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Sonofdoc last won the day on January 13 2018

Sonofdoc had the most liked content!

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    Escaping the Rat Race

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    COD4 #1
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Anything with two wheels
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  • T-M
    ET : 3-1
    COD4 : 4-0

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  1. Just here to solve a mystery that I just noticed on Discord.  :hmm 

  2. I made a mistake in that posted of mine that you had quoted an hour ago.  I corrected it and made another reply.  shame, shame, shame on me! :( 

  3. Sonofdoc

    Through back

  4. Almost 10 entire years bro! I still think about you all the time! Looking back at times now that I am older, I appreciate you for always being genuine and tolerating whatever annoying things I would talk about when I was a lil noob. I wish you had gotten to see all of my bikes, you would probably think they are pretty cool Rest easy, RIP Ray
  5. Great to see you around bro! It has been too long That is good to hear you are still playing, I have always wondered if any of y'all were still active on COD. Since you have been active on there, you can probably offer some good advice or input. I have been trying to form a plan for initial implementation, introduction and growth, what we could do differently compared to our previous servers, etc. I also have ability to mod and customize almost anything from scratch if needed. Shoot me a message sometime, I would love to get a server up within the coming months
  6. Welcome to the green team, congrats
  7. Hello, although it has been a little while since we have had an active COD4 community, I have been looking into some potential options for us to expand out to COD4 again. About a week or two ago, I had a short convo with a player on our servers who informed me that COD4X is still active with a decent player base, which is great news because I honestly thought COD4X died lol. Even better news is that there is apparently a lack of HC/TDM options for people to play, which is exactly what we excelled in when our servers were active. I have been incredibly busy with IRL lately, but COD4 is definitely still on my long list, and I think that I should be able to find an effective approach by mid-2025 at the latest. That being said, thank you for taking the time to make a post about COD4, it is nice to know that people still enjoy the game If you have any suggestions or input concerning the current state of COD4X or anything related that could improve my understanding or give me some more ideas, please always send me a PM here. Thanks!
  8. IMG_4821.thumb.png.80921f4ea96523cc29a1f7c5d85c6826.png

    Here is a pic of the new setup I built, there is also a computer built into the drawer :)

  9. Make sure that all of your drivers are up to date for your system if you have not already. You can go to manufacturer website to view a list of most recent ones if you are not sure if you have the latest driver updates
  10. Congrats y'all
  11. Hello Boki, thanks for sharing WinMTR results and a speed test report. From the WinMTR output, I noticed that there is definitely some packet loss and routing issues. Can you run the WinMTR test a few more times during different times of the day (morning, afternoon, evening) and let us know if the packet loss continues? This will help us determine if it is some peak time congestion or something else. Since you have not experienced this issue on other servers, it could possibly be a route-specific issue between your location and the server. If you are still having the same issues, you could try connecting to a North America VPN server and see if that helps at all. Keep us posted
  12. Hello! Sorry to hear that you are having issues. I edited your post and removed the image you attached because it had your GUID displayed in it I am suspecting that this might be a etkey related issue. First, if you would not mind trying what Bunny mentioned: If that does not resolve your issue, please try the following: - Check your etkey located within the etmain folder (This is commonly located at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain") - Verify that your etkey is valid. When you open the file, it should contain a string of alphanumeric characters. If the file is empty, has unusual characters, or doesn’t look like a proper alphanumeric string, it might be corrupted. - Ensure to backup your current etkey. This way, if you need to restore it later, you won’t lose your current XP. - If your etkey appears valid, try reconnecting to the server. However, if you still have the same issue, you might need to try deleting the file and reconnecting to the server. We can guide you through that, but having the backup means we can try to restore your previous XP later if needed. Just be sure not to post a pic of your GUID publicly here , to properly upload it to your profile, you can use these 😄:
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