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  4. Really?  You would rather have toothpaste then some delicious mint chocolate-chip ice cream?  


    In that case, you are odd enough to fit right in here! 😄


    We are each "odd" in our own ways.


    1. Smashy


      I don’t like chocolate either. So, I might as well just give in. 

  5. Yesterday
  6. Great film. Although it is nothing to do with Hollywoods films on Godzilla (Godzilla king of monsters/Godzilla X Kong etc) it does have the same Godzilla music when he appears. Really enjoyed watching and would recommend.
  7. Farewell Saunakiuas, and i hope youll be back someday! Hyviä löylyjä!
  8. Hey Sauna, Sad to hear that you are taking a break, but real life is more important! Hope to see you again when you are ready to come back, you are always welcome in beg2 Take care!
  9. Hey Saunaki... Hello from Chuu , yeah really sad to hear this but yeah IRLife comes first , take your time mate , we are always here . I wish you personally a good luck and follow your dreams . Nothing much to say man really , If I start it will never get end , as I said IRLife comes first 😊 Chuu:3
  10. Hi, I am writing this message to inform people that I am taking an undefined break from playing. I know I just introduced myself but this is actually the perfect time to go away. The main reason is that I need to fully focus on other things in my life. I need to make some money, and most importantly, advance my dream of becoming an entrepreneur. I am also fed up with my laptop which is not good enough to give me a real chance at playing against the best players on the server - to take the gear aspect out of the equation. I was introduced to Enemy Territory somewhere in the beginning of the previous decade. I was barely a teenager and played the game for a couple of years before leaving. I remember being in a clan for a while, but I can't remember the clan name at all. It could have even been Fearless Assassins, seeing that this is quite an old community. Nevertheless I liked the game a lot because it was not as heavy on the computer as some other FPS-games and it still actually had a very satisfying gameplay and mechanics. A few years ago I tried to play the game again but I couldn't get into any server. In 2022 I saw I could access the game via Steam, which gave me a chance to play again. I had recently left my job to find a workplace where employees are treated properly. I wanted to find a game to help me relax when being stressed in my daily life. Fortunately my computer, a 999 € laptop from 2019, was able to process the game somewhat decently with graphics set to minimum. I also had a separate 27" screen to help. Fast forward to this day, during the last 1.5 years I've played Enemy Territory actively for 12 months and the total time I've clocked on Steam is 360 hours for the game. Sometimes the frames-per-second-rate has averaged about 25, sometimes 50. In close combat it goes down rapidly so I have adapted to shoot from far-away if possible. More important than scores though is the relaxation the game has offered. I have been able to just play the game and not think about anything else going on in my life. If I come back in the future, it will be only when my life situation allows it and I have upgraded my gear - laptop for a proper PC and my mouse and keyboard for wired ones. It was also nice seeing that people do voice chat on Discord. I saw I don't have proper gear for that either so a proper headset is one more important purchase to add to the list. If you have any recommendations for a good aiming point regarding the new computer's specifications for this game (or any other gear), I would be happy to hear them. Thanks for Fearless Assassins members for keeping the servers alive so people like me can have a good time playing, still, one of the best first-person-shooter games out there. It has been fun playing the game and the average of one hour per day has definitely been well spent, despite my frustration with my laptop and all the players better than me. It was also fun introducing myself in the other post in an almost ChatGPT-like fashion. I am currently setting up PayPal to see if I could donate some money for the time I've played. See you later, maybe. sauna
  11. I can't help myself from looking at that rear tire fitment 😄
  12. There are multiple factors in determining the best temperature. It is also possible to use a thermometer inside the sauna. However, as a true sauna enjoyer, I don't use a thermometer. I just adjust the heating system and feel how the temperature is. Usually the right temperature is achieved within 30 - 60 minutes of heating the sauna. Key factors for best temperature 1. Sauna-goer's experience: A person going to a sauna for the first time may want to reduce the overall temperature of the sauna to make sure they feel comfortable in a heated environment and to let them safely experience the sudden spikes in temperature. 2. Sauna-goer's physiology: Ability to withstand heat is different for each person. Some people's bodies are able to withstand increased temperatures better than others so they may increase the overall temperature of the sauna to optimize their experience. 3. Sauna-goer's goals: Regardless of a person's experience or physiology, they may desire different temperatures at different times. If they are talking with somebody, it may be helpful to lower the overall temperature of the sauna to prolong the stay time. Main ways to adjust temperature 1. Heating system: First possible chance at adjusting the overall temperature of the sauna is when the sauna is being heated. An electric heater has a button for adjusting the temperature and a wood stove heater is adjusted by the amount of wood burned. Optimizing the heating time is also an important factor. 2. Throwing water: Controlling the amount of water thrown on the rocks is an important step in adjusting the overall temperature in the sauna. Quantity of water thrown with each spoon should be optimal and also thrown with reasonable frequency. Finding a balance is an important safety measure. 3. Person's position: As warm air moves upwards, a person can increase or lower their experienced temperature by moving up or down the steps that are on different levels. It is also possible to adjust the experienced temperature by changing body alignment between sitting, ducking and laying down. There are also different saunas and sauna types that affect the equation. If the sauna room is big, it needs more time to heat. There are also more subtle ways that affect the temperatures. One may throw cold water onto themselves to reduce their body temperature, or go outside the sauna once in a while to let their body cool down.
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