Popular Post schNee Posted December 20, 2017 Popular Post Posted December 20, 2017 ...i found this on the www and i thought its good to get this pinned. almost all errors are listed and solved. this can be extended. so if you have an issue and a solution, you can post it in here and gonna add it to the list. i deleted some who are useless imo Known errors: 2- CD Key 3- Cg.ClientFrame 5- CL_GetServerCommand 6- Connection Interrupted 7- Could not exec xxx.cfg 8- Could not load OpenGL drivers 9- Could not load an official pak file 10- Could not initialize installation 11- Could not reopen pak0.pk3 12- cl_ParsePacketEntities 13- Client / server game mismatch 14- Client communication failure 15- Disconnected for unknown reason 16- Duplicate Guid / CDkey 17- Integrity failure 18- Error Hunk_AllocatedTempMemory 21- ET.exe crashes without error message 22- ET.exe encountered an error 23- Game code (ui_mp_x86.dll) 24- GLW_StartOpenGL () - could not load OpenGL subsystem 25- Hunk_AllocateTempMemory 26- Ignoring md5tool queries 27- Incorrect et.exe version 28- Can not connect to a server 29- I / O error 31- Losing key packets 32- MD5 Tool: ET.exe md5 tool mismatch 33- Max_Gamestate_Chars_Exceeded 36- O / S Privileges 38- Runtime error 40- Sv_wwwDownload: unexpected wwwdl bbl8r 44- VM_Create on cgame failed 45- Warning Cvar whatever must be EQUAL TO 0 46- can not write to hunkusage 2-CD KeyExact message: Valid CD Key is not reaching GUIDAUTH Server ouYou have been kicked by PunkBuster for a CD Key failReason: There is a key conflictSolution: 1) Go to the Etkey.org website. 2) Press "Get a new key". 3) Save it on the desktop. 4) Place the key in your Etmain folder. 3-Cg.clientFrameReason: Your console continuously displays a series of: cg.clientFrame: 24190 cg.clientFrame: 24191 cg.clientFrame: 24192 Solution: If your variable "cg_stats" is 1, the console displays the number of the frames (images displayed), so try to put this variable on "0" 5-CL_GetServerCommandExact messages: CL_GetServerCommand: a reliable command was cycled outReason: After a long download on a server, a command does not find a path.Solution: Attempt to reconnect to the server (open the console and write: / reconnect) 6-Connection InterruptedHuge error message.Often related to an internet connection problem.Solutions 1: 1 / Check that you are not behind a firewall (Antivirus). 2 / Update Punkbuster. And try to connect to a server without Punkbuster (Some servers still run with PB). 3 / Check that the connection mode is selected in the game options (Modem, ISDN, ADSL, LAN). 4 / Check the connection settings in your cfg (all lines "cl_") Solutions 2:We can also try to add these commands in the config: - / cl_maxpackets 30 (number of incoming and outgoing packets) - / cl_packetdup 1 (packet size) - / snaps 20 (modify the SNAP configuration) - / cg_predictitems 0 (removes the "prediction" on the client side.The prediction allows your machine to extrapolate the position of the entities without waiting to receive data from the server.This allows a smooth game) - / rate 25000 (configure the transfer rate) - / cl_timenudge 0 (Leave at "0" (reduced (negative) or increases (positive) the lag but opponents who use an analog modem will become jerky) 7-Couldn't exec xxx.cfgReason: The path of your CFG is not correct.Solution 1:Put the cfg file in the Etmain folder, and write in the console: / exec xxx.cfg Solution 2:Change the name of your Cfg. Replace xxx.cfg with yyy.cfg 8-Couldn't load OpenGL driversReason: It's a problem of drivers coming from the graphics card.Solution: Update your graphics card driver. 9-Could not load an official pak fileExact message: Please check your installation and make sure you have the latest patch and the latest version.Reason: - Either you do not have the right version of a mod (which must be downloaded and installed, by doing a / cl_allowdownload 1 on the server itself) - Either you do not have the correct patch of ET (if you are in 2.60b to pass in 2.60, just install the patch 2.60 over or use one of the many patch selector). - It stuck for example if you install Etpro 3.2.6 with only the ET 2.60 patch. In this case, you must patch AND in 2.60b. - You can check that you do not miss some files in the directory andmain (of style pak0.pk3, pak1.pk3, pak2.pk3, mp_bin.pk3 ...) 10-Could not initialize installation Exact message: Could not initialize installation.File size expected = 270305943, size returned = 270306346Reason: You just downloaded the game, and when you try to start the installation, this message appears. In the case above, the file is larger than the expected file. It is corrupt, and it must be reloaded. 