says Jaymod though Fun#1 has become n1tmod server: Server Name: =F|A= FUN #1 Server IP: fun1.clan-fa.com:27960 Mod: Jaymod https://fearless-assassins.com/enemyterritory-servers.html And i miss an important thing about n!tmod: LEAN AND SHOOT this server cvar could be changed: g_weapons 256 : Allow players to fire while leaning (1st person view and 3rd person animation are modified if this option is enabled) link for the n!tmod cvars: http://etmods.net/nitmod_cvars.php
  11. r3wind3r

    ET Server Suggestion Jay1 map rotation suggestions

    why is graverob back in cycle? it was hated and downrated so much before it was removed and is so chewy since allies never have a chance on such a crowded server. i think we need a general poll for all maps on forum to see which ones people like most or somehow bring the in-game up/down vote results here.
  12. r3wind3r

    Server Issue Jay3 down

    jay3 offline https://fearless-assassins.com/enemyterritory-servers.html
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