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Corey last won the day on March 28 2016

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    Silent #1
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  1. Congratulations 🙂
  2. COREY!  I see you on Jay#1 Right Now!


    (sleeping in spec)


    He will back on NQ#1 for GameDay, in 3.33 hours! 😄 

  3. I am planning to stop by for a bit. Hope to see everyone there
  4. COREY!  I see you on Jay#1 Right Now!


    (sleeping in spec)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedBaird


      We did chat there for a minute, as you left for 💤 😄 


      I will be up past 0400 my time to ensure that GameDay gets off to a good start and that level 13 Game Hosts get their levels set.  See you there! 😄 

    3. RedBaird


      TBS shows that you DID make it to NQ#1 for GameDay! 


      I was  😴💤 and missed you! 😄 



    4. Corey


      haha yeah i didn't have a ton of time so it was very limited :)

  5. 🤭 i never really understood that fetish anyways. Exactly 😅
  6. Can someone link me to the feet pics please?
  7. Hola! We miss you so bad! Baby comeback!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Peter-


      tell @Coreyto come play ET with us Mexi

    3. Corey


      I was on last night for a few maps on Jay 1. I may hop on a little tonight

    4. Peter-


      Ewwww jaymod


  8. Yo - How's all going homie? 

    1. Corey


      heyyyyyyy! Not sure why I didn't get an email on this, but I did when Papito left a message lol. Things are going well over here! Staying busy and quickly coming up on the "terrible two's" for the little one. Hope you are doing well :)

    2. daredevil


      Damm happy to see ya!  Good to hear, baby is doing well! How are you? 

  9. Honestly, it's a lot easier for people to download it on steam and jump in instead of installing it on the side. I built a new PC almost 2 years ago and didn't bother to install ET on it, but now that it is one click away to download on Steam i immediately jumped in after being away for a year +. A few others that played the game with me 10 years ago have downloaded it as well since it is easily available.
  10. I downloaded ET on Steam. I shall attempt to drop by occasionally

  11. Yeah, as the 2nd gen Pokemon started coming out I was getting into Yu-Gi-Oh. It was fun, different, and it seemed less of a kids game.
  12. I'm just curious what other people think about Pokemon in 2021? I haven't collected the cards since I was a kid in the 90s (which I still have), but these days it seems like it's more popular than ever. I started paying attention to it again last March when America started going into quarantine mode and it seems to have picked up even more since then. Does anyone out there collect or invest in it? I'm into more of the original Pokemon since that is what I grew up with. It makes my head spin whenever I see all the new ones they have added lol. I haven't bothered trying to get into the cards again because the market is so crazy right now, but I did have to scratch that Pokemon itch by re-buying the original game boy games and playing them.
  13. This is Bella. We adopted her from another family in October of 2019. We were told she was 4 years old at the time we got her. They did not take good care of her so she looked like a mess and had hook worms when we first got her.
  14. Apologies for being late to the party. I haven't checked the forums in awhile and came across @daredevil tagging me hehe. I would like to share my experience and hopefully inspire others! The short version is some friends talked me into downloading Tinder while I was traveling in Japan. When I got back to the US I paid money so that I could Tinder across the world even though I was still in the US. I ended up swiping on a girl living in Vietnam while I was still in the US and we hit it off. We texted, voice chat, and video called every day for 7 months until I decided to visit her in Vietnam for the first time in December 2016. My contract at work had just changed over so I did not have a lot of vacation time and could only go for a week. I took that 20 something hour flight 9,000 miles to Vietnam to meet her not knowing if we would hit it off in person. We had a blast for that week. I got to meet her family, we took a quick trip to Da Nang, and we did all sorts of activities together while I was there. We both cried as I was leaving Vietnam because we didn't really know what the future held. When I got back to the US we continued to talk every day and we started planning my next trip. 4 months later I traveled back to Vietnam in April 2017 and even brought a ring with me to propose (I know crazy right?!?). I started on paperwork to do the whole fiance visa, and traveled back to Vietnam again in August 2017 so that we could attend an interview for the fiance visa. She got approved and flew to America for the first time in September 2017. With the fiance visa we had to marry within 3 months so in December 2017 we were married. Needless to say it's 2021. We have been married now for 3 years and everything is going great. The path I took I would not recommend for everyone. I definitely realize we took things VERY fast and that can be risky especially when dealing with immigration and trying to bring someone to another country. The typical thought is they may use you to get to America (or wherever you live) and then leave you once they have the green card. It's true, it does happen so anyone ever attempting that should take their time. Long distance relationships can work, but they are not for everyone and they can only last so long. It takes a lot of work to make the relationship work and in the end someone has to sacrifice leaving their home in order to be with the other. You also need a plan to be together. If you don't have a plan to close the distance it will never work out. I hope everyone enjoyed the post. If you have any questions feel free to hit me up! I will leave you with a picture of what my now wife showed up to when she landed in America for the first time in 2017. Over that past year she had gotten to know my friends and family through video calls and chats so they supported me by being there when she arrived for the first time.
  15. Welcome! I think we started playing ET about the same time, but you were quite young in 2008!
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