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ElEl last won the day on February 20 2021

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    El! with an L!!!!
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    Guitars, Games, Maths.
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    ET 10-7

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Community Answers

  1. ElEl

    ET Jay #1 Jay 1 Sten

    I applaud your persistence Phan.
  2. Miss U GIF

    1. ElEl
    2. captnconcrete


      built a new pc taking a break from et for while now. when i added my old  key it replaced my guid for sum reason an i lost all xp.lol

  3. @Elzozo did you get this sorted or are you still having problems?
  4. This behaviour is due to the bots randomly selecting a set of waypoints to follow. At the start of the map there'll be a notification saying something like "Bots Following Ultimate Steals strategy". The strategies can be found inside the bot waypoint files for baserace, specifically in the baserace.gm file. Here are the relevant lines: // Set the Bot Strategy for the map based on the 10 point systems found at // http://battlefield.planetwolfenstein.gamespy.com/baseraceguide/baseconfigurations.htm // optionally, you can define your own by adding to the table // 1 - Random ( randomly choose from all available ) // 2 - PCR - from PatheticCockroach @ omni-bot.de forum // 3 - The Best Attack is the Best Defense // 4 - Ultimate Steals // 5 - the best base configuration ever // 6 - rapid invasions // 7 - Rocket Insanity! // 8 - defense strategy // 9 - Away From Home Configuration AlliedBotStrategy = 1, AxisBotStrategy = 1, BaseStrats = { // valid keywords // armory // assault // engineering // gatebunker // forwardwall // leftwall // ops // med // rightwall // spawn // do not use { // reserved }, // do not use - list of keywords { // reserved }, // 2 - PCR - from PatheticCockroach { Name = "PCR", spawn = 14, // first do all 4 spawn engineering = 10, // second do these 4 med = 6, // med and assault next assault = 6, armory = 4, //after med and assault at lvl 2, also work on armory & ops ops = 4, }, // 3 - The Best Attack is the Best Defense { Name = "The Best Attack is the Best Defense", spawn = 4, med = 2, armory = 2, ops = 2, }, // 4 - Ultimate Steals { Name = "Ultimate Steals", med = 4, engineering = 4, spawn = 2, }, // 5 - the best base configuration ever { Name = "the best base configuration ever ", engineering = 4, spawn = 4, med = 2, }, // 6 - rapid invasions { Name = "rapid invasions", engineering = 4, spawn = 2, ops = 4, }, // 7 - Rocket Insanity! { Name = "Rocket Insanity!", armory = 4, med = 2, assault = 2, gatebunker = 2, }, // 8 - defense strategy { Name = "defense strategy", engineering = 2, spawn = 2, rightwall = 2, forwardwall = 2, leftwall = 2, }, // 9 - Away From Home Configuration { Name = "Away From Home Configuration", engineering = 4, spawn = 2, assault = 2, gatebunker = 2, }, }, Here's a working link to the website mentioned in the above text. It gives explanations for each strategy. The strategies can only be changed server-side via editing the baserace.gm file and changing these lines: AlliedBotStrategy = 1, AxisBotStrategy = 1, to the respective strategy. The 1 option just randomly selects. If you feel it causes a big unbalance, I'd make a suggestion post for DD or whoever runs maps for Jay1 to change these values and see if other people agree.
  5. i really miss you  my et buddy. all the fun we had. u made jay2 great . wish you would come back to fa  and set sum these  fellas straight . they dont listen to me!  anyhow love you bud hope life is well.  look i got my tm same as yours lol . still not ever getting promoted in fa .lol

    1. daredevil


      U have been always after levels and u level attitude shit stinks.. I will make it easier for you... u will never get promoted cos this community is not about levels. 


      I really don't think, i need this attitude in our community, so you have been removed the same way, you expected an answer from us. Go cry a river, somewhere else. 

  6. Try install ETLegacy and use that, it wouldn't surprise me if that fixes the issue entirely. You'll also get better FPS with it straight away without having to tinker with config settings. Alternatively, when you next join the server and you see the same issue, immediately open console and type "/condump console" then hit enter. When ET finds a texture error, it'll tell you via console when you load into the game. It'll say something like "WARNING: Couldn't find image for xyz" and look like this in console: Doing '/condump console' will save the text to your Jaymod directory with the name 'console'. Upload that file here or copy onto pastebin.com or scan through it yourself with notepad and copy the lines that say "WARNING" so we can see why the textures aren't being drawn.
  7. Did changing r_fastsky to 1 help? Maybe the texture for the sky is being overwritten by another pk3 file, I think you see this kind of visual glitch when a texture isn't being loaded so it's possibly being overwritten by an 'empty' texture with the same name. I'd try run the pk3 cleaner here: If you don't want to download a third party tool, you can also manually remove all pk3 files other than pak0, pak1, pak2 and mp_bin.pk3 in the etmain folder of your ET directory by deleting or moving the files elsewhere. If this doesn't work, I'd go on to remove pk3 files in the Jaymod folder as it looks like you're playing on Jay1 in the screenshot - maybe it's from some kind of skin pack? If it were me though, I'd move pk3 files out in batches and keep testing until I found the bad file just out of curiosity 😛 Worst case scenario, try a clean installation of ET. If the issue still exists let us know.
  8. My man is alive!

    1. ElEl


      I been busy studying, spending time with the gf and working part time 😅

      She's at work right now so I've got a few hours to play ET 😄 

  9. ElEl

    ET Server Suggestion Jay2 New Maps Suggestions

    I agree completely, please make this man staff, I trust that he knows what's good Jay2 ❤️ I've played a few games on the server recently while my injury heals and the bot amount seems a bit high to me. I've asked a few people their thoughts as well, including a new admin I haven't seen before, and they thought it was too high as well.
  10. Are you still not getting above 76 fps on ETLegacy? As others have said, your hardware should be more than capable of doing so. Could someone share their config and then you test it out? Are your graphics drivers up to date? Do you still have the same fps on a less populated server? Have you tried a completely fresh install of ETLegacy? Have you tried a completely fresh install of ET 2.60b with r_primitives 2? You said in the original post that you only saw these fps issues lately, did you make any hardware or driver changes around the time it started happening? What version of ETLegacy are you using? After 2.77 they removed the r_primitives setting and locked it to 2 so changing the setting in console doesn't actually do anything. If you're not using the latest version, try updating ETLegacy. When playing on 2.60b, r_primitives should be set to 2. Never set it to 1, it's a less efficient drawing method and you'll get less fps.
  11. where you at my friend !!!!!! i see you come to the forums but you dont talk no more.

  12. really miss u bud hope your ok!!!!

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