11-Could not reopen pak0.pk3Exact message: Could not reopen 😄 \ Program Files \ Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory \ andmain \ pak0.pk3Reason: The etmain \ pak0.pk3 file is corrupt.Usually by a file recently downloaded to a server.The file pak0.pk3 can not be physically modified since it is a system file of the game, it is actually the downloaded pk3 that modify it somehow.On the other hand, the new pk3 can interact with this pak0 and create conflicts if the pk3 is poorly designed or downloaded.Solutions: 1 / Delete the latest downloaded files in the Etmain folder or the folder of the last mod installed. There is a freeware that cleans up the wrong dl files: LNAcleanet 2 / It may be due to too many pk3 files. Delete a maximum of .pk3 file in Etmain (or other mod files) 3 / Reinstall the patch, or at worst the game AND. 4 / Instead of checking "uninstall", check "repair" when launching the uninstall. 12-cl_ParsePacketEntities Reason: I am disconnected with this error messageSolution: Follow the same instructions as the error message on the CD KEY: Valid CD Key. 13-Client / server game mismatchExact message: - Client / server game mismatch - Could not load an official pak file; verify your installation and make sure it has been updated to the latest version - Protocol Mismatch Between Client and server.The server is trying to join an incompatible version of the game. Solutions: 1 / Either you do not have the right version of a mod (which must be downloaded and installed, by doing a / cl_allowdownload 1 on the server itself for example) 2 / Either you do not have the correct patch of ET (if you are in 2.60b to pass 2.60, just install the patch 2.60 above or use one of many patch selector).It stuck for example if you install Etpro 3.2.6 with only the ET 2.60 patch. In this case, you have to patch ET in 2.60b. 14-Client communication failureExact messages: Server disconnected - Client communication failureReason: There is a problem between you and the server. Check if your network does not have a problem. Also see if your box is not offline. 15-Disconnected for unknown reasonReason: This message may appear when your computer takes too long to load a card.The server no longer receiving activity message from you, it expels you.Solution: Try to reconnect by typing in the console: / reconnect Solution 2: Quit the game and restart. 16-Duplicate Guid / CDkeySolution:To solve this problem, simply go to your directory andmain found in wolfenstein - enemyterritory and delete the file etkey.Warning: Any experience gained on servers with "XPsave" will be lost by doing this!To put a key, see the forum "Etkey" 17-Integrity failureReason: Punkbuster is not up to date.Solutions: 1 / Open the folder Punkbuster: \ Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory \ pb 2 / Select all the files in the folder pb and delete them. 3 / Download the program ETPbSetup.exe 4 / Copy this program into your folder (blank) pb 5 / Launch it, select the Enemy Territory game and follow the steps. 6 / Close ETPbSetup.exe and start the game. 18-Error Hunk_AllocatedTempMemoryReason: The game crashes with this message when one is on a particular map.This is certainly a memory story allocated to ET.Normally it happens when there is in the config com_hunkMegs too high or too low.Solution 1: Check the value of the com_hunkMegs cvar in the config (from the Profile folder, or the autoexec.cfg) and set the value to 256 or 512 (to make sure that all the textures of the maps load) Solution 2: Modify your shortcut to start the game and add + set com_hunkmegs 256 at the end (do not forget to put a space before the + set ...). Your shortcut will look like this: "C: \ Program Files \ Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory \ ET.exe" + set com_hunkmegs 256 21-ET.exe crashes without error messageReason: The game crashes, freeze, or quits in any way without displaying an error message (or at least you do not have time to see it).Solutions 1: 1 / Check that your system has the minimum required. 2 / Check that you have the latest video card drivers. 3 / Check that you have the latest chipsets (for the motherboard). 4 / Turn off (to the maximum) the applications at the bottom of the spot. 5 / Some players have problems also after several map changes. In this case, reboot the computer. 6 / If you have changed the options of the game, restore the default (set recommended). Warning : Punkbuster has noticed conflicts with these materials:Motherboards based on nForce4:If you have a SATA controller: Look at which SATA Controller is present in your system. Then check on the manufacturer's website if there are any driver updates (especially for WHQL drivers). If nothing is found, look for a driver on the same site. You can also check on the website of the manufacturer of the motherboard. If none of these solutions is conclusive: Go to: Mesdrivers.com and download all the updates. 22-ET.exe has encountered an errorReason: ET.exe has encountered an error and needs to close or ET.exe made error.It will be closed.Solutions: 1 / Check your Ram and analyze your pc on viruses and spyware 2 / Allow the firewall to connect with ET 3 / Check that the graphics card does not overheat (and remove the dust in the tower) 5 / Update your graphics card. ID Software Solution for all-gray, black, or other colors 1 / Check to have the right video driver (the last usually) 2 / All applications in the background must be cut to launch the game first. 23-Game code (ui_mp_x86.dll)Exact message: Game code (ui_mp_x86.dll) failed pure server checkSolution: Update your graphics card mostly directly on the manufacturer's website Solution 2: Put the game in administrator 24-GLW_StartOpenGL () - could not load OpenGL subsystemReason: The game encountered an error while loading OpenGL.Solution 1: Put r_stereo 0. Solution 2: Update the drivers of the graphics card. This error is caused by the fact that the game is not able to detect your Open GL drivers for your graphics card.If this error appears in the start window of your game, you must update or reinstall the drivers for your graphics card.Just go to the website of the manufacturer of your graphics card, download and install the latest driver, which fits with your card.If that does not work, simply go and uninstall the current driver and try to reinstall it.WinXP:Right click on your computer's icon -> Properties -> Hardware tab -> Device Manager -> Graphics Cards (click on the small and more) -> Right-click the name of your graphics card, then click uninstall.Win7:Click the Start button -> Control Panel -> Device Manager (In small / large icons view) -> Device Manager -> Graphics Cards (click small arrow) -> right click on the name of your graphics card , and then click Uninstall.For NVIDIA cards: http://www.nvidia.com/content/drivers/drivers.aspFor ATI cards: http://www.nodevice.com/driver/company/ATI.htmlSolution 3: Check the resolution in your cfg. A resolution that is too big can cause a crash. Solution 4: Check if you have not reversed the settings of your resolution seta r_customheight , seta r_customwidth Solution 5: Delete the profile folder. 25- Hunk_AllocateTempMemoryReason: Your system is not providing enough RAM to Enemy Territory.Solution: Workstation> Right-click> Properties> Advanced> Performance> Advanced> Virtual memory Or change the value 'com_hunkmegs' in your cfg 26-Ignoring md5tool queriesReason: You are disconnected from the server because Punkbuster noticed a big packet loss during a md5 check, so it could not be done.Solution 1: Check your connection (cfg and / or modem): Solution 2: The server admin must change the value of pb_sv_md5toolfreq to at least 10 (the default is 60). 27-Incorrect et.exe versionReason: You do not have the right version of Enemy Territory.There are 4 versions: - 1.02 - 2.55 (Default) - 2.60 - 2.60b Since the vast majority of the servers are in 2.60b and the competitions are in 2.60b, put the 2.6b.Install your game, then patch 2.60, then install patch 2.60b.You can install etpro 3.2.6 or download it directly to a server (cl_allowdownload 1). 28-Can not connect to a serverProblem: I can not connect online, or find servers.Solutions: - Make sure you are not behind a program like a firewall. - If you can not disable your firewall, you will need to open ports 27950, 27960, 27965 and 27952 for Enemy Territory (using TCP and UDP at the same time) Other ports may be required to open depending on the server.Other problems with routers: - If you are using a router, shared connection, NAT mechanism, or gateway software, you may have problems playing online. Your router may not transfer the correct information to your machine. This problem can be solved by opening certain ports used by the game. 29-I / O error, corrupt or bad media installationReason: - You have installed the game and you have this error message. - Your installation file is corrupt. Solution: Download the game somewhere else. 31-Losing key packetsExact message: Losing key packets.Reason: The internet connection has lost the thread, so the game stops: Update Punkbuster with "ETPbSetup.exe" 32-MD5 Tool: ET.exe md5 tool mismatchExact message: You've been kicked by punkbuster ... MD5Tool MISMATCH: Exe.and (len = 2048) Solution: - Put the correct patch (2.55, 2.60 or 2.60b) that allows you to have the correct ET.exe - Do little housekeeping in the ETpro3.xx.pk3 version of the directory etpro then put cl_allowdownload to 1. 33-Max_Gamestate_Chars_ExceededReason:Problem with your server configuration - Mods that is not up to date. - Config problem - Problem of pk3 - Problem in the "campaign" After checking, reboot your server. 36-O / S PrivilegesExact messages: - Insufficient O / S Privileges - Inadequate O / S Privileges - Blocked O / S Privileges Reason: Some cheats can not be detected if the player does not use an administrator account: Punkbuster therefore requires players to be administrators of their operating system to play on the servers it protects.Solution: Right click ET.exe> Properties> Compatibility> Check "Run this program in Accounting mode for: Windows xp packs 3> Check Run this program as administrator Solution 2: Update Punkbuster. 38-Runtime errorReason: Graphic driver problem.Current when changing graphics cards.Solution:The old drivers of the old graphics card have been uninstalled incorrectly. Uninstall the old driver by: - Remove / install new program. - Reboot the PC. - Installation of the last driver. The graphics card may also be defective. 40-Sv_wwwDownload: unexpected wwwdl bbl8r Reason: Apparently, there is a problem with a misconfiguration of the server.Notify the admin of the server, that it checks the installation. Solution: 44-VM_Create on cgame failedReason: Memory size problem for the game. Not enough system memory for the game.Solution:Allocate more virtual memory allocated to Windows (or other). - Start> Control Panel> System> Advanced> Performance (Settings)> Advanced (tab)> Virtual Memory (edit) - Change the initial size of the swap file and put for example 1000MB. Do the same for the maximum size. 45-Warning Cvar whatever (= 1) must be EQUAL TO 0Reason: A value of your config is not allowed by a server Solution:Examine the warning message, and note the offending variable. - Open the console: / set whatever 0 - Change the value of the variable recommended by the server. - Restart the new parameters by writing in the console: / vid_restart 46-Can not write to hunkusage datSolution: - Search: 'hunkusage.dat' - The (s) remove - Starting the game - Watch if it works Source: https://enemyterritory-stuff.net/forums/topic/111-et-problems/ 29 1 Quote
DFighter Posted December 20, 2017 Posted December 20, 2017 nice most known errors in 1 topic with solutions nice job !would like to suggest to pin this topic 2 Quote
Leader RedBaird Posted December 20, 2017 Leader Posted December 20, 2017 (edited) /pinned by Raziel already Thanks, SchNee & Razi! SchNee, you should add the source-link to your post. A side-effect of this topic is that people searching for those errors may discover the =F|A= Forums! Multiple search-bots crawl all over the public areas of this site every day. Edited December 20, 2017 by RedBaird Raziel got up earlier than I did. 1 Quote
Haru Posted December 20, 2017 Posted December 20, 2017 Awesome job schnee! I saw a similar list somewhere with common errors that are hack related but not obvious ex. "Cvar violation aimkey" etc.. the ones that might fly under the radar. Quote
schNee Posted December 20, 2017 Author Posted December 20, 2017 /pinned by Raziel already Thanks, SchNee & Razi! SchNee, you should add the source-link to your post. A side-effect of this topic is that people searching for those errors may discover the =F|A= Forums! Multiple search-bots crawl all over the public areas of this site every day. it was in french. but sure i will 1 Quote
Leader RedBaird Posted December 21, 2017 Leader Posted December 21, 2017 it was in french. but sure i will That might be a French source or copy of a page that I thought I had read in English ...or did I use "translate this page" on your source-site? (especially familiar is the WWWdownload...bbl8r line) Quote
zrong Posted December 29, 2017 Posted December 29, 2017 Great you have the time and patience to do this, kudos! I would like to add: 1. If console freezes ET or you can't type in console - delete .dat files from the folder of the mode you're playing. 2. For Linux users there's no ET minimizer - press CTR+ALT+ENTER than press console and click with mouse outside ET. Quote
Chuckun Posted December 29, 2017 Posted December 29, 2017 Great you have the time and patience to do this, kudos! I would like to add: 1. If console freezes ET or you can't type in console - delete .dat files from the folder of the mode you're playing. 2. For Linux users there's no ET minimizer - press CTR+ALT+ENTER than press console and click with mouse outside ET. Would advise against deleting the silent.dat file though. 2 Quote
ed_ Posted December 29, 2017 Posted December 29, 2017 (edited) Known errors: 47. If the ET works very slowly with the ATI / AMD graphics card. Solution: File Does Not Exist anymore Quote https://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/1695-atioglxxdll/ Edited October 28, 2023 by RedBaird file not found in 2023 Quote
cookiem0nster Posted January 4, 2018 Posted January 4, 2018 (edited) Known errors: 47. If the ET works very slowly with the ATI / AMD graphics card. Solution: https://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/1695-atioglxxdll/ Your link has higher permissions than I can view If playing et with AMD/ATI graphics cards do "/set r_primitives 2" , this will fix low FPS and what not ET ran like garbage on my new R9 290x when I upgraded a few years ago. Edited January 4, 2018 by cookiem0nster 1 Quote
Schmerzen Posted April 5, 2018 Posted April 5, 2018 On 12/29/2017 at 3:10 PM, ed_ said: Known errors: 47. If the ET works very slowly with the ATI / AMD graphics card. Solution: https://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/1695-atioglxxdll/ I'm sorry for reviving an old post, but this link doesn't work for me anymore. Would you mind explaining what this fix consist of, please? I have one machine with this problem. r_primitives only helps but doesn't fix the problem. Thank you! Quote
ed_ Posted April 6, 2018 Posted April 6, 2018 (edited) File Not found I reupload file. Edited October 28, 2023 by RedBaird not found in 2023 Quote
Xernicus Posted April 6, 2018 Posted April 6, 2018 (edited) That won't work anymore. Rename et.exe to quake3.exe, and update shortcut to renamed executable Edited April 6, 2018 by Xernicus +update shortcut Quote
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